Come Share My Love

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Come Share My Love Page 6

by Carrie Macon

  That’s where he was when his brother Braxton walked in. He was so wrapped up in talking about Shyla he forgot where he was.

  Braxton leaned over and gave Venice a quick kiss.

  “Who is he daydreaming about?”

  “Sshh, baby. Just listen. He’s talking about his future bride.”

  “What? Zack’s planning on getting married, again?”

  “I’m betting on it. Not this week but possibly someday soon.”

  Braxton sat down on the arm of the chair next to him. “Well I’ll be. Mom and dad will get a kick out of this.”

  That snapped him out of it. “Kick out of what?” he asked. Unaware of what had just taken place.

  “Hey bro, what’s up?” They stand and shake with a hug. “What brings you out here?” Braxton had just returned home from a business trip of his own.

  “Taking a leave of absence for a few days and helping Connie with some work here.”

  “How was your vacation?”

  “It could have been one of the best I’ve ever had.”

  “What prevented it from being that?”

  He shrugged. “A woman. The most beautiful, voluptuous, carefree, argumentative, exasperating woman I’ve ever met. And I can’t get her out of my mind.”

  “An island babe?” Venice threw him a strange look. “What?”

  “No, she’s from here.”

  Braxton clapped him on his shoulder. “Well damn, little brother. I’m inclined to believe that you’re a man in love.”


  “Honey did you see the way his eye color changed and brightened up when he mentioned her. Our little Zack is in love,” he squeezed his cheeks. Zackary slapped his brother’s hands away and started laughing.

  “Yes I saw that, but let’s not tease him.”

  “I’m not teasing. Just stating what I saw. You saw it too, right?”

  “Yes I did but you’re gloating.”

  “That’s because I believe it was my little brother here who said he would never fall in love, even again. In fact he said he’d never fall for another beautiful face.”

  “She’s ugly then.” He spoke fast.

  “You just said she was beautiful, voluptuous, exasperating-”

  “Stop okay? I know what I said about falling in love and I admit that I was wrong, dead wrong. Shy’s more than just a beautiful face.”

  “So you are in love, then?” Braxton asked. He wanted to be clear on all counts.

  “So it seems. I can’t see what else to call it.”

  “So who is she?”

  Zackary smiled again. “Her name is Shyla. Shyla Wilkes.”

  Braxton sat up. “That beauty that’s related to Felton, isn’t she Essence’s cousin or something?”

  Venice hit him with her elbow.

  “Sorry love. You know you’re the most beautiful woman in the world.” He leaned over to kiss her.

  “I thought you said that I was the most beautiful woman in the world,” his mother said entering the room.

  “You are, for my mother. I could never judge you against other women of the world it wouldn’t be fair. Only to other mother’s and you’re the best there is.” He stood to kiss her cheek as well.

  “Welcome home, Braxton,” he nodded. “You’re a good son.”

  “Spoiled is what he is,” Venice said. “Didn’t you just tell my mother last month that she was the best?”

  “The best Mother-in-law, baby, get it right.”

  Good save, Venice mouthed.

  Don’t I know it, he thought and winked.

  “Hi mom.”

  “Hi, son, are you settled in over there?”

  “Yes. I will be in and out for a few days but I will make time for dinner so make sure you set and extra place setting for me.”

  “Don’t worry. Your place was set when you told your father you were on your way.” They hugged.

  “Let’s get back to the conversation at hand. You’re not getting away with anything.” Braxton told Zackary.

  “What did he do now?” Brennan, Braxton’s twin had just walked in. He kissed his mom and then Venice. “How are you beautiful ladies today?”

  “Fine,” they both rushed.

  “We were talking about Zackary’s girlfriend.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend.”

  “Not yet. But you have a plan, right little brother?”

  “Let’s just say, I’m working on it.”

  “The fourth of July bash is coming up. Why don’t you invite her? She can meet the girls and from that alone you’ll know whether you and she should have a relationship or not.”

  “That’s true.” Venice said. “You know the twins don’t like anyone.”

  “Especially their own mother,” his mother said just below a whisper but Zackary being able to hear a dog whistle heard her.

  “Mom that’s not nice.”

  She frowned. “Sorry baby. I’m just saying that-”

  “Well don’t, please. I have enough problems with her than I care to deal with. My daughters tell me I don’t love them when I leave them with her.”

  “Maybe they are trying to tell you something, like they don’t want to be with her. She did abandon them when they were just infants.”

  “Mom stop!” he almost snapped. “I know this, alright, but she is their mother.”

  “Just because she’s their mother doesn’t give her rights. Everyone isn’t cut out to be a mother Zackary Trellis. And the sooner you realize that the better off you will be.” His mother snapped back then stormed out of the family room and went in seclusion in the comfort of her bedroom.

  “Vivie?” her husband said as she dashed passed him.

  “Mom?” all the others called after her but she was gone.

  Their father came through the door with his hand fisted and upon his hips.

  “Alright, which one of you ingrates upset my Vivie?”

  Zackary, Brennan, Braxton and Venice all said together while pointing their finger.


  “Your namesake,” Brennan laughed.




  “What’s the problem son? Have you lost your mind?”

  “No dad.”

  “Then why? Why would you upset your mother, son? You’ve been back an hour.”

  “It wasn’t intentional dad. We were just-” his father shut him down.

  “Save it. You get up there and make things right with your mom.”

  “But dad-”

  “Now son, don’t make me have to repeat myself.”

  “Yes sir.” It was like he was still that little kid. He was damn near thirty and his father still treated him like he was a baby.

  His father shook his head. “Sometimes I don’t know why we named you after me. You are such a man.”

  All eyes looked at him as though he was a freak of nature. “What?”

  Their father winked towards Venice. When he turned around Zackary was still standing there.

  “Go on Zackary Trellis, Jr.”

  “I’m going. Keep your shirt on, pops.”

  “Boy, don’t make me take off my shoe.”

  “Yeah!” Brennan said. “He doesn’t use a belt anymore. His stomach now holds up his pants.”

  They all laughed including the father. Then he eased over to Brennan and bopped him in the head. His laughter got louder.

  Chapter Six

  Zackary knocked on the door and when his mother didn’t respond he just walked in. It wasn’t like his parents were in there together. She was in there sulking and it was all his doing.


  “How may I help you son?”

  Zackary sighed. “Mom, please don’t be mad.”

  “I’m not mad. Why would I be mad? Not because you yelled at me for getting into your business? Oh no, certainly not for that reason. Not because you just bit my head off for stating fact, regarding your ex-wife and those precious littl
e angels that I call my granddaughters.” Zackary rolled his eyes. She was going for his jugular.

  “I don’t know Zackary. You’re their father so you tell me. You seem to have all the answers. I’m just your mother.”

  Here it comes he thought. And he was right.

  “The woman that sat through twenty five hours of labor nursed you back to health Christmas of 1994 after the worst case of Beijing Flu that’s ever been recorded in America. The woman who spent all of her time going to your plays, your ball games, teaching you how to cook, even seen you through-”

  “Okay mom. You made your point. I’m a bad son.”

  “No I don’t think I have, Zackary. I’ve given and given and given, the least I can get for that is a little respect and love from my children, but no, all I get in return is my children, my Zack acting as though I’m a busy body, a bad mother.” She looked at Zackary then with puppy dog eyes.

  “Mom I am sorry. No one thinks that about you least of all me. You know how much I love you and I would never purposely hurt your feelings.” He pulled her into an embrace and kissed her forehead.

  “All better now?”

  She nodded. “Yes. And Zackary?”

  “Yes mom.”

  She sobered. “Son, you got off easy with it this time. I see that you’re in some pain because of your ex and this new woman in your life. But let’s not get carried away. I’d hate to have to hurt you son. I won’t lie like others when they say this will hurt me more than it will hurt you. Trust me son,” she patted his cheek. “It will definitely hurt you more than it hurts me.”

  “Yes mom.” Zackary thought back to the last spanking he got. He couldn’t believe he had to go get his own switch. The image still hurt.

  “You are in so much trouble Zack. Mom said not to leave the yard for any reason.”

  “So, you came out of the yard too. That means you’re in just as much trouble.”

  “No it doesn’t,” Brennan said. “Mom also said not to let you out of our sight and to protect you at all cost. Isn’t that right, Braxton?”

  “It sure is. We were protecting you just as mom demanded.”

  Zackary pushed Brennan aside. Zackary was the youngest but he was the same height as the other two. At nine years old he thought he was the man.

  “Whatever. If you don’t tell mom we won’t get into any trouble.”

  The voice behind him said otherwise. “You’re wrong Zackary Trellis, Jr. You are so very wrong,” his mother said from the closed screen door.

  “Busted,” said the twins in unison.

  “Would you like to explain to me why you were out that gate when I specifically told you to stay in the front yard?”

  “Not really,” he shrugged.

  “What did you say to me?”

  “Mom that stray was about to be road kill and from there bird and fly food. He was going to be hit by a car.”

  “And so you thought you were being helpful?”

  “Yes ma’am,” he smiled.

  “Zackary did it ever occur to you that in trying to save that dog that you or your brothers could have been injured?”

  “But we didn’t mom. See we’re fine,” he turned making sure she saw all of him. I’m good.”

  “Not the point. Did you see that the dog has the mange?”

  He shook his head no then said, “But he wouldn’t have bit me because I was helping him.”

  “Zackary you sound foolish right now and you know better. If our neighbor hadn’t saw what was going on and made the call you and your brothers could be laid up in a hospital bed fighting for your lives, either from a car accident or from multiple dog bites and needing ten times as many rabies shots, in your stomach. Now you owe your brothers an apology.”

  “For what?”

  “Boy!” his mother flung the screen door open and stepped out onto the porch with her hands on her hips. “I said you own your brothers an apology.”

  He turned to each of his brothers who were standing with slight smiles on their faces. “I’m sorry.”

  “For?” his mother asked.

  “For getting you into trouble,” he announced.

  “No.” his mother shook her head. “They are not in trouble. You are apologizing for putting them into danger. Now apologize.”

  Zackary did as he was told.

  “Brennan and Braxton get cleaned up and set the dinner table, make sure to wash thoroughly. Zackary you go out back and search that plum tree for a nice switch and meet me in the laundry room,” she turned to walk away but Zackary had to do something. He didn’t want another switching.

  “Mom the switches from the plum tree hurt.”

  “They’re supposed to.”

  “Can’t you give me a warning instead. It’s not like anything really happened.”

  “And it’s thinking like that which get you into even more trouble. Now, when I said to you, Zackary don’t leave this yard and do not get into any trouble that was your warning. And since you’re still standing here, yapping at the mouth and trying to negotiate, grab two switches. And they better be good, because if I have to go out back and look for them myself I will be bringing in a whole branch and anything that looks like it want to leave a welt, I will use it to tear your backside apart. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes ma’am.” Zackary turned to leave then turned back. “Mom,” he said.

  “Yes son.”

  “When’s dad coming home?”

  “He should be here within the hour. Why?”

  “I was just wondering can he give me my switching. I know that you’re tired and you don’t want to be pulled away from your dinner chores.”

  Zackary was serious his mother noticed. How sad was that.

  “Zackary was your father the one who gave you the warning?”

  “No ma’am.”

  “Was he the one you disobeyed? Was he here when you did it?”

  “No ma’am.”

  “Would you like to bring three switches and go upstairs to get you and your brother’s belts?”

  “No ma’am.”

  “Good. Then I think you should go on with your original task. I’d hate for dinner to burn and have to start from scratch.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  After it was over his mom sat him down and explained the importance of following rules and regulation. She also told him that while it was a good deed to help others including stray animal, in certain situations you do not want to take the chance of putting yourself or others in danger.

  “Love you son.”

  “Love you too, mom.” He kissed her cheek this time.

  Zackary knew not to test his mother. There were things that she’d tolerate, especially after having to deal with twin boys. But she knew all the tricks. Once Zackary was born she wasn’t taking anything off of any of them including her husband. She knew exactly what to do. Her husband was the more lenient of the two, unless of course there was a fight between their children. That’s something he didn’t tolerate. He didn’t want his wife getting her hands dirty. Yes the Trellis boys knew when not to get on their parent’s bad side especially their mom’s.

  “So what are you going to do about your little situation?”

  “I’m trying to decide if I should call her or not or just wait until I get back to try and see her.”

  “I still think Braxton had the right idea. Ask her out here for the fourth of July.”

  “That may not be that easy.”

  “Why not? She like you, doesn’t she?”

  “More than she’s willing to admit, I suspect. Beside she had promised her cousin that she would come but after our trips to Jamaica she may have changed her mind. She may think it’s a waste of her time. Or maybe, too soon to be spending a weekend in my presence, with my family. We haven’t established any kind of relationship. Not yet.”

  “Can Mama V say something to you without you taking offense?” he nodded his head and she continued on. “If you think she’d feel that way, why b
e bothered in the first place?”

  “I guess I really don’t feel that way. It’s more like I’m thinking what if this happens, what if that happens. I think I’m more nervous than anything and I don’t want to be rejected.”

  “Rejected? I know women don’t feel that way about my baby. There are too many women after you.”

  “But they’re not the right woman.”

  His mother nodded. “And you think this woman is the right woman?”

  “I really believe so.”

  “So you really like her? Maybe even more than like her?”

  “More than you’ll ever know.”

  She rubbed her hand across his. “Well son, I hope everything works out. If this woman can’t see what she could have with you then it will be her loss.”

  “You’re being biased mom, but thanks.” He kissed the hand he was holding.

  “Bias has nothing to do with it. Ask anyone and they’ll say the same thing. Just try to get her out here. She may surprise you.”

  “I’ll do my best, mom.”

  “That’s all I ask. You deserve a happily ever after.

  A few more weeks passed without Shyla hearing from Zackary. She had left a couple of messages of her own but they were not responded to. She could almost feel how Zackary must have felt when she hadn’t returned his calls. Again her work became more important than her life. If Zachary didn’t want to be bothered with her she didn’t care. She didn’t want to be bothered with him any longer either. Kemah had stood by and watched her friend almost work herself to death. She had had enough, she couldn’t take anymore. She decided it was time that she got involved.

  “Dr. Trellis?”

  “Zackary this is Kemah.”

  “Hi, Miss Kemah long time no hear. How have you been?”

  “Good but not great.”

  “Good but not great,” he repeated. “What does that mean?”


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