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Come Share My Love

Page 18

by Carrie Macon

  Zackary didn’t try to stop his mother when she escorted Shyla out of the house. He knew not to interfere with whatever she was doing. She would take good care of her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Neither Shyla nor Zackary came to dinner that evening. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable and she didn’t want to be in his presence. Mama V made them both a plate. She had Braxton and the girls take Zackary’s to him. They wanted to have dinner with their father but they wanted to have it with Shyla, too. Unfortunately they couldn’t have both. When their grandmother told them that Shyla wasn’t feeling well and needed some time for her, they mildly understood and decided that it was okay for the time being.

  “Daddy we came to have dinner and dessert with you.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes. Shyla wasn’t feeling well, daddy. We wanted her to come, too but Gran V said she needed time to herself.”

  “We heard her crying daddy,” his Zaria said sadly. “Is she sad daddy?”

  He turned to Braxton but what could he say. “She’s just overwhelmed by something’s, baby,” he kissed her little forehead. “She’ll be fine.”

  “What does overwhelm mean, daddy?”

  “Well, it means she has a lot on her mind, a lot to deal with.” That was the best he could do.

  “Oh. Well, Zaria and I can help her with that. We can play games with her that won’t overwhelm her. If we play a lot she won’t have to think.” Zhaniya smiled as if she had just solved all of Shyla’s problems.

  Zackary and Braxton both smiled. His girls were beautiful and loving and all they wanted was for their new friend Shyla to feel better.

  Braxton sent the girls to wash their hands. “Are you sure you’re okay, man?”

  “I’ll never be okay as long as Shyla hates me.”

  “I know she’s hurt but I don’t think she hates anyone.”

  “That’s not what she told Essence.”

  Braxton looked around making sure no one was in hearing distance. “Venice was home crying when I got there and she told me what she overheard Essence say to Shyla. Had it been me I would have probably said I hated everyone too. Venice is so upset about it all. She blames herself for stopping Shyla this morning coming from the bakery and asking her to go with her.”

  “It’s definitely not her fault, so tell her not to think about it.”

  “That’s easy enough to say but you know how Ven is. She’s very sensitive when it comes to things like this.”

  “I know. I’ll talk to her tomorrow, if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind, it’s her that may mind.”

  Zackary knew that to be true. Shyla had been there two days and everyone had taken to her including his kids. He’d have to work something out.

  “We’re ready for dinner daddy.”

  “Okay. Let’s get you at the table and then we’ll have dessert.”

  When his children told him they were going to stay at their grandparents, he didn’t say no. He knew they only wanted to spend more time with Shyla. He wanted that also.

  The twins snuck in the room where Shyla was sleeping and got in bed with her. When Mama V got up around one to check on her family, she couldn’t find them. She wouldn’t panic, they wouldn’t get far and there was no way they could open the front door or the back. And they wouldn’t dare go out the doggie door for fear of what happened the first and only time they tried it.

  Big Zack told her to check Shyla’s room they would probably be in there. They were. Sound asleep, one on either side of her. Big Zack ran and got his camera. This would go into the family album, he told his wife. He had a hunch that even though things went badly yesterday all would be forgiven eventually. His granddaughters were going to have Shyla for their mother.

  The night seemed to drag on for Zackary. It was morning before he fell asleep. He and Felton stayed up talking like they use to do when they shared a room in college.

  “So how is Essence doing? I know today was terrible for her.”

  “I finally got her to calm down enough to fall asleep. She was over exhausted. She’s devastated about Shyla. I told her it wasn’t good for the baby.”

  Zackary eyes brightened. “So Mama V was right once again.”

  “Yes. Once we get home she has an appointment awaiting her with her gynecologist.”

  “You made her an appointment?”

  “Damn right I did. When Mama V made that statement yesterday I called her doctor.”

  Zackary laughed. “You are crazy man, but I feel you.” Gloria never wanted his help in that department. The only things she ever wanted were expensive gifts and money to supply her habit…shopping.

  “If it were me I would have done the same thing. Nothings more important than getting the best pre-natal care for your woman and insuring that she bring a healthy baby into the world.” Zackary shook his head. What if Shyla was carrying his baby right now? He wouldn’t know how to act. He’d just hope she had enough concern to let him near his child.

  “Thinking about what happened today?” Felton asked, dropping his head back on his chair.

  “Actually, I’m thinking about what a complete ass I’ve been making of myself and how big a fool I’ve been lately. B. was right.”


  “Gloria. She really did a job on me. I have some serious trust issues but I can’t blame this all on her. I am way too insecure in relationships, I guess. I want them to work out but then it’s like I’m sabotaging it or something. I trust Shyla, I do but it’s something in me that is looking for something to go wrong. I screwed up big time today, I knew it when I was yelling but it came full circle when I saw Braxton and Venice driving up. Just the look on their faces said I had signed my own death certificate.” He sat his beer bottle down on the coaster that graced one of his end tables.

  “It seems you’re taking all the responsibility for what’s happened but don’t you think Shyla should share in the responsibility of this problem?”

  “No and neither should you. I think you should search yourself and see what it is that you have against her. Shyla got back here the best way she could. Should she have waited for me to get there? It could have been hours. Hell, then I would have been mad because they left her.”

  “You’re right. Shyla and my issues have been unsettling for far too long. I should act more like a brother than an evil step-father. I just hope she can forgive Essence. My wife is hurting pretty bad and my comforting sucks,” he said seriously.

  Zackary laughed. “It’s the hormones. It’ll get better, I promise.”

  “Well I’m going to turn in. It’s already five in the morning.”

  “Congratulations on the baby.”

  “Thanks,” they hug and pound backs.

  “Kiss Ess for me.”

  “I will.”

  They both entered their rooms. Zackary still didn’t go directly to sleep. Every time he closed his eyes he saw Shyla, which wouldn’t normally be a bad thing, but the image was of her crying and a man comforting her. The man wasn’t him.

  “I need some serious counseling,” he said to his empty room. He turned over and hoped he would go to sleep soon. He did.

  Shyla woke up feeling more exhausted than when she went to bed. She tossed and turned most of the night. When she opened her eyes two very small pair of eyes was staring back at her. She smiled.

  “We thought you were never going to wake up. We’ve been here for hours. Woo,” Zhaniya said and rubbed the imaginary sweat from her head.

  Shyla laughed. This was the humorous twin and she was beautiful.

  “Are you going to eat with us today, Miss Shyla? We missed you having dinner with us last night,” said Zaria.

  “I’m sorry. I missed eating with you too, I wasn’t doing too well, but I’ll eat with you today. Okay sweetie?” Zaria nodded with a smile.

  “You were overwhelmed, huh?

  Shyla moved her eyes from side to side. Who had she been talking to?

��Yes, just a bit.”

  “I can understand. I’ve been overwhelmed before. It’s not good for you.”

  “Really?” What did she have to be overwhelmed about, Shyla asked herself? “How old are you again?”

  “I’ll be four at my next birthday party.”

  “I’ll be four, too,” Zaria chimed in.

  Zhaniya threw the covers off of Shyla. Thank God she hadn’t had the nerve to sleep in her birthday suit. That would have been a disaster.

  “Okay Miss Shyla, let’s get you up so we can have lunch. We’re going shopping today, to get dresses for the ball. You get to go with us so you won’t have time to be overwhelmed. If you’re having fun shopping, and shopping is fun, then you won’t have a lot in your brain to be overwhelmed about.” Shyla was about to say something but Mama V walked in.

  “Scary huh?” Shyla nodded, yes.

  Mama V walked over and rubbed her granddaughters on the head. “And smart as whips.”

  “And it shows.”

  “Tell me about it. Why don’t you come down for something to eat after you’ve showered and dressed? You two come with me,” she said to her granddaughters.

  “But Grandmamma V,” they both protested.

  “We want Miss Shyla to eat with us,” one said.

  “Can’t we just wait for her, please?” said the other.

  “No. Now go,” she pointed to the door.

  “Bye Miss Shyla,” they both said unhappily.

  “Bye my princesses. Let me have a hug before you go.” They both ran into her outstretched arms. “Give me fifteen minutes, then come back and I’ll show you my dress for tonight and then I’ll go down for a bite to eat. Is that okay Mama V?”

  “Yes,” both girls and Mama V said at the same time. Shyla laughed

  They left and Shyla stretched her arms over her head as she stood, then took her toiletries and essentials into the bathroom with her. She didn’t know how long she had been in the shower, it only seemed like minutes. It couldn’t have been longer than that but when she came out the same two set of eyes were staring at the door from her bed. When she emerged they smiled.

  “Has it been fifteen minutes already?”

  “Over see look,” Zhaniya said holding out her hand. In it was a stop watch and it was running. “Daddy taught us how to use it. I put it on fifteen and start. See it goes backwards. But when you didn’t come out in time it went forward so now you are three minutes late.”

  “Yes ma’am. I guess I am. I will do better next time, okay.”

  “It’s okay Miss Shyla, we are sometimes late. Can we see your dress now?”

  “Sure. Just let me put on some clothes and I’ll get it for you.”

  “Miss Shyla, what are those and why are they so big?”

  “What princess?” Shyla turned around.

  “Those,” Zaria pointed. “They look like big balls. Do they hurt? They look like they hurt.”

  Shyla was embarrassed. They were talking about her breast. What was she supposed to tell them?

  “Uh, Zaria I don’t think your dad would want me to talk to you about this. Maybe you should ask your Grandma or Auntie Venice.”

  “But they’re not as big as yours,” Zhaniya said. “Besides our mama said they’re tits, but we don’t-”

  Shocked, Shyla said, “No Zhaniya, you should not be using that word it’s inappropriate and it’s not ladylike. The correct term is breast or bosom. Your grandparents and father would kill you if they heard that come from your mouth.”

  “Sorry. So will ours be as big as yours? I want big breast or bosom.”

  Shyla looked over at her. “How old are you again?”

  “Four on my next birthday party,” she sighed.

  “Me, too,” said Zaria.

  “Which is?”

  “January seventeenth,” both girls answered in unison.

  “Guest what? My birthday is January seventeenth too.

  “No way.”

  “Yes way.” Shyla was finally dressed and happy to get them off the anatomy kick. “Are you ready to see my dress?”

  “Ready,” the two yelled and jumped up and down.

  After Shyla ate and got the girls settled she went to help Mama V in the kitchen.

  “Mama V, can I talk to you about something?”

  “Sure baby. What’s on your mind?”

  “Well I don’t want to sound like a tattletale but I’m very concerned about something Zhaniya said to me this morning. Zaria asked what these were,” she pointed to her chest, “and asked why they were so big. Being curious isn’t the problem, using the term that her mother gave her is.”

  Shyla continued to tell her about their conversation and the language. Mama V wasn’t surprised but she was very upset. That wasn’t the first time that the girls had come from their mother’s using colorful language and asking questions that three year olds shouldn’t. The last time they came home asking why their mom had a white man in her bed one day and then a black man in her bed another day. Zackary kept them away from her for a month, now this. He was going to hit the roof.

  “I did scold her about it, told her never to use that word again and that it was unladylike.”

  “You did the right thing, dear. I’ve talked to Zackary about letting those girls spend the night with that woman; you never know what they will pick up. I’ll let him know what’s going on.

  “He’ll talk to them both and her. He’s really trying to do right by them but if she’s just going to do as she pleases in front of them and not be concerned about their well-being, it’s not good for them to be around her.”

  She looked over at Shyla who had a gloomy look on her face.

  “Don’t look so sad. If she wanted to be a real mother to those girls she would have been. Zackary has full custody so she can’t take them any place. I’m actually surprised that she has any time for them at all. Anyway, dear, I’ll talk to him.”

  “Thank you.”

  The girls were fascinated with Shyla’s dress, so much so that they wanted their dresses to be the same color.

  “Can we have our dresses like that, Gran V? Is that red?

  “Almost baby, it’s actually cranberry.”

  “Cranberry?” Zhaniya asked.

  “Yes sweetheart.”

  “Like the juice,” asked Zaria? Her grandmother nodded.

  “Can we have the same color? I like cranberry,” said Zaria.

  “We’ll see. The stores may not have dresses that color this time of year for little girls, but we’ll do our best. Okay?”

  “Thank you.” Her grand-daughters were so polite. Getting them away from their mother before she corrupt them too much would be a blessing.

  Zaria took Shyla’s hand and Zhaniya her Grandmother’s as they walked into and around the Sonoma Mall which was only a few miles from Napa.

  It was the biggest mall in the area. The second and third floors of the mall had a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean. Some people like to dine in one or more of the many restaurants that were up on the high hills in the area just to take in the panoramic view. It was breathtaking.

  They had gone to several different shops but found nothing to their liking.

  “Mama V do the girls have outfits for Monday? And what about an outfit for church tomorrow?”

  “Nothing for Monday and most of their church clothes are getting too small. Zackary just bought them new clothes but Gloria never returns them so we quit sending things over. I’ve got Monday covered but Zackary is taking the girls Sunday clothes shopping next month.”

  “Why wait until next month, we’re here now. Do you think he’d have a problem with me getting them a few things? I don’t want to be out of line.”

  “Oh pooh,” she waved on. “Don’t worry about Zackary. You do what you want for those girls. I’m sure he won’t mind. It’s definitely more than what their getting from their mother. I know I shouldn’t speak ill of her but it just makes me mad when I think of all the stuff she’s done too hu
rt them and Zackary.

  “Okay no more talk about the ex. It is okay that you buy for them just don’t spoil them. Venice does enough of that when she leaves town and come back.

  “I won’t, but are you sure? Because after what happened yesterday I can assure you that Zackary and I will not have any more contact after I leave here. I know I’ll miss you all,” she said assuredly. She looked over at the twins who were standing in front of the window at the Disney Store checking out the life size image of Peter Pan.

  “We’ll miss you too. But don’t worry about what Zackary will think. If he has a problem he can take it up with me,” she said plain and simple.

  “Let’s go girls. We have a lot of shopping to do and very little time.”

  “So, we’ll need two beautiful dresses for tonight,” she smiled down at the twins and their eyes did light up. “And dress shoes.”

  New shoes, new shoes, yea,” they both chanted.

  “Sshh,” Mama V said. “Young ladies don’t jump up and down screaming in public places,” she scolded.

  Both their angelic little smiles faded. She didn’t like to see them sad. She smiled to each of them and said, “Unless you plan on letting Gran V and Miss Shyla in on the fun, too.”

  Their eyes lit up again. Shyla tried to hide her smile but it just wasn’t working. Soon they were all chanting new shoes, new shoes until they reached the next store.

  “Oh, this dress is darling. Do you like it?” Shyla asked.

  “But it’s not the same color as yours,” Zaria announced sadly.

  “No sweet pea it isn’t and it doesn’t have to be for tonight. It can be for church or another special occasion. Do you think that someday you would like to wear it?” Zaria nodded.

  “Good. I think this dress would look very pretty on you. We’ll find your dress for tonight. Do you want the same dresses or-”

  “Same,” they both shouted before Shyla could finish her thought.


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