A Gangsters Melody

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A Gangsters Melody Page 8

by Wright, Sean A.

  “Hey girl, how you lookin?” Monica said, sneaking up behind me.

  “I’m doin pretty good I guess. I bagged a nigga with a Bentley.”

  “Who? The only nigga in this park with a Bentley is that nigga Breeze. You bagged him?”

  “Yup. I sure did.” I responded, now feeling myself.

  “Damn girl that’s what’s up. That nigga there got his shit together. I don’t even know why he out here getting all sweaty and shit. He is way too smooth for that.”

  “He talkin about taking me shopping and out to eat right after the game.”

  “Yeah he about to spend a grip on you, damn you are one lucky bitch. Yo, call that nigga and have him get us some seats right near the bench so we can watch the game. The game he playin in is gonna be good. Them niggas is playin for like $250,000.”

  “Damn, that much for some basketball?”

  “Yeah, it ain’t trickin if you got it.”

  I pulled my cell phone out and called Breeze like Monica asked me to do. And as if he knew I would call, he already had a seat waiting for me. I just had to get him to clear a space for Monica and the girls. We had all gathered and attempted to watch the game amidst all of the niggas trying to hit on us in between plays. I watched as Breeze made his way up and down the court scoring points at will as if he played in the NBA. He was phenomenally good; it kind of made me wonder why he chose the streets over going pro. The other team couldn’t keep up. Either he was shooting a jump shot, or slam dunking the ball. When they tried to double team him, he did some type of fancy pass. Each move excited the crowd to the tune of oooo’s and ahhhh’s. During half time, Breeze came and talked with me for a while before rejoining his team in the huddle. The second half proved to be no different from the first. There was Breeze, B-More’s very own Michael Jordan scoring at will, rendering his opponents defenseless. When the final buzzer rang it was a massacre. Breeze’s team 128 the losers 88. The winners congregated at center court holding up trophies and celebrating their victory, as a man in a suit and tie grabbed the microphone and quieted the crowd. He gave a quick speech about everyone coming out and showing unity and then presented Breeze with a giant MVP trophy. Breeze then gave his quick acceptance speech and walked towards me with the trophy winking and smiling. I’m sure he was thinking about what he was going to do to me, or what he thought he was going to do to me. Just as I was thinking about spending his money. But neither thought would come to fruition, when Breeze was about twenty steps away from me I saw someone coming up behind him, who I assumed was just another fan, but nothing could be farther from the truth. My eyes got bigger as I saw the guy pull a large black gun from his waistband. It was as if everything and everyone was moving in slow motion and nobody saw what was happening but me. My mouth was moving but the words were stuck in my throat. Breeze continued to smile as he walked towards me thinking it was him that was making me speechless, I tried to scream as the gunman raised his weapon to the back of Breeze’s head but my warning never got the chance to be heard as the shot split his head in half and sent blood and brain fragments flying everywhere and everyone running and screaming. I never even felt Monica dragging me out of the park, it seemed as if I was still standing there watching Breeze’s lifeless body take an eternity to hit the ground. But I wasn’t standing there. I was back in the truck with Monica and the girls and we were on the highway. How we got there I don’t know, but somebody had to shake me vigorously to snap me out of my trance.

  “Girl snap out of it, pull yourself together are you okay?” I think it was Terri who asked.

  “I saw the whole thing. I watched it happen, I saw who did it.” I managed to mutter out.

  Monica slapped me viciously across the face to snap me out of it.

  “Hey, hey , hey. You aint see shit. Do you hear me? You aint see a motherfuckin’ thing so get that thought out ya’ head right the fuck now!”


  I was awakened by a soft kiss on my lips. I thought I was dreaming so I didn’t hop up right away. I was still trying to enjoy the dream of Travon and me making love again. But I was forced to open my eyes when I felt the kiss on my lips again.

  “Rise and shine pretty.” Travon said, as he stood over me.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?” I asked; glad to see him but still half asleep.

  “I heard there was a damsel in distress so I came running.” He said, showing off his million-dollar smile.

  “Captain Outlaw to the rescue huh?” I said, laughing.

  “Well you know. I just make it do what it do.” He replied, chuckling with me.

  “Mmm Hmm. So what are you really doing here?” I asked, really wanting to know.

  “Well I heard a little about what happened to you this morning, and I feel somewhat responsible. So I’m here to help.” He responded, with the most sincere look on his face.

  “Really? And just how do you plan on doing that?” I asked, sitting up.

  “You just be ready by the time I get back, and I’ll explain everything.” He said, and then he kissed me on the forehead and walked out of the room. Monica quickly stuck her head in the room.

  “You can thank me later.” She said, grinning from ear to ear and dipping her head back out of the room. I just exhaled and flung myself back on the bed and thought to myself. “What is going on?”


  TRAVON I had received a text message from D-Boy, he spoke in our normal code and let me know that something was wrong. But I didn’t know exactly what it was. So I proceeded to the meeting place with caution. When I got to the abandoned warehouse I scoured the area looking for anything that might have been out of place. Strange or suspicious people standing around, cars in the parking lot that I hadn’t seen before or anything that was out of the ordinary. I checked, and double checked and everything seemed all good. So I proceeded to the front door, and gave the secret knock. After a few seconds D-Boy cautiously came to the door with his Glock 9mm in his hand.

  “Okay Dee, what’s the big emergency?” I asked, looking around once more before I walked into the building.

  “Yo. Me and L.V. went to drop that package off and them B-More niggas tried to jack us.” D-Boy explained, excited and angry.

  “What? What the fuck are you talking about? I thought you said those B-More niggas was cool?” I asked, frustrated and unable to believe what I was hearing.

  “Look man, they was cool. We been dealing with them for a minute now with no problem and then all of a sudden they flipped on us.”

  “Okay. You said they tried to jack you. So you got away with the stuff right?” “We got something even better than that. Follow me.” D-Boy said, smiling and leading me through the hallways of the abandoned building.

  “What can possibly be better than that?” I asked, really wanting to know.

  “Take a look at this shit.” He said, pulling a duffle bag from behind an old furnace and throwing it to me.

  “Got damn. How much is in here?” I asked, shocked to see all the money that was in the bag.

  “150 thousand nigga. A hundred and fifty fucking thousand.” He answered, excitedly.

  “Oh so you got away with the merchandise and them faggot niggas money? That’s what’s up.” I said, congratulating him.

  “But wait. There’s more. Come on.” He instructed. I followed him throughout the winding hallways of this building until we reached the bathroom where I was shocked to see L.V. standing over the bathtub with blood all over his shirt and a gun in his hand.

  “Oh shit nigga are you hit?” I asked, rushing over to him.

  “Nah. Never that. This blood belongs to this pussy right here.” L.V. said, pointing into the tub. When I looked into the bathtub there was one of the stick up kids, tied up and badly beaten with duct tape over his mouth. He was really badly beaten. His face was bloody and looked like a piece of raw meat. And his eyes were damn near swollen shut. He kind of looked like Rocky at the end of part one.

  “Is that nig
ga dead?” I asked.

  “No but he wishes he was, he’s just taking a little nap.” L.V. said, jokingly.

  “Wake that bitch up.” I instructed.

  “Okay boss, my pleasure.” L.V. said. And in one swift motion, he pulled his gun from the shoulder holster and smacked the stick up kid across the face, sending blood splattering against the bathtub wall.

  A Gangster’s Melody 91

  “Wake up motherfucker.” I said, kneeling down whispering in his ear, and pulling my Desert Eagle. 40. Caliber from my waistband as he struggled to keep his eyes open. “Now I’m going to ask your bitch ass some questions, and you’re going to respond by shaking your head yes or no. If there is a question that requires explaining, I will remove the tape and let you answer. However, if you scream, I will shoot you, if you try and call for help, I will shoot you, and last but not least, if you lie about anything, then we will all shoot you. Do you understand me motherfucker?” I asked him, as he nodded his head weakly and I cocked my gun.

  “You can try and get him to talk, but I’m pretty sure I shattered his jaw.” L.V. said, with a chuckle. “Yeah. I only kept him alive because I knew you

  would want to have a few words with him.” D-Boy


  “Okay motherfucker. Do you know who I am?” I

  asked. He slowly shook his head no. “Of course you

  don’t because nobody in their right mind would try

  and take anything from Travon Outlaw. How many of

  them was it?” I said, turning to D-Boy and L.V. “It was him and two more, but them faggots

  bounced once we started letting off them shots, ya

  heard?” D-Boy stated, proudly.

  “Yeah. I popped this bitch in the leg so he didn’t get

  too far, but his boys left him.” L.V. added.

  “Okay. Today is your lucky day. I’m going to let

  your bitch ass live.” I said, removing the duct tape. “Oh my God. Thank you man. I swear I didn’t

  know. And I still don’t know who you are.” The stick

  up kid said, weak yet excited about his new chance at


  “Yeah I feel you. And that’s why I’m going to let

  you live. But I need you to deliver a message to your

  people.” I informed him.

  “Okay dog anything. I’ll do anything. What’s the

  message?” He asked, happy about being set free. “Let your boss know that fucking with Travon Outlaw just cost you an arm and a leg.” I said, with a sinister smile on my face.

  “I don’t get it?” He replied, looking stupid. “You’re about to?” I said standing and raising my

  gun. I fired a shot into his arm, and then another into

  his leg. The 40. caliber bullets ripped through his flesh

  like a pellet gun through loose leaf paper. As I alternated between hitting the arm and the leg D-Boy and

  L.V. followed suit. We fired and mangled his limbs until there was almost nothing left. But I need him alive

  so I ordered a cease-fire.

  “Drop this bitch ass nigga off on the main strip in

  his hood, and meet me back at the suite.Be careful.

  And if anybody out there even looks at you wrong you

  light they ass up. It’s time to let these motherfuckers

  know how we get down.” I stated coldly.


  Just as he had promised. Travon came back to get me. I still had no idea what was going on, but I had no choice but to go with the flow, at least for right now. Besides, even if I wanted to go back to Mama Belle’s which I didn’t; she had made it abundantly clear that I could never go back there. Travon had finished loading the last of my things into his Porsche truck

  “Okay pretty are you ready to roll?” Travon asked, getting into the car. “I guess.” I stated, nervously. Monica had stuck her head into the passenger side window and whispered into my ear.

  “Damn bitch, you ain’t been here but a hot minute and you done came up already. My only regret is that you didn’t really get a chance to learn anything from me.” Monica said, sounding disappointed.

  “She’ll be fine. She’s in good hands.” Travon replied, reassuring her.

  “I’ll call you later girl.” I said, giving Monica a kiss on the cheek.

  “You make sure you do. And what are you going to do about your grandmother?” she asked, motioning with her eyes at the fact that Mama Belle was on the porch watching the whole thing.

  “I don’t have a grandmother. I’ll call you later. Let’s go Tray.” Travon pulled off and we drove for a few blocks in silence until I spoke up.

  “Okay Travon, what’s the deal? Where are we going and why did you have me bring all of my things?” I asked, curiously.

  “Well it’s like this. I know this is going to sound crazy because we just met, but I’m really feeling you. And I think I’m feeling you even more because you’re not from here and you’re not like these other chicks. You smart; intelligent, good looking and you’re not impressed by my money.” He replied, still driving never taking his eyes off the road.

  “Look Travon, I appreciate the compliments and all but you haven’t answered my questions. Where are we going?” I stated, really wanting to know.

  “Well the way I see it, I’m going to be going back and forth from New York to Baltimore on business. So I’m buying a Condo in a very nice and expensive area. I’m hardly ever going to be there so I want you to stay there. All expenses paid, and I’ve even got a brand new Mercedes s600 that I don’t use, you can have that to run around in.” He stated.

  “Travon I don’t know what to say. This is all happening too fast.” I replied, in a state of shock.

  “Yeah, I know, but it’s all good mommy. Look, you don’t have a good, stable place to stay right now and I’m about to buy a crib that I’m never going to be at, so it’ll be like you’re house sitting for me.”

  “That’s just it Travon. That’ll be your shit that you can put me out of anytime you feel like it. Then I’ll be right back to square one, and for all of that I might as well stay with my grandmother. Thanks but no thanks.” I stated, adamantly.

  “Look baby, I feel where you’re coming from, but I don’t get down like that. Best believe, if I give you something it’s yours to keep.”

  “All of that sounds good, but you don’t even know me.”

  “I don’t have to know you baby, I know me and I know what I want.”

  “This is crazy.”

  “So. You ain’t never did nothing crazy before?”

  “Yeah, but not like this. I think I’m going to have to say no Tray.” I replied, Travon was in shock and couldn’t believe that I had just turned down such a generous offer.

  “Okay. I’ll tell you what. Just to prove to you how I get down, I will put it in your name.” He stated.

  “What did you say?” I replied, not believing what I was hearing.

  “You heard me. Everything I buy for you I will put in your name. This way if you want to you can put me out.” He replied, while laughing.

  “Okay. Travon, one thing I hate is a liar. So don’t try and bullshit me by telling me you’re gonna buy this expensive crib and put it in my name. Just stop it. Cut the bullshit right now please.” I stated, angrily. Travon just looked over at me and grabbed his cell phone. He put it on speaker phone and began to dial a number.

  “What’s your last name?” He asked.

  “What?” I asked, wondering where he was going with this.

  “Your last name ma. What’s your last name?” he asked again, rushing me.

  “Da- Davis. Why?” I stuttered before a voice came across the speaker phone signaling that someone had picked up the line.

  “Elite Structures and Real Estate. This is Mike how can I help you?” The voice said.

  “Hey Mike. It’s Travon what’s up?” Travon replied.

  “Hey Mr. Outlaw. How’s it going? All ready
to take ownership of the new property?” Mike asked.

  “Well that’s what I was calling you about Mike.”

  “Mr. Outlaw you’re not pulling out are you?” Mike asked, nervously.

  “No Mike, relax your commission is safe. I just want to change the name on the paperwork from my name to a Ms. Tiffany Davis.” Travon said, with a smile on his face.

  “Well unfortunately Mr. Outlaw it’s not that simple. There’s the matter off Ms. Davis’ credit history. We’ll have to see if she qualifies and then..” Mike said before Travon cut him off.

  “Hey mike listen, everything is still everything. I’m still fronting all the cash all we’re doing today is changing the name on the paperwork. Now can you make that happen for me or do I have to take my business across the street to that other company with that fine ass receptionist?” Travon said, slightly raising his voice.

  “Hold on Mr. Outlaw, that won’t be necessary. I’m sure I can arrange things just the way you want them.” Mike said, reassuringly.

  “Yeah Okay. I knew you was the man. I’ll bring Ms. Davis by later to sign the papers.

  “Okay. Mr. Outlaw. I’ll be here.” Mike replied. Travon hung up the phone and grabbed me by the hand.

  “Are you convinced that I’m real yet?” He asked.

  “I can’t believe you just did that.” I said, in a total state of shock.

  “Well it’s real baby. We’ll drop your stuff off at the hotel and then I’ll take you by to see the place. You can stay at the suite for a few days until the condo is ready.” I was overwhelmed.

  “I don’t know what to say.” I responded.

  “You don’t have to say anything. Just be loyal and faithful.” He replied.

  “Faithful? Are you trying to tell me something Travon?” I asked, smiling.


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