A Gangsters Melody

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A Gangsters Melody Page 15

by Wright, Sean A.

  “That’s enough for her homey. But you can leave the bottle.” Travon instructed.

  “Damn baby. What’s that all about? Tiffany asked.

  “Shh. Just be quiet and raise your glass please.” Travon instructed, before starting his toast. “To my baby, and my unborn baby. I love you both.” He said, as the touched glasses.

  “Thanks baby, but this ain’t enough for me to get no buzz with.” Tiffany joked.

  “You’re not supposed to get buzzed. It’s celebratory, I’m about to be a father.” Travon explained, before being tapped on the shoulder by the guy sitting behind him.

  “Excuse me player. I’m not trying to be all up in your personal. But I overheard you say you’re about to be a father?” Horse said.

  “Yeah. Me and my lady are expecting. I just found out today.” Travon replied.

  Well congratulations man. My old lady just gave me they same news a few weeks ago. They call me Big H.” Horse said, extending his hand.

  “I’m Tray, and congratulations to you too player. Matter of fact let me gwet you a bottle of something.” Travon said, shaking his hand.

  “No thanks man, I don’t drink, and wifey, well you know.” Horse replied, rubbing her stomach.

  “Well I’m going to the bathroom baby, by the way I’m Tiffany.” Tiffany said, introducing herself to Horse’s wife.

  “Hey, I’m Joyce. Men can be so rude.” Joyce responded.

  “Yeah and Travon you know better.” Tiffany scolded, jokingly.

  “And Horse you know I don’t play that rudeness.” Joyce added, as Tiffany walked to the bathroom. As soon as she is out of sight Horse and Travon simultaneously pulled their weapons and placed them up against the seats they are sitting at.

  “Well if it isn’t big Horse.” Travon said, with a sinister smile on his face.

  “Nigga you are a dead man walking.” Horse said, through gritted teeth.

  “Really? That’s not what my little homey right here says.” Travon answered, referring to the gun he had pressed against the seat.

  “Motherfucker do you think you’re the only one with a little homey? Horse replied, cocking his hammer, also against the seat.

  “Well that sounds like the hammer of a Sig Sawyer snub nose .32. me on the other hand am holding a double action Glock.40. Meaning, by the time you hit me once, provided your bullets go through this good leather here, I would have put three holes in you and at least one in your pretty bitch. Now how you want to play it nigga?” Travon asked.

  “Like this motherfucker.” Horse said, and then gave a low but distinctive whistle and nodded in the direction of numerous soldiers he had scattered at different tables around the restaurant. Upon hearing the whistle they each lifted up their heads and their shirts flashing weapons, and a snarl that said they were willing to kill or be killed for their boss.

  “You see motherfucker, I ain’t never caught slipping. Even when it looks like I am. But you on the other hand are going to have to learn that lesson in the afterlife. now let’s go, outside.” Horse said, nodding towards the door.

  “Nah son. I ain’t going nowhere. Not even you’re stupid enough to pop off in front of all of these witnesses.” Travon said, with a smile on his face and not seeming the least bit worried.

  “Witnesses? Nigga I will blow the Popes head off in the front Pugh of the St. Patrick’s Cathedral in the middle of Easter mass and won’t nobody say shit. Yo’ bitch ass wasn’t supposed to make it out of Miami alive. Tracy can’t do shot right. She was supposed to kill Hector and then you. He was family and all but his prices just got way too high, and you are just becoming a pain in my ass. Now let’s go before you make me prove my point and mess up this beautiful Corinthian leather.” Horse said, raising his voice slightly through gritted teeth. It was then that D-Boy, L.V., Skillz, and Big John walked in, not aware of what’s going on they headed straight for Travon’s table and begin to reprimand him.

  “Are you crazy? How in the fuck are we supposed to watch your back if we can’t find you? It’s a good thing our phones have GPS.” D-Boy said, scolding Travon.

  “Now ain’t the time to preach, it’s time to teach.” Travon said, never taking his eyes off of Horse and nodding in the direction of his gun.

  “What the fuck?” D-Boy said, he reached for his gun and so does everyone else in both crews. Travon and Horse both signal their boys to calm, down.

  “This is Horse. And behind you scattered at different tables are his people. Skillz, Tiffany is in the bathroom, go get her and take her out the back, blame it on the paparazzi or something. Now we can’t dance right now because you got us out manned and out gunned, but if you so much as bat a fucking eyelash while we’re leaving, I swear on everything I love, my first three shots go into your bitched stomach and I know you don’t want that.” Travon said.

  “Did you just threaten my unborn seed?” Horse yelled

  “Under normal circumstances I would never do that. But I need a bargaining chip. Now me and my people are going to get up out of here real smooth like. But I promise you, we will dance again.” Travon said, getting up slowly and keeping his gun on Joyce.

  “I’m gonna see you soon nigga.” Horse said, as Travon and his crew backed out cautiously. When they get outside there is an army of New York soldiers waiting .

  “What is all of this?” Travon asked.

  “Just a few soldiers from up top. See when I found out you was here, I knew to bring the wolves with me. Because everybody knows that nigga Horse is always here on Friday nights. You’re slipping son for real. You are really fucking slipping, now go on home while we clean up out here.” D-Boy said, visibly upset at Travon for allowing himself to be caught off guard.

  “Nah Dee, let him go.” Travon instructed.

  “What? What the fuck do you mean let him go? We got that nigga right where we want him, and you want to let him go? Are you crazy?” D-Boy said, raising his voice.

  “Yo man listen. He’s sitting there with his pregnant wife. That’s nigga s about to be a daddy. We dead him now and that baby pays for it later. Nah I can’t have that on my conscience.” Travon replied.

  “Motherfucker, what about the soldiers we lost because of him? Damn near all of them was somebody’s daddy. So please stop with this self righteous bullshit, because I ain’t trying to hear it.” D-Boy said, getting really upset.

  “And I can only fix that financially right now, but we don’t have to lose any more soldiers. Now I’m going home. You pack the boys up and do the same.” Travon ordered, in a solemn voice.

  “You showing weakness son.” D-Boy spat.

  “Nah fam. I’m showing growth, now go home.” Travon responded, before selecting two soldiers to escort him home.

  “Oh yeah, L.V. go take Tracy to see her mother.” Travon instructed.

  “Tracy’s mother is dead.”

  “Yeah exactly” Travon said, as he got in the car.

  When pulled off the rest of the soldiers start to disperse before being stopped by D-Boy.

  “Where the fuck are ya’ll going?” D-Boy asked, angrily.

  “The boss said pack it up and go home.” One soldier responded.

  “Well fuck that. He’s just going through something right now. I’m making an executive decision, and that nigga Horse goes tonight.” D-Boy responded.

  “But the boss said.” The soldier tried to explain.

  “First of all nigga that’s my boss and I am your boss. So you take your orders from me.” D-boy snapped, as the rest of the soldiers start to look at him funny.

  “Look ya’ll. I’m not back dooring Travon. That’s been my brother since we was ten years old, and that’s why I know what we are about to do is in his best interest. He’ll thank me later trust me. Now ya’ll take your places and strap up. When he walks out I want the block lit up like the fourth of July.” D-Boy ordered.


  “Mr. Outlaw you’ve got some explaining to do.” Tiffany said, jokingly as Travon walked in the
door. “Baby I’m sorry. D-Boy and them pulled up while you were in the bathroom and they had a whole gang of reporters with them. The shit got kind of crazy so I had Skillz take you out the back.” Travon lied.

  “Oh what’s wrong baby? You didn’t want me to get my shine on? Tiffany joked, stroking his head as he lay across her lap seemingly exhausted.

  “Don’t worry baby. Once my little man is born ya’ll are going to get more shine than ya’ll can handle.” Travon said, rubbing her stomach.

  “Your little man? How do you know it’s a boy?” Tiffany asked, smacking him playfully in the back of the head.

  “Because that’s all I know how to make.” Travon blurted out.

  “Excuse me, what the fuck does that mean?” Tiffany asked, pushing his head off of her lap.

  “Stop tripping baby, I’m just playing.” Travon said, kissing her stomach.

  “Yeah nigga you better be.” Tiffany said, smacking him again.

  “Anyway, so we got to get one of the guest rooms and turn it ino the baby’s room. We’re going to have mad basketball shit, posters, hoops, a little locker with his name on it. I can’t wait.” Travon said, excitedly.

  “Yeah baby, I can’t wait either. I know we are going to be so happy. Just me you and the baby.” Tiffany said.

  “You know what baby? We need a vacation. Every time I go somewhere it’s for business. We need to go somewhere so we can just kick our feet up and relax.” Travon said.

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  “Well then let’s just go baby. Anywhere I don’t care. Let’s just pack up and go. As long as I’m with you it doesn’t even matter.” Tiffany responded.

  “OK I’ll tell you what, let me tie up some loose ends with the guys and have somebody hold them down while I’m gone.” Travon answered, sounding a little down.

  “Baby what’s wrong?” Tiffany asked, noticing Travon’s sudden mood change.

  “I’m just thinking baby that’s all.” He responded.

  “About what?”

  “About retiring. I mean I got more than enough money saved up.”

  “Yeah punk, I know you’re caked up.”

  “Nah baby, you don’t even understand. I’m sitting on major, major paper. I’m talking about never have to work another day in your life paper.”

  “Oh really? You been holding out Tray?”

  “Something like that, but trust me it was for your own good.”

  “I feel you baby, but does D-Boy and them know you ain’t gonna manage them no more? What are they going to say?”

  “Trust me baby. I’ve made them a hell of a lot of money over the years. And I’m going to give the whole crew a nice piece of the pie. Sort of like a severance pay. That’s the least I can do. I love them niggas like brothers. As a matter of fact, they are my brothers.”

  “And you’re giving all of this up for me?’

  “Well for you and the baby mainly, but also because I’m tired of the stress, tired of having to look over my shoulder when I go places, having to have bodyguards and shit.” Travon said, off into his own world really thinking about the game and not the music business.

  “Damn boo, I didn’t know the music business was that hectic.” Tiffany said, snapping him out of it.

  “Oh yeah baby. The shit is crazy and I’m tired of it.”

  “Well as far as us never working again, I don’t want to give up the salons.”

  “And you don’t have to. Just have somebody else run the day to day operations. We’ll talk about it in the morning over breakfast.” Travon said, turning the light out.

  “Okay baby good night. I love you.”

  “I love you too baby.”


  “What the fuck is taking this dude so long to bring the fucking car around? Don’t he know it’s a fucking war going on?” Horse said, while he and Joyce stood outside of the restaurant surrounded by security.

  “Okay when I give the word light them motherfuckers up.” D-boy said, speaking into his cell phone from an old hooptie sitting across the street. He watched and waited for the right time to strike and then gave the signal. “Go. Now. Now” he screamed ordering the execution. It was at that point that against Travon’s wishes, his soldiers swarm out of everywhere catching Horse and his men by surprise. Horse’s soldiers drop one by one and within a matter of seconds only Horse and Joyce are left holding each other in fear. As D-boy approaches Horse instinctively reaches for his gun.

  “Uh uh uh playboy. Don’t be no fool. Throw the ratchet down nice and slow. D-Boy ordered, cocking his gun.

  “You’re making a big mistake motherfucker.” Horse yelled, as he threw his gun down.

  “Nah my man. You made the mistake by fucking with live niggas from Queens. Now I know where your main stash house is so give me the keys and the combination to the safe in the back and I just might give you a quick death.” D-Boy said, with a sinister smile on his face.

  “Fuck you. Blast if you have to bitch. I was born a “G” and I’m going to die a “G”. So go ahead and squeeze that shit nigga.” Horse screamed.

  “Okay playboy, if you say so.” D-Boy responded, putting his gun to Joyce’s stomach. Causing both Horse and Joyce to scream in fear.

  “Okay man okay.” Horse pleaded, as police sirens are heard in the distance.

  “Yo Dee let’s go.” L.V. said, pulling on D-Boy’s arm, as the sirens are getting closer.

  “You heard the man nigga let’s go.” D-Boy said, pulling back the hammer on his gun.

  “Alright man. Just be easy. Look I got over 5 million dollars in cash and another 80 keys of coke at that house. Let me walk and it’s all yours” Horse said, trying to negotiate.

  “It’s mine anyway pussy. Now give me the keys and the combination and hurry the fuck up.” D-Boy responded, smacking him with the gun. It was then that Joyce suddenly reached into her purse causing DBoy to instinctively shoot her in the stomach. Horse screams and tries to grab D-Boy but is shot in the chest. L.V. notices something in Joyce’s hand. He bent down only to realize that it was the key with the combination engraved on the back of it that she was reaching for.

  “Come on man, I got the shit let’s go.” L.V. said, pulling on D-Boy. They got into their cars and pull off right before the police arrive. When the police arrived, they rushed over to Horse who had somehow managed to sit up and muster up enough energy to rock Joyce’s lifeless body back and forth in his arms as he sobbed uncontrollably.

  “They killed my baby man. They killed my fucking baby.” Horse said, screaming and crying.

  “Who killed your baby? Who did this?” Williams asked, trying to calm Horse down.

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  “Them fucking New York niggas. And I swear to God you better catch them before I do or they are all fucking dead. Do you hear me?” Horse screamed.

  “OK big feller calm down, from the looks of that chest wound you’re in no condition to take the law into your own hands. And what’s taking the ambulance so gotdamn long?” Johnson yelled out.

  “Okay man look. I have a stash house on the corner of Greenmount and York. They’re going to clean me out. They got the keys, the combination to the safe and all of the info.” Horse said.

  “When is this going down?” Williams asked “I don’t know man. Just catch them, they took my life away from me.” Horse said, crying and kissing Joyce on the forehead, as his own life slowly eased out of his body.

  “Let’s get some units over there and sit on the place until they show up.” Williams said, to every cop that could hear him.


  “Don’t leave no room unchecked. Let’s get it all” DBoy said, as they rummaged through the stash house. “Yo man. What do you think Travon is going to say about the hit on Horse?” L.V. asked.

  “He’ll be tight for a minute but when he sees all of this money and product he’s going to be just fine.” DBoy responded, smiling and patting L.V. on the back.

  “I don’t know dog. T
hat nigga is going to be mad as fuck.” L.V. reminded him.

  “Yeah but we got enough shit here to retire off of.” D-Boy responded.

  “Alright that’s everything.” Skillz reported.

  “Alright let’s bounce” D-Boy said.

  “What are we going to do with them?” Lorenzo asked pointing at the hostages tied that are up.

  “Fuck them. We ain’t got to worry about them. We got 80 bricks and a few million in cash. I got the feeling Tray is going to want to hit the road and never look back.” D-Boy said, as he signaled for his soldiers to vacate the premises. But unbeknownst to him the streets were crawling with cops just waiting for them to exit the house. The soldier they had on lookout had already been apprehended.

  “All units be advised the subjects are exiting the house now. Wait until they are all outside before we make a move. They are considered extremely armed and dangerous and we don’t expect them to go quietly. Excessive force is authorized. I repeat, excessive force is authorized if necessary. Okay here they come now. There are no visible weapons, but each is carrying a large duffle bag. We will move on them when they are all inside the car. I repeat we will take them in the vehicle.” Williams announced, into the walkie-talkie. As D-Boy and the crew head for the car they look around cautiously but don’t notice the cops and once inside the car Williams give the order.

  “Go, go, go.” Williams yells into the radio. The police swarm the vehicle with guns drawn.

  “Let me see your hands.”

  “Don’t fucking move.”


  “These New York motherfuckers are tough as nails.” Williams said, after interrogating each and every member of Travon’s crew.

  “Yeah if they were locals we’d be home with our wives by now.” Johnson replied.

  “Okay. I’ve heard bits and pieces but what have we got?” Lt. Daniels asked.

  “Well sir we’ve got a lot, then again we got shit.” Williams answered.

  “What he means sir is we got a search and seizure. 8 perps, a bunch of automatics weapons, over 5 million in cash and a shit load of coke. These boys appear to be from New York and the reason behind the majority of these bodies.” Johnson replied, noticing the perplexed look on Lt. Daniels’ face.


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