The Shape of Us

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The Shape of Us Page 11

by Lisa Ireland

  I’m in! Jewels, thanks so much for inviting us. Mezz is right, it is very generous of you. I can’t wait to meet you both!

  Hugs, Kat. I’m so sorry you won’t be there. But we can organise another weekend and make it up north next time so you don’t miss out again.

  Better get cracking on the Cup Day outfit seeing as I’m going to be leaving Canberra earlier than I first thought!

  E x

  FAT CHAT | Saturday Oct. 24 2015 | Jewels

  Kat! I’m sooooo sorry!!! I didn’t mean for you to feel left out. Of course you are invited too, my love. Is there any way you can come? I can get you from the airport and take you back.

  Jewels xox

  FAT CHAT | Saturday Oct. 24 2015 | Kat

  Thanks so much for the invitation, Jewels, but with Josh away I have no one to look after Ami, and I’m sure you ladies don’t want to spend your weekend away with a toddler. Maybe I can phone you or even Skype you all on Friday night and we can have a group chat so I don’t feel too left out.

  Kat x

  FAT CHAT | Saturday Oct. 24 2015 | Jewels

  Bring Ami with you! Seriously!!! If you knew how much I love kids you’d realise that having a toddler to play with for three days is my idea of heaven. And the whole house is completely childproof (my sister is a bit overboard on the whole safety thing!). All you’d need to pack is clothes. Everything else you could possibly want is already in the house.

  I honestly don’t mind if you bring Ami, unless of course Mezz or Ellie have an issue with a little lady joining the big girls’ fun. Come on, Kat. Please say yes! How cool would it be for all four of us to be in the same place at the same time?

  Jewels xox

  FAT CHAT | Saturday Oct. 24 2015 | Mezz

  Just quickly because I’m out at lunch now and typing on my phone while Sean has gone to the counter to pay. Luckily there’s a bit of a line. I have no problem with you bringing Ami, Kat. It would be lovely to see you and one toddler between four women will be no trouble at all.

  He’s giving me dirty looks now. I’ve got to go.


  FAT CHAT | Saturday Oct. 24 2015 | Ellie

  Bring Ami, Kat. I love kids!

  E x

  FAT CHAT | Saturday Oct. 24 2015 | Kat

  You guys are seriously the greatest! I was going to reply that I couldn’t afford to come. I figured the flights would be REALLY expensive seeing as it’s so close to Melbourne Cup. I was wondering how I could explain all this to Josh and thinking how he wouldn’t approve of me spending all this money on myself. But I thought I’d look up flight prices, you know, just for the heck of it.

  Guess what? There’s a super special mid-week price and they still have seats available. Ami’s under two and can sit on my knee, so I only need one seat. Of course the special only applies to flights at an inconvenient time (well, for me anyway!) but I don’t care. I’m coming!

  Josh is earning more money now and I’ve been managing to save a bit each week. I haven’t had a holiday in years. (To be honest I’ve never been on a proper holiday in my life.) I’m so lonely here and so unhappy. I think it would be good for me and good for Ami too. Besides, Josh isn’t here, is he? So it’s not really up to him what I do with my time.

  Ellie, if the seatbelt won’t fit you, then it probably won’t fit me either, but you know what? I don’t care. I am so happy about this trip I’m not going to let a little thing like that rain on my parade!

  Hopping off here to book my ticket. I can’t remember being this excited about something since Ami was born. What wonderful friends you all are to me.

  Love from an excited and happy Kitty Kat ☺ xxx

  Ellie couldn’t help but smile at Kat’s effusive message. She was doing the right thing by going. For the first time since she’d moved to Australia she felt like she was part of something. Like she belonged.

  Now all that was left to do was to explain the whole thing to Jenn.

  Chapter Nine

  Ellie caught an early plane on Thursday so she would arrive in Melbourne around the same time as Kat. Jewels had insisted she would pick them both up from the airport so the least Ellie could do was save her from making two trips. It had meant a ridiculously early morning though.

  When she disembarked she immediately spotted Jewels waiting in the gate lounge, complete with a sign that read ‘Welcome to Melbourne, Ellie’ in hot pink letters. The ‘i’ in Ellie was dotted with a love heart. In her mind’s eye she pictured Jenn rolling her eyes, but it’d been so long since anyone had been this pleased to see her that her eyes momentarily blurred with tears. She blinked them back and took the opportunity to study her weekend companion for a moment.

  Jewels was not at all what she expected. She was tall, which shouldn’t have surprised her because Jewels had said so on the blog. But she was really tall, five foot ten or maybe more. In any case she towered over Ellie. But her height wasn’t the most surprising thing. Jewels was one of the most stylish women she’d ever laid eyes on. She had long, chocolate brown hair that was held back off her face with a red and white polka-dotted scarf. Long, dark lashes and a set of perfectly sculpted brows framed her espresso coloured eyes and a killer red lipstick completed the look. She was dressed 1950s style in a crisp white shirt knotted at her waist and a pair of cropped navy pants that hugged her curves. On her feet was a pair of sparkly red ballet flats.

  Ellie smiled shyly and waved in Jewels’ direction and was instantly rewarded with a squeal for her effort. Jewels bounded over and enveloped her in a hug before she’d had time to utter a syllable.

  ‘Ellie! It’s so good to see you. You are Ellie, right? I’m not hugging some random stranger?’

  Ellie laughed. ‘It’s okay. I’m the authentic article. It’s lovely to meet you, Jewels. Or do you prefer Giulia?’

  ‘Oh good grief. You have an accent! That’s so cute. I knew you were English but for some reason I never expected you to sound so . . . well, English. And you can call me whatever you want, my love.’ Jewels disengaged herself and looked at Ellie’s carry-on luggage. ‘Is that all you brought or do we need to go to the carousel?’ She glanced at an oversized watch on her wrist. ‘Kat’s plane lands in fifteen minutes, so we’ll need to get a wriggle on.’

  ‘Normally I’d just travel with this, but because I’ve got The Cup on Tuesday I’ve had to bring the full-on suitcase.’

  ‘I totally understand. I never travel with anything but the full complement, even if I’m only going for the weekend.’

  Ellie had no doubt she was telling the truth. ‘Why don’t I go to the luggage hall and you go to Kat’s gate. That way she won’t be left waiting.’

  ‘Great idea. I’ll meet you back in the luggage hall as soon as I’ve collected Kat.’ Jewels gave her another quick hug. ‘I’m so pleased you decided to come. We are going to have the best time this weekend.’ With that she was off, her big, magnificent form striding gracefully across the concourse as Ellie looked on.

  Half an hour later Jewels arrived at the carousel area steering a pushchair while a woman, presumably Kat, trailed behind carrying an overnight bag and overstuffed tote.

  Ellie wheeled her luggage over to them and smiled at Kat. ‘Hi, she said. ‘You must be Kat. I’m Ellie.’

  Kat looked flustered. ‘Lovely to meet you, Ellie. I’m so sorry you had to wait. Ami was asleep and I had to wake her to get off the plane.’

  Ellie shook her head. ‘No problem. I had to wait a bit for my suitcase, so I really haven’t been waiting long at all.’ She bent down to look at the little girl sitting quietly in the pushchair. ‘You must be Ami,’ she said. ‘Aren’t you just adorable?’

  Ami smiled at her, which was a win. She really didn’t have much experience with kids other than a couple of Christmases spent with her nephews back in England. Her sister-in-law was one of those helicopter parents so she didn’t g
et much of a look-in with the boys. It would be nice to spend some quality time with a child. If she was planning on becoming a mother one day it might be an idea to get some hands-on experience.

  Kat smiled. ‘Looks like you’ve made a friend there.’

  Jewels clapped her hands, ‘All right, troops. Now that we’ve done the introductions, let’s get Kat’s suitcase and head off. We have a couple of pit stops to make on the way.’ She started walking towards one of the baggage carousels and Kat and Ellie followed obediently.

  ‘I feel so underdressed,’ Kat said, glancing down at her outfit. ‘The two of you look so smart.’

  Ellie laughed. ‘Don’t be silly. You look perfect.’ And she did. Kat’s brown hair fell in natural waves to her shoulders and her perfect olive complexion was makeup free. She may have been wearing jeans and a jumper but she exuded a simple elegance, one she was clearly unaware of. ‘Anyway, as soon as we get to Jewels’ holiday place I’ll be changing into jeans or maybe even my tracksuit.’ She wondered if her choice of a tailored skirt and jacket with her favourite cream silk shirt was overkill. She’d wanted to look her best when meeting her friends for the first time, but perhaps a more casual outfit would have been appropriate. ‘I guess I just always dress up a bit to fly because I’m usually in business class when I fly for work or with Jenn.’

  ‘Wow,’ said Kat. ‘That must be nice. I’ve only been on a plane a few times in my life and never in business.’

  Ellie immediately regretted her words. She wasn’t trying to big note herself. She’d spoken without thinking and anything she added was just going to dig herself into a bigger hole. She smiled at Kat. ‘Well, I’m glad you got on a plane today.’

  It was another three hours before they arrived at their final destination. The first stop was the picturesque waterfront area in Geelong. Jewels said she wanted to show Ami some colourful bollards, which were painted to resemble lifeguards, fire fighters and assorted other people. It was a lovely sunny day and they made the most of it, playing hide and seek with Ami amongst the bollards, and allowing her time to explore the fabulous children’s playground. Kat was clearly enjoying herself snapping loads of photos of them all on her phone. Jewels had made a booking at a nearby restaurant but they had some time to kill before lunch so they filled it with a visit to the historic carousel. Ellie was delighted to be given the job of accompanying Ami as she rode one of the merry-go-round’s ornate horses. Ami squealed with delight as they spun around, she and Ellie madly waving to Kat and Jewels each time they whizzed past. Once Ami had had enough, Jewels suggested a walk along Cunningham pier before they headed to the restaurant.

  Ami now seemed quite confident in their company and she chatted away as they strolled along. The adults, however, were more reserved with each other. The morning had been filled with activity and lots of polite small talk, but the intimacy they’d developed online seemed to have evaporated and Ellie started to wonder if she’d made a mistake in agreeing to spend three whole days with these women.

  Lunch got off to a slightly awkward start. Jewels was talking a mile a minute about nothing much. She was clearly trying hard to make them feel at home, but Kat was quiet, and Ellie really struggled to think of anything to say. When the waitress brought over their menus, it seemed all three of them were relieved to have their attention diverted elsewhere for a few moments.

  ‘I think I’ll have the pumpkin and fetta salad,’ Kat said. ‘And maybe a bowl of chips for Ami.’

  Jewels nodded. ‘The warm chicken salad looks good. I might have that.’

  Ellie had skipped breakfast and only had a cup of tea on the short flight. She was starving and had planned on ordering the chicken parmigiana with chips. But it seemed the others were ordering healthy food and she didn’t want to look like a glutton. ‘Hmm. The quinoa salad with asparagus and capsicum might be nice.’

  Jewels started to laugh. ‘Really? Because your expression says otherwise. And no wonder, it sounds awful to me. You know what? Stuff it. This weekend is supposed to be about fun. Forget the salad, I’m having the fish and chips.’

  Ellie grinned. ‘Oh thank god! What I really want is the parma. And maybe a glass of wine.’

  Kat laughed. ‘I better not be the odd one out then. I’m really not that hungry, but the desserts look fantastic. Do you think it would be really bad to just order the chocolate fudge brownie?’

  Jewels clapped her hands in obvious delight. ‘That sounds perfectly acceptable to me.’ She looked at Ellie and winked. ‘Just don’t confess your sins to Shelley next time you log your weight, Kat.’

  Kat rolled her eyes. ‘Oh, can you imagine the lecture I’d get?’

  They all began to laugh, and at that point Ellie relaxed. By the end of lunch all their shyness had disappeared and, as they made their way back to the car, they were laughing and talking over the top of each other.

  The next stop was a roadside produce stall where Jewels procured enough fruit and veggies to feed a small army. A bottle shop was the last stop on their tour and Ellie practically had to arm wrestle Jewels for the privilege of paying for a case of decent champagne.

  When Jewels finally pulled up in the driveway of a double-storey house overlooking the sea, Ellie felt like her life in Canberra was a million miles away. She couldn’t remember feeling this happy or relaxed for a very long time.

  The beach shack (as Jewels insisted on calling it) was anything but a shack. From the exterior it looked like a well-maintained holiday home built in the nineteen sixties or seventies but inside it was definitely twenty-first century beach chic. Clearly Jewels’ family had extended and renovated the original house. There were five bedrooms – four downstairs and the master upstairs. The downstairs bedrooms shared two bathrooms, replete with fluffy white towels, with the master having its own ensuite. All the rooms were large. The guest room Ellie had been allocated was furnished with a queen-sized bed and a comfortable armchair. A large wicker basket filled with magazines and romance novels sat beside the chair, and a vase of fresh flowers adorned the bedside table.

  ‘How on earth did you manage to get these flowers here?’ she asked Jewels when they did the welcome tour of the house.

  Jewels smiled. ‘Mum pays a woman to clean, stock the pantry and put fresh flowers in all the guest bedrooms before anyone visits. My mother loves to entertain, and heaven forbid a guest should arrive without their favourite foods being on hand, or favourite blossoms by their bed.’

  Ellie smiled happily. ‘It’s a lovely touch, Jewels. Thank you and please make sure you thank your mum for us. This room is nicer than most of the five-star hotels I’ve stayed in.’

  Jewels beamed. ‘I’ll pass that on to Mum. It’s so important to her to make guests feel welcome. I think it’s her European background. She really takes the whole Italian hospitality thing seriously.’

  After the tour Kat had taken a shower to freshen up. Jewels excused herself to call her husband and Ellie played with Ami. When Kat emerged she decided it was time for Ami to have a nap but Ami had other ideas. Kat thought a walk in the stroller might settle her down. Jewels had decided to tag along, leaving Ellie to her own devices for a while. Jewels told her to make herself at home so now she’d washed her city life away and changed into a more casual outfit she decided to make herself a tea and take a book out onto the sheltered balcony that overlooked the sea. She settled herself onto a sun lounge and drank in the glorious view of the bay before opening up the book she’d purchased at Canberra airport.


  As usual, Mezz tipped the valet parking attendant more than was necessary as she made her way out of the hotel on Thursday afternoon. Had Sean been with her he would have raised his eyebrows, but it was just her and therefore there was no need to justify her action. Sean was always at pains to explain that this was not America and service people did not get by on tips alone. ‘We pay decent wages here,’ he’d argue.

p; She always replied with a statement about how fortunate they were and how it never hurt to be generous, which of course was true, but it wasn’t the reason she was a big tipper. She could never admit this to Sean, or to anyone else, but the reason she was so liberal with her tips was so the hotel staff would notice her for something other than her size. She hoped her generosity helped them to see her as something other than ‘that fat lady’.

  With her luggage now neatly stowed in the boot of the Land Rover by the appreciative valet, she keyed ‘The Esplanade, St Leonards’ into the sat nav and obediently followed the instructions to turn left out of the hotel driveway. She was on her way.

  Now that the conference was behind her she had time to think about what lay ahead. She was excited and nervous in equal parts. Excited because, for the first time since uni, she felt like she’d found a group of women she could relate to. She was dying to meet Ellie, who sounded artistic and sophisticated from her posts. And kind too. She always seemed to know just the right thing to say to make things better when one of them was having a bad day.

  Kat was so sweet. She’d taken to contacting Mezz on Messenger, and they’d even had the odd phone conversation. She seemed quiet and unsure of herself and, for whatever reason, she’d decided Mezz was the font of all wisdom. Now that they were actually meeting, Mezz hoped she could live up to Kat’s expectations. As hard as this was to admit, she really wasn’t sure that she’d have a lot in common with someone whose life revolved so heavily around her child. To be honest, Kat’s adoration of Ami made her a touch uncomfortable. Not uncomfortable, guilty. She feared she wouldn’t measure up as a parent in Kat’s eyes. How could she, when she didn’t measure up in her own?

  Hopefully Jewels’ presence would help to keep things light. If her real-life persona was half as entertaining as her online one they were in for a treat. Jewels was kind and generous and loads of fun on the blog.

  After two months of communicating daily with these women, Mezz was beginning to trust them. She wouldn’t be heading off for three days at the beach with them if she didn’t. But she was yet to fully open up about her life to them, and she wasn’t sure why.


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