The Manny

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The Manny Page 12

by A. T Brennan

  They passed Logan’s actual birthday pretty quietly. When the kids had come home from school, he and Nathan had taken them out to a movie and to dinner at a family restaurant. After they went home, Nathan had taken Logan for a drive and out for ice cream so he could have some alone time with him while Cameron entertained the other kids, and when they’d come home, Logan had gotten his gifts.

  Nathan had gone out and picked out Logan’s gift himself, and the superhero bike was exactly what Logan had wanted. Cameron had bought him a superhero costume he could keep in the playroom, and his brother and sister had made him small crafts and cards. He’d loved everything, and had been grateful and thankful.

  By the time the kids were in bed, it was an hour past their bedtime, and both Nathan and Cameron were exhausted, but happy.

  Nathan had confessed to him that he’d slacked when it came to their birthdays the last few years. He’d had their nannies plan parties for them but hadn’t really thought to do anything on the actual day, and he regretted that.

  Before Jason had died, they’d done something as a family as well as having a party, and he’d given up the tradition when the first birthday had rolled around after Jason’s accident.

  Logan had loved his day, and now Kaitlyn and Daniel would get their own special days, so it wasn’t too late for Nathan to fix things. Just because he’d made mistakes in the past didn’t mean he had to keep making them.

  THE MORNING OF THE party, Cameron was running around trying to get everything ready while entertaining the kids, and he was doing it alone since Nathan was out picking up the food and the cakes. With so many people coming, he’d had to order three large cakes and each only had one word on them— Happy, Birthday, Logan, and each cake had a different superhero on it.

  All three kids were excited, and he was helping Kaitlyn get dressed in her outfit when the first guests started arriving

  Because Logan had invited so many kids, Cameron had asked him what he wanted to do about gifts. He’d told Logan he could either ask for no gifts or simple trinkets and homemade gifts.

  Logan had decided he wanted to help out the children’s hospital. On the invitations they’d stated that if people were interested, Logan would be collecting toys and cash and donating all the “gifts” to the hospital, but there was no obligation to bring anything.

  Cameron knew status meant a lot to people, and giving and getting gifts from classmates was not so much a status thing for the kids, but for the parents. He was a little worried at how the other parents would react, but he was so proud of Logan for thinking of helping others instead of asking for anything for himself.

  Nathan had been very supportive of the idea and seemed to be rethinking charity and teaching his kids about saving money and helping others.

  He’d told Cameron this was the biggest party they’d ever had for any of the kids, but it was also the most casual. His previous nannies had always planned smaller parties that were just as fancy as those of the other kids at school. He’d also told him how Logan seemed more excited for this party than any of the ones he’d had before.

  As the guest trooped in the “gift” table quickly filled up, and the kids ran around as Cameron did his best to corral them.

  Cameron had put Nathan on little kid duty, so Kaitlyn, her friends, and the youngest siblings were under his care while Cameron took care of the older kids and kept them busy and having fun.

  He was just trying to figure out a way to get all seven of the kids he was supposed to be looking after interested in the same activity when he saw a group of moms come in with their kids.

  This group of women were the single divorcees and had been flirting with him since Jason died. All had made multiple passes at him, and he’d turned down all of them more than once. It didn’t seem to matter that he was gay, they still flirted with him.

  He ignored them and got the little kids to agree on a craft and set them up at a picnic table with cardstock, glitter, and paint pens, watching as they giggled and created.

  He kept his focus on the kids but kept glancing up to see how Cameron was doing, and he was in awe of him. Cameron was keeping over forty kids occupied and supervised. It was true their parents and caregivers were also watching out for them, but Cameron was the one in the middle of the yard, making sure they were having fun and being safe. He was even managing to take pictures with his phone. Nathan had never seen anyone so comfortable in a crowd of children, and he’d never thought one person could do everything Cameron was doing with such ease.

  They’d ordered plenty of food, but by the way it was steadily disappearing they wouldn’t have many leftovers, if any. By the time they were ready to blow out the candles, pretty much all of the food was gone.

  When the candles were blown out and they were ready for dessert, they worked out a system to make sure everyone got to be involved. Cameron would cut the pieces and put them on a plate Nathan would hold out for him. He’d hand the plate to either Logan or Daniel, and the boys would pass out the cake while Kaitlyn went around offering forks and napkins to everyone.

  As they worked, Nathan couldn’t help marveling at how well the family worked together, and how much of an influence Cameron had on them. They were like a little family unit again, and Cameron being there made them feel whole. Cameron might have helped him become a part of his family again, but he’d also become a part of it with him.

  “So the single mom brigade has you in their sights,” Cameron said quietly as he stood next to him near the table. They’d finished handing out the cake and were both enjoying a piece as they watched the kids get back to running off their excess energy.

  “That obvious, is it?” he sighed as he looked at his plate.

  “They’ve been staring at you since they came in. Not that I blame them.”

  “No?” He glanced at Cameron, a smile tugging at his lips.

  “No. I’m not shocked. They lust after pretty much all the dads. Even the married ones. Seems sexuality isn’t a thing for them either.”

  “So it’s my anatomy that has them drooling?” He raised an eyebrow at Cameron teasingly.

  “That.” He nodded. “And the fact that you’re really hot probably helps.”

  “Does it now?”

  “It’s no wonder you’re targeted.”

  “Well, I’m just going to let them target me all they want.” He shook his head and took a bite of his cake.

  “Probably a good plan. That whole not crapping where you eat thing kind of applies to this. Although I’d probably word it differently.”

  “Don’t screw your kid’s friend’s moms?” he tried, grinning at him.

  “Yup, that sounds good.” Cameron laughed and took a bite of his cake. “And it’s good advice.”

  “What about not fucking your kid’s nanny?” Nathan asked wickedly as he leaned down to whisper the words in Cameron’s ear. His words and tone were intimate, but the move was almost casual. As he leaned back and looked down at his plate, he saw a blush creeping over Cameron’s cheeks.

  “Also good advice, but not advice I would follow if I were you,” he said after he’d taken a moment to compose himself.

  Nathan laughed and finished off his cake. He could see Kaitlyn and a few of her friends coming towards him armed with glitter pens. He was back on duty.

  Cameron watched Nathan walk away and shook his head, hoping to shake the dirty thoughts from his mind. He had no idea how Nathan could have such an effect on him. Nathan didn’t even have to try, and he found himself getting lost in a full-blown fantasy just watching him walk away. Even after all this time sleeping together, Cameron could still look up at him and be completely taken with how handsome Nathan was. After all of their conversations, he was still amazed at how Nathan seemed to understand him, even when he didn’t always understand himself. Nathan was the whole package, and he sometimes had trouble believing he was choosing to be with him. That Nathan wanted him as much as Cameron wanted Nathan.

  He hurriedly finished off
his cake and went to try and rally the older kids into a couple of games to burn off the excess sugar they’d all consumed, and hopefully distract himself from thoughts of Nathan.

  FOR ALL INTENTS AND purposes, the party was a raving success. Everyone had fun, ate a lot of food, and they were all exhausted by the time the last guest left.

  They’d eaten so much junk at the party that Cameron had made them all a late and light supper, and then all three kids and Nathan had pitched in to help him clean up the backyard. Then they’d gone through the “gifts.”

  Logan’s classmates had been very generous. A lot of them had brought brand new toys that were suitable for both boys and girls, and there was a wide range of ages. And a fair number had brought cards with either cash or checks in them.

  Logan was really excited about all the donations he’d be able to give. Cameron had called the donations coordinator at the hospital and set up a time on Sunday afternoon for them to bring everything over so Logan and the other kids could see where the gifts were going and who they would be helping.

  He was very thankful Nathan was coming with him to deliver the gifts. It was way too much for him to do alone, especially if he had all three kids with him.

  When the yard and house were clean, he took the kids upstairs and got them ready for bed. As he’d been tucking Logan in, he’d given Cameron a huge hug and thanked him for the best birthday party he’d ever had. His sincerity and his openness had touched him, and Cameron had just hugged him back and told him that he was welcome.

  When all three kids were down for the night, he found Nathan in the kitchen, and they’d taken a bottle of wine into the media room.

  Nathan had put on a movie, and they’d watched part of it, cuddling as they sipped their wine, but after a few glasses, the movie was forgotten, and they instead tried to figure out new and interesting ways to have fun on the sectional sofa.

  Chapter Twelve

  Nathan looked out the back window as he passed through the kitchen, and what he saw made him pause.

  Cameron was standing next to the pool picking up a few discarded pool toys.

  He thought Cameron had already left. It was his afternoon off, and the kids had already been picked up for their playdates. Cameron had told him he was going to his sister’s for the afternoon and wouldn’t be back until after the kids were in bed.

  He paused as he watched Cameron casually bend over to pick up the toys, and his breath caught.

  Cameron was wearing a pair of khaki shorts that looked baggy when he was standing up straight, but when he was bent over, the material hugged and highlighted his incredible ass. His shirt was plain black and drew attention to his slender build. Again, Nathan was struck by how effortlessly enticing Cameron was. He watched as Cameron brought the toys over to the storage bin and dropped them in before leaving the pool area, closing the gate as he did. Then he walked over to the patio table and started to put the cushions back on the chairs.

  With a wicked smile, Nathan went to the patio door and pushed it open.

  Cameron turned and saw him walking across the lawn, and he dropped the cushion he was holding as a sly grin spread across his lips.

  Nathan didn’t say a word as he came up to Cameron. He just reached out and gathered him in his arms as he pulled Cameron against his body so he could kiss him.

  The kiss was hard and hot, and his tongue immediately swept into Cameron’s mouth, deepening the kiss as he ran his hands over Cameron’s smooth body. Cameron met him kiss for kiss, and after only a minute, Nathan was so overcome with desire he couldn’t wait the two minutes it would take for them to get inside and to a comfy surface.

  “Tell me you want me,” he said gruffly against Cameron’s mouth.

  “I want you,” Cameron gasped as he clung to him.

  “What do you want me to do to you?” Nathan pulled back just far enough to look into Cameron’s eyes. “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  “What about prep?” Nathan asked, rubbing his cock against Cameron’s abdomen.

  “Screw prep. Lube me up and fuck me. I want you now.”

  Nathan groaned as he grabbed Cameron around the waist. He pulled him over to the closest chair and pushed him down on his knees so his chest was on the cushions as Nathan knelt in behind him.

  Cameron wasn’t timid in bed. If he wanted something, he told Nathan, but he’d never been so blunt or needy before, and it was hot as fuck.

  Nathan quickly pulled Cameron’s shorts and briefs down so they were puddled around his bent knees. Cameron arched his back, making his ass pop as he gave Nathan a seductive look over his shoulder. Nathan’s hands fumbled as he pulled a packet of lube and a condom out of his pocket before shoving his own pants and underwear out of the way. He ripped the condom open with his teeth and quickly rolled the protection over his cock before slicking it up with lube. He used the rest of the lube to coat his fingers and shifted so he was right behind Cameron, the front of his legs flush with the back of Cameron’s.

  Trying not to rush, he rubbed some of the lube over Cameron’s hole before slipping one finger inside him. Cameron was tight, but by his gasp and the way he backed into Nathan’s hand to make him move faster, Nathan figured he was ready.

  He spread the lube around inside Cameron before adding a second finger.

  “Please,” Cameron begged when Nathan rubbed against his prostate. “Please fuck me, Nathan. Please!”

  Nathan pulled his fingers out of Cameron and replaced them with his cock. He had to push a bit harder than usual to get past his outer ring, but when he did, Cameron gasped and began to nod, almost unconsciously.

  “Is that good?” Nathan asked as he bottomed out inside him.

  “Yes. It feels so good.” Cameron nodded and pushed back against him, forcing him as deep as possible.

  “Fuck.” Nathan grabbed the arms of the chair and held on as he began to thrust. “God you’re tight, love. You feel so fucking good.”

  “Yes, fuck me, just like that.” Cameron cried out.

  Nathan fucked Cameron as hard as he dared, using the chair as leverage to drive his dick into his lover over and over again. Cameron had buried his face in his arms, and by the muffled sound of his cries, Nathan could tell he was biting down on something in an attempt to keep quiet.

  As hot as the moment was, Nathan needed to see Cameron, to be able to kiss him as they made love. He pulled out of Cameron, abruptly enough to make Cameron gasp, and scooped him up into his arms.

  It was a bit of a struggle considering his pants were around his thighs, but he managed to carry Cameron over to a nearby lounger and lay him down. Cameron kicked one leg free off his shorts and briefs and spread his legs wide so Nathan could settle between them.

  He slid inside Cameron for the second time, blanketing his smaller body as their lips met in a hungry kiss. Nathan had never been into sex outside before, but the risqué nature of their location sent extra adrenaline coursing through his body, and his orgasm started to creep up on him sooner than usual.

  “I’m not going to last.” Nathan reached between them and gripped Cameron’s cock so he could stroke it in time with his thrusts. He was close, and there was no way in hell he was leaving Cameron behind.

  Cameron buried his face in Nathan’s neck in an attempt to quiet his cries as he began lifting his hips to help Nathan drive all the way inside him.

  Nathan tried to hold off, but as his pleasure began to crest, he tightened his grip on Cameron’s cock. Cameron cried out against his neck as cum splashed between them almost at the same moment that Nathan jerked against Cameron, pressing his body down as he came hard.

  They lay together, each basking in the afterglow as they calmed their breathing. When he was able to form complete sentences again, Nathan lifted his head so he could look down at Cameron.

  “Was that okay?”

  “That was wonderful,” Cameron answered with a smile as he moved his arms so they were wrapped around Nathan�
��s shoulders.

  The lounger wasn’t the most comfortable chair for the position they’d ended up in. The metal bar of the frame was pressing into Nathan’s shins, but he didn’t care. He didn’t really want to move. He liked this time with Cameron, when he could hold him after they’d made love. He loved to look down and see Cameron’s flushed cheeks, his messed-up hair, and his shining eyes. It made him feel connected to him. It gave him a sense of belonging he’d been missing for a long time.

  “I didn’t hurt you?” With so little prep, he was worried that Cameron might be feeling some pain now that the endorphins were wearing off.

  “Only in a good way,” Cameron assured him with a blush.

  “So, you were on your way out?” he asked teasingly.

  “Yeah.” Cameron laughed. “Something tells me I’m going to be late.”

  “Then I should probably get off you.”


  After one more kiss, Nathan shifted off Cameron and stood before helping Cameron up. There was a towel on the table nearby, and Nathan grabbed it so they could clean up. When they were wiped off, they both took a moment to right their clothes, and Nathan pulled off the condom and tied it off.

  After setting the condom aside, he pulled Cameron close. The kiss was supposed to be sweet and chaste, but the moment he tasted him, Nathan knew he needed more.

  They stood wrapped together in the yard, kissing for what felt like an hour. It was one of those kisses that consumes you, and Nathan didn’t want to let him go.

  This was dangerous.

  He was falling for Cameron, and he was falling hard. He liked spending time with him, loved their conversations and their debates, and he really enjoyed his body when they were together.

  Their arrangement had been sex and friendship. He’d been worried about Cameron not being able to separate things, and now he was the one whose heart was involved.


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