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The Manny

Page 14

by A. T Brennan

  He moaned softly as Nathan moved them so he was lying down and Nathan was half over him, his lower body pinning down one of his legs.

  Nathan kept his kisses slow and soft as he ran his hand over Cameron’s body, seductively teasing his skin before sliding his hand under Cameron’s shirt.

  This was different and amazing. There was no urgency. Nathan was taking his time and showing him a more tender side of himself.

  After a moment, Nathan pulled off his shirt, tossing it aside before he gently stripped off Cameron’s clothes.

  “Nathan?” Cameron asked. There was a look on Nathan’s face he couldn’t place.

  “I love you.”

  Cameron stared up at him, his mouth dropping open as he processed what Nathan had just said.

  “I love you, Cameron,” Nathan repeated.

  “You love me?”

  “Yes.” He smiled as he stroked Cameron’s face with his hand. “I love you, Cameron.”

  “I love you too,” he said, a smile breaking out on his face.

  Cameron had been so shocked at his declaration he’d needed to ask Nathan to repeat it, just in case he’d imagined it.

  He loved Nathan, but he’d never thought Nathan would feel the same way about him. He thought he was the only one breaking their sex-with-no-love rules.

  Cameron reached up and gently put his hand on Nathan’s cheek, smiling as he guided Nathan’s lips down to meet his.

  “Cameron?” Nathan asked, pulling away slightly.


  “Will you make love to me tonight?”

  “Are you sure?” Cameron blurted out. Nathan wanted to bottom?

  “I want to feel you inside me. Please.”

  They’d never discussed if either one of them was vers, they’d just fallen into roles. Cameron, despite his size and nature, enjoyed topping, although he’d never topped anyone who was physically bigger than him before.

  Cameron pushed Nathan back so he could lay over the bigger man. Nathan was still wearing his sweatpants, and Cameron quickly pulled them off so they could press their naked bodies together.

  “Did you get tested?” Nathan asked, pulling Cameron so he was straddling his hips as he lay over him.

  They’d discussed getting tested so they could stop using condoms a few weeks ago, but neither had brought it up since.

  “Yes, I’m negative.”

  “I am too. Will you go bare?”

  Cameron couldn’t answer; instead, he gave Nathan a deep kiss that he tried to fill with all of the emotions and love that were swirling around inside him.

  He took his time teasing Nathan, using his hands and mouth to kiss and touch as much of Nathan’s body as he could. When he finally licked his tongue up Nathan’s hard shaft, he was rewarded with a strangled gasp.

  “I’m good. I don’t need much.” Nathan pushed up on his elbows so he could look down at Cameron. “I need you.”

  Cameron kissed the tip of Nathan’s cock, smiling as Nathan’s pre-cum smeared on his lip.

  “Do you want me to?”

  “No, I’m fine. If you touch me, I might not last.” Cameron licked his lips and gave Nathan a quick kiss before reaching over to pull a bottle of lube out of his bedside table.

  He tried to go slow as he rubbed his slicked fingers over Nathan’s hole, but it would seem Nathan was just as eager as he was, and the other man pressed against him as he begged for more.

  Cameron had to hold on to his own desires as he teased and toyed with Nathan. It had been a while since he’d rimmed anyone, and he loved how Nathan responded to him. He was so vocal and expressive, way more so than when he topped. This side of Nathan was pliant and needy, and Cameron fucking loved it.

  “Now, please fuck me now,” Nathan begged as Cameron moved two fingers in and out of him.

  Cameron pulled his fingers free and added a little more lube to his erection. When he was sure he was nice and slippery, he moved closer and pressed the head of his cock against Nathan’s hole.

  “Fuck, yes, love.” Nathan nodded in affirmation as Cameron pushed inside him with tiny strokes, getting him used to the invasion.

  “God you feel good.” Cameron bit his lip and planted his hands on either side of Nathan’s body, holding himself up as he bottomed out inside him.

  Nathan wrapped his legs around Cameron’s waist and shifted his hips so he could take all of Cameron’s cock. He was desperate, and so was Cameron.

  Cameron would have liked to go slow and torture and tease Nathan until he was a quivering, blubbering mess, but his own need was too strong, and he ended up fucking Nathan hard and fast.

  The sex was desperate and hot, but they never lost eye contact, and that made it so incredibly intimate Cameron’s heart swelled.

  “I’m not going to last.” Cameron bit his lip and desperately tried to stave off his orgasm. “You feel too good, babe.”

  Nathan reached down and grasped his cock, fisting it at an almost furious pace as he looked up at Cameron.

  “I’m going to come,” Cameron warned when the pressure reached the point of no return and he couldn’t hold off any longer.

  “Me too. Come for me.” Nathan’s body clamped down around Cameron a moment later as cum splashed between their bodies. His shout of pleasure and the look of pure euphoria on Nathan’s face were enough to push Cameron over the edge, and he came only seconds later.

  Cameron collapsed on Nathan’s chest, his breathing fast and a little shallow. It had been a long time since he’d topped, and not a single one of his past encounters could hold a candle to what they’d just shared.

  After a long moment, Cameron rolled off Nathan, his chest sticky, and his dick spent. Nathan wasn’t doing much better. He was splayed out on Cameron’s bed, grinning and looking thoroughly fucked out.

  Cameron gathered the little control he had left and rolled off the bed. He wiped down with a damp cloth in the bathroom and then brought a second one out for Nathan to use. He tossed the cloth in the hamper when they were clean and climbed back into bed so he could snuggle with Nathan.

  “I mean what I said. I love you, Cameron.”

  “I love you too, Nathan.” He smiled. “I do. I just didn’t think you loved me.”

  “I didn’t think you loved me.” Nathan tenderly brushed a lock of hair off Cameron’s forehead. “I’m glad I said something,” he added with a grin.

  “Definitely glad about that.” Cameron laughed and hugged him tight.

  “It’s getting late,” Nathan said reluctantly.

  “It is. I have to get up and get the kids ready for school in a few hours.”

  “After you get them up, why don’t you come to my room?”


  “Yeah.” He grinned and kissed the tip of Cameron’s nose. “We can sleep in, if I let you sleep that is,” he added with a wicked smile.

  “I’m sure you’ll need to sleep at some point,” Cameron laugh. “You’re the one who has to do all the heavy lifting.”

  “I’m in pretty good shape.”

  “Yes, you are.” Cameron giggled. “And I’d love to. That sounds great.”

  Nathan smiled, hugged him closer, and kissed the top of his head. “I’d ask you to come down now, but I know you’d say no.”

  “I can’t.” He shook his head. “I know the odds of one of the kids getting up is low, but if they saw me coming out of your room, or if they came up and I wasn’t here, it would be confusing for them.”

  “I know.” Nathan sighed heavily. “Then I’d better go before I recover enough to keep you up all night.”

  “As tempting as that sounds, I’m going to have to be the responsible adult here,” Cameron said in mock seriousness as he watched Nathan climb out of bed and track down his clothes.

  “Of course you are.” He grinned. “But you can’t blame a guy for trying,” he added as he leaned down to kiss him.

  “No, I can’t,” Cameron said with a smile as he pulled the blankets up over himself. “E
specially when he looks as good as you.”

  He was rewarded with a hearty laugh as Nathan left his room.

  As soon as the door closed, Cameron flopped back on his bed and stared up at the ceiling.

  It had certainly been an eventful day.

  Chapter Fifteen

  When his alarm went off in the morning, it was all Cameron could do to not slap it off and roll over so he could go back to sleep.

  He was exhausted. He’d only gotten about three hours of sleep, and now he had to get up, get the kids ready, and get them off to school.

  He rolled out of bed and hastily pulled on the first things he could find that seemed clean, giving a silent prayer of thanks that most of what he owned was neutral and solid colors because he was too tired to care what his clothes looked like.

  When he was dressed, he went into his bathroom to brush his teeth and splashed some cold water on his face. Cameron looked about as rested as he felt, and as he headed downstairs, he was glad that he’d remembered to turn on the coffee pot timer so it would have started brewing as he’d gotten ready.

  Cameron didn’t know if the kids realized he was tired, but all three of them were in moods. Logan didn’t want to get up, and Cameron had to pull his blankets off and physically haul him out of bed and drag him into the bathroom he shared with his brother. After he’d gotten Daniel up and brought him into the bathroom, he’d found Logan curled up on the floor in front of the bathtub, fast asleep.

  He managed to get Daniel to brush his teeth, but when he’d sent him to go get changed, he’d been forced to stand beside Logan and watch him as he brushed his teeth and washed his face. Then he’d had to pull out Logan’s clothes and watch as he’d gotten dressed.

  Eventually, he’d gotten both boys downstairs to start their breakfast. Then he’d gone to wake up Kaitlyn.

  That had been an adventure. She hadn’t been sleepy or grumpy like her brothers, but she’d decided that she wanted to wear a princess dress to school and have her hair done up in a tiara.

  Eventually, Cameron convinced her to put on a pair of pink pants and a pink princess shirt, and wove her hair into a braid with a pink ribbon tying it off. Thankfully Kaitlyn seemed satisfied with that, and she was ready to go with no more fussing.

  Then there was the situation that had been breakfast. The boys hadn’t come down and started their cereal as he’d asked. They’d come down and gone through their lunches and decided they didn’t like a single thing he’d put in them, so as he’d fixed them their food he’d had to repack their lunches and get their books and bags together.

  Thankfully it was still warm enough they hadn’t needed jackets, so after they’d put their shoes on, he walked them to the bus stop.

  No one talked to him as they waited for the bus, and when all three kids were on board and had waved to him through the window, he hurried back to the house. It was as he was locking the front door that he realized he’d never poured himself that coffee.

  With a sigh, he went to the kitchen and shut off the machine. He could always reheat it later.

  Cameron made his way up to the second floor and paused outside Nathan’s room.

  He’d tried to keep himself from thinking about the night before. There was a part of him that was worried Nathan had made a mistake and didn’t feel what he said. It could have been the moment, and what if he didn’t actually want Cameron to come to his room now?

  Cameron pulled in a deep breath and knocked on the door. The worst thing that could happen was Nathan turning him away. He was willing to risk it.

  “Yeah,” Nathan called out as he rolled over.

  He’d heard the kids that morning, and he’d been going in and out of sleep since they’d woken him up, waiting for Cameron to get there. He was a little surprised he knocked, but when Cameron opened the door, he couldn’t help smiling.

  “Hi.” He grinned as he pulled back the covers.

  “Hi.” Cameron smiled as he closed the door behind him.

  “Wait.” Nathan stopped Cameron just as he was about to climb into the bed.

  “What?” Cameron stopped dead, a worried look washing over his face.

  “The clothes.” Nathan winked as he pushed his hair back off his forehead. “Off with them.”

  “The bed is a clothes-free zone?”

  “Most definitely.” He nodded, grinning as Cameron pulled off his shirt. “I might make the whole room a clothes-free zone,” he added as Cameron stripped off the rest of his clothes and climbed into bed with him.

  “Morning,” he said softly as he pulled Cameron against his body.

  “Morning.” Cameron smiled against his chest as he snuggled up to him.

  “It would have been nice to wake up like this.” Nathan sighed. “But I understand why it can’t be that way.”

  “Yeah, I wish it was different.” Cameron sighed. “I still think about that night, when I stayed here.”

  “I think about it too,” Nathan said softly as he kissed Cameron’s hair.

  “I know this is wrong. That it’s breaking the rules,” Cameron said softly as he traced his fingers over Nathan’s chest. “But it doesn’t feel wrong.”

  “It’s not wrong.” He pulled Cameron closer and kissed his hair again. “We’re adults. We should be able to choose who we’re with.”

  “In the real world. But I’m not a part of your world. I’m the nanny.”

  “Cameron.” Nathan looked down at him. “I don’t think of it as my world and your world. We’re just Nathan and Cameron, and we love each other.”

  Cameron smiled at his words, his relief apparent in his eyes. “I like the sound of that better.”

  “Good, then think about it that way.” Nathan kissed him gently and grinned wickedly as he pulled away. “Tired?”

  “Very.” Cameron nodded.

  “Too tired?” he asked, his grin deepening as he traced his hand up Cameron’s smooth back.

  “No, not too tired.” Cameron shook his head and reached out to pull Nathan down for a kiss. “Never too tired.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Not much changed after Nathan’s declaration of love. They kept the same routine and hid their relationship from the kids. They didn’t like the lying and the sneaking around, but it was what they had to do.

  The only real difference was that now they said they loved each other every night. They continued to explore their limits with each other, but most of the time the sex was gentle and loving, and they spent a lot more time in Nathan’s bedroom. Some nights they would stay up talking as they sipped wine and enjoyed each other and the conversation.

  The one thing they didn’t change was their sleeping arrangements. Cameron would spend his nights with Nathan in his bed, but he would always go back to his own room to sleep. He was up with the kids, and when they were off to school, he would climb back into bed with Nathan, and they would get up around lunch.

  Cameron would get his work done, pick up the kids after school, and occupy them until dinner. Nathan would do his writing; then they would all eat together, and Nathan would go back to work while Cameron took the kids upstairs to wind down before bed.

  It was a comfortable routine, and for nearly three weeks they enjoyed their new relationship and kept growing closer and closer.


  “Go out?” Cameron rolled over so he could look at Nathan as they lay in his bed.

  “On a date.”

  “A date?”

  “Are you just going to repeat everything I say?” Nathan reached out and ran his fingers over Cameron’s cheek.

  “Sorry. I’m just a little shocked. You want to go out on a date?”

  “Is that so crazy? We’re seeing each other, dating, if you will. I think we should go out on a real date.”

  “You mean it?”

  “I want to take you out. I love spending time with you, but it feels like we’re hiding.”

  “Well, we kind of are.” Cameron grinned and rested his chin on h
is arm.

  “I know we have to be careful because of your agency and the fact that you work for me, but what if we went somewhere out of the way?”

  “You really want to take me out on a date?” Cameron’s heart fluttered, and he tried to hide the fact that he wanted to grin like an idiot.

  “Yeah.” Nathan laced their fingers together and brought their entwined hands to his lips so he could kiss them. “I know it’s foolish, but I’m a romantic at heart. I like dating and experiencing new things with my partner. I love sharing moments and creating memories. I want that with you, Cameron. I don’t want to just be hidden lovers.”

  Cameron gave in to his urge to grin and scrambled on top of Nathan to give him a full body hug.

  “I take it you want that too?” Nathan laughed and held him close.

  “Oh yeah. But you realize that after that buildup, you’d better plan one hell of a date.”

  “I think I can manage to find something interesting.”

  “I have faith in you.” Cameron playfully peppered Nathan’s face with soft kisses, making the other man laugh. “When are we going?”

  “How about Thursday? I’ll get a babysitter for the kids, and we can do date night.”

  “Isn’t Friday usually date night?” Cameron asked, slightly confused.

  “Usually, but this way we get to skip the chaos of everyone being out on a date at the same time, and I don’t have to wait an extra day.”

  “Then Thursday sounds perfect.” Cameron grinned cheekily. “I just wish it wasn’t Monday. That’s a long time to wait.”

  Nathan laughed and grabbed Cameron around the waist so he could roll them over. He settled between Cameron’s legs, their erections lining up perfectly.

  “I’m pretty sure we can think of a few ways to pass the time.” Nathan grinned lasciviously.

  “What about your writing, and the laundry?”

  “I’m ahead of schedule on my book, and we can always order new clothes if we run out.”

  Cameron’s laugh was cut off by Nathan’s kiss, and every thought of books and washing machines flew out of his head as he kissed Nathan back.


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