Executive Assistant

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Executive Assistant Page 28

by 12 Author Anthology

  “In the real world this can’t happen,” she said out loud. “Owner of the company or not, your reputation could take a hit.”

  “Cazzo, this can’t be real. I asked you one simple question. One very simple thing and you can’t answer. Was none of this real? Was this all created?” he asked, his voice quiet with pain. He shook his head when she opened her mouth and reached in his coat pocket. He pulled out a small, velvet box and placed in on the table.

  “Take it with you, because it was made only for your hand. This is for the woman I love. Years ago, I even met her online, under another name, and gave into my desire. That woman will walk through my office door in twenty minutes with it on, or her imposter will walk out of my life, and my company, for good. It’s all or nothing, Tanya. If you love me then it is enough, and we will face everything we must, together. There isn’t a board here that I have to answer to. I will destroy anyone who speaks against this, and make sure you are protected. But only, and you hear me on this, only if you are with me, one hundred percent. It’s your turn.”

  “I’m sorry…I just can’t,” she said finally, grabbing her purse and laptop, and running from the office.

  She’d lost him.

  Chapter Eight

  Tanya sat in her house, alone, thinking, in the darkness. She had turned off her lights, unplugged her phone, and silenced her cell. She didn’t want anything to interrupt her. Not this time. She looked at her laptop longingly. Just hours ago it had led her to the experience of a lifetime. She’d had Angelo, her Angelo, right within her grasp, and she’d let him slip through her fingers.

  It wasn’t about his money or what he could do for her. She knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he would destroy anyone who challenged his decision to make her Mrs. Cortelli. But what she couldn’t seem to make him see was that she didn’t want him to have to do that.

  But maybe it isn’t your choice, some voice deep inside of her said.

  And what if it wasn’t? Could she believe that he was the man for her? If she let go of her fears, and her ideals of what should have happened in a perfect world, she’d be honest with herself. She lifted the small velvet box off her desk. She hadn’t opened it yet, hadn’t wanted to think about how serious Angelo had been, because maybe it would make her realize just how stupid she was being. She lifted the top and tears blinded her until she blinked them away.

  A year before, she remembered now, Angelo had made some comment about engagement rings when his VP, Adam Westly, had been talking about marrying his then girlfriend of five years. Angelo had stated it was about time, but was he sure she was the one? Adam had told him that he was sure, without a doubt. That when he’d seen the ring he couldn’t walk away from it, no matter what he’d try to convince himself. He didn’t stop until he’d purchased it.

  Tanya, usually quiet when in the room taking notes from Angelo’s meetings, had said ‘what a beautiful thought.’ Angelo had asked her what she thought of the ring and Tanya had told him that a ring should represent the woman, and what her man thought of her, no matter what anyone else thought of it. If that ring was a small diamond set in a gold band because the woman in question loved the small things, and that meant something to her man and showed that he’d listened, then that was what mattered. It didn’t matter if the people around said the woman thought the man was cheap for getting something so small.

  As she looked at the ring that Angelo had made for her she knew that he had listened, so long ago. That he’d loved her, for so long, as he said. The platinum band was designed with an odd engraved curl pattern, that for some reason made her think of her wild curls. The diamond, while large, wasn’t the focal point, in its invisible setting. No, the small designs around the large stone set in chocolate diamonds told the story. One had a platinum pen, another two hearts intertwined, then a third with a small lily, her favorite flower. The last one, though, stopped her heart. It was a set of cufflinks. Three years ago she’d bought Angelo a set of cufflinks for his birthday and had stashed them on his desk the night before after he left. She’d never bought him a gift before, but, then, she’d been in love with him, and it hadn’t seemed right not to get him something. It was the first gift she’d given him to start the tradition of exchanging gifts between them on holidays.

  That gift had meant something to him. So much that he’d remembered it enough to put a representation of it on the ring he’d designed for her. She stood slowly, on shaky legs and sobbed. She’d meant something to him and she’d let him go. She ran to get her cellphone and dialed Angelo’s number.

  “This is Michaelangelo Cortelli, leave a message and I will get back with you”

  “Angelo,” she sighed on the phone, but then hung up. She’d passed her curfew with him hours ago. He’d said it was all or nothing, and she’d walked away. Her heart was breaking into so many pieces she didn’t know if she’d be able to put it back together. She dropped to her knees, clutching her phone to her chest.

  “Angelo,” she cried. How could she be so stupid? How could she have run from him, the one man she’d always wanted? Desperate, she logged onto her laptop, hoping against hope that Driven was logged on, but he wasn’t. She cried harder as she waited and nearly jumped out of her skin when her phone rang.


  “Don’t call again, Tanya. You made your choice,” Michaelangelo hissed.

  “I love you. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I was scared. I didn’t know what to do. Just, please.”

  “I gave you everything I could. Dammit, Tanya, I gave you a ring. Would I have done that for a roll in the hay?”

  “It wasn’t enough time.”

  “Now you will have all the time in the world,” he said with finality and hung up. She stared at the phone in disbelief. He’d hung up, disconnected with her as if she never meant anything at all.

  Because you hurt him. Ripped out his heart.

  No. That was not enough. She wasn’t going to lose him, not now. She wiped her tears from her face angrily. Hell no, she was not giving up. He’d shown her everything he was willing to do to have her. He’d chatted with her, for months, giving her a fantasy to hold on to. He’d told her he loved her, made her feel it with the touch of his hands, the heat of his mouth. At the end, he’d asked her to marry him. He’d given everything, and all she’d given him were doubts and rejection. What would she feel like if he’d done that to her?

  She couldn’t let it end this way. She needed him. She needed his love, and the sooner she made him realize that the better. She grabbed her laptop, cellphone, purse and keys and left the house. She was speeding over the streets, on her way to Cortelli Holdings like a bat out of hell. It was amazing she didn’t get stopped by the police. She whipped into a parking spot, used her key to get in and rode the elevator up. No one would be here but janitorial staff, but she was hoping that she could entice one very hurt and pissed off CEO to get her on the double. She let herself into his office and set up her laptop.

  The room smelled like him. The musk of his cologne wafted into her nostrils and she breathed him deep. She wouldn’t lose this, wouldn’t lose him. Determined, she loaded up her chat interface and sent a personal message to Driven.

  “It’s your turn, in so many ways. Just this once, Driven, meet me. Come to Hungry, and let me make it all better. Please. I’m in your office, waiting.” She pressed send and then picked up her phone.

  “What?” Angelo roared.

  “Check you messages, Driven, and then follow directions. I love you.” She hung up before he could hear her insecurity. As quickly as she could, she stripped her clothes off and folded them neatly. She placed her pile of clothes to the right of the office out of sight and then sat in his chair behind his desk. The weight of his ring was heavy on her finger, but she liked the feel, liked the thought that she was branded as his. She’d show him. Tanya posed as he’d wanted her to, with her feet planted firmly on the edge of the desk, knees wide apart. She gripped the back of his chair, pushing her breasts forwa
rds. It was an aching position to maintain, but Angelo was worth it. He would always be worth it.

  A ding made her look at her computer and saw that Driven had signed on. Her mouth went dry as she waited, still, for him to answer.

  “Okay,” popped on her screen in a message from him and then nothing more.

  Come to me, Angelo.

  Chapter Nine

  “Tanya,” Angelo sighed as he spied her in his office. He was still in the same suit he’d been in earlier, sans the jacket, and his shirt looked rumpled. It was the first time she’d ever seen him unkempt, his hair unruly as if he’d run his fingers through it over and over. He walked towards her, hesitantly, so much anger and pain swirling in the depths of his gaze.

  “What is this?” he asked, but she didn’t answer. She stood from the chair and gripped his jacket and pulled his mouth to hers. She kissed him with everything that she was, poured her love into his mouth and her desire over her tongue. She held on until her head was swimming with lack of oxygen and he was pushing her way to look at her.

  “I put it on,” she whispered against his mouth. “I’m in, one hundred and ten percent. You were right. I was so afraid of believing, but you gave me everything you could. It’s time that I gave you everything.”

  He smiled, a breathtaking smile, as he looked down at her. He fingered the ring on her hand and pulled it off before dropping to one knee in front of her.

  “Let me do this properly, then. Tanya Renee Reynolds, do you love me?”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “Then will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  “No, you will do me the honor by making me your wife,” she answered as he slid the ring on her finger. But he surprised her, not getting to his feet immediately.

  “No use letting this desk go to waste,” he said darkly and she trembled.

  “Sit,” he commanded and she did as he wanted. He shouldered between her legs, the slide of his shirt against her sensitive thighs making her sigh.

  “I need to taste you, know this is real. Il mio amore, don’t leave me again.”

  “Never,” she promised as his kissed his way up her leg. She gripped his hair, forcing him to look at her.

  “Not this time,” she said and he stood up under the pressure. She unthreaded his buttons, slowly, a button at a time, as her gaze held his. She slid his shirt over his shoulders, marveling, again, at the leashed strength. She pushed his shirt to his wrists and then took her time to remove the cuff links he wore, the ones she had given him. She kissed each wrist as she pushed his shirt away.

  She ran her fingers over his chest and down over the rippling muscles of his abs. His sharp intake of breath made her smile, but she didn’t stop. At his belt she curled her fingers and opened it, taking her time unzipping him and pushing his pants, and his underwear, down his legs.

  “Sit,” she parroted him and he smiled as he did as she asked. She sank to her knees gracefully and gripped his firm cock. It was long and thick, pure power under her fingers. She licked her lips. Groaning, she sucked his cock into her mouth, loving his musky flavor, and using her tongue to massage the sensitive flesh under the bulbous head. She bobbed her head, using her hand to stimulate what her mouth couldn’t reach until his hips were jerking into her, in time with her sucking. She hollowed out her cheeks with each pull, wanting to hear him groan, pant with each of her downward strokes.

  “Tanya, mio dio, please. Come here,” he gasped and she let go of his cock with a pop and stood.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered, and she knew, then, that she’d heard him right before. She preened under his compliment as she saddled his lap. He adjusted her until the head of his dick was at the entrance of his pussy.

  “Next time, I take you in my bed,” he said, and pushed her down over him. She tossed her head back, eyes sliding closed, as she felt every delicious inch of him pierce her. This time it was different. She was the future Mrs. Cortelli. He was hers.

  “I love you,” she said on a sigh.

  “Ti amo. Oh, how I love you,” he gasped. She rose and fell over him, meeting his thrusts. Each stroke sent her higher, pleasure pulsing through her bloodstream. His held her hips with an almost punishing grip, but she withstood it. Every slide felt amazing, pure ecstasy, perfect. She held on for dear life as he took her.

  “A little more,” he said, and let go of her hip with one hand. He moved and played with her clit with his thumb. He flicked the sensitive bud and then leaned forward to suck a turgid nipple into his mouth. She screamed, her body flying together and then flying apart, right into the sun. He wrapped his arms around her waist and thrust into her, harder and harder, riding the wave of her orgasm. Her pussy pulled his cock as he moved, until he was stiffening under her, crying out, and then she felt the hot shots of his come deep within her.

  They gripped each other in the aftermath, Angelo making lazy circles on her lower back. And to think, she wanted a fantasy man over the real thing. She was happy that Angelo disabused her of that notion. What a silly choice. Choose her cybersex partner or the love of her life? That was a no brainer.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you too. Now let’s go home. I have a bed I want to get you on,” Angelo said.

  “I like the idea of that.”

  The End



  S.J. Maylee

  Copyright© 2014

  Chapter One

  The day he dreaded had arrived. His assistant, Jen was due to give birth in a handful of weeks and he had to find a temp. Jen liked taking care of this task herself, but with his largest project to date looming on the horizon, she kept putting it off. Enough was enough. He didn’t like seeing her stress during what should be one of the happiest times in her life. He picked up his phone and called the recruiter he trusted.

  “Hi, Jane. It’s time to send over some candidates.”

  “I was starting to think Jen wasn’t going to call me back.”

  “I’m not sure she was.”

  “Our last conversation left me thinking she planned on working through her due date and then some. She sure is devoted to you.”

  “She is and it’s only one of the reasons why I’m devoted to her.” He walked to his office door and watched Jen read a document while one hand rubbed her back. “I’m not sure they calculated her due date right. Her belly is already bigger than last time.”

  “Please tell me you haven’t said that to her.”

  “I wouldn’t dare hurt her. Plus, you know if I did, Lori wouldn’t let her come back to me.”

  “That’s true. She’s mighty protective.”

  “Do you think you can find me someone as good as Jen?”

  “Someone who can do everything?”


  “You’re in luck actually. I’ve found the perfect someone for my office, but I’m not ready to hire her yet. I think she’d be perfect for you while Jen is out. Her name is Mary Conroy. She recently moved to Chicago and I’m trying to keep her busy until I’m ready.”

  “You’d trust her with me?” Conroy sounded like a good Irish name to him. His mother would want him to hire her right now.

  “Yes, because I know you’ll give her back.”

  “Are you sure she can handle my sharp tongue? One of my most important negotiations is starting soon. I need someone who can handle it.”

  “Mary can handle you. You have to meet her.”

  “Send her over and I’ll interview her, but keep looking.”

  “I know. You’re picky. I just emailed you her resume and referral letters. Get ready because Mary’s here now and I’m sending her to you.”

  “Thanks, Jane.” He set down his phone and read through her email, then opened the attachments.

  Ms. Conroy had gone to a small college and majored in Business Administration. Several lines highlighted her commitment to her community, including an outreach program for orphaned and f
ostered children. Nice, but not right for what he needed. Her resume read like the girl next door, one that would probably blush or cower from half the things he said. He didn’t need to watch his tongue while he worked through the biggest move yet in his career.

  Jane knew how his remarks could bite and she still seemed to think Ms. Mary could handle him. He sat back in his chair and ran his hands through his hair. It was a conundrum he’d figure out once he laid eyes on her.

  Colin had everything riding on next month’s merger. It was a big play and if he didn’t finagle it right, not only would he lose his best client, but he’d probably bankrupt his company. He’d already identified one problem with the merger. He was anxious to solve it so he could concentrate on finding the next hurdle. If the cards fell as he intended, his company would be worth double over night. He’d worked years for this opportunity.

  He pushed back from his desk and walked into the bathroom attached to his office. With a press to the side panel, it popped open. He turned the light dial located just inside the door and his private dungeon woke before his eyes. He cracked his knuckles and breathed in the clean earthy hints of leather.

  Work had kept him too far from Club Voyage in the past year, and not even the installation of this room had kept his kink close enough. He leaned against the spanking bench and gazed over his collection of paddles, crops, and floggers hanging on the wall. Above all else, he needed to keep his emotions under control and he knew denying his need to dominate put him on a quick path to misery.

  Not much gave him gratification like a willing submissive waiting for his command, not even the closing of the perfect deal. He craved lifting a woman’s need for release and watching as the pleasure consumed her. He made up his mind right then to work long hours this week and to go to the club on Friday night.


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