Executive Assistant

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Executive Assistant Page 30

by 12 Author Anthology

“You’ve had good training.” He walked around her, dragging his fingers over her skin as he went. Finally he stopped in front of her.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “So, you want to know how hard I spank?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Warmth from her pussy reached the inside on her thigh.

  “Since we only met today, I won’t be using restraints and I’ll even let you pick your apparatus.” He presented her with the room and her options. “Not matter what you choose, I promise to give you pleasure and not a lot of pain, at least not until we’ve had a much longer discussion.”

  His wicked promise brought a tingle to her breasts and more moisture to her pussy. She rubbed her hands down her thighs and looked around the room. Immediately, she decided against the bed and the cross—both seemed too intimate—which left the spanking bench and the most comfortable exam table she’d ever seen. It wasn’t made out of cold metal. It appeared to be made out of the same wood as the other pieces in the room with coverings in padding and leather.

  “You may take a closer look.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” She walked to the table and confirmed her findings. “I like the coverings on your furniture.”

  “Thank you, I’ll tell my friend.” When she looked back at him he added, “Besides the ergonomic furniture, he also builds for the dungeon.”

  Colin had a confidence about him that brought an easy comfort to her senses. The pile of reasons for why she respected him grew. She looked back to the wall of toys and looked for the long narrow paddle she’d admired earlier, but it wasn’t there.

  “Are you looking for this?” He held up the paddle. “You’ve inspired me, Ms. Mary.”

  Chapter Three

  She backed up until her ass ran into the table.

  He pushed the leg rests further apart and stepped closer to her. “I’m honored you’re presenting me with your beautiful body.” He stepped into her personal space, ran his hands down her arms, and lifted her onto the table.

  “We may have only just met, but I’ve been reading about you for weeks in anticipation of today. I feel like I know you already.” She twirled her hair around her fingers. “I should have known you were a Dom.”

  “What should have clued you in?” He dipped his head and nibbled on her ear.

  “Your directness probably and then you ah… Oh.” Her taut nipples scraped against his chest. She leaned into him as he moved down her neck and bit the junction at her shoulder.

  “What else?” He soothed the sting with his tongue.

  “The way you made up your mind about me and I couldn’t influence you.” She let her head hang back.

  “Anything else?” He grabbed her ass, pulling her towards him at the edge of the table, and pressed her against the ridge of his hard cock.

  “Yes, Sir.” She looked up into his darkening eyes and rubbed against him. Her clit came to life. “The way you care for the people around you. You expect a lot from Jen, but you also treat her remarkably well.”

  He grasped her breasts, molded them in his hands and scraped his thumbs over her nipples.

  “Oh, my.”

  “Thank you for sharing your observations with me.” He flicked her nipples. “This is behavior I plan on rewarding.”

  She arched her back and breathed through the sensations bouncing over her body. He picked up her foot and rubbed her arch. She bent her knee and he guided her to place her foot against the inner edge of the leg support. Once the other foot was in place, she was completely exposed to him. The cool air in the room flirted with her pussy and a wall of need pushed out all thoughts from her mind.

  He dragged the flat side of the paddle up and down her legs. She kept waiting for the smack to her clit, but it never came. Each time, he narrowly missed her pussy.

  “You’re not ready for that yet. I can assure you, I intend to abuse that little clit of yours, but I will force it from hiding first.” He stroked his hand up her thigh. “What’s your color, Ms. Mary?”

  “Green, Sir.” She had to have more, needed to know how he would touch her next and how long he’d make her wait to orgasm.

  “Excellent. You need to lie back now.” He pulled a seat from under the table and sat between her legs. His mouth was at the perfect height to tease her pussy.

  Heat licked at her sex and continued to rise as she inched her way back, all the while watching him watch her. She could see how his attention would be addicting.

  “I’ll continue with my goal as long as your eyes remain open and watching what I’m doing.” He kissed her inner thigh and then used his thumbs to part her outer pussy lips.

  With a lick from the bottom to the top of her pussy, she became putty in his hands. Her fingers squeezed the edges of the table and she forced her knees to widen further. He stroked her again with his tongue and then he circled her clit, around and around and around. She wanted to drown in the sensations Colin was pulling from her.

  He sucked her little nub into his mouth. Sparks of light flashed before her eyes and they fluttered closed.

  “Sir, please.” She shook her head back and forth.

  He let go of her and she opened her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Sir.” Her pulse pounded through her clit, begging him to touch her again. “I’ll keep my eyes on you. Please keep going.”

  “Make sure you do.” He stood over her and rested the paddle on top of her mound. “You’re a beautiful tasty woman, Ms. Mary. It’s your lucky day because I think I’m just as anxious to see you fly apart as you are.” He lifted the paddle an inch and smacked her clit.

  Sensations blossomed out from her core. She sucked in a breath and he hit it again. The whole time he held her gaze captive, his fingers danced around her pussy hole.

  “You’re so wet. You want more don’t you, Ms. Mary?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I’m curious how hard your pussy can grip.” He pushed two of his fingers deep inside her, pulled them out, and then right back in. “I want to feel your pussy quiver all over my cock.” He continued fucking her with his fingers, only stopping to smack her clit with the paddle.

  “Sir, I need to come.” His dirty words and wicked movement had her tumbling right to ecstasy.

  “Take your pleasure, sweetheart as soon as you like.” He pumped in and out of her and smacked her clit in an increasing rhythm. “Let me hear you.”

  “Oh, oh, oh!” The dam busted loose and the most delicious pleasure spread from her core to blanket her entire body. She kept her gaze locked on Colin and a wicked grin took over his features. It was the sexiest thing she’d ever witnessed.

  He dropped the paddle and used his hand to rub over her pussy, releasing several more rolls of bliss.

  When her breathing slowed, he picked her up. Her head fell to his shoulder as her body went limp. Together they sat on the settee at the edge of the room. He helped her pull up her legs and she cuddled against him.

  “Thank you. I can’t remember when I’ve had a release that powerful.”

  “It was my pleasure, sweetheart.” He covered her with a blanket and began to rub her back.

  “Will you not let me return the favor, Sir?” The hard ridge of his cock poked at her abdomen.

  “There will be plenty of time for that later. Yes?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You please me, Ms. Mary.” He lifted her hair which was tangled around her shoulder and used his fingers to straighten the tangles. “Relax now and let me hold you.”

  It wasn’t long before she drifted off to sleep. When she woke, she lifted her head from its warm nest and used the back of her hand to wipe the wetness from her mouth.

  “You rested peacefully. I’m pleased you can relax with me. You honor me. Thank you.”

  “How long was I out?” She noticed the wet spot on his shirt and pressed her fingers over the evidence. “I drooled all over you.”

  “Yes, you did. You were only out for about twenty minutes.” His smile started at his lips and lit his eyes. In the
next second, his smile vanished and he lifted her off his lap, set her next to him, and he took her hand in his. “I want to get to know you better.”

  “I’d like that too.” She felt like he was handing her keys to the world.

  “I also want to play with you again.” His hands stilled. “I’ll understand if you’d rather take the job and not play or not play here. If that’s your choice, I’d like you to consider playing with me at the club. Or no to everything. You’ll need to decide how we move forward.”

  “Can I say yes to everything?”

  “Are you sure?” He squeezed her hands. “I have a big couple of months ahead of me with the merger. My time will be tight and it would be much easier to play here.”

  Her thoughts froze. The merger. How could she forget? Her stomach flipped with the dead weight pulling her down. She’d most definitely changed his opinion of her. He no longer believed she was innocent. What would he think of her after he knew everything?

  He turned his body towards her. “Mistress Charlie will want to observe us at the club. It would be my honor to escort you to your first night there.”

  “I’d like that.” She still had to find a solution for the park. Letting the kids down was not an option. She had to be honest with him. He deserved her honesty.

  “I’m glad we got that settled.” He pulled her into his lap. “Now, tell me something about yourself that wasn’t in Jane’s email.”

  “I’m adopted.”

  “Oh.” He pulled her closer. “Into a good family?”

  “The best. My uncle and his wife actually. They’ve been the best mom and dad.” She wrapped her arms around his middle.

  “Do you know your parents, then?”

  “My mom and dad retired to Florida this year.”

  “Ah, right, sorry. So, they’re really not thieves?” He tickled her ribs.

  “No.” She shook her head at him. “I hadn’t expected you to be fun.” She needed to tell him about the park. He needed to know how important it was.

  “You are completely unexpected. I feel like it’s my birthday when it should be one of my saddest days.”

  “You’re going to miss Jen, aren’t you?” Maybe she’d mention the park tomorrow.

  “She’s more than just my assistant; she’s like my little sis. I rely on her for a great deal, but I’m so happy for those two. Enough about me. Tell me more about you. Do you know your birth parents?”

  “Well, my parents took me in when I was just a few weeks old. I’ve never had a conversation with my birth mother, although I feel like I have through her journals. My mom gave them to me when I graduated from college.”

  “How many did she leave you?”

  “There are two, one from her year after college and another after she became pregnant with me.”

  “What a gift.”

  “They truly are. It’s a rare gift for an adopted child. I can see so much of myself in her. Reading about the days when she realized she was submissive was a surreal time for me. She held my hand through my own passage to realization. Her journals are priceless.”

  “I had a similar experience with my own journey, but it was with my best friend, Keller. He’d just opened Club Voyage when we met. He held my hand through every step.” He wiped away the tear that leaked from her eye.

  If her parents and her birth mother taught her anything it was to be honest about her feelings. She’d have to find another way around the park problem. Tearing apart Colin’s merger wasn’t the way. He didn’t deserve it.

  “Your loyalty is a beautiful thing.” He wiped away another stray tear. “Why are you crying?”

  “I’ll tell you, but not today, okay?”

  “Are you sure?”

  She shook her head, not able to find the right words. She wanted him to forgive her for her plans against his merger, but she couldn’t even do that at the moment.

  “I know we don’t know each other well yet, but you can tell me anything. I’m open-minded.”

  “Thank you. I believe that’s true.” She brushed her fingers underneath her eyes. “Tell me something about yourself I couldn’t have found in my research.”

  He looked at his watch and then rolled down his shirt cuffs. “In keeping with our fast track of things, you’re about to see something your research couldn’t show you. My mom is going to be here in a few minutes.”


  “Really.” He set her on her feet and she scrambled into her clothes. “You don’t need to worry about her though. She’s going to love you before she has a reason to. You’ll have her vote with your last name alone.” He retrieved his coat from the hook.

  “Perfect.” His mom was going to love the girl that had been planning to betray him.

  He picked up her shoes as she finished setting her sweater and skirt to rights. He knelt before her and helped her with her shoes.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to tell me what’s bothering you?” He stood and grabbed her hands.

  “I’m sure.”

  “Okay.” He pressed his lips together. “I don’t normally call my mother to solve a problem, but this is a unique case. I want you to believe I’ve gotten where I am on my own merits.”

  “You care what I think?”

  “Absolutely. You’re a hell of a woman, Mary. I like you.”

  “I like you too.” Heaven help her she did like him. “I already know you’ve earned each step of your career.”

  “You’re going to get a reward for that.” He pressed his lips firmly over hers.

  When he pulled away, she put her fingers in her hair. “I’ve got to look like a mess.”

  “You’re perfect.” He pinched her cheek. “This glow suits you.” He checked his watch again. “My mom is a lot of things and one is punctual. She’s probably waiting for us at Jen’s desk.”

  Chapter Four

  They walked hand-in-hand out of the dungeon, through his office, and he was right. Sitting in front of Jen’s desk was a beautiful older woman.

  “Colin, there you are. Where’s Jen? Did she already have the baby?”

  “She’s probably in the process of that right now. Her water broke this morning.” He pulled on Mary’s hand. “I’d like to introduce you to Ms. Mary Conroy.”

  “Conroy, what a lovely name.”

  He winked at Mary. “She’s going to help me while Jen’s out.”

  “Oh good, I won’t need to worry about you then. It’s nice to meet you Mary.”

  “Same to you, Mrs. MacCabe.”

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t get over here before today, but I’m on my way to bridge club now. So, I should have everything settled tonight.”


  “Tell me again why they need the money if they already have it earmarked for this park?”

  “My client’s foundation is merging with another and it’s vital their money remains liquid and in their account over the course of the merger, but the city needs the money now.”

  Mary pressed her hand over her heart and she stumbled back a step.

  “That’s right. This park will be built on the land from the abandoned Bloomingdale line, right?”

  “Yes, I’ll get the brochures. The pictures should help sell it to your girlfriends. They’re in my office.” He turned. “Mary, are you okay? You look awfully pale.” He helped her into a chair.

  “I’m fine. Please, don’t mind me.” She rubbed her forehead.

  “I’ll be right back. Mom, stay with her.”

  Colin had it all covered. Her stomach sank like a box of rocks. She’d only known the real Colin for a few hours, but she wasn’t surprised. He was the white knight, not Mary. She’d come here to tear down his house while he was solving the problem.

  “Have a sip of water.” Colin’s mom held out a short tumbler glass. “Your cheeks are all flushed.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. MacCabe.” She took the glass and downed the water in one gulp.

  “Here you go, Mom.”

; Mary sat up straighter in her chair. The park would be saved. That’s why she was here. It didn’t matter she’d opened her heart and readied it to for heartbreak in the process.

  “Thanks, Colin. I’ll call you after the game. Claire used to live in Logan Square. She’ll be an easy sell. They’ll all be an easy sell actually.” She reached out and touched Mary’s forehead. “Take care of her, honey. I don’t think she’s feeling well.”

  “I will.” He crossed his arms over his broad chest. “Thanks again, Mom.”

  Colin refilled her glass and sat in the chair next to her. She looked down into the swirling water.

  “What is it, Mary?” He rested his hand on hers. “Will you talk to me?”

  “I respect you too much not to tell you everything.” She raised her gaze to his, wishing she could see his approving smile one more time instead of this pinched expression. “We don’t have anything if we don’t have the truth between us.” She took a deep breath. “You’re everything the picture promised and more.”

  “What picture? Mary, you’re not making any sense. Does this have to do with what you wanted to tell me earlier?”

  “Yes.” She took another sip. “I wouldn’t have done anything. I know that now. It’s just their sadness wrecked me. They shouldn’t have to deal with any more disappointments.” She set the glass on the floor. “I was going to talk to you about it tomorrow.”

  “Mary, what is it?”

  “The first time I ever saw your picture was when the merger was announced. That edition of the paper should have announced the green light for the park, but instead it said the park was on definite hold.”

  He sat back in his chair.

  “I made the suggestion to Jane to have me interview for the position here.”

  He got up and put more distance between them. He was right to do it and she couldn’t blame him for whatever he thought of her. Mary was unworthy. She’d doomed any chance with him when she concocted her crazy scheme.

  “I wouldn’t have done anything. Not after meeting you and what we shared.”

  “I think you should leave now.”

  “Please believe me. I wouldn’t have done anything.”


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