How Sweet It Is

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How Sweet It Is Page 2

by Shermaine Williams

  Although there was one memorable occasion when he had a really great time with an older woman. He could tell she was kinky when, over dinner, she insisted he describe what turned him on and his perfect blow-job. As soon as they got back to the hotel, she pounced on him and gave him the best one he’d ever had. First she sucked his balls, opening her mouth wide to accommodate them and closing her lips around their soft flesh. Ben got to lie back and enjoy it as she pleasured him by running the tip of her tongue up and down the underside of his hard-on. Keen to watch her actions, he lifted his head and caught her eye—seeing a wicked glint—as she ran her tongue around the head of his cock as if she was savouring a tasty lolly. He continued to watch her as she slowly took the full length into her warm mouth and he groaned as he felt its head against the back of her throat. As she moved up and down, the muscles of her throat gripped his cock and it felt so good he could already feel a familiar warm tingle in his ball sac. As his shaft began to undulate in her throat, she reached between his legs and gently squeezed his balls until he shot his spunk into her throat and cried out with pleasure, the orgasm making his body tremble. She swallowed every last drop and smiled as if she had just been given a spoonful of honey. Spent and flaccid, he still wanted to please her by licking her pussy. He knew he could make her come just as hard as he had if he got the chance to suck her clit, but she wouldn’t let him.

  Ordering him to sit on a chair in front of the bed, she made him watch as she spread her thighs and played with her pussy, stroking her clit before sliding her finger into her wetness as she moaned. It was such a horny sight that it was mere minutes before he was hard again and, just as she wished, he fucked her with wild abandon.

  They spent most of the night together. She was eager to please and he was happy to let her, which made for a fantastic memory which he could call on for occasions where he needed a bit of help. It was definitely a one-off and he couldn’t see himself ever meeting another woman like her.

  However, the pride he felt at never having cried off before took over and he vowed to make the best of it, thankful this new client had only booked him for the duration of the play. It would take more than one old woman to ruin his perfect record.

  Chapter Two

  As usual, Ben arrived early and did a bit of people-watching as he stood outside the theatre waiting for his date for the evening. He had never heard of the play so he was surprised to see a relatively large number of people milling about before the start of the performance. Seeing a flash of white out of the corner of his eye, he quickly turned his head in that direction but found it to be a false alarm. He watched the cream jacketed woman stroll past him, holding her male partner’s hand. She smiled at the guy lovingly as he opened the door for her.

  Feeling like he had somehow intruded on a private moment, he quickly looked away and busied himself with buttoning his suit jacket and looking at his watch. Ten minutes.

  Distractedly watching a group of people in the distance walking toward the theatre, he spotted a woman who looked like the spitting image of the beauty he’d been fantasising about ever since he’d left Jacqueline’s office the other day. Only when she got slightly closer did he realise it actually was her. There she was and he was meeting someone else. It was unbelievable!

  At least this time he could get a better look at her. The statuesque woman who couldn’t be more than five years older than him wore a clingy, long, black dress with a white wrap covering her shoulders. He didn’t know whom she was meeting, but he was instantly jealous of them. He continued to watch her approach, considering the fluid movement of her curvaceous figure. As she neared him, he boldly looked directly at her face. Her dark brown eyes were fixed on him and, as she moved closer, her dark red lips curled into a smile. He couldn’t help but mirror the action.


  His confusion must have shown on his face, and it made her chuckle.

  He instantly loved the sound of her cute laugh. “Natasha?”

  She held out her hand and smiled, nodding slightly. “Nice to meet you.”

  “And you.”

  Quickly recovering, he took her hand and leaned forward to kiss her cheek, breathing in her intoxicating perfume. She was so stunning he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Was it actually her he was there to meet?

  “Are you ready to go in?” she asked awkwardly, seemingly self-conscious under his intense gaze.

  “Sure.” He smiled, elated that he was there with his longed-for brunette. Natasha.

  Taking a few long strides, he got to the door ahead of her to hold it open, and she smiled graciously as she accepted the gesture by passing through ahead of him.

  The view from the back was equally luscious—even more so than when he had seen her in a combination of jeans and T-shirt. Though he realised it was a bit presumptuous, he lightly touched the small of her back as he guided her inside. She didn’t protest. The minor gesture only served to make him want to go further. The dress she wore enabled him to get a good look at her figure, but all he could think of was seeing her in less clothes. Running his fingers over her smooth, pale skin, gently kissing her neck and shoulders before working his way up to her lips.

  Though there were still several people wandering about the lobby, the couple immediately took their seats after she produced the tickets from her bag. Unable to help himself, he stole sly glances at her as she arranged herself. Seeing her glossy dark hair resting on her shoulder, he had to resist the temptation to brush it back and kiss her neck.

  “Here you go.” She handed him an envelope.

  Usually, the first thing he’d do would be to ask for payment, but it hadn’t crossed his mind until now.


  He slipped it into his inside pocket without bothering to count it. He didn’t want to appear insulting.

  Though he had known about the date for three days, she offered her sincere apologies for the late notice before explaining that she normally attended by herself and she just got bored with doing so. Nodding his understanding, his gaze flicked from her eyes to her lips as he tried to concentrate on what she was saying.

  Although he didn’t hear all of it, he got the gist and made mental notes as the play progressed so he would be in a position to discuss it with her afterwards. From the way she spoke, he could tell she was intelligent and he didn’t want to give the impression that he was a philistine. After all, this was his thing. It would have been his career if he’d continued on the right track.

  It was an effort to keep his eyes off her and on the cast, but he knew he had to so he could demonstrate how smart and observant he was. With a notepad resting on her lap, she was clearly concentrating on the proceedings, and he didn’t want to disturb her or come on too strong. He had to remain professional.

  Finally resigned to the fact she just wanted some company and, consequently, nothing would happen, he settled down to enjoy the play, leaning back in his chair and resting his elbow on the armrest. He froze when that caused him to touch the forearm of his date. She didn’t move away, though, not even a flinch. They both maintained the position they were in until the play came to an end.

  “Hmm, well that was…interesting.” She smiled, leaning close to him to be heard over the applause.

  “Mmm, yes.” The heady scent of her perfume filled his nostrils. “The lead actor was good, though. The rest of the cast were quite over the top.”

  “I agree.” She glanced at her notepad before slipping it into her bag.

  A slight feeling of panic washed over him as he watched her adjust the pashmina on her shoulders in preparation to leave. She would soon be gone and he might never see her again. He would love to ask for her number but he knew he couldn’t break the rules. He was aggrieved by the fact he hadn’t had the chance to work his charm sufficiently to make her want to see him again.

  “Would you like to go for a quick drink?”

  “Erm…” She looked at her watch.

  “On the house,” he grinned.
  She giggled shyly while he congratulated himself on being able to make her laugh. Women loved men who could make them laugh.


  He wanted to punch the air in triumph but he settled for hastily standing up before she could change her mind.

  After mutually deciding that the theatre bar was as good a place as any, Ben settled Natasha at a quiet table in the corner before getting drinks for them both.

  They became quite comfortable in each other’s company as they chatted, discussing trivialities as they sipped their drinks. Not only was she beautiful, she was down to earth. He had been out with plenty of beautiful, arrogant women, but she was self-assured without being up herself. He only did as much as he needed to keep up his end of the conversation, preferring to keep her talking so he could listen to her sultry voice and watch her lips form the words.

  He kept drifting in and out—not because she was boring, not by any means, but because his imagination began taking over. He would put money on her being a screamer. She was probably insatiable, but he wouldn’t mind making an attempt at fulfilling her desires. It was as if he was having an out of body experience and looked down at an image of himself, his head buried between her thighs, her creamy, smooth skin rubbing against his cheeks. Her body bucked as he ran his tongue along her clit, relishing the taste of her as he gripped her bottom and lifted her hips. The position enabled him to cover her entire vulva with his mouth, thrusting his tongue as deep inside her as he could, causing her to jolt toward him, fucking his mouth as she writhed and moaned with pleasure. Digging his fingers into the soft flesh of her bum, he gripped her tighter, sensing she was about to come as her volume increased. He desperately wanted to lap up her juices.

  Before he knew it, she was draining her glass. They had been there for forty-five minutes.

  “I’m sorry, but I must go. I’ve had a wonderful evening.”

  “Good, I’m pleased. I had a really nice time too.” He wanted to ask her to stay but, the way he was feeling, he knew it would just sound desperate and pathetic.

  He walked out with her, his hand on her lower back as he guided her through the door before hailing a taxi on her behalf. As he held the car door open, she turned to face him before getting in, looking into his eyes. “Thank you.”

  With his hand on her waist, he leaned toward her, intending to kiss her cheek. Noting that she closed her eyes and angled her face upwards, he changed tack at the last second and aimed for her lips instead. She didn’t recoil as his mouth lightly pressed against the corner of hers. When they pulled away, he noticed that her face had coloured slightly.

  “See you later, Ben.”

  “I hope so. Bye, Natasha.”

  After closing the door behind her, he watched the taxi drive away, hoping it would stop a few yards down the road and she would come running back into his arms, like in some cheesy movie, and they would passionately kiss in the middle of the street, not caring who might be watching. It wasn’t to be. The car was soon out of sight.

  Having failed to telepathically convince her to stay longer, he felt like a loser who didn’t deserve the luxury of a taxi ride home. Accordingly, he trudged to the underground station, eager to get back to his flat and dwell on his failings.

  He couldn’t put his finger on exactly what it was about her, but he was drawn to her and was disappointed she hadn’t wanted to take things further. She hadn’t even given any indication she was attracted to him. His charm and good looks were usually enough to keep women eating out of his hand, so Natasha’s lack of interest was unsettling. It was a position he rarely found himself in and he didn’t like it—especially on this occasion. There was no rhyme or reason to it. Even after he had sex with a woman he never thought about her this much. But he couldn’t deny how he was feeling now.

  He wondered what her favourite position was, whether she was dominant, what turned her on. There was so much he wanted to discover about her, and the realisation that it wasn’t going to happen made him feel horrible. With nothing else to occupy his attention, he could think of nothing else—nothing but having sex with her—and the more he thought about it the worse he felt. By the time he got home he was positively seething.

  On entering the front door, he succeeded in tripping over a shoebox from an upmarket menswear store.


  Getting no reply, he continued into the living room only to find more goods covering one of the black leather sofas that dominated the sparsely furnished room. He dropped heavily onto the other sofa as he eyed the vast array of colourful packages, packets and bags, hating himself for being curious about what was in them all.

  After a few minutes, Andrew strutted into the room in a pristine, bright white suit. “Check it out, man. How do I look?”

  Ben looked him up and down. “Every inch the poncey gigolo.”

  Far from taking the reply as an insult, Andrew laughed heartily before excitedly looking through the purchases. “Wait ‘til you see these shoes.”

  The lack of response caused the animated young man briefly to stop his search in order to look up at his friend. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Nothing,” came the faux cheerful reply. Though they were best friends, he didn’t want to discuss his worries with him. Andy would probably just think he was feeling hard done by because he didn’t get any.

  “How was your night?”


  “What was she like?”

  The question made Ben immediately uncomfortable, as if to discuss her would somehow sully the memory of his time with her.

  “Okay,” he shrugged.

  “Did you bang her?”

  Indignation quickly spread up through his body and took residence at his throat as if trying to choke him. “Take your mind out of the gutter.”

  Afraid of any more questions, he stomped out to take refuge in his room, but didn’t close his door in time to miss Andrew’s riposte.

  “I’ll take that as a no, then.”

  Chapter Three

  Ben ran his fingers through Natasha’s hair, brushing it to one side to gaze at her as he stood close behind her. “God, you look so perfect.”

  Natasha’s response was to push her hips back and turn her head further, eagerly seeking his mouth. He took the hint and slid his hand up her inner thigh, making her sigh as he pulled her thong aside. Just the lightest touch to her clit made her moan. It was all the encouragement he needed. Kissing her neck, he plunged his finger into her wet pussy as he pushed his still-clothed erection against her luscious bottom.

  “Oh Ben, I need you so badly,” she whispered breathily.

  Although he wanted to tease her, to keep her waiting, to savour every second, he realised even attempting to take it slow was futile. He wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  After freeing his twitching cock, he bent his knees before guiding it into her warm cleft. The feeling of her tight pussy accepting his stiff rod made him moan.

  Lifting her skirt completely, he held it at her waist so he could watch his cock as he pumped it inside her.

  “You feel so good,” Ben whispered hoarsely.

  By now she was breathing hard and didn’t reply except to grind back against him, taking the full length of his shaft, moaning with pleasure. Running his hands up underneath her shirt, he squeezed her bare breasts before pinching her hard nipples.

  He felt his orgasm approaching and he wanted to make her come with him. He gripped her hips and increased the speed of his thrusts, pounding his cock inside her as her moans drowned out his heavy breathing.

  She shuddered and cried out as her pussy tightened around his cock. “Oh…Ben!”

  With a final thrust and a grunt, his body tensed as he released his spunk before collapsing against her back…

  He woke with a start, taking several seconds to realise he was in his own bed, alone, drenched in sweat from some non-existent exertion. Still slightly disbelieving, he looked around the room but saw nothing out
of place. The realistic images generated by his unconscious mind left him doubting the reality around him.

  Twitching impatiently, his hard cock demanded his attention, so he got comfortable in order to tend to it, imagining it was Natasha’s hand massaging the engorged member. With her on his mind, it was barely more than a minute before he grunted, his body bucking as he left a deposit on the sheets.

  Faintly ashamed, he quickly got out of bed and pulled off the sheets at the same time, leaving them in a pile on the floor before heading to the bathroom.

  Thankfully, the flat was quiet and still. It gave him the chance to mope without having to explain himself to Andrew. He wanted to be alone while he wallowed in self-pity at his inability to lure the gorgeous woman he finally had met the previous evening. A woman he actually wanted to sleep with. It was so unfair.

  As he got into the shower, he was comforted by the hope she might want to see him again. She was bound to have more plays to review and, hopefully, she at least considered him good company even if she didn’t fancy him. If he got another chance he certainly wouldn’t waste it.

  Feeling more optimistic, he didn’t linger in the shower but hurriedly washed before jumping out to choose the clothes he would wear to see a regular later that day. Efficient as ever, he quickly finished the task and, still wearing a towelling robe, set about plugging in one of several game consoles into the wide screen television. He was interrupted by his ringing mobile before he had a chance to start a game. On seeing the familiar name lighting the screen, he quickly answered it.

  “Hello Jacqui.”


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