Slave For Rent

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Slave For Rent Page 14

by Samantha Cayto

  “I swear, I had to whip each and every one of them at least once a week for the first month,” he said around a mouthful of food. “They caught on to my standards, though.” He chuckled, the sound making Paul’s skin crawl. “I almost wish they hadn’t. I didn’t expect to get such a hard-on from meting out the punishment.”

  Tanner joined in the merriment with his own laughter. “Yeah, it gets the juices flowing, that’s for sure.”

  McGill nodded as he sucked down more beer. “It sure as hell does. I tried fucking the females that I bought, but it didn’t feel right. They were too delicate. Then I remembered how sweet your boy’s mouth was and I decided to try one of my own.”

  Ben stilled, his hands freezing for a couple of seconds with a chicken leg clasped in his fingers. Because he was sitting next to him, Paul saw the reaction, watched the knuckles go white with strain. He lifted his gaze up and sympathized with the grim set of Ben’s face. Of course he’d be upset by McGill’s words. The man had to be referring to Oliver. Everyone knew he’d been the senior Tanner’s body slave before the older man’s heart problems surfaced. Anyone with eyes knew that Ben held Oliver in a higher esteem than just a slave. Ben didn’t say anything, however. A few seconds later, he resumed his eating, although the look on his face didn’t soften.

  “Even though Diego needs a lot of work, at least he can take a pounding.”

  Jesus, would McGill ever shut up? The way he treated his slaves, the boy especially, turned Paul’s stomach. The more the man nattered on about fucking his slave, the less appealing Paul’s food became. He and Ben traded looks of disgust at one point, but McGill and the older Tanner didn’t catch on to their feelings, or maybe they did and didn’t care. Thank God, Deidre and her friends came back for seconds and stayed. With the women present, talk turned to local politics, which while Paul found boring, at least it didn’t make him want to vomit.

  God, he really wanted to leave, take Danny home and snuggle up in bed. The only thing stopping him was that Danny deserved an unhurried visit with his mother. She’d been kept busy, returning with refills on drinks and food, so how much time she’d had with her boy was debatable. Paul forced himself to stay and pick through his food, including strawberry shortcake for dessert. He switched from beer over to iced tea in order to be able to drive without concern, and the sun had been set for about an hour before the party started to break up. It was a relief to bid his host good-bye and to let Ben show him to the kitchen to get Danny. McGill trailed behind them.

  As soon as he saw Danny, Paul’s mood lightened. The boy sat inside the circle of the other slaves, laughing at something. His relaxed demeanor didn’t change when he saw Paul. Although all of the slaves jumped to their feet when Ben and Paul entered the room, Danny’s smile didn’t dim. He seemed genuinely happy to see Paul. He popped around an older male slave to race up to Paul.

  “Is it time to go, Master?”

  “Yeah, sorry, but it is. Say good-bye to your folks.”

  “Yes, sir.” With the smile still in place, Danny went to hug his father and mother. Mary said something to him that Paul couldn’t hear, but he wasn’t worried. Danny still had a relaxed happiness to him when he returned to Paul’s side.

  Paul took him by the hand and turned to leave. Ben and Oliver also stood with hands clasped, but McGill had his slave by a death grip on his upper arm. Paul forced himself to look away. There was nothing he could do for that poor boy. Instead he held out his right hand to Ben.

  “Thanks for inviting us. I really appreciate the opportunity for Danny to visit with his mother. I had a great time, too.” Okay that was a lie and the look on Ben’s face said he knew it. He still shook Paul’s proffered hand.

  “I’m glad you did, Paul. You too, Danny. See you on Tuesday, I expect.”

  Paul guided Danny back to his truck with as much speed as decorum allowed. Once they were on their way, however, he took a relaxing breath. What an awful party, but so long as Danny enjoyed himself, that was all that mattered. Besides, he had his family party the next day to look forward to. Moist lips on his cheek startled him. He glanced at Danny, who having placed that kiss on Paul, hadn’t moved back to his end of the bench seat.

  “What was that for?” he asked with a grin.

  “I’m sorry, sir. Didn’t you like it?”

  “Oh, I liked it. Unfortunately, we have a forty-five minute drive ahead of us before I can show you exactly how much I liked it.”

  Danny ducked his head. “I just wanted to thank you for taking me to see my mom.”

  “Baby, if it makes you happy, I want to give it to you or do it for you.”

  Danny moved forward and his tongue tickled the side of Paul’s neck. Paul’s cock punched up at the tentative, yet sexy as hell, move. “Is it okay if I touch you like this?” Before Paul could find the breath to answer, one of Danny’s hands slid across Paul’s thigh to brush against his fly. “Or, like this?”

  Paul grunted. Was this his shy, little Danny? He might have created a monster. “Yeah, baby, just like that.”

  His foot hit the gas.

  Chapter Twelve

  Don’t squirm. Don’t squirm!

  Unable to follow his own brain’s command, Danny shifted in his seat, rolling slightly to one side in order to take the pressure off his sore hole. Damn it, as soon as he moved, Paul slanted his gaze sideways.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, sir. I’m fine, just a little antsy about meeting your family.” Danny winced inwardly. His parents had drilled into him from birth how he must never lie to his owner, but this seemed like the sort of occasion in which a lie made more sense than telling the truth. He didn’t want his master to worry about him, especially because it was Danny’s own fault that his ass hurt.

  Paul hummed and his expression indicated that he didn’t quite believe his slave. Happily he didn’t call Danny out on it or smack him. Even a small lie, one made with the best of intentions, deserved at least a slap. But Paul wasn’t like that. Although they hadn’t been together long, Paul had never once raised his hand against Danny even when Danny felt he’d maybe earned a rebuke. Like that morning when he’d dropped a mug while loading the dishwasher. All Paul had done was look over at the broken shards on the kitchen floor and remind Danny to be careful not to cut himself. How many masters would be that casual about a slave breaking something?

  Of course, given how they’d spent the previous night, maybe Paul still felt that inner tranquility that came from mind-blowing sex. Danny sure did, other than the sore ass. Even that sting of discomfort reminded him of the utter joy he’d experienced riding Paul’s cock. They’d fucked in that new way at his master’s suggestion. Tentative at first, Danny had slowly lowered himself onto Paul’s dick while the man sat reclined against the headboard. Danny had quickly realized that he liked being in control, setting an ever faster rhythm until he fairly slammed himself down onto Paul’s lap.

  Paul hadn’t remained passive, either. He’d played with Danny’s nipples and cock, pinching and stroking until Danny reached a frenzy of posting. With his head tossed back and a scream that he couldn’t hold in, he’d shot cum all over his master’s fist and chest. He’d dropped flush against Paul’s lap and ground their bodies together until the cock imbedded within him swelled and pulsed. The shout of the man beneath him sent one more spurt of cum through his dick. Danny had collapsed in a mindless heap into Paul’s waiting arms and they’d lain entwined for long minutes.

  Unfortunately, Danny hadn’t been able to hide the wince as Paul’s softening cock slid from Danny’s hole. Paul had noticed and flipping Danny onto his back, the man had pushed up Danny’s legs to inspect his ass. As satiated as he was, Danny hadn’t mustered up any embarrassment. How life had changed in such a short time. Even though no one had seen such intimate places on him since he’d been out of diapers, it felt perfectly natural for Paul to do so.

  With a tsk and a gentle swat on Danny’s ass, Paul had said, “No more fucking for you this
weekend.” Since waking up that morning, Paul had asked him several times if he was okay.

  Danny had mostly told the truth. His hole stung a lot when soap and hot water hit it and sitting gave it a kind of itchy feeling. But he didn’t care. Fucking his master that way had been awesome fun and yeah, he’d gotten a little too enthusiastic. He didn’t want Paul to forbid him from doing it that way again, though. So he’d been downplaying the effects. Besides, they had this Graham family cook-out to get through. His nerves over meeting his master’s family overrode any mild physical discomfort.

  “Almost there,” Paul said, turning into a nice subdivision of ranch-style houses. “It’s not going to be the elaborate affair we had yesterday. Nothing fancy for food, hamburgers and hotdogs. There will be potato salad and you’ll be the judge, but I’d wager my mom’s is just as good as yours.” He shot Danny a grin.

  Danny returned the expression. “I’m sure it will be delicious, sir. And, hamburgers and hotdogs are what I ate yesterday anyway. I love them.”

  Paul frowned. “Oh, right. I forget how things are with slaves.” He made another turn and cleared his throat. “You know my family is barely middle class, essentially working class. Always has been. We don’t own slaves. Except you, of course. Technically I only lease you, so….” His voice trailed off and Danny heard the insecurity in his master’s voice as if somehow he worried what Danny might think.

  Weird. And sweet. Paul genuinely seemed to care about Danny’s thoughts and feelings. It only served to increase Danny’s growing affection for his new master. He wanted Paul to be happy, too. He worried about whether he’d make a good impression on his master’s family. Although it went against his training, he decided he’d best serve Paul by asking his guidance on how to behave.

  He moistened suddenly dry lips with the tip of his tongue. “If I’m the only slave, should I serve everyone else?”

  “No!” The vehemence of the response startled Danny. Sensing that, perhaps, his master tempered his tone. “You’re going to be a guest in my sister’s home. We’ll all help out, of course, but you’ll sit at the table with the rest of us.” He glanced over at Danny. “This is supposed to be a relaxing day for you as much as anyone else.”

  Danny gave him a shy smile, then dropped his gaze to the container on his lap. He’d baked cookies that morning to bring even though his master had assured him that they didn’t need to bring anything. That seemed impolite, so Danny had asked if he could please bake the cookies anyway. He knew Paul meant what he said about Danny being like everyone else at the party, but he couldn’t imagine he’d be relaxed at all. His one overriding goal for the day was to make sure he didn’t embarrass his master, that he’d make a good presentation to the rest of the family. His mother and father and old mistress had trained him well. He could do this much.

  They finally pulled up to a pretty white house that reminded Danny of home. Not the Tanner’s majestic spread, but the place Danny’s mind already associated with where his heart was happiest. He hopped out of the truck, clutching the container of cookies with a death grip that conveyed his unease with more honesty than he allowed even in his own thoughts. He forced his fingers to relax and turned his lips up into a bright smile as Paul came around to his side. The man slid his arm around Danny’s waist and guided him up the short stoop. A small American flag hung by the front door.

  Paul rang the bell and they waited a few seconds before the door swung open. A pretty woman with a feminine version of Paul’s face gave a small whoop of delight before enveloping Paul in a one-armed embrace. Paul returned the gesture without letting go of Danny.

  “Paul, it’s so good to see you! You don’t come around often enough.” The woman stepped back, beaming at her brother, then her focus slid over to Danny. Her smile dimmed just a bit, enough for Danny to notice, when her gaze dropped down to his collar. “And, who’s this?”

  Paul’s grip on Danny tightened, pulling him in closer to Paul’s hip. “This is Danny. I’m, ah, leasing him from Tanner Lumber. Danny, this is my sister, Sarah Graham Boyle.”

  Ms. Boyle, and he really could only think of her as that, took a few seconds to stare back at the pair of them with wide eyes. “Leasing him?” she finally said, her eyes blinking rapidly. “Oh. Well. It’s nice to meet you, Danny. Welcome.” The words sounded sincere, although there was an undercurrent of uncertainty.

  Danny didn’t dare look her in the eye, not sure if Paul’s rules applied to this woman or any other member of his family. Instead, he stared at a point just beyond her shoulder. “Thank you, ma’am. I hope it’s okay, I baked cookies. Oatmeal raisin and peanut butter chocolate chip.” Danny started to hold out the container to the woman before realizing it looked as if he expected her to do his work for him. He tugged it back to his chest.

  He needn’t have worried. Ms. Boyle reached out for the container and deftly relieved him of it. “How nice! Dessert, especially homemade dessert, is always welcome. I never have Paul bring anything because he can’t cook worth a damn and I don’t need more store-bought stuff. I’m sure everyone will love these,” she added, looking at the cookies through the clear plastic bottom.

  She also stood back to give them room to enter. “Come on in. Everyone’s out back. Oh, I have to warn you, Emma’s brought her boyfriend from college.”

  Paul ushered Danny inside the homey house, letting go of Danny’s waist because there wasn’t enough space to remain side-by-side. Instead, he pressed his palm against the small of Danny’s back, the contact giving Danny comfort and courage.

  “God, I can’t believe Emma’s in college already. I’m starting to feel old.”

  Paul’s sister chuckled over her shoulder. “Yeah, join the club, baby brother.” She led them through a spotless house that Danny only had time to glimpse at before they passed through to a tidy backyard. A small group of people clustered around a grill. Everything reminded Danny of the barbeque at the Tanner’s house, except this event had a more relaxed air about it. He squared his shoulders as they approached the throng, determined to be at ease and do his master proud.

  “Look who’s here!” Ms. Boyle called out.

  Everyone turned and looked at Paul, although each pair of eyes quickly moved away from him and landed on Danny. Despite his resolve of just a moment ago, he wanted to hunch and lean into the protective curve of his master’s arm, the scrutiny making him inherently nervous. Slaves learned early to avoid the notice of free people. This was different, he reminded himself. He was an invited guest, and all that really mattered was if he pleased his master.

  Paul let go of Danny in order to greet his family with hearty hugs. This gathering was small. Danny noted an older couple, clearly Paul’s parents. The man wielding the spatula over the grill had to be Mr. Boyle. A woman about Danny’s age greeted Paul with a shy kiss on the cheek. Ms. Emma, had to be. Then a sullen-looking guy, also around Danny’s age, with shaggy hair and a grunge look stepped up to shake Paul’s hand.

  “Uncle Paul, this is Brent,” Emma said in way of introduction.

  Paul took the kid’s hand and gave it a couple of pumps. “Nice to meet you, Brent. You two go to college together?”

  Emma grinned widely and slipped her arm through her boyfriend’s. “That’s right. We met the very first day at orientation.”

  Paul returned the smile. “That’s great. We’re all very proud of Emma going to Brown. She’s the first of our family to go to an Ivy League school. The rest of us went to state school.”

  “Nothing wrong with that!” This from the Paul’s mother. “Rick and I were so happy to have Sarah and Paul go on to college. It didn’t matter which one.” Her gaze shifted over to Danny. “And who’s this young man?”

  Danny couldn’t be sure, but he thought his master blushed at the question. He stepped back to Danny’s side and once more gathered him close. “This is Danny, everyone.” He proceeded to introduce the family to Danny, Mr. and Ms. Graham, Mr. Boyle, Ms. Emma and Mr. Brent. Of course, Paul used their
first names only, but Danny’s mind translated those into the proper address. No matter how casual his master was with him at home, Danny had had his manners beaten into him too early to put them aside. He gave everyone a brief nod in turn.

  A tense silence reigned for a few seconds while everyone stared at Danny, or rather at his collar. He could practically see the wheels turning inside each and every head, processing the fact that Paul had brought a slave. One that he all but cuddled to his side. Danny’s cheeks flamed under the scrutiny. Paul’s fingers tightened around Danny’s waist briefly in an effort to be comforting.

  “Well,” Ms. Graham finally said, breaking the silence. “What a sweet-looking boy. We had no idea you’d bought a slave, Paul.”

  “Actually I lease Danny, although I’m hoping that will change in the near future.”

  “Lease?” This from Mr. Brent, his tone laced with contempt. “Like he’s a car or something?” The young man pulled out of his girlfriend’s hold and stepping up to Danny, stuck out his hand. “Pleased to meet you, Danny.”

  Flustered by the gesture, Danny looked up at his master. Paul nodded once and gave another squeeze of his fingers in encouragement. So Danny shook the offered had, feeling awkward. Slaves never shook hands. His father had once told him that hand shaking had evolved from freemen proving to each other that they didn’t hold a sword. As slaves weren’t allowed to carry weapons, there was no need for the custom to apply to them. He worried about the amount of pressure he used and the length of the pumping, but the freeman guided the process, thank God.

  “Thank you, sir,” he said in a quiet voice once his hand had been freed. Was that even the right response?

  “Brent,” the young man corrected. “Call me Brent. We’re probably the same age, so calling me sir is ridiculous.”


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