Finding Love: A Contemporary Christian Romance (Love's Enduring Promise Book 2)

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Finding Love: A Contemporary Christian Romance (Love's Enduring Promise Book 2) Page 7

by T. K. Chapin

  “Turkey bacon club, on rye… please.” Michael leaned back and began to try to listen again but the waitress interrupted.

  “You want fries or a house salad?”

  “Fries, thank you.”

  “I’ll have that out for you shortly.”

  “Cool.” Michael said quickly. The waitress left his table and he leaned back to continue to listen.

  “Then he was up on top looking down at me and waving. He lost his balance-”

  “Refill?” The waitress asked, stopping back at his table.

  Glaring at her, Michael leaned forward glancing at his glass. “It’s not even half gone, you just brought it to me.”

  “So would that be a no?”

  Michael saw a smirk in the corner of the waitress’s mouth. She was screwing with him and he knew it. “Actually… I do want a refill.”

  As she went to refill the drink, he wondered about what Rebecca was talking about with the lady. He was on top and waving? What on earth?

  “Here ya go.” The waitress set the glass of water back down forcefully.

  “Actually… Could you get me a cola?”

  “I’ll be back out when your food is ready,” the waitress replied, ignoring the fact he asked for a soda.

  Maybe that’ll keep her at bay.

  Leaning back over his seat he tried to hear the conversation.

  “Totes girl. He’s a good guy… I gotta get running though.”

  “We haven’t even gotten our food yet,” Rebecca replied.

  Michael heard Rebecca’s voice get louder as she turned her head looking around the restaurant for what he assumed was for the waitress. Ducking in his seat he wasn’t able to hide his head entirely. Suddenly, he heard Rebecca get up from her booth. Hiding himself with a drink menu by the napkin dispenser, he turned trying to look out the window.

  Soon she was back in her seat. He breathed a heavy sigh of relief, as his cover had not been blown. Slowly he got comfortable in his seat and leaned back over the booth to listen in again, but heard nothing.

  Turning his head to see if they had left, Rebecca was standing there with her arms crossed and a to-go box in her hand while she glared at him.

  “Oh. Hi, Rebecca…” Michael said. The waitress came back over with his turkey club, setting it down on his table.

  “He was eavesdropping the whole time, Honey.” The waitress grinned at Michael. “Enjoy.” How unkind! He thought to himself as his face went red.

  In a whisper, he mumbled, “See if I leave you a tip.”

  “Were you stalking me?” Rebecca asked defensively.

  “No. My place is right up the road… I came here to eat.” He pointed to his food.

  “Why were you listening to my conversation?”

  “I wanted to know if you cared at all about what happened between us last night, but you obviously did not.”

  “I felt bad with the whole thing. I was just telling my friend-”

  Michael pushed his plate forward and slid out of the booth to meet Rebecca eye level. “I heard you with your friend, Rebecca. ‘He was on top and waving…’ You know what – it’s the same as it was before! There’s NO excuse! And it doesn’t even matter…” He said throwing his hands up.

  Rebecca began laughing so hard she was crying.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying this!” Michael snapped at her. He felt every part of his being on fire with hatred in the moment towards Rebecca. How could one woman be so cruel? “I thought we had something.” Michael began to leave, but Rebecca grabbed his arm.

  “Wait!” Rebecca pleaded.

  Turning around, he said, “What do you want?”

  She dried her eyes with a tissue she had pulled out from her purse. “I’m sorry I laughed… But you obviously didn’t hear everything Chelsea and I were discussing.” Rebecca motioned over to his booth. “Have a seat, I want to explain.”

  “I don’t want you to explain anymore… There isn’t a good enough reason you can say to justify anything! We’re worlds apart!” Michael thought of the tramp stamp tattoo he noticed the other night in her apartment and then the awkward night in his classroom. “We’re just too different.” Michael shook his head. “I love God and he’s a huge part of my life. That’s not something you’ll ever understand, nor will it change.”

  Michael turned back to the table and dropped a ten and a five near the plate, and then grabbed both halves of the sandwich.

  “Michael…” Rebecca said softly. “Jonathan’s in the hospital…”

  Pausing, he looked at her. “I don’t care about Jonathan like you do.” Michael left the sandwich shop and got back into his car.

  CHAPTER 14 ~ Rebecca

  Watching through the sandwich shop window as Michael got into his car, Rebecca’s eyes began to water. This time it wasn’t from laughter, though; it was from the pain of knowing she hurt him so deeply.

  The waitress came over and began clearing Michael’s table as Rebecca turned around.

  “Were you going to stay?” The waitress asked, pausing for a moment before removing the plate of fries left over.

  “No… I’m going to go.” Rebecca grabbed her purse and coat from the booth she and Chelsea had been sitting at and left to head back up to the hospital.

  On the way back up to the hospital her thoughts bounced between Jonathan and Michael. She really liked both of them, but watching Jonathan almost die did something to her. Replaying in her head over again, the scene with the paramedics and workers surrounding Jonathan scared her to death. He could have died… She didn’t want to lose Jonathan, and she could have lost him in that moment forever. Her thoughts shifted over to Michael suddenly. He was a nice guy and shared much of her own interests… but could she spend her entire life with someone who believed in God?

  Arriving back at the hospital, Rebecca took a deep breath as she stepped out of her car. Peering up at the large hospital and all the windows, Rebecca searched for the room Jonathan was in. I hope he’s doing better with the pain, she thought to herself as she spotted the window with the big yellow smiley face balloon that he got from the publication with a ‘get well soon’ card. Walking through the revolving doors as she entered the hospital, she saw Stacy purchasing a coffee at the little coffee shop that was near the gift shop.

  Remaining inconspicuous, Rebecca kept her distance as she waited and watched Stacy. What is she doing here? Ugh… She thought to herself as she watched her grab not one, but two coffees and head down the hallway towards the elevators.

  Tailing her, Rebecca followed her down the hall and hid around the corner as Stacy got onto the elevator. Seeing the stairs nearby, Rebecca darted over for them and headed up to the second floor, where Jonathan’s room was. Opening the door slowly, she saw Stacy walk to Jonathan’s room.

  What if they get back together? I don’t think Jonathan would do that. He’s serious about us… I think.

  Continuing out of the door from the stairs, she made it to Jonathan’s room and leaned against the wall just outside the room to listen in on him and Stacy.

  “Stacy!” Jonathan exclaimed before letting out a moan of pain.

  “Oh, my poor baby!” Stacy replied, handing him a cup of coffee.

  “Thanks…” Jonathan said. Peering around the corner into the room, Rebecca saw him take a sip of the coffee. Sniffling and crying erupted from Stacy suddenly. “Please don’t cry…” Jonathan said, touching her arm softly.

  Why’s he touching her?!

  Rebecca’s heart raced as she leaned back against the wall to hide herself.

  “How can I not cry? You almost died Jonathan! I don’t know which I’m more upset with… the fact you almost got yourself killed or you were there with that stupid girl.”

  “You saw the news?”

  “Yeah, I saw the news!” She snapped at him. “It’s all over the news networks about the restaurant being under investigation and shut down over the incident.”

  “I see…”

  “Is that why we
broke up? Because of that Rebecca chick? The article writer?” Stacy laughed.

  Rebecca’s anger with Stacy’s laughter about her was pushed aside by the anticipation of Jonathan finally admitting his true feelings for Rebecca.

  “Yes… There’s something about her that drives me crazy…”

  Peeking around the corner with a grin on her face, Rebecca watched as Stacy swung her purse at Jonathan’s face. Ducking out of the way, he let out a painful moan. “Stop that! You’re being immature!”

  “You just admitted to me you broke it off because of another woman. What makes this one so different? What’s to stop you from doing that to her? You know how we met Jonathan… You thought I was special.” She swung her purse again and hit him right in the ribs where he had fractured them. Rebecca winced in pain as Jonathan let out a cry in agony.

  “It’s different with her…”

  “Uh huh… I’m done. I’m not going to stand here and listen to this garbage… and I’m keeping the dog!” Stacy shouted. Seeing her turn to leave Jonathan’s bedside, Rebecca ran and hid down the hall around the corner.

  He likes me! She thought to herself as she smiled, leaning against the wall. But what if she’s right? He could end up doing the same thing to me… The sound of Stacy’s high heels clanked as she stormed by the hallway corner that Rebecca was hiding in and towards the elevator.

  Walking into Jonathan’s room, Rebecca couldn’t help but smile as she made eye contact with him. Coming to his bedside, she ran her fingers along his cheek, and looked into his gorgeous emerald green eyes.

  “How are you doing?” Rebecca asked softly.

  Jonathan sat up in his bed more and grabbed his side as he moaned. Catching his breath, he said, “I’ve been better. Stacy was just here.”

  “Oh yeah?” Rebecca asked, running her index finger along his arm closest to her. “Hopefully she didn’t convince you to get back together with her.”

  “She and I are done. She knows that now.” Jonathan shook his head. “She’s a silly woman.”

  “Why’d you break it off with her, Jonathan… was it because you knew I met a decent guy… or something else?”

  Rebecca was fishing to hear him say what he said to Stacy about her.

  “I want to be with you Rebecca. The other night, on the roof top, I felt so alive… so free. Then when you found a decent guy… I got scared, yes.”


  “Yes,” Jonathan smiled at Rebecca as he touched her face with the palm of his hand. Looking over towards the doorway of his hospital room, he continued, “I never felt comfortable to speak openly with Stacy like that… or anyone for that matter.”

  Rebecca’s heart fluttered at his words. Beaming, she placed a hand on his arm. “I didn’t know how strongly I felt for you until you almost died last night.”

  “I didn’t almost die…”

  “You really could have! I was scared of losing you…”

  A knock on the door interrupted them. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw two men in suits standing in the doorway. “Mr. Bateman?” One of the men said as he walked into the room.

  “Yes,” Jonathan replied. “Are you the lawyers?”

  Nodding, the man said, “I’m Hank and this is my partner Samuel.” The man looked over at Rebecca. “And who are you?”

  “I’m Rebecca-”

  “Just a friend,” Jonathan interrupted.


  “Could you please leave while we speak with Jonathan privately?”

  Rebecca was offended not only by Jonathan’s friend comment, but by the pushiness of the lawyers. “Sure…” Rebecca leaned over and kissed Jonathan’s forehead as she squeezed his hand firmly. “I’ll be right outside.”

  As Rebecca stepped out of the room, Samuel shut the door behind her. Placing her ear up against the door, she listened in to see if she could make out what they were saying.

  “What kind of settlement are you seeking?”

  “Like I told my lawyer the other day, I just want the medical covered and this kind of thing to be prevented in the future… And that’s the only reason why you guys can be here without my lawyer present.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Ma’am,” A nurse said from behind her tapping Rebecca on the shoulder.

  Turning around, Rebecca asked, “What?”

  “I need to get in there to check on Mr. Bateman.”

  “Be my guest,” Rebecca said, stepping out of the way.

  Her phone rang, glancing at the screen, she saw it was Michael. Her heart skipped a beat seeing his name on her phone. Should I answer it? What could he possibly say to me? More about how different we are?

  “Hello,” Rebecca answered the phone with a sharp and agitated tone.

  “Can we meet up and talk?”

  “Why? I thought you made yourself pretty clear earlier… and I’m with Jonathan now anyway. I don’t want to be with you, Michael. You were right about us being different.”

  Pausing for a moment before he spoke, Michael cleared his voice and continued. “That’s fine. I just want to talk and clear things up a bit. I have an idea.”

  Glancing back at Jonathan’s hospital room door, she debated for a moment about seeing him. “I don’t know…”

  “Okay, that’s fine. We’ll just go our separate ways. Goodbye.”

  Hearing those words come off Michael’s lips terrified her more than Jonathan’s fall. “Stop! I don’t want that,” she said quickly. “Let’s meet, tonight at seven, Honders. Okay?”

  “That’s the Mexican restaurant over off Francis, right?” Michael asked.

  “Sure is.”

  “See you then.”

  After getting off the phone, Rebecca felt herself excited to meet with him, but slightly apprehensive. What proposal could he have?

  The lawyers walked out of Jonathan’s room and nodded to her as they left. Walking into the room, she shut the door behind her.

  CHAPTER 15 ~ Michael

  Michael knew that his plan was a long shot and most likely would fall apart, but he didn’t care. He was blinded by his desire to be near Rebecca, even if they weren’t going to be together as a couple. At the very least he could share her company as a friend. After all, they both had a love for laughter, common interests and shared the experience of losing someone they loved. Her lack of interest in God and shenanigans with her boss scared him to his core, but he had hoped that a friendship could be possible between the two of them, all differences aside.

  “You won’t be able to maintain a friendship,” Floyd said as he took a bite out of his slice of pizza.

  They had met up at Joe’s Pizza in Spokane for a late afternoon bite since Floyd was in town for a doctor’s appointment.

  “I want to try to be friends,” Michael replied as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. Peering past Floyd’s shoulder into the arcade area of the restaurant, he watched as a man helped his kid up onto a stool to play a pinball machine. “I’ve only felt this way with one other woman in my life… And I’d rather be her friend and see if something more can come of it than never see her again.”

  “Love’s a strange thing. You’re happy with this woman, I can tell that.”

  “I just wonder if God can hear my prayers…”

  “He does hear your prayers.” Floyd took a sip of his iced tea. “He always answers a prayer in one of three ways. One – No. Two – Not yet. And three – Yes.”

  “So you think he’s saying ‘not yet’ or…?”

  “I don’t know that, Mike. Just keep praying and put God first. It’ll come to you.”

  Michael didn’t respond, but instead just nodded as he continued to eat his pizza. Why’s God’s will so hard to figure out? Michael wondered.

  “I know it can be frustrating. Life has a way of doing that to us.” Floyd looked out the window that their table sat against, and watched the leaves on the tree outside blow in the wind. “Things are getting a little shaky around my own house… and I don’t know what
the future holds for us.”

  “I had no idea anything was wrong…”

  “We tend to not show our troubles around others. It’s behind closed doors.”

  Michael reached across the table and grabbed Floyd’s hand. “Is there anything I can do?”

  “Just pray for us… God will bring us through this storm, just like he does for all the storms in life.”

  Emmie, Floyd’s daughter, came running in from the arcade area at Joe’s Pizza. “Daddy… can I have a few more quarters?”

  Floyd laughed. “I gave you all the quarters I had!”

  “Okay,” she said, dipping her chin to her chest. Sitting back up in her seat next to him, she began to eat a slice of pizza.

  “I will pray for you guys,” Michael replied, leaning back in his seat.

  Michael felt bad that he didn’t recognize Floyd’s own struggles in life. He was so concerned about his own issues, relationships and life that he didn’t even bother to see how the people around him he cared for were doing.

  After finishing up with the late lunch, and on the way back to his apartment, Michael began to pray in his car.

  Please help me see Your will, Lord, in my life. I don’t know what You’re doing or what You’re up to, but I want to remain faithful through it all. I pray that You help soften Rebecca’s heart and help her to see the truth of You, Lord.

  Coming to an intersection with a yellow light, he slowed down as it turned red, but the car next to him didn’t. Instead, the small compact car floored it through the red light.

  Watching as the car went through the intersection turning left; Michael saw a pick-up truck speeding through a red light coming from the opposite direction.

  “No!” Michael shouted, as time seemed to stand still.

  The pick-up truck smashed into the driver side door of the car at full speed, launching it across the intersection and causing it to roll several times down the road. Adrenaline shot through Michael’s veins as he panicked. Jumping out from his car, he sprinted to the car that was upside down.

  Getting down on his hands and knees, he tried to communicate with the woman trapped underneath, still in the car.


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