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Dark and Damaged: Eight Tortured Heroes of Paranormal Romance: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set

Page 87

by Colleen Gleason

  Aurora pulled away, feeling her cheeks heat. “The coffee wasn’t that hot.”

  “That coffee was scalding. Susan always keeps it that way.” Robert gave her an assessing look. “Why aren’t you burned?”

  “I have to clean up this mess.” She knelt and began picked up the shards of glass, but Robert stayed her hand. He gave a hard glance around the room and suddenly a horde of Lupines were picking up the glass, while others rushed over with a mop and broom.

  She had seldom seen such quiet, efficient obedience to a non-verbal command. It testified to Robert’s power as an alpha. He might joke about the pack not listening to him, but clearly he was in charge.

  He guided her to a quiet, empty table on the café’s other side. “Sit.”

  Aurora refused to meet his gaze, but he sat next to her, clasped her chin and lifted her face upward. His dark green gaze was both intrigued and troubled. A Lupine hurried over with a wet towel. Robert thanked and dismissed him, turning back to Aurora as he gently placed it over her arm. It was cold and she shivered.

  She hated the cold.

  “Why aren’t you burned?” he repeated. “What are you?”

  “Mage. You know this.” She wished for the millionth time that she was normal.

  “Mages burn like most Others. Not you.”

  She thought quickly. “I’m a slave. Cadeyrn… endowed me with special talents to ensure his investment wouldn’t be harmed if I had an industrial accident.”

  “Liar,” he said softly. “The Shadow Wizard isn’t that generous with his protective powers.”

  “Maybe I’m just different.” She removed the towel from her arm and placed it on the table.

  His mouth twisted in a wry smile. “You are different, Aurora.” Releasing her chin, he stroked a single finger over her unblemished arm. “Quite different. Such soft skin, so smooth.”

  Then he dropped his hand and something sparked in his gaze, something deep and bonding, as if he saw beyond her uniform, through her flesh to her very soul. It thrilled and disturbed her because it spoke of a deeper connection, one she did not want.

  Sex was one thing. If she must breed this alpha’s heir, then so be it. But she didn’t want to bond with him, or grow close. After her experience with the two-faced witch, Aurora didn’t trust anyone. Her mission to free Emily was her driving force behind surviving slavery. She would open her legs and let him do what men liked to do to women.

  But trust him? Never. Fall for him and open her heart? Never.

  Robert’s lips parted as he stared at her mouth. Her body tightened and the space between her legs felt tender, open with yearning.

  “You’ve got the most amazing mouth,” he murmured.

  She moistened her lips.

  “Don’t do that. It makes me want to kiss you.”

  “Is that such a bad thing?”

  Shut up, Aurora. Gods, was this her talking? The woman who shunned all male contact, determined to stay the course and do whatever she must to save her sister?

  “No. But we’re in a very public place, and if I kiss you, I’ll want more than a kiss. It could be quite dangerous.” He leaned close, his powerful cedar and sandalwood scent enveloping her.

  Noise from the café’s chatter suddenly faded away, as if they were alone. She became aware of him as more than a wolf. He was suddenly all man, with the sexy bristles covering his strong jaw and chin, the penetrating green of his eyes, the sensual curve of his mouth. Kissing him would be more than flirting with danger.

  It could lead to other things, and she must remain focused until the time came for him to bed her and conceive his longed-for heir.

  But part of her longed for a kiss.

  For so long she’d been denied even basic kindness. And then she remembered how much the witch had purported to care about her… offering her food and then slamming the iron bar on Aurora’s hand as she fell for her ploy and reached for a freshly baked muffin.

  Encouraging Aurora to draw close to her, confide in her, and then punishing her stupid slave for talking too much.

  No one could be trusted.

  But she was bound by the blood oath. If he wanted to kiss her, or take her by force, she had no choice. Aurora drew back.

  He gave her a rueful look. “You’re afraid of me.”

  “I must do whatever you ask of me.”

  She kept her tone respectful, yet low. It was bad enough that everyone in the café had witnessed her sprawled on the floor. She didn’t need them to overhear a bald statement about how powerless she was in this pack.

  Robert gave her a critical look. “I told you, you will be free.”

  She would never truly be emancipated until the Shadow Wizard permanently destroyed her slave collar. “Can I get back to work now?”

  He searched her face, and then gave a little nod. Aurora hurried back to the kitchen, waving off Susan’s motherly concern with a cheerful assurance she was fine.

  But as she served Robert’s breakfast, she could feel his gaze on her, sharp and assessing.

  There was more than typical male interest there, and if she wasn’t careful, she could fall for him, sinking like a stone into a deep pool. Drowning there, never again to surface, leaving Emily to her fate…

  She kept busy, performing her duties with brisk efficiency, all the while feeling the eyes of every pack member studying her. They knew now that she was different—not only as a Mage, but as one who didn’t form burns. From what she knew about Lupines, they didn’t like those who were different. They were a team, and protective of their own.

  And judging from the looks a few females gave her, they didn’t like their alpha near her.

  Aurora wondered if someone other than Melanie would stick out a foot and trip her. Or maybe worse: stick a knife in her back.

  Finally the breakfast rush was over, and she had a chance to take a short break. As she sat on a stool in the kitchen, drinking a bottle of water, Melanie walked into the kitchen. With her long red hair, cornflower blue eyes and curvy figure encased in a pink and green floral dress, Melanie was quite pretty. But the coldness on her face erased the beauty. Aurora set down the water.

  “Robert seems quite taken with you.” Melanie folded her arms. “He’s called a pack meeting to make a big announcement. I know what it is already. He’s taking you as his mate.”

  Aurora waited warily.

  “Don’t expect any mating gifts from me.”

  As if.

  “I don’t trust you. I warn you, if you try anything against any one of us…”

  Aurora spread out her hands. “What can I do?”

  “I saw how that coffee splashed on your arm. I’ve heard the rumors flying around. The Shadow Wizard sent you here to breed with our alpha.” Melanie poked a finger at Aurora’s chest. “You’ll ruin our bloodlines. We’re Lupines, and you’re Mage. We don’t like Mages. Caroline, the last Mage who lived here, nearly destroyed our pack.”

  Aurora kept her expression calm, her hands fisted at her sides, fighting the urge to shove Melanie against the walk-in freezer. “That’s not what your alpha thinks. He wants me to give life, not take it away.”

  “You might be able to help Rob break the curse by mating with him, and then having his baby, but you’ll never satisfy him fully in bed. Only a female of his own kind can.”

  “I’m here to do whatever Robert wants,” Aurora told her.

  Contempt touched Melanie’s face. “You’re not good enough to wipe the field dirt off his boots. Rob’s been through a lot. If you try to hurt him in any way… or hurt our people…”

  On the stainless steel counter near Aurora sat two small watermelons Susan intended to cut up and serve for lunch.

  Melanie took one of them and placed it on the floor. Then she smiled and shifted into a large gray timber wolf, snarling at Aurora. The wolf sank her teeth into the watermelon and tore it to shreds. Fruit exploded amidst a wash of juice, making Aurora’s stomach twist.

  The message was clear: Mess wit
h me and you’ll be like this melon. Melanie growled.

  Aurora lifted her shoulders. “I’m real impressed. You can kill fruit.”

  She picked up the kitchen knife and twirled it like a baton. The Mages had taught her well, and she knew how to defend herself. She cut off a slice of another melon on the table. Aurora tossed it into the air. As it descended, she neatly halved the slice.

  Aurora set down the knife, resisting the urge to growl back. “So can I.”

  Got it? You may think you’re a tough wolf, but I’m no helpless, scared rabbit.

  Melanie shifted back into skin and waved a hand, clothing herself by magick. She narrowed her gaze. “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

  She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “I’m a slave and the Shadow Wizard gave me to your alpha.”

  “I know.” Melanie drew close, almost in Aurora’s face. “But I don’t buy it. You’re here for something else.”

  “You’re right. I am. I’m here for the benefits. Free dental care, health insurance, and paid time off. That’s the real reason I came here.”

  Melanie reached for the pitcher of ice water on the counter and tossed the contents into Aurora’s face. Shock slapped her, and she sputtered, her system going haywire at the overdose of cold. She put her hands to her face, desperately seeking warmth, trying not to show her weakness.

  Never show an enemy weakness, Cadeyrn had warned her. You’ll be dead by morning.

  “That’ll teach you to watch your mouth.” Melanie set down the empty pitcher. “What’s wrong, slave? Cat got your tongue? Wrong animal to have it in a pack full of wolves.”

  Shivering seized her. Aurora tried to control it, but the cold sank into her bones with icy claws, scraping each nerve ending, dozens of sharp needles sinking into her flesh. Aurora’s teeth chattered, and she felt her change howling to spring free. NO! No, not after all these years, she must never let them see what she truly was…

  Hold it together. Otherwise, you’re toast. Get a grip. It’s going to be okay…

  Finally the shivers slowed and she was able to control her shaking body, willing herself not to change.

  But as she dried her face on a clean dishtowel grabbed off the counter, she noticed Melanie staring, and the spark of knowing in the other female’s eyes.

  Oh. Damn.

  “You’re immune to hot liquids, but cold water makes you react as if you were in the Arctic. Interesting. I knew you weren’t a typical Mage.”

  With every ounce of self-control, Aurora forced herself to stop shivering. She threw down the towel and looked at Melanie, affecting a bored expression. Inside, though, every part of her wanted to shut down, hibernate for a few thousand years or two.

  “I daresay Lupines would react the same if someone threw ice-water at them.”

  What a feeble comeback. It wouldn’t do anything to thwart the woman.

  Melanie glanced around and then seized another pitcher. As she headed to the ice machine, footsteps sounded. Someone was coming into the kitchen. The Lupine set the pitcher down.

  “Interesting,” Melanie murmured again, and then she turned on her heels and walked out of the kitchen.

  Aurora stood alone, shivering and cautious. For she had just given her enemy the means to destroy her.


  In the days following the coffee pot incident, Aurora became increasingly aware of the pack’s gathering dislike. Everyone except Susan. The motherly Lupine had seen her soaking wet, shivering and when she found out what Melanie had done, Susan had ordered Aurora to go to her room and change her clothing.

  “Ignore Melanie,” Susan had told her. “She’s jealous and wants to sink her claws into my brother and doesn’t like it when he pays attention to another female.”

  But the rest of the pack was not as kind. They sensed she was different, and word had spread she was to become Robert’s mate. To inform the pack about his decision to mate with Aurora, he’d held a meeting to which she wasn’t invited.

  Each time she served orders of food, she heard Lupines muttering about her being an outsider. Even if she was destined to break the curse, they didn’t like her. Different was definitely bad in this tight-knit community. They hated her for being an outsider, a slave and worst of all, a Mage like Caroline.

  Robert made it a habit to eat meals at the café now during her shifts, and always requested her table. Most times, he invited her to sit a few minutes with him. They’d talk about trivial matters, such as the seasonal tourists or the best way to prepare grilled zucchini. Susan even set aside a special place for him, just so Aurora could serve him.

  But just as they’d start getting into a fascinating discussion, someone would come along and interrupt. Robert was needed to sign for a delivery of gardening supplies. Or he was wanted in the fields, or someone had a problem only he could solve.

  Aurora knew the pack was doing this on purpose because they didn’t like their alpha growing close to a stranger who wasn’t Lupine.

  Yesterday Robert had assigned her some new tasks that got her away from the café. Maybe he sensed the gathering animosity. Or perhaps he just needed the help.

  It gave her the perfect opportunity to search for clues to the dragon’s existence. She’d explored the grounds near the wedding gazebo when Melanie saw her. She’d hastily left, but Aurora suspected the bitch didn’t believe her excuse of admiring the plant life.

  Today she planned to do more exploring, only with greater care.

  The day was so lovely, with sunshine warming the earth and temperatures hovering in the mid-seventies. By now snow would have covered the ogre’s fields and she’d have been stuck inside with him. Talk about cabin fever.

  Aurora sang in a low voice as she pulled a cart filled with seedlings toward the shade house. The cart bumped audibly over the flagstone path. She paused at the gazebo to admire the view.

  The gazebo was serene and offered a wonderful view of the gardens. She gazed at the trees, bushes, and flowers. Aurora wished Robert would assign her to till the earth and plant seeds that would generate new life. There was peace here, such peace she hadn’t felt while serving the ogre who farmed the land. The ogre cared only about profit, not the land itself.


  She turned at the sound of Robert’s deep voice and her heart gave a little leap. “Hi.”

  He smiled at her and she felt a flutter of joy inside. Connected. Odd how this strong alpha with his devotion to his people made her feel special, as if she were the only one in his universe.

  “I’ve been looking for you. I’m building a playhouse for the children by the main lodge.” He flexed his arms, and she admired the pull of strong biceps. “It’s distracting, a good hobby. I thought about adding window boxes, but I’m not sure what type of plants to add.”

  “You run a nursery and you don’t know what kind of plants to use?”

  At her incredulous tone, he laughed and shoved his hands into his jeans pockets. “I do. What I really need help with is picking a color for the window boxes. Everyone’s given me opinions on what to plant, especially Melanie. She wants impatiens, which need a lot of watering and can die in the summer heat. I want something child-friendly. No cactus with sharp thorns that can prick.”

  “Yes, I’d save the cacti for Melanie’s personal window box…”

  “Because she could use a few pricks,” he finished.

  At her laughter, he grinned. It was such an impish, boyish smile. He was no longer the cold alpha, but a man sharing an inside joke with her.

  “I’d like you to see the playhouse and tell me what you think. After, we’ll stop at the store, have a glass of lemonade. Real lemons, and natural sugar. Maybe have a bite to eat as well.”

  Was he asking her out on a date? Aurora’s heart fluttered, but it was best to be cautious. Not to get her hopes up that he’d give her any attention outside of the mating bed.

  Or that he’d never slam an iron bar down on her hand like the witch had.
  She reminded herself, that to him, she was a means to an end. A vessel for his heir - nothing more. So he was trying to soften her up… make things less awkward and artificial. That was all.

  “I have to get these seedlings over to the shade house,” she began.

  He waved a hand. “I’ll have someone else do it.”

  Then he clasped her own hand, making her drop the wagon handle. The delicious warmth of his calloused fingers sank into her. Strong ones that worked hard and tilled the earth. Gentle. She wondered what they would feel like roaming over her body, coaxing her into pleasure…

  As they cut through the grass to head for the store, Aurora saw a woman with a baby in her arms scurry toward them.

  “Robert! There you are.”

  She saw a flash of dislike cross the woman’s face as she looked at Aurora. The woman’s expression turned to joy once the alpha noticed her. “Jerry’s walking!”

  She set down the baby and he toddled towards Robert, who laughed and swept him into his arms.

  “Paul is somewhere on the property and I’m looking for him. I want him to see this.”

  “He’s growing so fast.” Robert cooed at the baby, who tried grabbing his shirt. He gently set the baby down, who promptly grabbed at the thick grass and tried bringing some to his mouth.

  “Oh no you don’t.” Robert swept him back into his arms. “No eating grass until your first shift into wolf.”

  “And only then if you have an aching belly,” the woman added.

  Robert laughed along with the woman. Aurora felt self-conscious and isolated. The woman glanced smugly at Aurora, as if she didn’t understand the inside joke.

  I get it. Wolves, like dogs, eat grass when their stomachs are upset. I’m not ignorant.

  But there was so much she didn’t know, so much she’d never learned before her parents had been turned into ash by the Shadow Wizard’s energy bolt.

  I’m all alone.

  The newcomer continued to ignore Aurora and took the baby from Robert. “Do you know where Paul is? He’s already missed little Jerry’s first words. I want him to see his first steps, I really do.”

  “He’s in the store, stocking plants. Let’s go show your Daddy what you can do.” He gave Aurora a glance. “I’ll take you to see the playhouse tomorrow.”


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