Come Back to Me_A Brother's Best Friend Romance

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Come Back to Me_A Brother's Best Friend Romance Page 35

by Vivien Vale

  Boone and I watch as her little face lights up, and she runs towards us.

  “Special breakfast!”

  “That’s right, princess. We’re having special breakfast.”

  Amelia barrels into our legs, one arm wrapped around each of us. I laugh and look at Boone.

  I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this happy.


  “What would you guys like to do today?” Margot loads waffles on my plate.

  “I want to play outside with Crockett.” Amelia follows her statement by shoving two pieces of pancake in her mouth.

  “That sounds like a great plan. This is a beautiful area, and I’d like to get some more photographs.” Margot’s nibbling on a piece of bacon as she looks contemplatively out the window. “It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day.”

  “Well, I know some great places I can show you guys. And you’re going to love all the wildlife and scenic views for your photos.” I can’t help adding, “These waffles are really delicious. I’m so glad we had enough flour.”

  Margot’s head pops up as I say this, and her face flushes red.

  “Yes, that really was an unfortunate accident in your pantry. I’m sorry about that.” Her quick humor is one of the great things I love about her.

  I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively. “Not a problem.” She’s still blushing, and it’s so cute.

  “Crockett can come outside with us, right?” Amelia’s been a real champ on her plate and is already winding down.

  “Of course, sweetie. He pretty much comes and goes as he pleases.”

  Amelia looks immediately relieved and fills her mouth again.

  One of the great things about having a pet raccoon is I don’t usually have to feed him. He scrounges pretty well for himself outside. I just need to make sure that I keep all the food stored away and the pantry door closed on a regular basis.

  “Do you want another piece of bacon, Amelia?” Margot holds out the plate in front of us. “You better get it while it’s here.”

  Laughing, I hold my hand up and shake it. These three waffles have really filled me up.

  “Make sure you get another piece, Margot.” I don’t want my beautiful girl withering away.

  Both girls grab another piece and finish the plate.

  I think about where I’d like to take them first. Margot should be able to get some fascinating photos of the plant and wildlife.

  “There’s a beautiful creek not far away. As long as Amelia understands she only visits it with one of us, I think it’s a great place to spend the morning.”

  Amelia’s head nods vigorously at my words.

  “I’m done. Can I go outside?” Amelia is trying to push her chair away from the table and get down from her makeshift booster chair.

  “How about you help clear the table while I start washing?” Margot smiles and moves behind Amelia’s chair to help her get down.

  Amelia’s excited hooray makes doing dishes sound as exciting as going out to play.

  I hope she’s always this excited about everything. I’m so looking forward to watching her grow up and develop into as beautiful a woman as her mother.

  It doesn’t take long to get the kitchen cleaned up.

  The only hiccup is when Margot tells Amelia she has to go brush her teeth before we go outside.

  Dental hygiene is obviously not very high on a four-year-old’s priority list.

  Volunteering to do it with her seems to make it more exciting, so we both head to the bathroom.

  Amelia wants to show me how great she is at putting toothpaste on her own toothbrush, so I let her do mine as well.

  We make idiotic faces in the mirror as we brush and foam up our mouths.

  By the time we are done, I have to spend a few minutes cleaning the mirror while Amelia takes off downstairs.

  “I’m walking out with Amelia and Crockett,” Margot calls up the stairs as I’m finishing up.

  “Sounds good. I’m right behind you.”

  It’s amazing how, in two days, so much has changed.

  My bedroom looks lived in and homey.

  It looks like Margot made an effort to make the bed, but I know Amelia had been romping on it shortly after we woke up, and the covers are rumpled, giving the whole bed a relaxed feel.

  Just the way I feel right now: full, happy, and definitely content.

  Heading outside, Margot rounds up Amelia and Crockett to follow me into the woods on a barely discernible trail used by game in the area.

  Amelia and Crockett flit on and off the trail, mostly with Amelia chasing Crockett and investigating everything that seems to interest his nose.

  Grasping Margot’s hand, we walk companionably in silence down the trail.

  I wonder if she’s having the same thoughts as I am.

  “We’re going to need to figure out other sleeping arrangements for Amelia long term here.”

  I can’t help it if this is a top priority on my to-do list. I’m sorry, but I don’t want to constantly have sex on the floor or in the pantry.

  “Why, Boone, are you inviting me to move in with you?” Margot’s coy tone lets me know we’re on the same page.

  “No, I’m not asking you to move in.” Her head jerks up, and her smile dims slightly.

  Stepping in front of her, I bring her to a halt, chest to chest. “I’m working on the arrangements for more than just here. This doesn’t have to be our home. I just want us to be constantly together, and you’ll be my home, Margot.”

  She melts against me as her head tilts back, and I eagerly kiss her with all the emotions swelling in my chest.

  They are both now my everything.

  I don’t want Margot to feel like she’s losing anything by being with me.

  We both have money and could go anywhere together. If we stay here for any length of time, the most logical idea would be to add on.

  “I love you, Boone.” Margot breathes out as soon as our lips pull apart.

  Lifting her golden blonde hair away from her neck with my fingers, I admire the sunlight playing in its strands as I lean in to peck her lips one more time.

  “I love you too, Margot.”

  Margot’s breath catches as she stiffens, and I’m almost afraid of what I will see as I quickly turn around.

  “Isn’t that incredible?”

  Margot’s right. It is incredible.

  That damn doe that I was just hunting the other night is only a dozen feet away from Amelia. She’s about 50 feet up on the trail and standing stock still, watching the deer.

  Margot brings the camera to her face and starts to take pictures.

  The deer hesitantly moves even closer to Amelia, who begins to sing in a cooing baby voice.

  Margot’s shutter clicks continually as the deer moves closer and closer to Amelia, who looks like a fairy princess with her shiny blonde hair and small stature.

  Suddenly, Crockett comes bounding from the other side of Amelia where he must’ve been exploring ahead.

  The deer startles and turns, running off and gone in seconds.

  “Woah. Wow, Amelia! She likes you.” Margot shakes her head in wonder.

  Amelia has excitedly turned towards us and is skipping back.

  “She did! She loved me! Did you see that, Mommy?”

  “I sure did. I got a bunch of pictures, too.” Margot crouches down and shades her cameras screen to start flipping back through them.

  Amelia squeals appreciatively at a few and then looks back over at Crockett.

  “Silly Crockett scared her away.”

  Crockett’s come back to within a few feet of us and just tilts his head at an angle like he’s understood her words.

  “You’re like a real Disney princess.” Margot’s words make Amelia’s smile beam.

  I have to agree: it was fucking incredible.

  “You’re not only a Disney princess, Amelia. You’re my princess, too!” I swoop her into a bear hug and swing her around in a circle as she squ
eals before setting her back down.

  She immediately runs off with Crockett trailing behind.

  Margot, still reviewing photos, watches them leave.

  Everything is so perfect. I’m not sure why I still feel like there’s something I’ve missed.

  It could be that I just haven’t been this happy in so long, and I’m afraid of it being ripped away.

  But we still haven’t found out or seen any more of Amelia’s mysterious bad man.

  So even though my gut is telling me that something isn’t quite right, I’m going to ignore it and make the best of this great adventure I’m starting with Margot.

  Admiring her profile as she snaps some pictures, she swings the camera to me and starts clicking the shutter.

  “Oh, no, no. Enough of that.”

  She just smiles at my words and blows a kiss my way. “Get used to it.”


  So this is what living with a photographer will be like.


  Leaving the bathroom, I walk into the hall and see Boone’s dark silhouette standing in the doorway of the bedroom.

  Tiptoeing quietly, I sneak up to wrap my arms around his middle, clasping them on his stomach. Pressing against his back, I’m just able to peer over his shoulder.

  I must not have been quiet enough because Boone doesn’t even jump when I grab him from behind.

  I see what’s caught his attention, and I remember when Amelia was a baby, I stared at her for hours.

  She’s partly on her stomach and yet curled on her side. She’s already kicked off the blankets, and one leg is hanging out of the covers.

  Crockett is curled up in the crook of her leg behind her knee. They look so cute together.

  We only put her to bed about half an hour ago, but it was a long fun-filled day. I’m not surprised she’s already out. Personally, I’m exhausted, too.

  I drop my forehead on Boone’s shoulder and inhale his rugged scent. He smells like the great outdoors—fresh wind, soft dirt, and pine.

  Stroking his chest and stomach lightly, up and down, I relax into him. I could fall asleep right here on my feet.

  Today has been a blast. It’d been a good half hour walk to get to the river, but it had definitely been worth it. Amelia and Crockett splashed and played on the edge of the water together. Those pictures were gems!

  Following Boone’s lead, Amelia had rolled up her pant legs and waded in to try her hand at trying to catch a fish. She didn’t manage to catch any but was fascinated with the three that Boone pulled out.

  She spent hours tagging along behind him as he patiently showed her everything he did. She even helped him clean the fish.

  I didn’t take pictures of that.

  Instead of heading back for lunch, we ate fresh fish built over a campfire by the stream.

  It was apparent that this wasn’t an unusual occurrence for Boone. The area was well stocked with firewood, and the fire pit was clearly established.

  The whole day was heavenly for me.

  Having time to concentrate on my photography, without worrying about Amelia tumbling down hills, is quite a novelty.

  It’s super clear that Boone doesn’t mind at all. I’ve never seen someone more enthusiastic about spending time with a four-year-old girl.

  I’d say the only downer to the day is knowing that Boone is still worried about Amelia’s mysterious “bad man who watches the house”.

  He had to have walked the actual trail two to three times on the way back because he would shoot off and almost seem to circle me the entire way back.

  It’s obvious he hasn’t let the matter drop. I can see the wheels turning in his head.

  I expect that kind of stuff from Amelia, but holy shit! He has to be exhausted.

  I’m looking forward to looking through all the photos I’ve taken. Some of the things I saw today and the way I was able to catch the light was definitely phenomenal.

  So, between the swimming, hiking, and just the general running around with Crockett, it’s no surprise to me that Amelia is out like a light.

  I wonder how long Boone would stand here and stare at her if I didn’t interrupt him?

  “She looks so different when she’s asleep, huh?” Lifting on my tiptoes so I can whisper right in his ear, I curl my arms from his stomach to the top of his shoulders for leverage.

  He leans into me, causing our bodies to come into even more direct contact. “Yeah. She looks even more like you.”

  I kiss his neck, which is as far up as I can reach.

  His hands slide up my forearms to my hands on his shoulders. I sink into him.

  Now, this is perfect.

  He feels so good, and everything about him is hard.

  His stomach. His arms. And of course, his perfect cock.

  Not only is he one of the most wonderful men—or the most wonderful man—that I’ve ever met, but I know he is going to be an absolutely fabulous dad.

  If I could give him back all the years we were separated from him, I would do it in an instant. I know it’s going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

  Thankfully, he’s one of the most forgiving and loving people that I’ve ever met, too. I’m not sure I could be the same if the roles were reversed.

  Turning in my arms, Boone puts the doorjamb behind his back, and I immediately cuddle into him, chest to chest.

  Stroking my back, he rests his head against mine, still gazing at our daughter.

  His hands are circling my back. They move down to my lower back, slowly circling until he’s grasping my butt in his hands.

  As he kneads my rear, he starts slowly circling what is very clearly his now rock-hard cock against me.

  It feels wonderful. I’m melting.

  I want him.

  As I tilt my head back to look up at him, he knows what I want instantly.

  Bending down, he brushes his lips over my cheeks, my chin, and then down to my throat. My sigh of contentment is more of a moan.

  He catches the last of the sound with a searing kiss, thrusting his tongue between my parted lips.

  I can’t help but moan more, opening to him and encouraging our tongues to tangle.

  I melt again as his hands travel under my shirt and dip below the waistline of my pants.

  Stroking the low arch of my back, his fingers tenderly skim, sending shivers up my spine.

  His kiss deepens as he pulls me towards him, and I feel the hard outline of his cock on my cunt.

  We break our kiss, panting heavily, while he still maintains our slow erotic grinding against each other.

  “You feel so good. I could come like this.” My honest words seem to only inspire him to ratchet it up a notch. “Wait. Maybe we should go to the pantry?”

  He laughs softly and rolls us from the edge of the doorjamb and into the hall. “That’s definitely a great idea.”

  I start giggling, which turns into snorts as we try to keep it down.

  The last thing we need to do now is wake up Amelia or even Crockett. I’m sure if he woke up, it would probably wake Amelia up, too.

  Reaching around him, I slowly start to shut the bedroom door.

  A flickering light out the window behind the bed catches my eye.

  Hesitating, Boone catches my arm and stares at where I’m looking. He’s trying to see what I’m seeing.

  “What is that?” My voice is definitely more than a whisper.

  It’s beginning to dawn on me what I’m looking at.

  “That’s a goddamn fire.” His voice booms in the room as adrenaline makes him forget everything else.

  Amelia begins to stir on the bed.

  Grabbing me quickly, Boone kisses me with a hard-punishing attack.

  When he squeezes me hard, I returned the hug desperately.

  I’m petrified.

  As the seriousness of the situation sinks in, I just want to tell him to just make a phone call to 911.

  But the road is blocked…

  And there’s no w
ay he’d listen to me, anyway.

  Boone can’t change what he is. He’s always been the White Knight in shining armor.

  “Follow me down and lock up behind me.” He rushes from the room, and I follow him into the hall.

  “Mommy!” Amelia’s groggy voice sounds worried.

  “It’s okay, honey. I’ll be right back.”

  I hear her start to whimper and then seriously cry as I get further away. She’s totally awake now.

  I’ll have to deal with that in a few minutes.

  Boone is making a loud racket on the main floor as I come into the kitchen. He’s already dug out a couple of very large fire extinguishers and set them by the door.

  He snags my face as I walk up, planting another hot, frantic kiss to my lips.

  “I’m serious.” His eyes bore into mine from inches away. “Lock the door and go upstairs with Amelia. I have a key to the deadbolt, so no one should be knocking. Just stay out of sight.”

  He’s making me more nervous than the damn fire!

  I smile as calmly as I can. “Just be careful and come back quick. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Margot.” He’s already grabbing both canisters and is through the door with his parting words.

  I see him glancing back and watching me shut the door as he heads off running towards the area we saw the fire.

  I throw the deadbolt, and wonder if I’ll be able to see him going to the fire from upstairs. It’s pretty dark.

  Probably not.

  I can hear Amelia still has herself pretty worked up.

  Well, first things first. Let me go get her settled down. She will keep my mind occupied because I’m already imagining the worst.

  I don’t think I could ever live without him.


  Leaving Margot and Amelia sits heavily in the back of my mind.

  But what could I do? No one can get out here to help. The landslide took care of that, and I haven’t heard the excavation team working on our end.

  The sheriff would have stopped by to let me know and check up on me. He knows I’m extremely self-sufficient, like most folks out here, but I expect to see him in the next day or so.

  I can’t just let it keep burning.


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