The Victorians

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by A. N. Wilson

  25 Nick Davies, p. 102.

  26 Armytage, p. 130.

  27 Scrimgeour, p. 72.

  28 Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre, p. 63.

  29 Ibid., p. 32.

  30 DNB, 1901–1911, Elizabeth Lee, ‘Dorothea Beale’, p. 116.

  31 The Public School Year Book, Swann Sonnenschein & Co., 1889.

  32 Scott, in Simon & Bradley (ed.), p. 49. Stanley (1844), I, p. 88.

  33 Hughes, Tom Brown’s Schooldays, p. 260.

  34 Ibid.

  35 Gathorne-Hardy, p. 87.

  36 Hilton (2000), p. 135.

  37 Scott, in Simon & Bradley, ed., p. 35.

  38 DNB, XX, p. 160, ‘Charles John Vaughan’, by Charles Edwyn Vaughan.

  39 Gibson (1978), p. 101.

  40 Stanmore Papers, BL Add. MS 35, 226.

  19 Charles Kingsley and The Water-Babies

  1 Rose G. Kingsley’s introduction to The Water-Babies, 1908 edition, Dent.

  2 Stanley (1875), p. 12.

  3 DNB, Leslie Stephen, ‘Charles Kingsley’, p. 175.

  4 Robert Bernard Martin, p. 258.

  5 Chitty, p. 240.

  6 Kingsley (1863), p. 88.

  7 Ibid., p. 155.

  8 Kendall, p. 137.

  9 Ibid., p. 249.

  10 Chitty, p. 57.

  11 Ibid., p. 75.

  12 Ibid., p. 88.

  13 Ibid., p. 91.

  14 Ibid., p. 58.

  15 Nunnery Life in the Church of England, quoted in Walsh, p. 41.

  16 Ibid., p. 117.

  17 Ibid., p. 177.

  18 Chitty, p. 236.

  19 J.H. Newman (1955), p. 28.

  20 Ward, II, p. 25.

  21 Kendall, p. 135.

  22 Ibid., p. 145.

  20 Goblin Market and the Cause

  1 Anthony Powell, A Writer’s Notebook, 2000, p. 97.

  2 Macmillan’s Magazine, September 1863, p. 399.

  3 Ray Strachey, pp. 3 5–40.

  4 Quoted ibid., pp. 74–5.

  5 Elizabeth Garrett, p. 6.

  6 Butler, p. 82.

  7 Dorothy Porter, in Companion Encyclopedia of the History of Medicine, p. 1248.

  8 Kiple et al., ed., p. 1268.

  9 Elizabeth Garrett, p. 8.

  10 Finnegan, p. 3.

  11 Walkowitz, p. 70.

  12 Soper, p. xii.

  13 The Lancet, 6 July 1861.

  14 Ibid., 17 July 1861.

  15 Ray Strachey, p. 107.

  16 Ibid.

  17 Desmond MacCarthy, p. 78.

  18 Weintraub, p. 103.

  19 Marsh (1994), p. 220.

  20 Ibid, p. 237.

  21 Marsh (1999), p. 220.

  22 Ibid., p. 241.

  23 Ibid., pp. 374–9.

  24 Davidoff, Journal of Social History, vol. 7, 1984, p. 410.

  25 Ibid., p. 412.

  26 Hudson, Munby, p. 18.

  27 Ibid., p. 15.

  21 Wonderland

  1 Hudson, p. 3.

  2 Hacking, p. 36.

  3 Maurice, I, p. 226.

  4 Gernsheim (1975), p. 35.

  5 Bartram, p. 134.

  6 Cohen, p. 170.

  7 Quoted ibid., p. 101.

  8 Ibid., p. 102.

  9 Ruskin, Praeterita, III.31, Work, vol. 35, p. 471.

  10 Ibid., p. 525.

  11 Hilton (2000), p. 286.

  12 Ibid., p. 140.

  13 Ibid., p. 196.

  14 Cohen, p. 77.

  15 Ibid., p. 145.

  22 Some Deaths

  1 Brian Doyle (1968), p. 254.

  2 Woodward, p. 179.

  3 Robert Blake (1985), p. 98.

  4 Ibid., p. 100.

  5 Froude (1884), II, p. 312.

  6 Ibid., II, p. 328.

  7 Ibid., II, p. 13.

  8 G.K. Chesterton, Introduction to Great Expectations, Everyman, 1907.

  9 Gatrell, p. 295.

  10 Quoted ibid., p. 296.

  11 Ibid., p. 60.

  12 Quoted ibid., p. 75.

  13 Pope-Hennessy (1970), p. 329.

  14 Ibid., p. 328.

  15 Annual Register, 1868, p. 17.

  16 Woodward, p. 360.

  17 Annual Register, 1868, p. 64.

  18 Ibid., p. 65.

  23 Gladstone’s First Premiership

  1 See Milner, pp. 200–1.

  2 Home, p. 505. See also Michael Howard, The Franco-Prussian War.

  3 Froude (1884), II, p. 427.

  4 Ibid., p. 428.

  5 Ensor, p. 6.

  6 Fulford (1977), pp. 16–17.

  7 Fulford (1971), p. 317.

  8 Quoted by Swartz, p. 24.

  9 Carlyle, XXX, p. 49.

  10 Ibid., p. 58.

  11 Ibid., p. 59.

  12 Matthew, p. 133.

  13 Shannon (1999), p. 62.

  14 Ibid., p. 144.

  15 Monypenny & Buckle, IV, p. 467.

  16 Pattison, p. 114.

  17 Faber, p. 134.

  18 Ashton, p. 190.

  19 Mander, p. 200.

  20 Gordon, pp. 219–22.

  21 Callender & Hinsley, p. 242. See also James P. Baxter, The Introduction of the Ironclad. Warship, Harvard University Press, 1933; Stanley Sandler, ‘The Emergence of the Modern Capital Ship’, Technology and Culture, 11, no. 3 (1970), pp. 576–95; and Beeler, British Naval Policy in the Gladstone-Disraeli Era, 1866–1880.

  22 Beeler, p. 76.

  23 Matthew, pp. 168–74.

  24 Cardwell, quoted in Spiers, p. 14.

  25 Ibid., p. 4.

  26 Morley (1912), II, p. 41.

  27 Matthew, p. 235.

  28 Spiers, pp. 2–24.

  29 Skelley, p. 297.

  30 Ibid., p. 290.

  31 Ibid, p. 193.

  32 Spiers, pp. 14 & 17.

  33 Spiers, p. 15.

  34 Jenkins, Gladstone, p. 344.

  35 DNB, 1901–1911, Colonel E.M. Lloyd, ‘George William Frederick Charles, Second Duke of Cambridge’, p. 94.

  36 Robert Blake (1993), p. 15.

  37 G.M. Trevelyan, p. 69.

  38 Shannon (1999), p. 92.

  39 A.N. Wilson (1999), p. 198.

  40 Hilton (2000), p. 409.

  41 Ibid., p. 369.

  42 Ibid., p. 368.

  43 Ibid., p. 397.

  44 Morley (1912), II, p. 226.

  45 E.G. West, pp. 130–5.

  46 Hinchliff, p. 97.

  24 The Side of the Angels

  1 Menzies, p. 34.

  2 Lowder, p. 37.

  3 Ibid., p. 38.

  4 Menzies, p. 10.

  5 Ibid., p. 33.

  6 Ibid., p. 183.

  7 Lowder, p. 33.

  8 DNB, XIX, W.H. Fremantle, ‘Archibald Campbell Tait’, p. 292.

  9 Lowder, pp. 214–15.

  10 Monypenny & Buckle, V, p. 58.

  11 Chadwick (1966), p. 321.

  12 Fulford, ed. (1971), p. 161.

  13 Fulford, ed. (1964), p. 173.

  14 J.C. Colquhoun, ed., Church Association Lectures, Hatchards, 1869; Francis Close D.D. (Dean of Carlisle), Anglican Ritualism Traced to Judaism, Hatchards, 1873; W. Martin Brown, The Pathway to Rome or Ritualism and its Remedy, James Nisbet & Co, no date, etc.

  15 E.A.T., p. 137.

  16 Menzies, p. 17.

  17 Quoted in The Church Times, 18 December 1987.

  18 Chadwick (1970), pp. 318–19.

  19 Hasler, p. 293.

  20 Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, ed. F.L. Cross & E.P. Livingstone (1974), p. 1681.

  21 Hasler, p. 130.

  22 See Plummer, Conversations with Dr Döllinger 1870–1890.

  23 Shannon (1999), p. 149.

  24 J.H. Newman (1875), p. 66.

  25 Darwin (1874), p. 619.

  26 Ibid., p. 1171.

  27 Ibid., p. 719.

  28 Ibid., p. 45.

  29 Alfred Tennyson, ‘Locksley Hall, Sixty Years After’, ed. Ricks, p. 1362.

  30 C.
A. Russell, p. 290.

  31 Darwin (1874), p. 200.

  32 DNB, XXI, Francis Legge, ‘Samuel Wilberforce’, p. 204.

  33 J.R. Moore, pp. 60–65.

  34 Clark, p. 171.

  35 Ibid., p. 215.

  36 Hoppen, p. 459.

  37 Robert Blake (1966), p. 504.

  38 Ibid., p. 505

  39 Disraeli (1975), p. 26.

  40 Ibid., p. 345.

  41 Robert Blake (1966), p. 520.

  42 Froude (1890), pp. 217–18.

  43 Sykes (1982), p. 205.

  44 Crook (1981), pp. 143–5.

  45 Sykes (1985), pp. 289–91.

  46 Ibid., pp. 272–3.

  47 Girouard (1979), pp. 305ff.

  25 The End of Lord Beaconsfield

  1 Adelman, pp. 25–6.

  2 Ensor, p. 26.

  3 Dizzi-Ben-Dizzi, or the Orphan of Baghdad … A lampoon on Benjamin Disraeli, Weldon & Co., 1878, p. 50.

  4 Politicus, p. 4.

  5 Ibid., p. 12.

  6 Ibid., p. 16.

  7 Ibid.

  8 Robert Blake (1966), p. 543.

  9 Ibid., p. 542.

  10 Ensor, p. 38, Robert Blake (1966), p. 582.

  11 Rothschild, p. 47.

  12 Ibid., p. 47.

  13 Ibid., p. 46.

  14 Robert Blake (1966), p. 581.

  15 Ibid.

  16 Ibid., p. 584.

  17 Ibid., p. 587.

  18 Pamuk, p. 123.

  19 Ibid., p. 83.

  20 Kasaba, p. 47.

  21 Ibid., p. 48.

  22 Mansel, p. 17.

  23 Shaw & Shaw, pp. 77–9; 666–73.

  24 Ibid., p. 158.

  25 Macfie, pp. 35–6.

  26 A.J.P. Taylor (1954), p. 233.

  27 Shaw & Shaw, p. 162. William Miller, p. 366, places the Bulgarian casualties at 12,000 that summer.

  28 Monypenny & Buckle, VI, p. 61.

  29 Matthew (1995), p. 33.

  30 Quoted in Shannon (1963) p. 47.

  31 Quoted ibid., p. 66.

  32 Quoted ibid., p. 65.

  33 William Miller, p. 376.

  34 Hoppen, p. 627.

  35 Quoted in Robert Blake (1966), p. 613.

  36 Dodwell, V, p. 418.

  37 Headlam, p. 483.

  38 Froude (1890), p. 251; Headlam, pp. 486–9.

  39 Quoted in Robert Blake (1966), p. 610.

  40 Quoted ibid., p. 612.

  41 Quoted ibid., p. 607.

  42 Cowen & Cowen, pp. xi ff.

  43 Robert Blake (1966), p. 679.

  44 Ibid., p. 646.

  45 Ibid., p. 649.

  46 Ibid., p. 566.

  47 Quoted ibid., p. 712.

  48 Morley (1912), II, p. 451.

  49 The Times, 21 January 1905, p. 16.

  50 The Times, 23 January 1905, p. 9.

  51 Robert Blake (1966), p. 750.

  52 Ibid., p. 765.

  53 Haight, p. 533.

  54 Ibid., pp. 470–3.

  26 The Devils – Wagner – Dostoyevsky – Gilbert and Sullivan

  1 Vamplew, p. 35.

  2 Mason, p. 15.

  3 Ibid., p. 25.

  4 Ibid., p. 30.

  5 Ibid., pp. 138–9.

  6 Adburgham, p. 208 passim.

  7 Daniel Deronda, Bk 1, xxiii, p. 218.

  8 Ionides, p. 11. Frau Chariclea Dannreuther, the pianist’s wife, was Luke Ionides’s sister.

  9 Haight, pp. 500–1.

  10 Ionides, p. 29.

  11 Haight, p. 457.

  12 Henry James (1960), p. 42.

  13 Quoted in James Pope-Hennessy, p. 338.

  14 Bernard Shaw, p. 133.

  15 Ibid., p. 1.

  16 Ibid., p. 10.

  17 Mosley (1956), p. 11.

  18 MacCarthy, p. 372.

  19 Bernard Shaw, p. 22.

  20 Leatherbarrow, p. 10.

  21 Seton-Watson, p. 428.

  22 Leatherbarrow, p. 184.

  23 Kermode, Introduction to The Way We Live Now, p. xxii.

  24 Payne (1967), p. 384.

  25 The Complete Annotated Gilbert and Sullivan, Oxford, 1996, ed. Ian Bradley, p. 43. Hereafter, Bradley.

  26 Ibid., p. 3.

  27 Jacobs, pp. 71, 106.

  28 Bradley, p. 17.

  29 Ibid., p. 639.

  30 Ibid., p. 39.

  31 Ibid., p. 111.

  32 Ibid., p. 215.

  33 Rothman & Rothman, ed. p. 29.

  34 Olsen, p. 149.

  35 Bradley, p. 485.

  36 Merrill, p. 130.

  37 Bradley, p. 137.

  38 Padfield, p. 158.

  39 Beeler, pp. 261, 266, 267.

  27 Country Parishes – Kilvert – Barnes – Hardy

  1 Kilvert’s Diary, ed. Plomer, 1944, p. 119. Hereafter, Plomer.

  2 Ibid., p. 318.

  3 Ibid., p. 159.

  4 Cobden, quoted in Woodward, p. 87.

  5 Chambers & Mingay, p. 162.

  6 Ensor, p. 115.

  7 Ibid., p. 116.

  8 Chambers & Mingay, p. 179.

  9 Orwin & Whetham, p. 244.

  10 Chambers & Mingay, p. 178.

  11 Ibid., p. 182.

  12 Ibid., p. 185.

  13 Hoppen, p. 21.

  14 Orwin & Whetham, p. 207.

  15 George Edwards MP, From Crow-Scaring to Westminster, 1992, p. 22.

  16 Orwin & Whetham, p. 216.

  17 Chambers & Mingay, p. 188.

  18 Ensor, p. 117.

  19 Quoted in Chedzoy, p. 175. The photograph adjoins p. 87.

  20 Hardy, ‘The Last Signal (Oct. 11 1886). A Memory of William Barnes’, quoted in Chedzoy, p. 177.

  21 Stewart, p. 21.

  22 The examples are quoted in Stewart, p. 26.

  23 Seymour-Smith (1994), p. 20.

  24 Ibid., p. 136.

  25 Stewart, p. 45.

  26 Seymour-Smith (1994), p. 422.

  27 Stewart, p. 22.

  28 Ibid.

  28 A Crazy Decade

  1 Jeffrey, p. 71.

  2 All in Ford & Harrison.

  3 See Calder-Marshall; Bertouch.

  4 Russell & Goldfarb, p. 128.

  5 Glendinning, ed., p. 10. See also Patterson, 100 Years of Spirit Photography.

  6 Dostoyevsky, II.i, p. 3.

  29 The Plight of the Poor

  1 Tolstoy, p. 15.

  2 By his friend and English translator Aylmer Maude – ibid. (preface), p. ix.

  3 See p. 394, where it is clear that Tolstoy is chiefly thinking of a back-to-the-land solution to the problems of urban poverty.

  4 Henry James (1991), p. 124.

  5 Ibid., p. viii.

  6 Quoted Kynaston, p. 72.

  7 Nightingale Papers LXIII, BL Add. MS 45, 801.

  8 Quoted Saville (1988), p. 9

  9 Sims, p. 107.

  10 Jay, p. 77.

  11 Hoppen, pp. 70, 606.

  12 Kynaston, p. 121.

  13 MacCarthy, p. 466.

  14 Ibid., p. 467.

  15 Quoted Kynaston, p. 124.

  16 Hoppen, p. 89, quoting Floud, Wachter & Gregory, Height, Health, History, Cambridge, 1990, p. 305.

  17 Quoted MacCarthy, p. 466.

  18 Ensor, p. 88.

  19 Arnstein, p. 28.

  20 Hoppen, p. 325.

  21 Arnstein, p. 287.

  22 Anne Taylor, p. 161.

  23 Foster (1989), p. 428.

  30 The Rise of Parnell

  1 Neary, pp. 11, 12.

  2 Ibid., pp. 11, 15.

  3 Purcell, p. 13.

  4 Andrew Roberts, p. 471.

  5 Neary, p. 9.

  6 Quoted Foster (1989), p. 386.

  7 Kee, p. 370.

  8 Ensor, p. 72.

  9 Kee, pp. 75, 383.

  10 Conor Cruise O’Brien, quoting Garrish (Chamberlain’s biographer), p. 192.

  11 Matthew, p. 231.

  12 Ibid., p. 184.

  13 Roy Jenkins (1958), p. 239.r />
  14 Ibid., p. 356.

  15 Ibid., p. 352.

  31 The Fourth Estate – Gordon of Khartoum – The Maiden Tribute of Babylon

  1 Hoppen, p. 633. See also Brown, Victorian News and Newspapers, and Alan J. Lee, The Origins of the Popular Press 1855–1914.

  2 Roy Jenkins (1958), p. 139.

  3 Ibid., p. 141.

  4 F.W. Hirst in DNB, 1922–1930, p. 618.

  5 Kingsmill, p. 174.

  6 Quoted ibid., p. 171.

  7 Ensor, p. 51.

  8 DNB, XXII, p. 507.

  9 Quoted in Pierce Jones, p. 17.

  10 Farwell, p. 257.

  11 Ibid., pp. 266–7.

  12 Hoppen, p. 661; Farwell, p. 269.

  13 Ensor, p. 80.

  14 Hoppen, p. 660.

  15 Zetland, p. 89.

  16 Allen, p. 183.

  17 Ibid., p. 189.

  18 Ibid., p. 194.

  19 Ibid., p. 195.

  20 The idea began with W.S. Blunt in Gordon at Khartoum and is repeated in Eminent Victorians by Lytton Strachey and After Puritanism by Hugh Kingsmill.

  21 Allen, p. 213.

  22 Ibid., p. 215.

  23 Ibid., p. 271.

  24 See Douglas Johnson, ‘The Death of Gordon. A Victorian Myth’.

  25 Farwell, p. 294.

  26 Lytton Strachey (1993), p. 301.

  27 Carpenter, p. 22.

  28 Enthusiasm, Confidence, Determination, p. 12.

  29 Quoted DNB, VIII, p. 176.

  30 Quoted Allen, p. 314.

  31 Ensor, p. 83.

  32 Fawcett & Turner, p. 40.

  33 Butler, p. 99.

  34 Ibid., p. 112.

  35 Williamson, p. 80.

  36 Pierce Jones, p. 26.

  37 Quoted in Roy Jenkins (1958), p. 240.

  38 Ibid., p. 241.

  39 Coates, p. 11.

  40 Ibid., p. 23.

  41 Ibid., p. 50.

  42 Ibid., pp. 112–13.

  32 Politics of the Late 1880s

  1 Roy Jenkins (1995), p. 560.

  2 Hoppen, p. 265.

  3 Ibid.

  4 Quoted in A.N. Wilson (1984), p. 177.

  5 Cannadine, pp. 184–5.

  6 Crook (1999), p. 17.

  7 Ensor, p. 87.

  8 Beatrice Webb, Diaries, ed. MacKenzie & MacKenzie, I, p. 109.

  9 Ibid., p. 265.

  10 Ibid., p. 250.

  11 Winston S. Churchill, p. 72.

  12 Foster (1981), p. 270.

  13 Ibid., p. 127.

  14 Ibid., pp. 218–19.

  33 Into Africa

  1 Annual Register, 1885, p. 60.

  2 Dawson, p. 441.

  3 Ibid., p. 359.

  4 Sundkler & Steed, p. 1007.

  5 Pakenham (1991), p. xxiii.


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