The Awakening: Liam (Entangled Covet)

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The Awakening: Liam (Entangled Covet) Page 5

by Niles, Abby

  “Why do they do that?” she whispered.

  Blinking, he turned his head away as he took the fork from her and speared another piece of meat. When he looked at her again, his eyes were back to normal. Why wouldn’t he answer her question? But she took the hint and ate the food, then offered him his portion.

  They ate like that, each taking turns feeding the other. At any point, they could’ve started feeding themselves, but neither made the move to do so. For her at least, she liked having him feed her and then feed him in return. It reminded her of happier times, when things between them had been perfect, when she hadn’t known there was a secret world hiding within hers.

  After they finished, he placed the tray on the floor and stretched. “I think we should try and get some sleep.” He dropped his voice. “When I shattered the window, I think I bought us some time. With me in the same room, he’s not going to be able to get to you. He ran away for a reason. He knows I’m stronger than he is. We need to take advantage of that while we can.”

  Sleep sounded wonderful. A real sleep. Not the drug induced ones she’d had over the last how many hours.

  When she lay down on the mat, he stretched out behind her, his arm going around her waist as it always had when they’d been together. The weight of his arm made memories so bittersweet bombard her that a sting of tears started to burn her eyes. Then his lips brushed against her ear. “I’m not leaving your side.”

  The fierceness of his words washed over her, and her heart expanded in her chest until she was certain it would explode. The feeling was so in odds with her doubt, her fear, it was too much to handle. Everything she’d known, everything she believed, was not true and she had no idea what was anymore.

  “I can’t, Liam.” She broke free of his hold and scooted forward until she could no longer feel his chest touch her back. “I just…can’t.”

  A frustrated exhale came from behind her, followed by the sound of his body plopping back against the mat. She forced herself to ignore him and kept her eyes on the wall in front of her. The prison door squeaked open. Liam was on his feet, standing over her, arms spread at his side in less than a second. The man strode in with a gun raised. Ava stumbled to her feet as Liam backed up.

  Three pops ricocheted around the room. Liam’s body jerked three times and he fell to his knees.

  “No!” she screamed.

  Before she could move toward Liam, the guy lifted a different gun and shot her.

  Chapter 4

  He’d torture the motherfucker, break each bone in his body, one at a fucking time, saw off his limbs, and carve out his eyes until he pleaded for death. Then and only then would Liam allow his beast to finish him.

  A slow, agonizing death. Nothing less.

  The fucker had shot him. Of course, he’d known he would heal quickly, but it had been enough to take him down and get him locked up in this goddamn cage.

  Snarling, he violently shook the bars that now surrounded him as Ava slept peacefully on the mat in the other room. Out in the open. Innocent prey for a bloodthirsty predator.

  At least he hadn’t shot her, too. He rattled the bars again, roaring his rage, then drove his shoulder against them, over and over. The sound of his body connecting with the metal filled the room.

  Ava bolted upright, her gaze frantically searching for him. “Liam!”

  A slow, agonizing death.

  He repeated it. Focused on it. Used it to center himself, refusing to let her see how fucking freaked out he was—how desperate to get out and keep her safe. “I’m right here.”

  She twisted her body around, her gaze connected with his, and she inhaled audibly. “Oh, God.”

  Shooting to her feet, she swayed slightly before she bolted over to his room, paying no mind to the nuggets of glass still on the floor, and yanked on the bars. Her gaze snapped to his. Wide. Terrified. Hysterical sobs poured from her mouth around a mumbled “No!” She repeated that one word, tears spilling down her cheeks as she yanked, tore, and screamed at the barrier.

  Seeing her on the brink of hysteria was more than he could handle. He shoved his arms between the bars and grabbed her face. “Look at me!”

  “We have to get you out!” Wild eyes met his as she tried to jerk from his grasp, her yanks on the cage manic. “You can’t be in there. Oh, God! You can’t be in there!”

  He tightened his grip, struggling to keep calm despite his own fears. “Ava. It’s going to be okay.”

  “No, it’s not! He’s coming.” Tremors shook her body as she strained against him, trying to peer over her shoulder at the door. “What’s game is he going to play now?”

  The terrified question almost brought him to his knees.

  He snaked a hand behind her head and brought her closer as he wrapped his other around her waist, holding her against the bars. Fear for her churned his gut. Body trembling, she clung to him and he shushed her until her muscles slowly steadied. He needed her calm. Prepared. This was her chance at escape.

  When she breathed deeply, he placed his mouth against her hair. “Listen to me. He’ll leave the door open when he comes in. He always does. Fight with everything you have in you, and when you get the chance, run like hell.”

  “I-I can’t leave you.”

  He pulled back and gripped both her shoulders, looking her in the eyes. “You can and you will. Do you understand me?”

  As he cupped her face between his hands again and placed his mouth onto hers, a light sob breathed across his lips. Tears burned the back of his eyes and he squeezed them shut, refusing to think that this might be the last time he kissed her.

  She would escape.

  Faint footsteps came from outside the room. “He’s coming.”

  She stiffened, her fingers biting into his biceps. Unshed tears magnified her amber eyes.

  “Live, Ava. Promise me.”

  “Don’t say it like that, Liam. You fight, too. Do not die in here.”

  The door swung open and the man strode straight in with no hesitation. And just as before, he’d didn’t close the door.

  Cocky son of a bitch. His arrogance would be his downfall.

  “I didn’t invite the beast to play, Liam. How dare you change the rules mid-game!”

  Fury radiated off the man as he closed the distance between him and Ava.

  She whirled around and slapped him, making contact with the side of the mask. The hit didn’t even faze him. He whipped an arm out, clipping her on the side of the head and sent her crashing against the bars then to the floor.

  “I’m sorry about this, Ava, but Liam brought an uninvited guest to the party,” he said as he grabbed two fists full of hair and dragged her to the middle of the room.

  Screaming, she grabbed his wrists, her body twisting until she found her footing. Teeth bared, she launched at him again, fists pummeling him. And again he swatted her away as if she was a pesky bug, sending her careening to the floor.

  Liam banged against the bars, his beast bellowing its rage.

  “Why the fuck are you doing this? Show your face you fucking coward!

  “You started this! The connection was supposed to be severed!

  He jerked Ava up by her arm, then whipped her around. The sound of hand meeting cheek made Liam’s beast charge forward, caterwauling, as she collapsed to the floor for the third time, stunned. Liam squeezed the bars in a death grip as his insides ignited in a blistering firestorm.

  “Nothing?” the man said, peering at him. “Not even a prickle?”

  Prickle. The fucker was goading his beast, wanted it out. Liam didn’t care what the reasoning was, the fact this crazed shifter wanted it, meant he’d make damn sure it didn’t happen. He didn’t want to know what the consequences would be if he did.

  “Let’s see if this helps,” their tormentor said.

  By the front of the gown, he hauled her back to Ava feet. Screaming, she clawed at the man’s mask, but he gave a short punch right to her mouth. Blood spurted from her lip and nose as her head
snapped back and body went slack. When he released her, she slumped to the floor. Not moving.


  Snarling, Liam slammed his shoulder against the cage, certain he was going to lose it any second. Certain his beast was going to bend him to its will and emerge. He wanted to allow it to happen. Wanted to feel this fucker’s neck between his teeth—feel the bones snap. He could taste it. His mouth watered for it. But he didn’t dare. Shifting wouldn’t help Ava. He’d still be stuck in the cage, and he’d have given this man what he wanted. Shifting wouldn’t help Ava. He’d still be stuck in the cage, and he’d have given this man what he wanted.

  No! The command fell on deaf ears. The beast roared, tearing forward, fighting for dominance.

  Stand down!

  At Liam’s refusal to allow it to emerge, his beast retaliated by swiping its razor sharp claws forward, flaying the inside of his chest. He muffled the bellow of pain with a roar of rage, clinging to the bars to stay standing.

  The anger eased out of the man’s body as he laughed with glee. “You’re just as disconnected as ever.”

  Liam’s lips pulled back from his teeth and he growled, the only sound he could make because of the war being waged inside him. But he would win. His beast would not control him.

  When Ava pushed up, the man advanced on her again. “You understand I have to be certain, right? I can’t have another surprise like earlier. This is a party of three, not four.”

  Latching his fingers around her throat, he lifted until her feet dangled a good foot off the floor. Knuckles white, she gripped his wrists as her face deepened to purple and her mouth opened and closed trying to draw in air.

  Terror encased him. Together, Liam and his beast raged against the bars. Even with their combined strength, the steel was too much for them.

  “Take me!” he yelled. “Leave her out of this!”

  The masked head turned toward him as he lowered Ava to her feet and slackened his grip. Deep gasps of breath came from her as she tried to regain the air she’d been denied. The frightening florid color of her face slowly faded.

  Liam stared the man in the eyes, and said, “I’m going…to fucking…kill you.”

  “You already have.” The words were delivered with such even calmness it contradicted every crazy thing the man had said or done up until this point, stunning Liam.

  With his free hand, he lifted one of her legs and maneuvered his body in between. Her eyes widened and a whimper came from her parted lips. She slapped at him.

  “There is one thing that will ensure the beast’s presence, isn’t there, Liam?” He chuckled. “I know what you’re thinking, but, no, not that. It has to be more intimate, doesn’t it?”

  Liam snarled, shaking the bars while his beast lowered, ears flat against its head, threatening growls vibrating its body, gathering every bit of power it had. Pressure built in Liam’s chest. He forced sharp, short puffs of air through his mouth, preparing for the attack about to come.

  The man ran his hand over Ava’s waist to the underside of her breast. She jerked, and made a gagging noise as the grip on her throat tightened again. All the time, the fucker kept his attention on Liam…waiting, expectant.

  Through clenched teeth, Liam sucked air. Violent tremors shook his body while his beast tortured his insides and the man tortured him from the outside.

  “Oh, that’s right.” He put his hands on Ava’s thigh. “It’s these, isn’t it? Marks that are only supposed to be stroked by you or her. Never another man.”

  Ava squirmed as the man slid his hand to the inside of her thigh. Then she stiffened and a shudder shook her body. Liam knew what those marks were designed to make her feel if someone else deliberately touched them besides himself.

  Revulsion. Disgust.

  The motherfucker had touched one. Had touched his mark.

  And it had the intended result. Teeth bared, foam dripping from its jowls, his beast sprang forward. Crazed fury erupted inside him as the feeling of a thousand needles pricking his skin stabbed at him. Liam squeezed his eyes shut, knowing the unholy blaze of his beast was in his gaze. For the first time ever, he was certain the beast was going to explode out of his body, splitting him in two.

  When Ava whimpered, an agonizing roar ripped from his lips as his beast took one final charge forward. Fighting for dominance was never fun, but this…this was excruciating.

  Stand down! He wants this! Do you want her to die?

  His beast snarled, but retreated, seeing he was not going to allow the shift. The pain immediately left him and he almost collapsed as he opened his eyes.

  The man released Ava and she slumped to the floor again. Had he choked her unconscious while Liam had battled the beast?

  She wasn’t dead. He could still feel her.

  Come on, baby, get up.

  The man walked closer to the cage, his masked head tilted to the side, staring intently at Liam. “You’re just as Dserted as ever. How does it feel to have your beast rage, but be incapable of tapping into it?”

  Again the question was delivered calmly. There was no sign of the previous lunatic. Had it been a show? A way to cover his identify?

  He still had no idea who he was, but one thing was clear. For a condition that was extremely rare among their race, this other shifter understood Dsershon too well. And he hadn’t shifted earlier to stop Liam when he’d busted through the glass. He’d run instead.

  Clarity slammed through Liam. And now he knew why.

  The man couldn’t shift. He was in the throes of Dsershon, just as Liam had been until Ava’s kiss had freed him just hours ago.

  Why would he punish another Dserted shifter? Wasn’t the hell they had to live with enough?

  Ava stirred in the background, pushed up on her arms, shook her head, then collapsed back down, just to push back up again. Dea, please give her strength.

  She’d been hit so hard, so many times, had to be dazed, disoriented. He needed to give her the time to recover. Keep this bastard’s attention on him. And he knew exactly where to hit him where it hurt.

  “It’s not my fucking fault your mate Dserted you.”

  The man charged the cage, grabbing the bars and shaking them. “It is your fucking fault!”

  Not yet. Wait. Make sure she’s on her feet. “How is it my fault you couldn’t keep your woman happy enough to stay?”

  The scream that came from the man was all kinds of psychotic crazy, filled with rage and madness. He grabbed Liam by the shirt, pulling him forward until he slammed against the bars. Liam didn’t fight. Didn’t rip the mask from the bastard’s face as he so desperately wanted to. He just let him beat him against the bars.

  Whatever was needed. He wouldn’t risk Ava by grabbing him too soon and having the man fight him back. So she had the best chance at escape, he had to wait for the perfect moment. This man may be Dserted, but he was still a shifter. Hard to kill, and strong as a fucking ox.

  When Ava pushed to her feet, she glanced at him with tears in her eyes.

  Then she bolted from the room.

  The fall of her running footsteps caught the guy’s attention. Liam latched onto the man’s forearms, dragging him forward until he could bear hug him against the cage. He thrashed against Liam’s grip. Ripped at his hair.

  “No!” the man screamed, grabbing hold of the sides of Liam’s face, trying to shove his thumbs in his eyes.

  The pain caused Liam to yell out, but he held firm. The guy then grabbed the back of Liam’s head and brought his forehead crashing against the bars. Ringing sounded in his ears as his grip loosened and he fell to one knee, his fingers still trying to clutch at his captor. But the impact had been enough. The masked man tore from Liam’s grasp and flew out of the room.

  Furious at himself for the moment of weakness, terrified he hadn’t given her enough time, Liam bellowed and shook bars.

  “Run, Ava! Run!”


  Liam’s yell sounded far in the distance but the warning echoed in
Ava’s ears as if he’d screamed them at her in the same room.

  Their captor was coming for her.

  Fear closed her throat as she ran. She was in a maze of halls lined with doors. Left, right, left. She couldn’t make sense of where she was. How to get out? Everything looked the same. Abandoned. Dingy. Lifeless.

  Just as she and Liam would be if she didn’t escape and find help.

  The bastard’s racing footsteps came closer. A scream involuntarily erupted out of her mouth, her terror too much to contain—terror for herself…and for Liam. She had to get out. Had to save him. Had to end this nightmare.


  Her steps slowed, then clarity returned. No. Run.

  She wasn’t dealing with humans, but with shifters. They had powers. He’d hear her panting, smell her fear. Find her, no matter how well she believed she was hidden.

  Legs propelling her as they never had before, she raced forward. A stitch cramped her side, making breathing difficult, but she ignored it as hope bloomed in her chest when she rounded a corner. An Exit sign became a beacon to freedom.

  She shoved through the door below it. A stairwell! Down was out. It had to be.

  Just as she made it to the third floor, a door crashed against the wall above her. Terror caused her to miss a step and she lost her balance. She fell down the remaining three steps, landing hard on her side on the second floor. Agony radiated up her ankle, but she scrambled back to her feet, rushing down the remaining stairs, pain stabbing with every step.

  The thudding of his feet and the erratic beat of her heart thumping in her ears were the only sounds she registered. When she reached the bottom landing, she slammed out the stairwell door into a lobby. Sunlight hit her face and she let out a relieved cry. She raced for the glass door.

  Raced for freedom.

  Just as she pushed through to the outside, she heard him burst out of the stairwell.


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