Wolf's Whisper

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Wolf's Whisper Page 12

by Arizona Tape

  As I was standing in front of him, I tried looking into his eyes. That had worked before, maybe it would help this time.

  The darkness I found in them left my mouth dry. It was as if all of their original colour had gone. There wasn't a speck of amber left and honestly, it scared me. Where did my Aspen go?

  I carefully placed both palms of my hands on his biceps, hoping it would at least help his muscles relax. He was so tensed, he reminded me of a fully flexed bow on the verge of snapping. I didn't want him to snap. I didn't want him to break.

  "Aspen... Can you hear me?"

  No answer. Just darkness...

  I closed my eyes, reached into my chest for the whimpering wolf and drew her to the surface. I hoped she would connect to Aspen's wolf, that somehow, she would manage to snap him out of this state.

  Reluctantly, she left my chest and travelled to where Aspen's body connected with mine. I held my breath, scared of what she might find or what I might invite into myself. With a careful bark, she called out to his wolf and as she did, I felt something stir inside him.

  I felt a smile break through on my face. It was working! Something inside him was reacting to my wolf. But my joy was quickly replaced by fear as a cold shiver ran down my spine.

  There was something rising to the surface, but it was wild and untamed, something utterly dark and terrifying. The same thing that was keeping Aspen in his grip. And it wasn't his wolf. Panicked, I yanked my hands back from his body, only barely escaping the Alpha that had answered my wolf's call.

  "I..." I stuttered as I threw a helpless look at the rest of the group. Only then, I realised I was out of breath, how I'd started to burn up. I felt desperation surge through my being; Aspen was too far gone. I couldn't help him. This was way beyond my expertise. I couldn't fight this Alpha, not on my own. I couldn't do anything.

  More panic started to rise up from my stomach and tears threatened to spill from my eyes. Was I really this useless? Would we lose Aspen simply because I was a failure?

  Had my family always been right? Was I nothing special, nothing more than just ordinary? Was I...

  The scent of wild strawberries wrapped itself around me, slowly pushing all my fears and insecurities back down. A warm body pressed itself against my back, dark curls falling on my shoulder.

  "I’m here with you," Ashleigh whispered in my ear as she let her hands glide from my shoulders to my hands. "I'll help you."

  I could feel myself relax under her touch and without even having to ask, my wolf ran towards hers, seeking the same kind of protection and reassurance as I was.

  "One more time?" she asked, embracing me with her whole body. A certain, new kind of safety flooded over me. I could do this. With her here, I could do this. I silently nodded, bringing my hands back to Aspen's body. Instead of reaching for his biceps, I pressed my palms against his chest.

  His skin was even hotter than before and I was briefly worried they'd hurt my hands. But Ashleigh placed her own palms on top of my hands, cold like the water from a brook, immediately cooling me down. I wouldn't get burned. She wouldn't let it happen.

  I closed my eyes and called for my wolf again. This time, I didn't need to dig deep. She was already there, running around at the surface, and came at my beckoning. But this time, she wasn't alone.

  Ashleigh's black wolf ran through my chest as she ran by my wolf's side, accompanying her faithfully, like they had always belonged together.

  With her support, I called out to Aspen once more, hoping I would be able to reach through his Alpha and find the wolf within.

  Just like before, something raw and powerful surfaced that felt much more vile and menacing than before the whole ordeal with Cece. Like the kill had corrupted him somehow.

  I flinched as I felt the power of the Alpha surge through my body and only now understood how the rest of the group must feel under his command. This Alpha wouldn't take no for an answer, wouldn't accept anything but submission. He wouldn't bow for anything or anyone.

  But he had bent for me. For his mate, even if I was only his second. This Alpha wasn't my enemy.

  With the strength and confidence that Ashleigh's wolf gave me, I reached out into Aspen. Ignoring the incredible pull I felt, I dug around inside him, calling out to his wolf. He had to be around here somewhere.

  The Alpha hovered over me, his breath hot on my neck. He almost seemed unsure whether he should devour me or mate me. Using his confusion to my advantage, I travelled deeper into Aspen.

  Where was he...?

  There! In the darkest corner of his heart, I found a trembling heap of wolf curled up into a ball. Aspen.

  I gently nudged the frightened animal, making him jump up in shock. Amber coloured eyes shot open and suddenly everything happened in a flash.

  With a growl, Aspen's wolf shot into action. It howled loudly and as it did, I could feel the Alpha's grip slip. Before I knew it, I was thrown out of his chest and the man in front of me snapped back to life, his eyes amber-coloured once more.

  He was back.

  Instead of the Alpha's hot breath, I felt Ashleigh's sigh of relief tickle the sensitive skin on the back of my neck. The electricity and tension hanging in the air disappeared as Aspen relaxed.

  "Em?" he whispered, sweat trickling down his face.

  "No, it's me.... Akira?"

  The haze in his eyes disappeared and as it did, Aspen finally returned to this world. He quickly wiped the beads of sweat and blood from his face, looked at them in utter confusion, until he saw the bloody remains of Chesca on the ground.

  His jaw clenched and for a moment, it looked like he was going to speak. But as he ground his teeth down, he tore his eyes away from mine and turned on his heels. Without another word, he disappeared into the cave, leaving the rest of us standing around in the cold winter's night.

  I let out the breath I hadn't realised I was holding and leaned back into Ashleigh, wordlessly asking for her support. She wrapped her bare arms around me and rested her chin on my shoulder.

  "Thank you," she breathed in my ear as I could feel her heartbeat slowing down. It was only then, that I was reminded that her wolf was still roaming around in my chest. She must've seen everything I witnessed and felt everything I did.

  I turned around in her embrace, her hands loosely resting on my hips. Gently, she pressed her forehead against mine. "Can you feel it?"

  I nodded, my mouth dry. With Ashleigh so close to me, with our wolves running through our chests like they had never not known each other, everything else disappeared. It felt like they had suddenly been freed, as if with Ashleigh's wolf entering me, she had created whole new lands. I could almost picture my white wolf and her black one running side by side through a meadow. The fight, Chesca, the kill, Aspen, all the blood... She erased it with a single look. One glance and I was lost. Lost in her.

  "Our wolves... They are meant to be," she whispered. "We are meant to be."

  I happily sighed. She was right. This was it. She was it. If only I could find a way to stop my wolf feeling torn, I could have her forever.

  Her hands were cold against my heated up cheeks. "There is so much I want to do with you... But..."

  A desperate sigh escaped from my lips. "Timing..."

  She nodded. "Timing... I need to go take care of my brother. He needs me. And he needs you."

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I know..."

  She tenderly grazed her fingertips over my cheek, let out a heavy sigh that tickled my lips, and somehow tore herself and her wolf away from me. My wolf whimpered in my chest, howling as she was once again, alone.

  The forest suddenly felt a lot scarier now that I was standing in it on my own. Reluctantly, I dragged myself back to the cave and without another word, fell back on my bed.

  I had almost forgotten it was still nighttime. So much had happened, it felt like an eternity had passed. I just wanted to sleep and leave everything about today behind. I had enough.

  My mind was troubled, my
body agitated, my sleep restless. My dreams and fears intertwined as nightmare after nightmare crashed over me. Morning couldn't have come sooner but it brought an unpleasant surprise. I awoke in an empty cave.

  For a moment, I panicked. For a split second, the thought they had all abandoned me flashed through my brain. I jumped out of my bedding and almost ran outside.

  They wouldn't... Would they?

  A wave of relief washed over me when I found the group lingering outside the cave. Everyone except Aspen turned to me and smiled.

  "Morning, sleepyhead," Ashleigh yawned as she winked at me. None of them seemed to notice how freaked I was, so I let out a shaky breath and tried to regain my composure.

  "Morning, everyone." I forced my voice to sound casual. "How come you’re all packed up?"

  Regan looked up from his map. "Weather improved. We're moving."

  "I want to get out of this cave," Danny grumbled, as she softly kicked a tree. "I hate the forest, I hate the snow, I hate winter."

  "O-Only two m-more months until spring," JP comforted her with a kiss on her nape, making her melt into him.

  A giant hand squeezed my insides, my stomach clenched. "What did you just say?"

  The two looked at each other and then back at me. "I hate winter?" Danny slowly repeated herself, looking very confused at me.

  "No, what about spring?"

  "Only two more months until spring?"

  "Oh no. Oh no, no, no..." I muttered, softly banging my fists against my temples. Could that be right? Only two months before spring arrived? Had I already lost a whole month?

  How could that be? Did I really lose that much time fawning over Ashleigh? Oh gods, I was so screwed. Two months was nowhere enough to reach the East and get all the way back to my village. At the speed I was travelling, which had been exactly zero miles an hour for the past couple of days, I would be lucky to even reach Coyote Country before winter was over. Never mind the whole trip back.

  "Akira? What's the problem?"

  Five pairs of concerned eyes were all staring at me, the faces of my new friends painted with kindness. They cared. Genuinely cared. Would it be the worst thing in the world to tell them what I was trying to do? Maybe they could help? At this rate, I wouldn't succeed anyway, so what was the harm?

  I cleared my throat. "So, ummm... In my village, wolves can't shift. At least, not without... The Winter Stone. Or as you called it...?"

  "The Wolf's Relic," Ashleigh added thoughtfully. "Go on?"

  "Well, once every seven years, one person can break the chains and free their wolf. And this year, I was supposed to be that person. But then someone stole our Stone and now I'm trying to get it back. Somehow."

  The group exchanged quick glances with each other, and even though I couldn't tune in, I just knew they were telepathically communicating. At least, the ones that were able to.

  "What?" I asked, not particularly enjoying they could have secret conversations without me.

  Danny broke the silence. "Who stole it?"

  I rubbed the back of my neck. "Probably Coyotes. So - is why I'm on my way to the East..."

  More glances. Damn it, why wouldn't they just speak out loud?

  "Why only every seven years?" Darren suddenly asked, his head tilted to the side.

  "Because... Because. That is just how it is," I stuttered, wondering why it mattered.

  "Yes, but why?"

  "I... Well... Just..." I squinted my eyes as I tried to find a good answer, but realised I was drawing a blank. "I... I don't know why..." I admitted, frowning my eyebrows as I racked my brains, wondering if my grandparents ever told me why.

  "So it is just a random number?"

  "No!" I defensively shouted, earning a weird glance from Darren. I shoved my hands underneath my legs and calmed myself. "I'm sure there is a good reason. I think the Winter Stone only works every seven years. Or something like that. I don't know."

  Damn Darren and his smart questions.

  "So what does that have to do with spring?" Danny asked, looking just as confused as Darren.

  "The Stone only works during the winter. So if I don't get it back to my village before spring arrives, the magic inside won't work anymore and I'll never be able to free my wolf."

  Darren and Danny exchanged glances again. "So... Does the Relic, I mean, Stone, only work back in your village?"

  I scratched the back of my neck. "I guess? I mean, we have a special altar for it and everything."

  "If it only works in your village, why would someone steal it?"

  I shrugged. "Maybe just to mess with us?"

  "I always thought the Relic worked everywhere," Ashleigh chimed in.

  That did make sense. If the Stone was useless outside of our village, why would the Coyotes want it is so badly? I mean, sure, they hated us, but still, that seemed like a lot of effort just to piss us off. But what did it matter? I would never get the Stone back home in time anyway. I had already wasted too much time, caring for Aspen, getting trapped in a cave by a storm, almost getting killed, you know, all those time-consuming things.

  Maybe I should just turn around and go back home. There were almost no young wolves left in our tribe, so the Winter Stone would be useless to us in a couple of years anyway. My whole family already thought I was a disappointment, they wouldn't be surprised to see me crawling back.

  "You're not turning back," Ashleigh suddenly spoke as she rested her hand on my arm.


  "I know a doubtful person when I see them. You're going to get your Stone."

  A lump appeared in my throat. Why was she so kind? What had I done to deserve such kindness?

  With a crack in my voice, I said: "I'll just have to hurry..."

  I sighed, my head sinking into my chest. If I stopped stalling and just got on with my quest, I might make it on time. And even if I was too late, I could at least bring the Stone back. Or I could get killed by a Coyote and never see my family again. Either option was good.

  At this point, all I could do was pray that somehow I'd make it on time or redeem myself by returning our sacred Stone.

  "I can't afford to stall..." I muttered softly, the words cutting through me like a sharp knife. The dreaded moment had finally come. I needed to say farewell to Ashleigh and Aspen, leave the comfort of their pack, and go my own way.

  "True, it'll be a long road ahead. No time to waste," Darren spoke, the group casually nodding in agreement. Danny was braiding her red hair while Regan was scribbling down notes on his map. Aspen was still brooding in his corner, while JP seemed to be playing a game with sticks by himself. And Ashleigh, Ashleigh just nodded and smiled.

  So that was it? Woah, talk about cold... I mean, I know I hadn't been part of their little group for long, but I thought at least they'd be kind of sad to see me leave. I thought I had really clicked with JP and Danny. I felt like I had even connected with the robust Regan and the playful Darren. But it looked like they weren't too bothered I had to go. That wasn't what I had expected. Not at all. Especially not from Aspen, or Ashleigh.

  How could my mates not care I was going away?

  "So, what now? Hug goodbye?" I asked, forcing my voice to keep the cries inside. I didn't want them to know how painful it was to part ways. They didn't need to know how quickly I had imprinted on all of them. I'd just keep myself strong and weep like a baby once I was out of sight.

  Danny quickly scanned the group. I don't think I was supposed to see her exchange glances with Ashleigh, but it was hard to miss.

  "Goodbye? But we've decided to join you."

  "What?" My mouth fell open in surprise. A happy feeling bubbled up in my gut, but I pushed it back down. This couldn't be real, could it? When did they even decide to join me?

  "Aspen needs you right now and I don't think we'd get Ashleigh away from you either." Danny smiled, pointing at my blushing mate.

  A lump appeared in my throat. "So you guys are coming with me to the East?"

  A heavy arm w
as slung over my shoulder. "Of course we are. Can't let you have all the fun, can we?" Darren grinned, his eyes twinkling in excitement.

  "And b-besides, who else is g-going to keep the t-twins in check?" JP stuttered, his face beaming happily as he gave me one of his wider smiles.

  "You guys..." My voice cracked and tears welled up. A warmth spread from my gut to the rest of my body as I was filled with a foreign sensation. I'd never had anyone stick with me before and just knowing I wouldn't have to make this journey alone, was enough to make me cry like a baby.

  I threw a grateful glance at Ashleigh, suspecting she was the one who had convinced the group and was met with a warm smile.

  I wouldn't have to split up from my mates. I didn't have to choose between what I wanted to do and what I needed to do.

  "So when are we leaving?" Darren grinned, heaving his satchel on his back, his head tilted to the side.

  "Ummm..." Were they seriously all joining me? Just like that?

  "We're ready to go whenever you’re," Danny added in, buttoning up her jacket.

  "Right behind you," Ashleigh grinned, brushing a stray lock of hair from my shoulder.

  Chapter 12. Sharing

  After days of sheltering, we finally left the cave and were back on the road. Well. There wasn't much road here in the forest. Back on the trail.

  Darren was happily skipping through the forest, at least twenty meters ahead of us. Every now and then, he waved at Danny and showed her a stray flower or a rare plant.

  Aspen seemed to be completely lost in his own thoughts. The only reason his body was moving? Autopilot. He was definitely slipping, but I didn't know what to do or how to help him. I wasn't sure anyone could.

  I nudged Ashleigh, pulling her out of her daydreams and whispered. "Who's Em?"

  I'd been wondering about that name all night and couldn't find any good reason why he'd use Em as a nickname for me. It was obviously someone else. But who?

  Ashleigh bit her lip as she glanced at her brother in front of us. "Em was Aspen's first mate."


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