Wolf's Whisper

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Wolf's Whisper Page 18

by Arizona Tape

  "Would you have gone all the way?"

  "...I..." My brief hesitation spoke volumes.

  "I see," she mumbled, turning away from me and with a defeated look and hunched shoulders, she walked away from the group.

  "Ashleigh!" I called, pushing Aspen and Danny out of the way, running after her. I grabbed her by the wrist and made her face me. "Don't walk away from me!"

  Angrily, she yanked her arm away from me. "Don't touch me with the same hands that were just on my brother."

  Ouch. Her words stung like a slap in the face. I guess I deserved that. "I promise you. I would've never, ever, ever, ever, done something like this if I didn't think you were okay with it." Oof, at least I managed to get out a full sentence.

  "I'm just hurt that you'd... That you'd even could," Ashleigh muttered, her jaw clenching as she glared at her brother.


  "I guess it was to be expected. The Alpha always gets what he wants," she spat out bitterly, throwing her dark curls over her shoulder, much in the same fashion as Danny. "I guess, like always, I'll just be your second."

  I glanced at Aspen and felt my stomach churn. With Ashleigh standing so close to me, even the thought of kissing Aspen made me dry-heave. I clamped her hands and pressed them against my shirt, my shirt still damp from my dip. "You're not second. You're not even first. You're my only. You have to believe me," I tried to convince her, my attraction towards Aspen completely faded.

  Stupid, stupid, treacherous wolf, making me all hot for Aspen.

  "I..." Oh no, the first tear fell from my eye and rolled down my face. Angrily, I wiped it away, refusing to show how pathetic I was. Pull it together, Akira. I'm so, so, so sorry," I hiccupped, my voice breaking as I tried to get through my apology. Come on! "I thought you were okay with this. If not, I would never. You have to believe me. Please," I begged, praying she'd believe me. I couldn't live with Ashleigh never forgiving me.

  Her face softened. "Don't cry," she mumbled guiltily. With a softness I hadn't expected, she gently swiped her thumb over my cheek, wiping away the traitorous tears from my face. Why was I such a crybaby? Making Ashleigh feel sorry for me wasn’t the outcome I wanted. I wiped my face and tried taking her hand again. And this time, she didn't slap it away.

  "I'm sorry, Ashleigh... If I’d known..."

  She placed a finger on my lips. "I know. It's his Alpha. It takes many forms."

  I tilted my head in confusion. His Alpha? But he had been so happy and joyful? I thought this Alpha was dark and possessive and oh... His growl echoed through my head as I remembered his roaming hands and lustful eyes. I touched a tender spot on my neck and was almost sure he'd left a love bite. Damn it, his Alpha had come out to play and I, I hadn't even noticed. My own head too clouded with lust and desire, to notice how hard and urgent he had been.

  "It's not your fault. It's his. He should've known better."

  I bit my lip, feeling even more awful than I had before. So not only had I hurt Ashleigh, but Aspen looked equally as ashamed of himself as I was. Well, that's not how I'd expect a heated make-out session to end.

  "I genuinely thought you were okay with sharing."

  Ashleigh sighed, rubbing her forehead in exhaustion. "I thought I was. I mean, it's not like I expected you two to never kiss... It's just... Seeing it is much harder than I expected."

  I placed my hands on top of hers. "I would never have even considered it, if you hadn't..."

  "I know... I agreed to this. Hell, I proposed it. But the reality is just harder to stomach. Especially if his Alpha comes out to play. It's not safe. Not for him, not for you."

  Carefully, I pressed myself against her. Compared to Aspen, she was soft and curved. Her curls wild, but her hands tender. Her eyes deeper than anything I'd seen before, cool and cold, yet somehow, they burned brighter than all the stars combined. Like blue suns or icy fire. She was fierce, but gentle at the same time. With stunning features and her hoarse voice, she was almost too perfect.

  I smiled. She was so different from her brother, but equally as beautiful in her own way. Maybe even a little more so.

  "I want you," I mumbled.


  I let out a deep sigh. She was right, there was a but. "But... My wolf won't listen."

  With a sad smile, she caught my gaze. Her blue eyes were deeper than the lake, or any ocean I had ever seen. "Neither does mine. I want to share. I'm trying... But seeing you with him, seeing him wrapped around you, his hands all over you... Something snapped."

  I chuckled humourlessly. "If only we didn't have wolves, right?"

  Ashleigh's head suddenly snapped up, a strange glint in her eyes. "Wait a minute...." She turned on her heels and strode towards her brother. Carefully, the group watched, scared of what she might do. Her hand moved towards his neck and for a moment, I was afraid she'd strangle him. But then she coiled her fingers around the amulet resting on his chest and with a sharp snap, tore it away from him.

  "I should've taken this from you a long time ago," Ashleigh spat, making Aspen flinch.

  "You can't take it from me, I need it," he tried, but she wouldn't have it. She shook her head, her dark curls dancing in the wind. "You're not in control. You can't hold your Alpha back."

  Aspen let out a mangled whine, resembling a strangled cat. "Yes, I can."

  "I don't think so."

  "I know how to deal with the Alpha. I need my amulet."

  "You weren't in control. You could've hurt Akira!" Ashleigh shouted.

  Her brother recoiled. "I wouldn't have."

  Danny stepped in, pointing at me. "Can you guarantee that? Can you assure our safety? Can you promise Akira's safety?"

  Aspen clenched his jaw, his face contorting in a pained expression. "Fine." he admitted, pushing Regan out of the way as he retreated back to the campsite.

  The redhead turned to Ashleigh, extending her palm. "Give it."

  My mate narrowed her eyes. "Excuse me?"

  "You can't keep the necklace either. Give it to me."

  Ashleigh snorted loudly. "I don't think so. It's my brother's."

  "E-Exactly why you s-shouldn't keep it," JP added in carefully, immediately taking a step back as Ashleigh glared angrily at him. Funny. He had no trouble killing five men at the same time, but my usually gentle mate intimidated him?

  "He's right though. You can't have both. We've seen the effect it has on you."

  Stubbornly, the dark-haired beauty shook her head. "I was a lot younger. I can take it."

  Regan placed a hand on her shoulder. "You can't," he added, sternly but gently. His voice made it clear that while he was looking out for her best interests, he also wouldn't take no for an answer. Ashleigh narrowed her eyes into slits. With attitude, she threw the necklace against Regan's chest. "Fine. So who'll take it then?"


  The whole group awkwardly shuffled as Regan held the amulet in front of him like it was a dirty sock. You could almost hear crickets chirp as they all uncomfortable exchanged glances.

  "What's so special about Aspen's necklace?" I asked, breaking the silence. Five heads turned my way, staring at me intensely.


  "Should we tell her?" Darren whispered in Danny's ear, earning a nudge against his shoulder.

  "Shhhhh," Danny hissed, clamping her hand over his mouth.

  Ashleigh awkwardly tied up her long hairs in a ponytail, deliberately avoiding my gaze. Regan was studying the sky and JP kicked a rotten tree stump.

  "Tell me what?" I asked, my question lost in the wind.

  Without even acknowledging that I spoke, the group kept chattering by themselves.

  "We should," Regan added, also earning a glare from Danny.

  "I-I think Ashleigh should d-decide."

  Hearing her name, Ashleigh snorted. "Why me? This is about all of us."

  Darren nodded in response. "She's right."

  Another glare from Danny. "She's your mate. You'll do whatever you think is right, any

  "I wouldn't!" Ashleigh defended herself, angrily pulling the necklace from Regan's hands. "It doesn't matter if she's my mate, it's about this stupid thing!" she groaned in frustration, pointing at the amulet.

  "D-Do we have another choice?" JP reasoned, rubbing his hand over his chin. The rest of the group turned to him, all glaring angrily. That just meant he was right and won the argument.

  "Don't think we do," Regan admitted, looking at me.

  "Umm, hello, I'm right here?" I tried, waving my arms at them. For a brief moment, I gained their attention as they all stared at me wordlessly. But then they went right back to their usual bickering.

  "I-I can wear it f-for you," JP chirped in, earning himself a scoff from Darren. That was uncharacteristic. He usually was very polite and respectful towards Danny's other mates.

  "No offence, JP, but it's not made for humans," Darren weighed in, shaking his head in dismissal. What wasn't made for humans? Why were they always so vague? And if it wasn't for humans, maybe I could help? I wasn't human after all.

  "Can I help?" I proposed, earning myself shifty glances from the whole group.

  "You...?" Danny asked, quickly interrupted by Ashleigh's protest.

  "No! You're not putting this on Akira!"

  "It might be the only way," she tried again carefully, but Ashleigh wasn't taking it.

  "We can't ask JP again, it's not safe," Danny firmly said, her hand resting on JP's chest protectively. Darren and Regan nodded, and as they did, I noticed how they positioned themselves slightly in front of their comrade. It would've been cute, if they weren't ganging up on my mate.

  "Ashleigh, tell me what I can do," I interrupted, moving to Ashleigh's side to show my support and loyalty to her. As long as I was around, she wouldn't stand alone. Ever.

  "There's nothing you can do," Ashleigh stubbornly said, dismissing my proposal.

  Danny nervously ran her fingers through her hair. "It might be the only way..."

  "I won't allow it!" my mate protested, stirring something inside of me.

  "You won't allow it? I'm not a kid. I can make my own decisions," I argued for myself. A flashback of being attacked by Chesca ran through my head. "Granted, they aren't always great, but I don't need you to decide for me like a spoilt little child. Tell me what's going on!" I demanded, firmly planting my hands on my hips to seem more confident.

  My beautiful mate smiled, completely ignoring my tantrum. Tenderly, she brushed a lost strand of hair behind my ear. "I wouldn't dare ask this of you, Akira," she mumbled, her voice softening as she said my name.

  I pressed myself gently against her, locking my grey eyes with her blue ones. "Ask me anyway."

  "I can't."

  Aspen's Alpha, and putting Ashleigh and the rest of the pack under his grip, I needed to redeem myself. I needed to show them that I wasn't a burden. I had to make it up somehow. "Ashleigh. Please... I just want to help. You don't have to tell me why, just tell me what I have to do."

  JP quickly cut in. "I-I don't think you can a-ask her without telling her w-what it is."

  Darren nodded. "He's right. She needs to know."

  Hesitantly, Ashleigh eyed the necklace resting in Regan's palm. "I could just take it," she tried. But, instantly, she was met with a lot of protest. Both Danny and her men clearly thought that was a bad idea.

  "Looking for someone to wear it? I'll wear it," I impatiently snapped, pulling the amulet out of Regan's hands and throwing it over my head before anyone really knew what was happening. The five of them squealed in surprise and grabbed at the necklace around my neck.

  "Woah, woah, keep your grabby hands to yourself!" I yelled, shielding the amulet and darting backwards.

  "Take it off!" Danny exclaimed, clawing at me. Well, more at the trinket around my neck, but I didn't feel like she'd care if she scratched me.

  "Back off," Ashleigh shouted at the redhead, pushing me behind her back so she could shield me with her body.

  Darren growled at my mate, baring his teeth at her. "She can't know!"

  "Know what?" I yelled back, cowardly hiding behind Ashleigh's soft back. As much as I disliked asking for her help, I wasn't about to face an angry Danny head on. I knew better.

  Regan put up one of his big hands, silencing both Danny and Darren. He tilted his head to the side and stared at me. "You don't feel it?"

  "Feel what?"

  Ashleigh turned towards me, studying me carefully. "You don't sense it?

  Annoyed, I let out an exasperated huff. "Sense what? Come on, use your words!" I barked, losing my patience. Why did they always do that? Couldn't they just explain what was going on, even for once?

  "The necklace... Doesn't it... I don't know. Don't you feel different after putting it on?"

  I lifted the amulet and twirled it between my fingers, getting a good look at it for the first time. It was a simple round totem carved out of bone. It had some graceful decorations on the sides and an elegantly carved wolf's head in the middle. Immaculate.

  "What am I supposed to feel?" I inquired, not sure what they meant.

  Darren and Danny exchanged odd glances, before turning to me. "Anything? No tingling, no electricity, no sparks?"

  I shook my head. "Nope, nothing?"



  Danny shrugged, throwing her red hear over her shoulder. "Just surprised."

  "So what's the secret?" I asked, noticing how the whole group suddenly exchanged more awkward glances. "What? You didn't think I forgot about it, right? I'm already letting you keep the secret of your shift, even though I seriously think you should be telling me. But at least tell me what this amulet thingy is about?"

  "Oh-oooh..." Danny let out a loud gasp, before clamping her hands over her own mouth and hiding behind Regan and Darren. JP suddenly seemed very busy studying the rotten tree mush he had made and Ashleigh, well, Ashleigh was looking everywhere but me.

  "What?" I asked, studying the group. Why did they become so twitchy all of a sudden? Was it something I said? All I did, was ask about the secret of the necklace and mention their shifting. Wait... "Does the amulet have anything to do with why you all can shift?"

  Danny's loud gasp gave it away more than anything. Bingo.

  "So it has something to do with your shapeshifting!" I exclaimed. And judging by their faces, I had hit the nail on the head. "Tell me more."

  "We... can't," Ashleigh muttered, a pained look on her face. "I would, but... It's better if you don't know."


  JP gently placed a hand on my shoulder. "B-Believe me. It's better if you d-don't know."

  I sighed. Putting aside their murderous alter egos, I did trust them. If they both insisted it was better that I didn't know, I'd let it slide.

  "Alright then," I sang, hiding the necklace underneath my shirt. "It's not like this amulet allows you to shift, anyway," I bluffed, watching all their faces.

  "Ooooooh," Danny loudly gasped, earning foul looks from all her men.

  "Oops..." she blurted out, clamping her hands over her mouth. Too late.

  "Wait, what?"

  "Nothing!" the whole group yelled, all suddenly looking very awkward. I pulled the necklace from underneath my shirt and stared at it. Was this really it? The secret to their shift? A simple amulet? Would it let me shift?

  "Hnnnnggggg," I grunted, glaring at the necklace and tensing all my muscles. Almost disappointed that nothing happened, I turned towards the group. They were all staring at me, eyes big like saucers. "Nothing is happening, guys."

  Darren nudged Danny, who in her turn nudged Ashleigh. "Should we tell her?" the redhead whispered, staring at me with spooked eyes.

  "Yes, tell me! I want to know how to use the necklace so I can shift!" I demanded, stomping my feet on the ground like a little child. Ashleigh was my mate, wasn't she? Why wouldn't she trust me with the secret? Didn't she want us to run together like wolves?

  Ashleigh awkwardly shifted her feet. "Is it my secret to

  Regan scratched his head. "We're all here, aren't we?"

  "Oooh, that is a good one," Danny gasped, jumping in. "This could stand as a council of our four houses."

  I tilted my head. "Wait, what. What four houses? What are you guys talking about now?"

  Ashleigh gingerly touched my face, immediately silencing me. Well, if I couldn't get the secret, I'd settle for having my mate look at me this tenderly.

  "All in good time, I promise... We need to discuss this in private. I'm sorry, but I'll explain everything later. Okay?"

  I nodded. I'd agree to anything with her being so close to me. Damn, I really was a sucker.

  "Hand me the necklace, please."

  With the necklace in my hand, I felt my lips curl up. "If you want it, take it," I grinned, dropping the amulet back down my shirt, making her blue eyes light up in amusement.

  "Don't tempt me," Ashleigh warned me, the lower tone of her voice sending a chill down my spine.

  "Or?" I dared ask, sounding braver than I felt. I wasn't exactly sure if this was the so called "flirting" everyone talked about, but Ashleigh seemed to like it.

  "Or I'll take you up on that offer," my dark-haired mate growled, her lips all of a sudden dangerously close. I felt another thrill run down my spine, remembering how right and perfect it had felt when she had kissed me a couple of days ago. How soft and warm her lips were, how perfect her body fitted against mine, how gingerly she made me feel.

  "Maybe I want..."

  "Hello? We've got more important issues to discuss?" Danny waved, snapping us out of our little world. Oh right, we weren’t alone. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment, realising that Danny and her men had just witnessed my awful attempt of flirting. Oops. It was just hard to remember other people existed when Ashleigh was standing this close to me.

  I let out an awkward chuckle and hid my face in Ashleigh's embrace. Her fingers playfully dancing over my spine as she shot a quick apology toward Danny. Pressed against her, her natural scent of strawberries flooded my senses. Oh the spirits, I was in heaven. I never wanted this to end. I never wanted Ashleigh to end.

  "I can't believe I'm saying this but... Could you go check up on Aspen? As much as I hate him right now, I do worry about him. He hasn't been without his amulet for a long time."


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