Betrayed [Bound & Cuffed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Betrayed [Bound & Cuffed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Jenny Penn

  Logan didn’t need any further encouraging. His lips broke open over the swollen folds of her pussy as he began to devour her cunt with an insatiable hunger that had Molly crying out with the pleasure that flooded through her body. His tongue was wickedly demanding as it twirled and swirled over and around her clit, sending whirls of ecstatic delight searing up her spine.

  They wound tighter, burning brighter until they exploded, unleashing a orgasmic wave of pleasure that left Molly panting for breath, her muscles quivering and trembling as Logan continued to feast on her weeping flesh. He growled against the sensitive folds of her cunt, thrusting his tongue deep into her spasming sheath and fucking her with a relentlessness that had Molly coming again within minutes. Still, that wasn’t enough to satisfy Logan.

  Clenched in his hair, her fingers no longer pressed him closer but tugged at the strands as Molly fought to pull him free and gain herself one second to regain some semblance of sanity, but it was not to be. There was no escaping the hold Logan had on her hips or the mouth that continued to devour her cunt with a mercilessness that brought her right to the edge of a third climax.

  Molly would have toppled right over into the sea of seething rapture trying to consume her if the door holding her up hadn’t given, sending her tumbling back instead into Bruce’s naked arms. He caught her, pinning Molly against his damp heat as Logan sat back on his heels to glance up at the two of them with a feral look that sent a shiver racing down Molly’s spine.

  The sensation grew only more intense as Bruce lifted a hand to her neck and began to force her head down, making her bend over his other arm as she felt the hard press of his thick cock against the back of her thighs. Molly knew just what he wanted because she wanted the same. Bruce’s control was breaking.

  Logan’s was already broken.

  Molly licked her lips and eyed the swollen cock that sprang free of Logan’s jeans as he lowered the zipper. He rose back up to his feet, bringing that delicious looking dick within inches of her mouth. Molly strained forward to get a taste, but Logan denied her, burying a hand in her hair and holding her steady as Bruce’s hairy thigh split hers wide. She didn’t resist his rough advances, all too eager to spread her legs and arch her back, opening up her cunt to the heavy press of the bulbous head of Bruce’s cock.

  He took instant advantage, lodging his swollen head against the clenched opening to her sheath and pushing forward as he fucked a moan right out of Molly. Her eyes fluttered closed as she savored the feel of being filled with his meaty thickness, enjoying every inch of dick Bruce fed her. He was hard, long, and stretching her wide, feeding the burning ache that had her strung tight.

  This was what she wanted, but it wasn’t all of what she needed.

  Molly’s lashes lifted as the fingers in her hair tightened, forcing her head down until her lips kissed the weeping head of Logan’s cock. Her head flooded with the spicy taste of his arousal, driving a thirst for more that Molly had no chance of controlling. She didn’t even try. Instead, Molly gave in to her hunger and parted her lips, letting her tongue lick out to lap at the flushed and swollen knob glaring blindly back at her.

  Above her, Logan grunted and cursed, his hands clenching even tighter in her hair as he pushed her downward over the thick length of his dick. Molly greedily ate up every inch until the soft sac of his balls pressed against her chin. Then she started bobbing up and down in rhythm set by Logan and matched by Bruce as he began to fuck her. He rode her with steady, even strokes that stoked the fires of the inferno flaming white-hot through her veins.

  The sensation was so intense Molly didn’t know if she would survive. Not that she cared. All that mattered right then was feeding the insatiable need that drove her to buck between both men in a silent demand for more. They answered her wanton call almost instantly as both men picked up speed, leaving Molly bobbing up and down on Logan’s cock too fast to do much more than suck, even as she fought back the moans of delight that filled her with each pounding thrust of Bruce’s hips.

  Bruce fucked her hard and fast, riding her with a savage desperation that betrayed the depths of his own need. Not that Molly minded. She loved every single pump of his thick dick along the shuddering walls of her sheath. Each intimate caress sent another wave of frenzied delight rushing up her spine, making her muscles clench tighter around the dick pillaging her molten depths.

  He felt so good, so hard, so deliciously thick, just like his cousin. That was what Molly really wanted. She wanted them both at the very same time, but she wasn’t ready, not yet, but there was no denying she soon would be. That promise was sealed by the feel of Bruce’s fingers gathering up the cream slickening the inside of Molly’s thighs before they tracked back to the puckered entrance to her ass.

  Molly lost all sense of time and reality as Bruce screwed first one and then a second finger deep into her, making the world explode around her with dazzling array of lights. That was just how Molly came, with an eruption of such pleasure it consumed her whole and left her gasping for breath as Logan roared above her and flooded her throat with the salty proof of his own release.

  Bruce joined them a second later, his fingers abandoning her ass to lock down on Molly’s hips. He held her steady as he banged into her with the force of a climax that left them both shuddering. They would have crumpled to the floor if Logan hadn’t forced Molly to straighten as he stepped up to capture her between the sweaty heat of his and Bruce’s body.

  Releasing her hair to curl a hand around her chin, he lifted her face until their gaze reconnected once again. Then he smiled.

  “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to us,” Logan whispered in a hoarse and broken breath. “And we’re never going to let you go.”

  Molly wanted to say she hoped not, but she didn’t have that kind of courage, that kind of faith. Not yet. Not now.

  * * * *

  Logan could see the truth in Molly’s eyes, right along with her fears and doubts as they clouded over. She didn’t believe him, and unfortunately, he didn’t know how to convince her. Only time could do that. Time was what they didn’t have right then.

  Stepping back with a sigh, Logan released Molly and offered her a small smile and a pointed warning. “You better get a move on it, or you’re going to be late to work.”

  Just as he knew it would, that reminder had Molly’s eyes clearing with a fresh look of alarm. A second later she was squirming free of Bruce’s hold, insisting that he let her go. He did with a grunt.

  “I’ve got to shower,” Molly declared, clearly in a panic as she began to shove Bruce toward the door. “Get out of here.”

  Bruce rolled his eyes, reaching down to grab the towel puddled at his feet before giving into the insistent press of Molly’s hands. Logan backed up as well, making room for Bruce in the hall so that Molly could slam the door behind his cousin. For a moment, they shared a look before Bruce turned and huffed off toward his bedroom.

  Logan smiled as he watched his cousin storm off. He knew what was eating Bruce. His cousin had lost that round, but Logan didn’t think for a moment that Bruce would give up the fight. Bruce wanted more from Molly than just a quick, hot fuck. So did Logan, but he’d take sex with Molly whenever she offered it. He wasn’t that bent on proving a point.

  Or maybe he was.

  Logan eyed the junk that now filled their apartment as he tucked his dick back into his jeans. There was barely room to breathe in the small space, but he had an idea of how to clean things up. Logan was going to need help, though. That was just why he picked up his cell phone and started calling his cousins.

  Chapter Ten

  Molly knew something was up the moment she stepped out of the bathroom. The Holmes cousins had gathered, overflowing the small apartment with their massive bulk. Like a pack of dogs, they watched her scurry down the hall toward Bruce’s bedroom with a silence that was unnerving. They were up to something, but Molly didn’t have the time to fool with them.

  She barely had the time t
o get dressed before she had to fly out the front door and head off to work. Barely bothering to spare a second to say goodbye to the men who continued to track her every movement with steady gazes, Molly couldn’t deny she was glad to escape, even if she spent the rest of the day wondering just what they were all up to.

  The answer became clear when she finally got off shift and reluctantly returned back to Bruce and Logan’s apartment. Not sure what to expect as she opened the door, she did so cautiously, her eyes scanning over the now nearly empty apartment as shock replaced uncertainty and left her gaping in the entryway. Her stuff, it was all gone…so were the men.

  All that remained was a quickly scrawled note on the kitchen counter that assured her everything was safe and that Bruce and Logan would be back late that night. That left Molly with nothing to do but wonder what they’d done. That became more difficult, though, when the rumble of voices next door started to turn into something a little more telling.

  Harvey was back and apparently moving on with Trisha. That was fine with Molly, but that didn’t mean she wanted to hear it. So, she did what she normally did when she wanted to escape. She went to the beach. A long walk along the sandy shore helped Molly clear her mind and get her back on track.

  Wherever Logan and Bruce had taken her stuff, Molly knew they wouldn’t have thrown it away or left it unsecured. They’d, no doubt, moved it into a storage locker. While normally it would have outraged her to think of somebody being so presumptuous with her things, Molly couldn’t deny that that her stuff had to go somewhere.

  Somewhere like a new apartment.

  That was what she needed to find because, when things finally blew up with Logan and Bruce, and Molly didn’t have any doubt that things would blow up, she’d need a place to live. That decision calmed Molly’s nerves. After all, she might be giving into the moment, but that didn’t mean she was giving up on her long-term plans.

  One day she’d own her own restaurant. Despite the fact that Molly knew that dream would be hard fought to win, standing there on the beach with the moonlight reflecting off the soft roll of the waves, anything felt possible. Molly smiled as she stared out at the ocean, letting the soothing sound of the water wash away the last of her uncertainty, allowing her dreams to take hold.

  They held her within their powerful spell until a cold sense of unease crept up Molly’s spine. The unsettling sensation of being watched grew, even as she glanced around the empty beach. That revelation didn’t, however, leave her feeling reassured, and Molly couldn’t help but give in to the urge to quickly retreat to where she’d left her car parked in the small access parking lot.

  Even locked within the small compact, she felt a sense of lingering dread that had her backing up with undo speed before she took off down the highway, racing for home.

  * * * *

  Bruce watched as Logan lined up the butt plugs he’d picked up along the counter before the old woman who ran the register at the Naughty Kitty. Each one was slightly bigger then the next one, the line growing in both length and thickness. By the time the last one would come into use, Molly would be ready to take a real dick. Just the thought of being able to have her like that had Bruce shifting slightly as his cock hardened in a rush.

  Having spent the better part of the day arguing with Logan, Bruce had finally declared defeat. Sort of. Logan and Molly could call it an affair, but Bruce was still thinking in terms of a relationship. Whether Molly wanted to admit to it or not, Bruce knew she was thinking in those terms, too. She was just that kind of girl.

  She was a good girl.

  A good girl with a wild side, something Bruce had never thought he’d find, but he had, and he’d be damned if he’d let her go. That wasn’t even an option. Neither was there any point to arguing over the matter. Time would prove the truth to Molly. Time and a whole lot of sex.

  Bruce admitted, though only to himself, that he might not be thinking perfectly clearly. It was hard to with his dick throbbing in painful demand. It stayed that way the rest of the night as, once again, they rechecked all the abandoned buildings on their list. It took several hours, and they came up empty. That was how most nights went. Despite the lure of danger and excitement, the truth was that security work was boring more times than not.

  That left Bruce with several hours to waste, wondering if Molly had chosen his bed to sleep in that night. He knew Logan was thinking the same thing. By the time they headed home, a strange tension filled the air between them as a sense of competition grew between them. It lent a little extra spring to Bruce’s step as he hopped out of Logan’s truck before his cousin had even pulled up to a complete stop at the curb outside their apartment.

  He made it to the front door first, but Logan was right on his heels. They shoved into the house without a word, each cousin heading straight to their bedroom doors. Logan reached his first but hesitated until Bruce’s reached his own. Together, they shoved in their doors and revealed the winner of the night.

  It was not Bruce.

  He scowled, casting a dirty look back down the shadowed halls toward Logan, who responded by sticking his tongue out at Bruce before escaping into his bedroom and slamming the door closed. A second later Bruce heard the latch click and knew he’d been locked out. Locked out and left to listen to Logan and Molly go at it for what remained of the night.

  Listen and plot, because that was just what he did. Bruce could figure out that tomorrow was his night, and he planned some surprises for Molly because he intended to make it the best night ever. That was how he ended up the Naughty Kitty the next day buying his own set of butt plugs.

  A set of plugs and a pair of cuffs. That was all he needed.

  * * * *

  Molly knew she was in trouble the moment she felt the cold links of a set of metal cuffs snap around her wrists. She hadn’t actually been asleep but had faked it since the second Bruce had entered the bedroom. Feeling a sense of fairness and not wanting to cause problems between both cousins, she’d chosen Bruce’s bed to sleep in that night.

  Not that she’d gotten much rest. Mostly she’d lain there, wondering just what Bruce would do when he got home. Now Molly had her answer. He’d bound her to the headboard, and that could mean only that he planned to take some kind of revenge. It also added a tension to the air and a delicious sense of anticipation to the nerves starting to tingle down her spine.

  Molly didn’t dare open her eyes and ruin the moment. She lay there with her breath caught and her muscles starting to quiver as she felt the sheet covering her body slowly begin to glide down her naked skin. The cool air teased her, along with the soft feel of the cotton as it slid ever lower.

  Her nipples puckered under the sweet caress as the sheet slipped down over the straining mounds of her breasts. Molly could all but feel the heat of Bruce’s gaze and could certainly tell when he snapped the light on beside the bed. The world glowed a soft orange behind Maggie’s lids. She didn’t need to see to know what awaited her on the other side.

  Molly could easily imagine the strain on Bruce’s face and the clench tightening his muscles, even as the scent of her arousal grew stronger in the air as the sheet dipped ever lower until, finally, she could feel the cool brush of air against the soles of her feet. A soft sigh filled the air, and Molly knew the sheet had fallen to the floor. What she didn’t know was what came next.

  Instinctively, her eyes opened as she searched for an answer, but all she found was darkness. Before Molly could get more than a mere glimpse of the bedroom, Bruce leaned down and wrapped a black swath of fabric that felt as soft as silk around her head, forcing her to lift up slightly as he tied the ends together. Secured into place, the blindfold assured that she could see nothing, but she could hear…and smell.

  The air filled with the heady scent of cinnamon. A moment later she felt the slick slide of Bruce’s fingers over hers as he took her hand. His were coated with a lotion that quickly warmed as he began to slowly massage his way down her arm. Molly smiled, feeling relaxed
, even as Bruce crawled up onto the bed. The mattress dipped beneath his weight, and she could feel the naked caress of his thigh against hers as he settled down between her spread legs.

  His magical hands worked their way across her bunched shoulders and back up her other arm, easing the tension that had gathered in muscles thanks to her position, but he didn’t release her. Instead, his fingers traced the curve of her arm back down to her neck and lower as he began to methodically massage his way down her body.

  Molly sighed and lost herself in the moment, moaning slightly with the delight that started to thicken along with the want pumping through her veins. Her heart beat faster as his fingers brushed along the curve of her breasts before his hands covered them. The callused heat of his touch infused her skin with a flush that spread across her body as Bruce teased her nipples with a slow roll of his palm.

  He didn’t linger, simply teased her with a taste of more of what Molly hoped would come. That anticipation had her stomach quivering beneath the warm press of his hands as they stroked over her tummy, circling ever closer to the wet flesh aching for his touch. Her breath caught with a sense of excited urgency as, finally, the soft tips of his fingers teased the top curve of her mound, but, of course, he didn’t appease the wakening desperation that began to fill her.

  Instead, Bruce eased his hands around the curve of her hip and began the long, slow journey down her leg. He gripped her thigh with a strength that made Molly sigh as he ground his palms into her melting muscles, leaving her relaxed but still aching for more. That need grew only stronger as his fingers curled around her calf and slid down to the sensitive arches of her feet.


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