Beyond Charybdis

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Beyond Charybdis Page 19

by Bruce McLachlan

  ‘There, much better,’ mused Poseidon, digging his fingers into her buttocks, pulling them apart so he might plunge into her anus. Mina wailed as she was penetrated, employing her muscles to try and spit him out, her hatred finding a delicate satisfaction in being so forcefully taken, melting her resentment a little.

  ‘Ah, I’ll miss using this passage, slave, but I’ll sleep better knowing you are here, in torment. And as to the point of your escape, I almost forgot to mention before you so rudely interrupted me. Rache here was raised for just such a purpose as this. She has been conditioned only to find her pleasure in another’s pain and humiliation. She has been trained to wish only for this moment, where she would be locked away with a slave, to use and abuse her for the rest of your lives, spend them together so she might exact every single crumb of anguish from your shrieking body.’ He ground his hips against her rump with each drive of his shaft into her, the vivid weals exploding with new torment, making her croak and let valuable air slip free through the cleft of the female’s rear.

  ‘All she sees you as is a means to gain her own enjoyment. Mercy? Compassion? Regret? Guilt? These were never even introduced to her during her isolated upbringing. You see, when her disabilities were discovered her uncaring parents deserted her, bringing her to our attention as a candidate for just such a job as this. I think she turned out just fine, don’t you?’ he crooned, stabbing into Mina as she groaned in apathy, unable to fathom how such a terrible fate was going to befall her. She had to escape it. She just had to.

  ‘But you will,’ he went on, running his hands over her rear, punishing the contusions and taking one last feel of her before he gave her up. ‘You two will have all the time in the world to get acquainted. You see, once that door closes, it locks itself and can only be opened from the outside, and only I know the code. The two of you will live in here for the rest of your lives, together in sadistic bliss. Isn’t that romantic, slave?’

  Her face started to burn, her mouth straining against the leggings with rising panic, her eyes bulging as she tried to throw her head aside and find air. But she was trapped in the valley of the girl’s bottom, the buttocks on each side of her face like dams that refused to let her slip free.

  The feel of Poseidon ramming himself casually into her was mortifying, the pleasure a meagre one as she battled to try and find air. The girl shuffled forward a little, letting Mina find a scant vent for her nostrils. She wheezed in deep gulps of air as she sobbed and whimpered, and once she was deemed sufficiently recuperated, the girl pushed back onto her.

  ‘Everything you’ll need to survive is in here, and as long as Rache lives, I’ll keep supplying food and air to this chamber and those rooms attached to it. Mmmm, doesn’t that ass taste good, slave? I know yours does,’ he giggled, his length swelling within her, the image of Mina being pressed into Rache’s buttocks fanning his ecstasy, and then he was filling her rear with his seed and scalding her with his mocking laughter.

  Dragging free, she whined with disgust as he deserted her, his length drawing at her burning rear before vacating it in full. ‘There, that’ll be a fine enough memory - I’ll leave you now to Rache, slave,’ he chuckled, feeding himself back into his trousers before leaving her to her entrapment.

  ‘Oh,’ he said, pausing and turning his gaze over his shoulder as he stood in the doorway. ‘Seeing as these are the last words you’ll ever here again, I might as well make them count.’

  Poseidon turned and walked back and regarded her as she was submerged against the latex rear, her eyes fixed to him, full of tears, unable to answer anything he might say, guaranteeing him the last word.

  ‘You’ve failed, Mina. Have a fun life.’

  The door hissed shut and locked itself, throwing heavy and damning bolts of condemnation. The girl waited for a moment and then stepped forward, letting Mina’s head drop forward as she gasped for air, feeding her ravenous lungs.

  ‘Poseidon, you bastard,’ Mina said sorrowfully, tears trickling down her face.

  The girl crouched before Mina, looking at her with bland intensity, no trace of emotion apparent in her eyes. Mina felt new levels of sorrow well within her. This girl had been raised for this, there was to be no reasoning with her, no exchange, no love, nothing save eternal suffering. She was in hell, a slice of Gehenna carved off and served just to her.

  ‘Please, if you understand me, you don’t have to do this, I—!’

  A stinging slap to her cheek span her head aside and left her looking at the wall. She paused for a moment and then looked back to the girl, her expression and demeanour unchanged. New tears welled in Mina’s eyes as she regarded the impassive torturer.

  ‘You have to listen to me, you—!’

  Her words were cut off as another slap span out and caught the other cheek, filling the flesh with heat and jerking her gaze aside with its severe impetus. The girl was silently educating Mina in the ways of silence. She could not hear her words, so Mina guessed that was maybe a source of resentment, that she had been abandoned because of her imperfections and now reviled them in others. Now she had the chance to exact all her bitterness and rage on Mina, and the mere thought had a deep pit opening in Mina’s stomach as she contemplated briefly all the horrors such a beast might be capable of.

  Returning her eyes to the girl, Mina lowered her gaze in humility, her will to fight back gone. She couldn’t win here, she was beaten, they had taken away that which was most precious to her, and left her to this miserable end.

  Without word the female rose with the subtle creak of latex. Wandering to the wall, she removed two clover clamps, each one spilling a long line of slender black cord from their end.

  Mina whimpered softly as she walked back and knelt below her suspended form, taking the clamps in her hands and squeezing. The jaws craned open, revealing their padded interiors. With deliberate sloth she started to lift them towards Mina’s hovering breasts. Hanging upside down, the assets were easy prey, and even though Mina desperately shuffled them from side to side, paining her belly all the more from struggling against the trapeze, the mordant contraptions snapped to her nipples without delay.

  Mina groaned and gritted her teeth as the compression started to take hold, wringing all feeling from the points of her breasts, save the standard throb that started to grow worse as Rache paid out the cord.

  Grabbing her left big toe, she threaded the cord around it and yanked tight. The clamp hauled suddenly at Mina’s left breast, pulling fiercely at the nipple, stretching it out and making it erupt with havoc. Mina threw her head up, a grimace ruling her features, her eyes screwed shut as she stifled her howl.

  Snorting for breath, she felt the girl lift her toe up. She tried to resist, but bound so effectively there was nothing she could do as the tormentor simply grabbed her foot in both hands and wrenched up, ensuring that her extremity was raised as much as it would go. Tying off the cord, Rache left Mina hopelessly wracked by anguish. Her foot was painfully contorted against the demands of the fetters, and her raised toe was linked to her stretched nipple. Any attempt to lower her foot from this position would inflict more havoc to her breast, and in seconds she felt the muscles and tendons of the appendage start to pulsate with strain as she tried desperately to maintain the required pose. She could not keep her foot up forever, but the consequences would have her striving to.

  The fight to resist the raising of the other foot was sterner when Rache grabbed it in her red-nailed hands. Mina hissed and channelled the pain into her strength, using it to help her resist. Suddenly she let loose a squeal as Rache merely grabbed the dangling cord and tugged it, afflicting her breast, trying to coerce Mina into obeying. She refused, holding to her stubbornness, the girl unable to defeat Mina’s fight to keep her foot down and free of the cord.

  Without any change in her temperament, Rache stood up and walked calmly to the wall where she selected a rattan cane. Locking her fist to the cro
oked handle, she took hold of the other end and flexed the weapon as she walked past Mina’s face. Mina looked at the stern device with a sense of calamity, knowing how brutal the effects of such a weapon would prove, even without the compiled layers of bruises from her previous intense session. But she could not give in - she just could not.

  The girl stepped behind her and thrashed the cane down, the slender sceptre of bamboo releasing a damning hum upon the air before a sound thwack echoed through the room. Mina tensed, every muscle suddenly flying to attention in answer of the impact, the virulence pouring through her buttocks, feeding on every other welt that had been laid on her the previous night. The strike made her foot kick down, suddenly wrenching at her nipple, making her scream rise to new levels of clarity and pitch before she jerked her foot back up, shaking as her nipple and rear pulsated abominably.

  The cane descended thrice more, Rache employing swift and terribly hard strokes to break Mina’s resistance. As soon as the fourth had landed the girl poked the tip of the weapon into Mina’s rear, the issue of Poseidon lubricating its entry. With a startled croak she felt it push in a short distance, and remain lodged there.

  As Mina tried to fathom the mental machinations that conjured such whimsical deeds, her foot was grabbed. Before she could reapply herself it was yanked up most painfully and the cord pulled extra tight to have her wailing, all sense of dignity forsaken. She pleaded and begged the girl, promising anything if she would just take the horrible devices off her, but the girl merely looked at her blankly, observing only her suffering. With a satisfied smile she plucked the cords, making the taut strands vibrate like guitar strings as the cane fell from Mina’s rear and clattered on the floor behind her.

  Mina bellowed her vituperative exclamations, spitting insults and hatred at the girl for her actions. It was taking effort to hide her masochism, to hide away the fact that there was a secret portion of herself that loved this mistreatment, that was enthralled with the idea of lifetime captivity and servitude to a pitiless sadistic force. But she was more enamoured with being a Pegasus and she could not afford to lose herself to the pleasure she was covertly finding amidst her agony. If she relented, if she let herself be swallowed by her vices, she would give up and perhaps never exploit a valuable chance to escape. Hope was still in her heart that she might gain reprieve, but the more the enigmatic girl paraded her salacious body and cruel intentions before Mina, the more she was finding it hard to resist her.

  Rache watched her spill her false venom for a moment and then lifted a finger to her own lips in imitation of a ‘ssssh’ gesture.

  Stepping to the wall, she furnished herself with a roll of bright red duct tape. With a tug she pulled out a foot long ribbon, which she bit into and tore off. Attaching this to the side of Mina’s ribcage, she let it dangle as she added two others in readiness for use. She then laid the roll down between Mina’s raised shoulders, using her as a makeshift table while she worked. Opening the laces at the back of her trousers, she hooked her thumbs into the waistband and wriggled her hips, peeling down the tight black skin to reveal her naked, hairless loins. Mina fought the rising urges of lust and turned them into a renewed struggle against her bonds, her efforts paining her breasts all the more effectively as the clamps tightened with every motion.

  Reaching behind her, she ferreted in her buttocks and drew at something. A rustle of moisture and motion reached Mina’s ears as she strained to keep her attention on the torturer.

  With a twinge and a gasp Rache removed the jelly butt plug from her bottom, bringing it around before her. The implement was a large pink ball, the semi-translucent orb held by a brief stalk on a small oval base. The flat base revealed why Mina had failed to notice it when buried in Rache’s rear, but not what she was intending to do with it. Was Mina going to be plugged with something that had been in her oppressor?

  As the girl stepped forward with the plug in one hand, Mina’s expression changed to one of dismay. ‘No, surely you’re kidding,’ she gasped, only to have the girl act with a burst of celerity. Her free hand clapped to Mina’s cheeks, squeezing, the pointed nails exuding spires of discomfort as her jaws were kept forcibly parted. ‘No, please!’ she wailed, her words distorted as she wriggled and bucked, the words being cut off as the warm sphere was forced into her mouth, acting in mockery of a ball gag. The humiliation tore at Mina, making her excited and full of hatred simultaneously. The girl held it in place as Mina gurgled and choked, fighting to get it out as a strip of tape was pulled from her skin. The extremely sticky ribbon tugged at her skin as it was torn free and smoothed over the base of the plug and onto her cheeks. Mina mewled in pitiful tones as the plug was taped into position in her mouth, the other two strips running as a cross over the base, leaving her unable to get the accursed thing free.

  Humbled by the deed she felt her submission rise, her capacity to loathe the girl melting as she proved again just how ruthless she was going to be. Mina could not help but think how marvellous a dominatrix she was. Any other female would fail to satisfy Mina’s hunger for such depravity, but this girl was raised to it, knew nothing else, she would never stop, never relent, she would make Mina suffer forever. She tried to tell herself that it was the pain deluding her, but deep down she knew she needed this, and if she could not be a Pegasus, she would happily loiter here. But for now she had hope, and until that was extinguished she was unable to fully lose herself to her role as a hapless slave to debauched appetites.

  With the taste of the tormentor ruling her palate, Mina watched as the girl lifted her trousers and refastened them, stretching herself back into the tight fitting sheaths of latex. With her single garment back upon her, she walked to the wall and removed a long dressage whip. Clutching the lengthy weapon she settled down before the main door, sitting back and laying against the heavy vault that sealed them in together.

  Using it with lethargic touches, she reached out and absently played the cords on Mina’s body, twanging them, using the long strut to reach across and pull at them, increasing their woe in brief sessions. Her features never changed as she worked, her innate need to cause distress being fed by Mina’s suffering. On occasion the whip flashed aside, giving a light flick to a trapped breast, making Mina scream as she was tormented by the venomous girl, who simply continued to sprawl as though watching television, tormenting her interactive viewing programme whenever the mood took her.

  For hours Mina was left in such a state, her mind burning with the need to get out, her body awash with mayhem. Every part of her hurt, and nothing emerged to counter it, her suffering complete and worsened by the knowledge that this was merely her initiation.

  A final swat had Mina squawking onto the gag, chewing on the soft instrument as Rache arose and replaced the whip before starting to unfasten her additions to Mina’s form. Her toes were released, and the clamps removed simultaneously to prompt Mina into a wailing fit where she jiggled and wept freely, the sudden intense flash of returning sensation to her crushed nerves bringing about a vibrant jolt of pain.

  The fetters were unfastened and a tiny chain locked them together, hobbling her as the chain holding her numbed arms aloft was taken away. Mina whimpered as they were brought down, the muscles held too long to this pose to accept any other.

  Brought from the trapeze she collapsed on the floor, crying out as her stomach was freed, the residual pains coursing through her like lightning, crippling her for long minutes as she slowly recovered from her prolonged bondage at the hands of the harridan.

  The tape was torn from her face and her slack lips let the gag dribble out and roll onto the floor as Rache stood over her, towering like some despicable deity of torture, brooding over her victim. Looking up across the jet mirrors of her elegant legs, Mina panned her stare up across her bared breasts to eyes of uncaring acrimony. The image burned into her mind, dissolving her loathing, making her melt before this goddess that ruled her so efficiently, a creature bred to mak
e Mina pay.

  Looking back down she shuffled her head over and placed her trembling lips to the girl’s feet, taking lingering licks of the toes, running her tongue upon them and between them, her breathing irregular, broken by lust, her loins damp with hunger.

  Rache did not interrupt Mina’s worship of her, and once one foot had been licked, she placed it on the back of Mina’s head, her balance excellent, allowing her to place weight on the toes and force Mina’s face deeper against the other foot. The expression of dominance made Mina wilt further, her tongue between the girl’s painted toes.

  The foot came down and pushed into Mina’s shoulder, rolling her over onto her back. Lying on her rubber-entombed arms, she looked up from her humble pose and saw the girl lean down and run a finger though Mina’s vulva. Mina jerked and croaked, the mere touch almost having brought her to climax from her ultra aroused state. The girl straightened up and rubbed her fingers together, assessing the moisture she had discovered.

  Stepping over Mina’s form, she recovered one of the clamps and returned. Winding the end of the cord about her palm, she lowered the implement between Mina’s legs. ‘Oh no!’ Mina wailed, trying to rise. ‘Not there, please, mistress!’ A naked foot pressed just below her breasts, the weight shoving Mina back to the floor. There was a soft snap and she flew into paroxysms as the awful tool gnawed at her wanton clitoris, the engorged morsel an all too easy target. Rache rode Mina’s suffering for a moment until it started to subside, whereupon she started to give small tugs to the cord, the yard of excess forcing shudders of new mayhem into Mina’s pudenda.

  ‘Stop, I’m getting up!’ she cried, fighting to rise, her body exhausted, and surprisingly Rache did not hamper her, allowing Mina to stand, wheezing and panting with effort.

  Turning towards the door on the right, she then gave pulls to make Mina whine and scamper behind her, the impossibly short steps making her slow, a limitation that resulted in constant pulls to the cord.


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