The Triple Goddess

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The Triple Goddess Page 37

by Stephanie Hudson

  “Oh shit!” I groaned into the covers after pulling my knees up and cradling my fragile head with my hands.

  “If I’m not mistaken, I would say that sounds like regret. That or your brain itches.” I groaned louder before looking up to find Pip sat on the end of my bed. I hadn’t even heard her come in let alone felt her sit down next to me.

  “Let’s put it this way, I wish it was my brain that was itching, then I could try and scratch away certain memories.” I noted Pip’s half smile and couldn’t tell if it was one of understanding or tamed delight at my predicament.

  “I take it things went well with Luc last night then?” When I groaned again and hid under the covers she laughed and said,

  “Maybe not,” and then pulled the covers off my face.

  “Well there is some good news,” she said ignoring my whiney moan.

  “What’s that?” I said with a muffled voice from my hands still covering my face.

  “Venger the bitch is gone and is no more.” She said winking at me and I smiled when I saw her crazy make-up that was painted over her eyelids. One was an open green eye painted like a Disney princess, impossibly wide and innocent looking. And the other, the one she had used to wink at me was another winking eye with exaggerated long lashes. Only Pip knew how to work craziness and get away with it, she still looked incredibly cute and pretty.

  “Venger?” I asked not understanding who on earth she was talking about.

  “Oh come on, please tell me you watched Dungeons & Dragons…you know, big bad pissed off guy, flies an even more pissed off looking black horse, one horn and wearing a very gay looking skirt, that if you ask me kinda spoils the whole bad ass dude thing but each to their own.” I shook my head and thought it was too damn early and my head was too damn fragile to be deciphering Pip’s wacky code.

  “Please explain, Pip,” I said no longer holding my head in my hands but now holding the bridge of my nose in my fingers, trying in vain to ease the pounding drum headache I had building.

  “Layla!” She said the name causing my head to shoot round as I scanned the room for my arch nemesis, the murderous bitch Layla.

  “Not here, man someone needs a vacation at rancho relaxo. I was referring to Layla as being the baddie from Dungeons & Dragons but you ruined that bit of genius for me, so moving swiftly on…Layla has been made to leave so ding dong…”

  “The witch is dead!” I finished and she gave me a face splitting smile.

  “Now you got it! I mean, she isn’t dead but she might as well be, ‘cause being cast out by Lucius pretty much means bad things for her from now on.”

  “What do you mean?” Pip leaned back on one out stretched arm behind her back on the bed and looked at her nails before answering me, this time I think they were different retro sweets…was that a coke bottle she was picking at?

  “I mean sister Toots, that Layla is a Vamp no longer to be.” She said this like she was reciting some Shakespeare play and waved her hand in the air like Hamlet without the skull.

  “She is a Vamp?” I said in shock.

  “She is and soon to be a ‘was’. You see dumpling, all Vamps are made by Lucius, he is like their father but he has the power to take back his gift if he chooses, which means all amplified gifts that he created get…well uncreated. All Vamps need to be around Lucius at some point each year to maintain a part of his essence, his mumbo juice if you like. But now she has been cast aside like a wet chamois when all a car needs is a good hot wax! She will soon find herself weak and that my dear is a fate worse than damnation to one of our kind.” She gave me one last look when she finished and started licking her cola bottle which had white glitter to represent the bubbles. Her pierced tongue flashed out and she ran it between her teeth, displaying the pink metal ball.

  Well, what she had told me certainly gave me food for thought. I now at least understood why she had looked so distraught last night and I couldn’t help that the image made me smile. I mean, she did try and kill me and would no doubt try again given half the chance.

  “Ok, so are you ready for flight on Pip ‘o’ Vision airways?” At this my head whipped up and Pip laughed at my enthusiasm.

  “Now?” I said feeling both excited and wary at what I might find.

  “Go shower and change Toots and I will wait for you, unless you want to be seen naked?” She nodded to the sheet barely covering my breasts and I flushed bright pink.

  “Don’t worry Toots, I told ya before, you don’t have the right equipment to tempt me but if my tastes ever change from muscle to moobs then I might jump you.”

  “Oi, you saying my breasts look like flabby man breasts?” I said trying not to smile at her obvious teasing.

  “Me? Never! You have lovely breasts that look nothing like a man’s extra bits but if I ever fancy dressing Adam in drag then I would so go with the size of your beasties. Now go dress, you temptress you!” I got up and flicked her little nose after wrapping my body in the sheet. I could still hear her giggling when I walked into the bathroom.

  After the quickest shower I nearly fell out of the glass door to get ready quicker. I was still putting clothes on when my skin was damp and trying to get tight jeans on when water was still dripping down my hair to my legs was not the easiest task. I heard Pip call out when I slipped and managed to catch hold of the sink before falling hard on my butt.

  “I’m fine!” I shouted before she came in here and found me tugging my waistband up with one hand and the other, half way sticking out of the arm of the sleeve to a soft light grey t-shirt. I looked like a failed contortionist getting dressed.

  I pulled the top over my wet head and finished pulling up the jeans over the other side of my hip. I then pulled on a pair of full length leather gloves that went right up and over my elbows to my poor excuse for biceps. These were also soft and had finger holes so that half my fingers weren’t covered in the black leather.

  I added a chunky soft knit cardigan in cream with grey flecks that matched the t-shirt and stonewash jeans I was wearing. I brushed through the knots in my hair as best I could and tied it up without having the time to dry it fully. I couldn’t find any socks so I walked back into the living space bare foot trying to ignore the cold under my feet.

  “Wow, that was quick!” Pip commented as I sat down opposite her in the same chair I had been in the first time I had taken a transatlantic flight on Pip Airways and what a mind trip it had been.

  “You ready, Toots?” I thought about her question and answered honestly.

  “No, but go for it anyway,” I said taking a deep breath. I knew this was what I needed to do to find the truth but that didn’t mean I was sure of the outcome. I wanted to believe it was all lies but with the image of Draven up against Aurora in the same bed where we had first shared our bodies with each other was playing in my mind like a recurring nightmare.

  Pip slapped her hands to the arm rests with her elbows sticking up in the air and heaved herself up. It was only now that I really took in today’s outfit as I was so used to waking up to see a living rainbow sat on my bed it was becoming less of a shock.

  She now wore a see-through hooped skirt that was covered in rows of fluffy pompoms in electric, luminous colours but I was happy to see that she at least tried to cover up her female goodies with a pair of black latex hot pants. This she topped off with a bright turquoise bustier with a pretty butterfly print that pushed up her little breasts. It also had some 3D wings that looked to be made from glass like you would find in a window catching the sun. This would have been quite a normal top for Pip to wear if not for the added four inch wide ribbon in hot pink that was wound round her torso in random angles that slashed across her bare shoulders and arms only to finish hanging loosely on her wrists like large cuffs.

  I was almost afraid to look down but found myself glad I did when I burst out laughing at the knee high socks that were made to look like a wonder woman costume, complete with cape. This she added wonder woman converse shoes to match… which
was something she rarely ever did.

  “At least I’m wearing shoes,” she said pouting.

  “I’m laughing because I think they’re great,” I said honestly, never having the guts to wear them myself personally but still admiring the diversity in the design.

  “Oh, well that’s alright then…Right time to say bye, bye my pretty.” She said in a witchy voice before jumping on my lap like last time.

  “You know you could warn me before just launching yourself at me like that.”

  “Oh Tootie cake, you’re no fun. Good luck honey.” She gave me what I could only assume was a gangster sign before slapping her hands to the side of my head and plunging me into a world six hours away.

  I opened my eyes to find myself in the very familiar club Afterlife’s VIP. It was dark, quiet and empty, something that only ever happened very early into the wee hours of the morning. I wondered why I would have ended up here with no one around but then I saw Sophia come storming in the room with Vincent hard on her heels. I don’t know why but I decided to step further into the shadows near the bar to hear this out.

  “Sophia, he will handle it, calm yourself.” Vincent said in his usual soothing tone.

  “I will not! Keira has been gone less than a week and this is the behaviour that is being tolerated! Why are you not as outraged as I, brother?” Sophia whipped round and folded her arms at Vincent in nothing short of an accusing manner. He just frowned and folded his own arms, making the sleeves on his long sleeved black t-shirt strain and tighten around his impressive biceps. The material molded to his upper body like it was trying to be another layer of skin, which showcased his fine physique beautifully. This was combined with black dress trousers and it had to be said, the man sure knew how to wear clothes that created a drool worthy effect! I shook my head to get myself back in the game and remembered why I was here and from the sounds of things it might not be the happy, optimistic answers that I had hoped for.

  “Because when Dom tells me he will do something, then I have no other option than to place my trust in those words as should you.”

  “Bullshit! This goes deeper than Dom’s word! I am surprised, as you of all people should be more outraged on Keira’s behalf, considering how you feel.” I couldn’t believe it when Vincent actually growled.

  “You go too far Sophia! Back down and just leave it be or Dom will no doubt find out about your interference and as you know, my anger compared to his is quite different.”

  “As you know I am not afraid of our brother’s temper and besides, don’t you think he has more pressing matters on his hands than my personal feelings on what he is doing?” She really looked upset and it didn’t sound like the reasons were going to fare well for me. Was it possible… was Draven with her right now? Was this what Sophia meant? I felt like praying to every God in the heavens for it not to be true.

  “Be careful, Sophia!” Vincent warned in a low gravelly voice that sounded threatening. Sophia looked like she was going to say more but in the end she lost all the heat of her argument and deflated into a nearby chair like a wilting flower. As usual, her appearance was flawless and her floor length dress floated around her where she sat. Surrounded in midnight coloured silk that made her hair look like it shimmered for the same reason, it softness hard matched, she looked like a queen goddess and it made me feel like praying to her instead.

  “I miss her, Vincent.” She said dejectedly making Vincent’s scowl fade and my heart break. I wanted to pop up and shout ‘I’m here’ like a live jack-in-the-box but I didn’t think they would like a supernatural heart attack!

  Vincent walked to her chair and knelt down on one knee to get to her face level. He tilted her head up with a soft grip on her chin and wiped away a stray tear that rolled down her ivory skin.

  “As do I Sophia, much more than anyone truly knows and much more than I ever should.” He said and I couldn’t help but shove my fist in my mouth to prevent the gasp that wanted to escape my tactless brain.

  “Then if we feel like this, then Dom should be feeling it tenfold…” He nodded in agreement so she carried on.

  “Then tell me why he is now in the room he shares with the girl he loves with one he never did?” This time I couldn’t stop my reaction. Nothing could have stopped me.

  I saw Vincent look up and take in the sight of me stood there, no longer in the shadows but now very visible, right down to my fisted hands and my body that was wracked with a disbelieving tremble. No, it couldn’t be true…it just couldn’t…could it?

  “Keira?” Vincent said my name with the same disbelief my body was displaying and now Sophia had turned to witness it as well.

  “Oh my Heavens…Keira…it’s you!” She got up and for a long moment we were all frozen like actors in a play who had all forgotten the next set of words that were meant to be heard by an invisible audience. Silence…just bitter, air slicing silence.

  A silence so thick it would soon crack the skin stretched across my knuckles, my fingers were fisted to my palm that tight, until finally I could no longer stand it.

  “Where is he?” I asked still shaking with a rage that I foolishly still hoped unnecessary.

  “Keira I don’t think…” I cut Vincent off with an action I didn’t even know I had done until I heard my fist bang down on the table top in front of me.

  “DON’T!” The one word came out like the cracking of ice under a heavy foot, dangerous and fatal.

  Vincent looked like he was debating whether to run to me and scoop me into his arms or not. In the end I took that choice away from him by turning away from them both. I found the door that would give me the answers I needed to see and found myself running towards it before either one of them acted. I was actually surprised at how fast I was running. I knew they were making chase but I was faster…faster than I had ever been in my whole life. Was this because I wasn’t really here and my soul was faster than my body or was it the side effects of being with Draven. Was this what it was like being supernatural?

  I started to think it was, when I could hear his voice before I ever should. So it wasn’t just my speed then, it was also some other senses.

  “I am not afraid of speaking my feelings Aurora, not when those feelings are of love.”

  “Oh, Draven.” I heard Aurora say as if close to swooning.

  “I am not finished my dear, as I said earlier, I do not regret our time together as it has brought us to this point but I refuse to hide the way I feel any longer. You must know of what I speak, I have presented you with enough evidence.”

  “The physical evidence that night was enough for me to understand your feelings my Lord. I know what you want and I can only be happy in the knowledge that I can finally give you what you want, what you need…from me.” I almost crumpled to the floor when hearing this, for I had found my answer. Layla hadn’t been lying and I was the fool.

  I felt myself start to waver back to my body as no doubt Pip could feel my distress but I had one last thing left to do and I had to summon all my courage to follow the truth through to the bitter, twisted end. I locked my legs and placed my fading hand on the door, ignoring the desperate pleas of my name being called by Vincent and Sophia.

  The door opened and there in our sacred place was the most beautiful woman I had ever known in the arms of the most beautiful man I had ever known.

  They were utterly perfect together. Two flawless beings entwined in an embrace so deep and meaningful my presence wasn’t even known. I couldn’t even penetrate their senses enough to become another heartbeat in the room.

  A heart that at that moment had started to replace a beating muscle with cold hard stone that didn’t even know what it meant to beat.

  A heart that Draven had stolen in a meadow of beauty and destroyed in a grand room of ugly truth. A heart he no longer wanted and a heart…

  I no longer needed.

  Chapter 27

  The Stronghold of Old Keira

  Pip released me and fell backwards when I
screamed out in my grief. I didn’t even look back as I ran into the bathroom and threw up an already empty stomach. The painful retching pulled at my stomach muscles in a pain I welcomed.

  He didn’t want me. Plain and simple. But how could something so plain and simple be so confusingly agonizing to comprehend. I knew I should have stuck with my instincts and trusted my insecurities the way I did around Draven but to witness the truth in my fears was too much to bear. I had wanted to be wrong! I had wanted my fears to be spun from not believing myself good enough and all those times that his arms held me so close to him had said otherwise. But it had all been lies.

  And what hurt the most…I had foolishly let myself trust in the first man to take my heart and make it beat solely for him. No matter all the problems we had run into, the one thing we had was an unstoppable love that should had stood the test of all of that Heaven or Hell threw at us but in the end…

  It hadn’t even stood the test of time. Not even a week.

  My stomach clenched again and I spat out the remains of my disgust. I then felt a little hand at my back and without a second to hold it back I threw myself into Pip’s arms and broke the dam on my heartbreak. I sobbed into her bare shoulder and she softly uttered words of ease in a different language. Gone was the energetic Pip that couldn’t ever hold back the avalanche of words she usually used to describe things but in its place was a friend’s comforting security. And I couldn’t have needed it more.

  After a time, when my eyes were too sore to even close let alone produce tears, I found myself sat outside on the balcony wrapped up in a soft woollen throw. I looked out to the white world and I found myself wanting to join it. To become lost in winter’s nature, one so cold that it would steal my breath and with it, the excruciating pain. I just wanted to be numb.


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