The Triple Goddess

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The Triple Goddess Page 63

by Stephanie Hudson

  “Wait! What do you mean, what do I need to do?” I asked, but Draven roared in fury and started to take me from the room. He jumped down effortlessly from the altars and landed amongst the rubble with an angry boom, causing the dust and debris to float around us in a cloud. I coughed it back and Draven had the decency to look sorry about letting his anger get the better of him.

  “Draven put me down.” I asked softly but he ignored me and was striding towards the broken exit.

  “Draven,” I warned but I was rewarded with a simple snarl.

  “DOMINIC PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!” I screamed making him halt to an abrupt stop. He let go of my legs, letting half my body slip from his hold and I slid down his front.

  “I don’t want you doing this.” He said but I just shook my head at him.

  “I know,” I whispered and then hugged him to me. I then took his hand and turned to pull him back to where Vincent and the rest of them stood, Draven in tow. I heard him grumble about stubborn women once or twice before we reached Vincent, who was looking amused. With his arms crossed over his large chest and wearing a plain white T-shirt, Wings still out and set back slightly in a relaxed position, he looked like every image I ever thought an Angel Warrior would have looked…of course that was minus the ripped, stone washed Levis, he seemed to favour.

  “What do I need to do?” I asked Vincent and I felt Draven’s chest come to my back like a wall of muscle and looking at the two, it was like night and day. Vincent’s easy going white light to Draven’s black combat gear, dark features and scowling eyes, the two couldn’t have been further apart.

  Draven wrapped his arms around me and held me to him as if he needed the contact just as much as I did and I hummed at the pleasure of the feel of him. Vincent nodded towards the awaiting army and I felt Draven tense.

  “As the Being that destroyed their leader and now, thanks to the royal blood that courses through your veins, they await for your command.”

  “WHAT!” I couldn’t help shouting out and Draven’s arms tightened.

  “You don’t have to do this Keira…she doesn’t have to do this Vincent!” He first whispered to me gently and then shot his brother the same thing in a sterner voice.

  “I am afraid there is little choice in the matter, she must either lead her army or she must bestow the command to someone else.”

  “Oooh, I opt for that one.” I said, thinking I very much doubted it was going to be as easy as posting an ad on Gumtree. I turned my head up to Draven and gave him what I thought was my most dazzling smile but was most probably just a cheeky grin. He looked down at me and raised one eyebrow which had me raking in a breath as how bloody sexy he was doing it.

  “I know where your thoughts are headed love, but it cannot be me.” I must have looked shocked because he frowned in usual Draven fashion.

  “Why not?”

  “Because it must be a person born from a Royal bloodline and seeing as your body is already host to my brother’s blood, it will not accept him, or Lucius for that matter.” My answer came from Vincent and when I turned back round, I found him closer to me looking down. It felt like being in a Draven sandwich and I quickly tried to bury that thought but my blush must have given me away because Vincent and Draven looked at each other and smirked.

  “And you...? Don’t you fancy a little army of your own?” I said as if trying to sell a second hand car with a clutch problem. One side of his lips curved in a mischievous little grin.

  “Thank you for the thought Sugar, but not only do I have my own armies to command but I cannot lead those of the underworld.” Ah, but of course he couldn’t…I felt like smacking my head and shouting ‘Well Durr!’ He was an Angel and this army right here was straight from the realms of Hell.

  “So who then?” I asked thinking this would have been so much easier if I could just go up to them and ask if they fancied taking early retirement but something told me they didn’t have that option in Hell.

  “My Lord, I would be honoured to join my own legions to those of the Queen’s new army.” Zagan came forward and knelt down to bow respectfully, causing his hood to cover more of his face.

  “Hold up…the Queen’s? Who is the…?”

  “Good. Then it is done.” Draven interrupted me and I knew it was on purpose.

  “Keira, to do this you have to first address your men and then present them with your replacement before handing over the power to Zagan. Can you do this?” Vincent asked and I felt Draven harden behind me once again.

  “I…I guess so.” I said timidly not really relishing in the idea of walking up to the mean looking bastards and saying ‘hi’, let along commanding them to accept a new master…email was so much easier I thought dryly as Vincent held out his hand for me to take.

  At first I didn’t think Draven was going to let me go and wondered why he wasn’t the one taking me to them.

  “She will be fine Dom, and you will be right here watching. I have her.” Vincent said reassuringly and after another snarl from Draven he finally let me go and I felt cold walking away from him.

  “Why isn’t he coming?” I asked, once I had taken his hand and let him lead me away.

  “Because he knows his presence at your side won’t be recognised and they will see it as a threat to their leader.” I shuddered at the thought of all these soldiers attacking Draven, although seeing the power in him and the way he fought was enough to know fighting Draven was never going to be an easy feat.

  “Vincent, how did…?”

  “I know you have questions Keira, you always do, but I promise I will explain soon. But right now I fear if I don’t get you back to my brother soon, then this army will not survive his wrath… his patience will only stretch so far and I doubt even I could calm him this time.” Vincent added and I turned to see not only Zagan following behind but Draven looking so tense someone could have used him to prop up the roof!

  I watched as the army of over fifty soldiers were stood to attention and I notice that the portal to Hell had not yet been closed. The crater at the end of the room was wide open like a giant tear in the earth’s crust and as I neared, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Was it possible?

  “Vin…Vincent, that…that isn’t what I think it is…is it?”

  “Don’t be afraid, this will most certainly be the last time that you see Hell and that of the Legions down there that are yours for the moment.” I felt his hand go to my shoulder but as soon as he did the army ahead all raised their weapons at once and looked ready to attack. He dropped his hand immediately and they relaxed their weapons. I was starting to understand what he was saying.

  “This is as far as I can go but when you are ready and have addressed them all, you can then hand over your control over to Zagan, he will tell you what needs to be done. Just call him when it is time.”

  “But what do I say to them?” I looked nervously to the dark force that was crazily now mine to control.

  “Whatever you want to.”

  “So what, if I asked them all to drop their weapons and start doing the funky chicken dance they would do?” Vincent laughed along with a few others that could hear what I was saying…I think even Ruto was one of them.

  “That would be a sight indeed, but I doubt you are cruel enough to inflict that torture on anyone…besides, I can’t imagine they even know what that is… Hell, I don’t even know.” He said on a laugh and I joined him when I heard Sophia shout over,

  “I can teach you!” He groaned and then winked at me before leaving me to face my army?

  “I think I will pass.” I heard Vincent comment dryly as he made his way back to his sister.

  So now, here I was, stood at the edge of Hell and not only faced with the black clad men with horned masks carrying all sorts of deadly devices but I also had a bloody swarm of Hell’s creatures all waiting below for me to jump. I could barely believe I was staring straight into Hell itself. It was like looking into the belly of a volcano and seeing wave after wave of soldie
rs glowing under the flames. I wondered just how many men were in these legions because right now, it looked like thousands!

  “Go on my Lady, say something to them” Zagan’s voice brought me back from the fear and the only thing I could do was try and clear my throat.

  “Em…umm…Hello all.” I said and I whipped my head round when I heard a few sniggers.

  “Silence!” Draven commanded and all noise ceased. He then nodded to me to continue and I gingerly looked back to the Demon hoard.

  “Ok…let’s try this, just to make sure someone has got this wrong and then the shit really does hit the fan…Army, place your weapons on the ground!” I shouted and like well-choreographed extras in a movie they all lowered their weapons and then stood back to attention awaiting their next order.

  “How friggin cool is this!” I shouted in excitement. Ok, there was just one thing that I must do before handing them all over to Zagan and I knew I was nuts but really…who could resist.

  “Ok…Army, I want you all to copy me and do this symbol in the air.” I tried not to laugh but it would have been the hardest thing in the world to accomplish when I was now looking at row after row of a demon army all with their arms in the air doing the peace sign…and I didn’t even need to say Simon says! Brilliant! Everyone laughed and when I looked round even Draven couldn’t contain a grin. It was such a heart-warming moment and one that needed to be cherished. Every one of these Angels and Demons had combated and fought for not only their Kings but also in saving my life. And now, all dirtied and battled scarred, they were celebrating their victory the right way.

  Liessa had her arms draped round her serious husband Caspian, who for once wasn’t scowling, Ruto had lit up a cigarette and was passing it to Hakan for a drag, both were smiling. Takeshi had his hands hidden in the wide sleeves of his Japanese robe and his eyes twinkled in amusement. Vincent had his arm round Sophia and was ruffling her hair playfully after she had just stomped on his foot.

  And then there were the two Kings. The heroes that once fought against each other but had now found an alliance once again. But that wasn’t only it. I saw Lucius slap Draven on the back in a manly acceptance and both men were staring at me like I was the source of their renewed friendship…And after everything that had just happened, I gathered that I was. Draven gave me a head nod and a smile to say that he approved of my little joke and the smile I gave him back said my ‘thank you’.

  “Right time to get this over with…oh, you may put down your arms now.” I jumped at the sound of everyone moving at once and then whispered a little ‘right, ok then’ before standing straight and looking serious.

  “Army, as your leader I have decided to pass on my command to one worthy of your service. This is your new leader…umm…Commander Zagan?” I tested the name and heard him chuckle as he approached.

  “I am actually a Prince of Hell, but commander will do fine, thank you my Lady.” I blushed and he smiled down at me before shocking me and revealing his full face for the first time.

  His trademark black hood was now hanging down his back and I gasped at the raw, twisted beauty of him. It was like he was made by light itself and his long, straight white hair hung down like silk. His eyes were like polished white quartz crystals with a thin black ring around both the iris and the pupil. They were the most incredible eyes I had ever seen other than Draven’s purple ones and that combined with his pale skin, he looked more like an Angel than a Demon. The startling contrast to the angry red scar that ran down one side of his face was even more prominent against his milk white skin and was only hidden slightly by the swirls and points of his tribal tattoo that ran the full length of his face and neck. No wonder Sophia fell hard for him…he was stunning!

  He started talking in a different language and I remember hearing Draven speaking it occasionally which made me wonder if it was Persian as they were both from the same place. Once he had finished he then turned to English and I wondered if this was just for my benefit?

  “I am Zāl, son of Sām and the grandson of Nariman, both of Royal blood and heroes of ancient Persia. I was reborn into this world as Zagan, Prince and President of Hell and command thirty-three legions within its depths. I take each and every one of you into my power and will accept your allegiance till your death.” He then turned to me and gave me a sweet smile.

  “My Lady, please give me your hands and release your hold of this army.” I leaned in close and whispered,

  “And how do I do that exactly?” He grinned at me and like Vincent often did, he winked at me.

  “Trust me, I will do most of the work for you.”

  “Oh…ok then. I give you this army.” I said loudly and placed my palms in his hands. He nodded his thanks and then his fingers curled round mine. He closed his incredible eyes and it began. I started glowing like someone had just plugged me in and I felt a tugging deep down inside of me. It was as if my energy was being sucked out and I watched as my blue glow travelled down my bare arms, to my scarred wrists and through my hands that held on tightly to Zagan’s paler ones.

  “ENOUGH!” Just when I thought I would be passing out from the energy zap, I felt Draven come up behind us and he swiftly pulled Zagan from me, losing our connection and leaving me feeling like a drunk at the end of the night. He grabbed me to him and I could feel his tension seep away upon the contact.

  “I have waited enough and it is time they went back to where they came from!” Draven shouted and his next action blew me away. He reached out his arm and with a simple movement he sent every last soldier crashing into the hole like ants. I saw them scrabbling to get out and readying themselves for the fight but before they got that chance Zagan was there giving them his orders and closing the entrance to Hell. It looked like some giant with a colossal needle and thread was sewing up the ground and pulling it tighter and tighter until it was sealed.

  “Draven!” I called his name as I felt myself being hoisted up over his shoulder and my wet dress clung to his T-shirt.

  “Ssshh, now it is my turn.” He said and with a renewed determination walked us both to the entrance at the end, leaving the rubble behind us…

  Where it always belonged.

  Chapter 49

  Mother of Our Sins

  I must have fallen asleep on Draven at some point because when I woke up I was on a very comfy bed. I kept my eyes closed as I stretched out and as soon as I felt my naked body under a thick warm quilt my eyes flashed open.

  “You’re safe.” Draven’s voice cut through my surprise and I looked in the direction where his voice had come from. I found him sat on a lounger seat in grey suede, with his body relaxed, leaning back and a hand covering the lower part of his face with his elbow resting on the armrest. He was looking at me with a fierce intensity and of course, I started to bite my lip.

  “Are you ok?” I asked shyly, wondering why he was looking at me like he was going to take a bite right out of me. His finger tapped on his lips for a few quite seconds before he moved…and boy did he move. One minute he was in the chair and the next he was looming over me with my wrists pinned above me.

  “I am now.” He said before taking my lips in a brutal kiss. Was he trying to devour me? Well if not then he was doing a bloody good job pretending to…Jesus! With my heart pounding and my palms getting clammy from the fingers pressing into them, I was ready to start panting in his mouth. His tongue duelled with mine for dominance and I thought, now this was my type of battle! His soft lips were definitely in charge as they kissed sucked and teased my senses into oblivion. He groaned in my mouth and then let my lip roll between his teeth and my toes actually curled.

  “Fuck me, how I have missed that!” I gave him a cheeky grin and then bit at him which he dodged.

  “Since when do you swear around me?” I teased.

  “Since some bastard stole my girlfriend and took this delicious body away from me. N.E.V.E.R. A.G.A.I.N!” He bit his broken words down my neck, collar bone and to my breasts with little kisses and
sucks in between.

  “Oh God!” I moaned as my head arched back into the pillow. He chuckled around my flesh and then looked up at me making my breath catch. He looked pure primal.

  “No, not God Keira, you don’t want to see me jealous, now do you?” He said and I bit my lip again making him drag himself up to me suddenly.

  “I believe that is mine” He growled and took my lip from me and started biting on it for himself.

  “I am going to self- combust.” I moaned again, closing my eyes at the feel of his hands sliding over my breasts as if trying to draw the life from me.

  “Don’t worry baby, I won’t let you…not yet anyway.” And as if to prove his point he dove down and took a hardened nipple into his mouth and worked me into a near frenzy. Just the power of this massive muscular mountain of a man over me like this was enough to make me want to explode and he hadn’t even touched me down there yet.

  “Draven.” I hummed as his hands flowed down further and when they hit my rib cage his head whipped up and his eyes flashed purple. Oh shit, that was not a happy man, ‘I’m feelin’ the love purple’, no, that was ‘I am seething mad purple’…what had I done wrong this time?

  “What the Hell is this!?” He shouted down at me before ripping the covers from me making me shriek out.

  “Draven what are you doing!?”

  “Silence!” He snapped back and I recoiled at his outrage until I saw his head lower to what he was looking at. Oops…I guess he didn’t like the look of skinny Keira. His hands ran along my ribs that were now slightly sticking out and then down to a waist where there used to be a bit more padding…ok so a lot more padding. He inhaled sharply when he saw my pelvic bones raised and his fingertip gently tickled the bone unintentionally. I giggled and he snarled at me.

  “This isn’t fucking funny!” He snapped and I frowned.

  “Well here’s an idea caveman, don’t bloody tickle me and you won’t get an F’ing giggle!” I snapped back.


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