The Triple Goddess

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The Triple Goddess Page 66

by Stephanie Hudson

  “Umm, I think this might be our cue to leave, Pip.” Sophia said with humour and I would have whispered ‘Judas’ if that hadn’t been the other name to the man Draven was angry about.

  “Mmmm…oh yeah, right…damn I could use some popcorn…hey did you ever watch that Transformer movie? But not the Hollywood one, that was pants, I talking the real emotional one, the one where Optimus Prime dies and then…” I heard Pip saying to Sophia as they walked out of the door.

  Draven closed the door without turning from me and I didn’t know what else to say but,

  “She’s right, it was really emotional when he died.”

  “Excuse me?” Draven said not following me.

  “Optimus Prime, he…urrr…dies in this movie and well…umm…” It was hard to talk when Draven was stalking me like I was topped with trimmings and garnish on the side. He came over to me with long strides of his dark denim clad legs and his own long sleeved T-shirt that clung to every muscle like black liquid. Man, pretty soon I would be fanning myself it was getting that hot in here.

  “You were saying?” He hummed over me as I fell backwards thanks to his body coming over me on the bed I was still sat on. He crawled over me and I felt every inch…and I mean EVERY inch, of him rest against me and I thought I was going to forget how to breathe.

  “I don’t remember.” I said without the air to back it up.

  “Is something wrong Keira?” He asked seductively and I noticed his bad boy, cocky grin was back in full force.

  “Not anymore, no.” I said, smiling up at him before reaching up to run my hands through his feather soft hair. He closed his eyes and groaned when I used my nails to scratch his scalp. I felt him arch off me a little and I knew I was witnessing a real sensitive spot on my bad boy Draven. Oooh, I might be able to use this to my advantage. I did it again and when I got the same response I smiled.

  “Do you like that, per chance?” I asked in what I hoped was my most seductive voice.

  “Mmm…mm” was his only response and I smiled again at the sight of my new power. He still had his eyes closed and when I did it again, only this time adding some length by going down his neck he tensed and groaned louder. Then I raked my nails down his back, scoring lines in the material of his top, wishing they were sharp enough to tear it off him. He arched again only this time added a sharp breath.

  “Oh Gods!” He said, as he exhaled and I bit my lip to stop from giggling. Umm, Draven with a weak spot was a fine thing indeed. Then as if something clicked and the inner Goddess was coming out in me…ok wrong choice of words…I decided to take the driving seat for once.

  I quickly wrapped my legs round his waist and raked my nail down his back once again, only when I got to the bottom I grabbed fistfulls of his T-shirt and yanked it up to get to his skin there.

  “Keira I…Ohhh…by the Gods woman!” He interrupted himself when he felt my nails on his skin instead of the material covering him. Oh yes, I really liked seeing Draven like this. I felt so unbelievably powerful right now, it was like getting high on something.

  “You were saying?” I asked now being the one in the cocky driving seat. His eyes flashed open and the purple flames I saw in them told me the full level of his lust. Then I took it one step further and combined scratching his back with grinding myself against his erection.

  “Keira! Ahhh, oh yeah…I mean no, we have to stoooop…oooh.” I was being very cruel, I knew that but every time he tried to stop this, for reasons I now knew, I would just do it again only harder.

  “I think he wants to say hello…did he miss me?” My God, when did I get so brave? I think not having Draven around for so long had messed with my turning on switch cause Pip was right, I was like a bitch on heat, I was that horny!

  “Keira please…” I wished I could say he was begging me to jump on him and make him my man slave but when his hands finally had the power to grab my wrists and hold me down, I knew differently. I looked up at him, gave him my best puppy wide eyes and pouted.

  “Don’t look at me like that, by the Gods woman, that just makes it worse!” He said and he dramatically dropped his head to my neck and groaned.

  “Makes what worse?” I whispered and he bit down on my neck but then soothed the tiny pain with his tongue making both sensations hit my core with heat and tingles.

  “You know what, Keira.” He said, his voice thick with lust.

  “Tell me, speak to me Draven.” I whispered making him groan again at the sound of the game I was playing. He tensed his arms and held himself above me to look down at me with serious purple eyes that looked like someone had a candle behind two rough cuts of amethysts.

  “Your new forged innocence is mine Keira, it belongs to me and it has always belonged to me but now is not the time for me to take it.” He stated like it was law and every time he referred to my innocence belonging to him he snarled the words as if in pain to imagine otherwise.

  “And why can’t you take it now?” I asked praying for his iron will to twist, heat up and snap.

  “Please trust me on this Keira, I am barely holding on to sanity as it is and every time I look at you I feel like the big bad wolf looking down at little red riding hood…or more like the golden beauty sent to tempt the most law abiding holy men. Gods, what it is you do to me…do you know how long I have waited…do you? I thought of nothing else…nothing! I have never been like this before. I have never felt such rage in the face of such hopelessness before and I wanted to curse the Heavens my mother helps rule and the Hell my father helps command. It was like having my wings ripped from my body!” Once he finished I was aching in my heart for him. I pulled his forehead to mine and kissed him gently as a single tear fell for his punished heart.

  “I love you.” I said softly over his lips and I felt them tremble beneath mine before he uttered the only words I ever needed to hear…

  “And I love you, my Keira.”

  Chapter 51


  When we landed I was finally let out of the cabin and found everyone was already on the tarmac waiting for us. The walk through the plane was incredible and it made me think of what air force one must be like. The luxury was second to none and it had a combined classic elegance and modern sleek style that you would only find in the most exclusive hotels in the world. Of course it was also filled to the brim with mind boggling technology that would have blown up with one touch from me. I just need to say the word computer and it beeps at me to tell me off for something!

  Draven looked amused the whole time I walked along with my mouth open in shock and wonder. For starters I would have needed the whole flight time to have seen it all but with its own spiral staircase…in a bloody plane...! And all the different rooms. Draven also told me that it had eight bedrooms, all with bathrooms and dressing rooms along with a three car holding space. It was literally a flying mansion with an incredible amount of square footage.

  “I am sorry I couldn’t show you around but…”

  “You wanted to keep me away from Lucius.” I finished for him and he frowned down at me but he didn’t deny it, which made me wonder what other excuse he was going to use?

  He led me to an actual lift and said it was called an Aeroloft that was specially fitted by a different company and he also said a whole lot of other things about his plane, that I could tell he had a soft spot for, but considering the price, then who could really blame him. I tried to listen but I was still reeling from the fact that I was making my way down to the tarmac in a lift from a plane….a plane! It even opened up like something out of Star Trek and I nearly said, ‘thanks Spock’ but refrained as I didn’t think Draven would be a Trekki fan.

  Everyone was being herded into the convoy of black Land Rovers and when I saw Lucius he smirked at me, gave me a salute and winked before bending his tall frame into the black four wheel drive. Draven rumbled, making me laugh a little and I wrapped my arm around his waist in comfort which I think he appreciated… well if his contented little sigh and hi
s arm coming round my shoulders was anything to go by. He led me away from the others towards a massive black limo that had the door open ready. It was hard to get used to such luxury but looking up at Draven it was clear to tell he had never lived without it. Even back before all modern technology I still doubted Draven was ever without. Just swap the expensive cars for the most thorough bred horses, Armani suits for gold plated armour and plush leather seats for a hand carved jewelled thrones.

  “Keira?” Draven’s voice brought me round to that fact that I was just staring at the size of the three floored hotel with wings behind us… Holy mother! Draven must have had more money than a sultan or in today’s terms… Bill Gates!

  “Sorry, I was just having a little freak out.” I whispered getting into even more luxury.

  “Ah, and I gather the size of my plane had something to do with it?” Draven asked, clearly amused.

  “You really are very rich aren’t you?” At this he threw his head back and laughed heartily. He shut the door and then pressed a button above to communicate with the driver. He said something I couldn’t understand and we started off but I couldn’t help notice the black screen between us and the driver sliding up.

  “Yes Keira I am, is that going to be a problem for you?” He asked smiling.

  “Oh God, please never tell me how much, I don’t think I would sleep again.”

  “Keira.” He said my name in warning but in order to change the subject quickly I jumped on him and straddled his waist extracting an Umff sound in surprise.

  “And to what do I owe this pleasure?” He said not being able to hide the lust that deepened his voice. He ran his hands up my back and I arched back to his touch.

  “You know I don’t care about the money…right? I mean you could be some hillbilly wood cutter for all I cared and with those arms then, man you could really go at it all day.” He laughed again and the way his eyes lit up was like someone turning me to the ‘warm and gooey’ setting in my heart.

  “I know you don’t care for my money Keira, if anything I would think you would prefer me without it.”

  “Ah, now you’re catching on.” I said into his neck I was now nuzzling.

  “I have a lot of money Keira, but the most precious thing to me in the world I hold in my hands. That will never change, no matter my extreme wealth. But I must confess…I do enjoy the notion of taking you against one of my Ferrari’s or on the sands of my private island.”

  “You’re joking of course…you do not own an island…right?” I looked up at him and was surprised that he was now biting his lip playfully before winking at me and saying,

  “Maybe.” I closed my eyes and dramatically dropped my head to his neck to groan,

  “Oh, Good Lord.” I moaned again making him laugh before kissing me on the side of my head and whispering,

  “I am trying to be.” He felt me smile against him.

  “I wish you wouldn’t be.” I complained.

  “Keira, we have been through this, there is a time and a place and I am definitely not about to take your maidenhood in a damn car!”

  “Maidenhood…you’re showing your age with that one.” I commented on a laugh and he snapped his teeth at me in retaliation but even that act had me getting damp, as I would have liked nothing more than the raging beast version of Draven ravishing me.

  “Anyway, you do realise that losing your virginity in the back of a car is a teenage pastime for most, right?” He raised an eyebrow at me and smirked.

  “That would certainly make it authentic or there is always the losing it on your parents bed, which I think we are a little far from and plus…gross.” He laughed, gave me a look I couldn’t decipher and then turned very serious at the click of a thought, one I knew was coming given the subject choice.

  “Which one was it for you then?” I smiled and then tried to smooth out the deep ridge of a frown line with my thumb.

  “It was neither actually…it was in a tent after a bottle of Lambrini.”

  “WHAT!” He shouted making me flinch at his outburst but he held me tighter to him and made soothing circles on my back even though he was clearly angry.

  “Well you did ask.” I reminded him.

  “Yes, but I did not expect you to tell me it was after some cheap foul wine in a cold damp tent in the middle of nowhere! How irresponsible.” He muttered and I couldn’t help but find the funny side in that statement.

  “Yes well, seventeen year olds are not really expecting the Hilton on a bed of roses and room service the next day…hormones and all, kind of negate the need for such luxury and besides, I liked the wine, it was summer and it was on a camping trip very near to a lodge full of very responsible people…is that better?”

  “No, not at all but it soon will be and even with you grinding on me like that, it will not be in the back of a car either!”

  “You do know it is not really my first time…I have played this game before.” I whispered in his ear before biting the lobe and being playfully brave. I smiled when he groaned.

  “Keira please, just give me this. It is a gift to me that now I will be the only one to have taken something that was my birth right. It should never have been anyone else and as I said to you before, if I had known where you were beforehand I would have been your first.”

  “And now you will be.” I added feeling touched he felt that strongly about it.

  “Yes and it will be more honourable when I do.”

  “Ok, I won’t tease you any more, let me off.” When his hands didn’t move I said his name in warning.


  “I did not state in this deal that I would not touch you.” He stated seriously.

  “Ah, but will this not just make things harder for us both?” I looked down to our bodies that had fit together with only our clothes in between us….that and Draven’s new vow of chastity.

  “I believe it is also customary for first time lovers to ‘make out’ before hitting all the bases, I think we need to practice before the big game.” He said running his fingers into my ponytail and pulling my head forward abruptly for a Supernatural King’s version of a ‘make out’ session…

  It turned out to be the best car ride of my life.

  Draven wouldn’t tell me where we were going and as it was night outside and he was keeping me very entertained in all lovely and delicious manner of ways, I gathered we were making our way back to Afterlife. Although the plane ride seemed to be very short I didn’t know how long I had slept through it on the first leg of the trip but the second half was only a few hours.

  I was looking forward to getting back to the place I knew to be my home and if Draven would have let me, I would have been bouncing up and down like an excited kid at Christmas, which reminded me was coming up very soon. That thought had me feeling guilty as hell that I wouldn’t be seeing my family and then it hit me, what had Draven told my parents about my absence? I was just about to ask when Draven pulled from sucking and nibbling on my neck to announce,

  “We are here.” I went to look around but then the windows steamed over and the fog stayed as if glued to the glass.


  “I want it to be a surprise, so you can’t look.” I gave him a ‘what are you up to’ look and he simply shrugged his shoulders trying to play it down. We came to a stop and the door was opened by the driver, once I promised Draven not to open my eyes. I hoped he hadn’t done something ridiculously expensive like traded my big blue in for some little sporty thing that had a temperamental accelerator. He helped me out and sounding more excited than I had ever heard him, he said,

  “No peeking, not yet” I found his mood seeping into mine and soon I was nearly a giddy mess of excitement and nerves.

  “I wanna see.” I complained and he laughed. I felt him come up behind me, tug the jacket he insisted on me wearing closer together, and then wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug before saying,

  “Ok, open your eyes.” I did as I was told and I cou
ldn’t believe what I was looking at. I was now stood in front of my childhood home, that I’d spent more years in than not and it took my breath away! It was like most of the other four bedroom houses in the cul de sac, red brick, with a red paint door and garage to match. It had fairy lights hanging from the hooks hanging baskets normally were hung from in summer. It had a little Christmas tree outside with a mishmash of lights, where some worked and others didn’t and every year my dad would just buy a new set and combine them with the old ones. I smiled at the thought of my mum complaining that it looked cheap. My dad would answer the same way I always remembered…nothing Christmassy ever looks cheap.

  The lights were on and I could hear the music and the excitable shouting as some game was being played, from down here on the drive.

  “Merry Christmas, baby!” Draven said from behind me and I spun round in his hold and squeezed him to me.

  “How, when…did you?” He beamed down at me and it no doubt matched my beaming smile up at him.

  “After it happened I made them believe that while waiting for your next flight you came down with a terrible virus and you were too ill to travel but I assured them you were being well looked after and gave them daily updates…well you did actually.”

  “And how did I do that?” I asked seeing his bad boy glint spark up in his eyes.

  “Celina is very good with different voices.”

  “Ah, I get it, so my family bought it but how come they’re here not in Cornwall?” I asked seeing my family home on the outskirts of Liverpool where we had always lived.

  “They decided it was better for your grandparents to come to them, something about your mother hating their stove and lumpy mattresses that they refuse to replace.” I smiled at the thought of poor Draven having to listen to all these little dramas of my mother’s whilst trying to deal with more pressing issues, like my kidnapping.

  “They don’t know I have surprised you but us being here is their surprise.” He added.


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