The Triple Goddess

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The Triple Goddess Page 68

by Stephanie Hudson

  “Yes, her as well. I like all of your family Keira but do you know what I like the most about them?” I shook my head and waited for his answer.

  “I like the way they love you.”

  After dinner, Draven and I escaped embarrassing Keira growing up stories, and we were in my room where I was being bombarded with questions. He wanted to know about past boyfriends, things I used to love doing, first time I drank and my hobbies, which included a scrapbooking phase that he made me show him. He flicked through all six books of my life in paper format and would linger on every picture of me like he was trying to live it with me all over again.

  “Is it weird?” I asked after he had been silently staring at a picture of me with Libby at a family BBQ.

  “Is what weird?”

  “Being so immersed in human life?” He finally looked up from a younger me and a little smile crept up on one side of his lips.

  “I am immersed in my little human girlfriend, who I just so happen to love intensely, so I know that other humans come with that package deal but I must confess, I am a little fascinated.” I gave him a daft grin.

  “I can tell.” I said nodding to the book he had scanned for the third time.

  “Have you never noticed before, how every picture of you seems to glow with light, like this one, look at the brightness behind you, yet the sun is behind the clouds.” I looked down and saw he was right. I turned a few more pages and noticed the same thing on every one.

  “I…I never noticed before, what does it mean?” I asked knowing he would have the answers.

  “It means you were being watched by the Gods, which angers me.”

  “Why?” I was shocked, why would something like that anger him?

  “Because they knew where you were all that time and nobody told me. This life…”He motioned to the book on his lap,

  “Your life, I could have watched, I could have been with you behind the scenes and I would have had the pleasure of every laugh, every happy thought and every smile.” He said tracing my lips gently with his fingertip.

  “And every tear, every kiss with another boy, every frightful moment, I saw one of your kind or tossed and turned with my nightmares…Draven my life was not all like it seems in this book, I have others filled with sketches of your kind my nights showed me.”

  “Hey!” He said lifting my face to his.

  “I could have helped you know.”

  “And how could you have helped when I cried over a boy I fancied or fell out with my mum because she wouldn’t let me buy a dress that was too short?”

  “I knew I liked your mum.” I tried not to laugh and gave him a serious pout.

  “Well for starters I would have had the boy removed from your sight.”

  “Which wouldn’t have helped me.” I informed him but he gave me a devilish smile.

  “No, but it would have helped me greatly.” He winked and I smirked back.

  “Yeah, tell me about it! If it had been left up to you, I would have been having my first kiss at twenty three.” I commented and rolling my eyes when he said,

  “And?” He said with a frown.

  “And what a lovely first kiss it would have been.” I said changing my tune and making him nod.

  “That’s better.” I then, feeling playful, grabbed the book from him and jumped on him again, in I don’t know how many times in the last few days.

  “Did I just say lovely…what I meant to say was, amazing, fantastic, mind blowing, earth shattering…”

  “I think I get the picture, my dear.” He said trying not to laugh as I attacked him with little kisses. Then when I got lower he started to get turned on and to stop me from manhandling him he grabbed my waist, flipped me over and started tickling me until I was snorting and pleading with him to stop.

  “What a truly adorable sound, how does the children’s rhyme go…this little piggy…”

  “Oi!” I said slapping him on his granite bicep that was still tensed from holding me down.

  “No, no, Keira , it’s Oink not Oi but let’s hear it again, just to be sure.” And once again he was tickling me into a merciless laughter which even added some new animal noises to the mix, I think Draven liked the donkey best as that one made him laugh the hardest.

  “You do realise we have a small audience outside your room listening to you laughing like this, that was until your father told them off for spying.” I laughed again and this time he just hugged me to him and rolled us over so that now I was on top.

  “Are you having fun?”

  “I am having more than fun Keira, I am the happiest I have ever been. I am here, with you in my arms, where you will remain for the rest of my days and I am bringing tears to your incredible eyes with my ministrations…I am beyond happy.” He said kissing me softly. I was just about to get carried away when something he said made my head snap up.

  “In the hopes of not ruining our perfect day, can I ask you some questions?” He raised one eyebrow and I ran my fingertip over its perfect dark arch.

  “I was wondering how long it would take you and without any other means to distract you from your busy mind, I will comply, my adorable little piggy.”

  “Oh no! Don’t you dare start calling me that! I think I prefer Vixen or even little rabbit but nothing that includes something smelly and eats like, well like a pig!”

  “I wish you would, I need my lush curves to pay me a visit, I feel as though I will break you, being so thin.” I pouted and he bit my lip in response.

  “Anyway, if you have stopped being silly, then about my questions…are you going to get mad?” I asked this time biting my own lip.

  “I don’t know… am I going to get angry Keira?” He said with enough humour that I decided to go for it.

  “I would like you to explain to me about what your…umm…stuff does to me exactly?”

  “My stuff?” He looked left and right and then whispered behind his hand,

  “Do you mean my sperm, Keira….or would like me to call it my man juice?” He mocked and I slapped him on the arm.

  “Behave! Alright Draven, you asked for it!” I dragged myself up him and positioned myself over his lips and said seductively,

  “Why Draven, pray tell, what does your come do to me once it erupts deep inside me?” He closed his eyes and arched his head back into my colourful pillows and then shook his head slightly.

  “Gods woman, you don’t play fair at all.” He said in a strained voice that added to the bulging vein in his corded neck.

  “Right back at ya buddy!” I said smiling to myself.

  “Alright sweetness, you win this round but remember once I get my wicked way with you, then it will be pay back and baby, then, I don’t play fair!” He warned and flashed me his purple lust making my insides turn to wet tissue. If there was one thing that Draven was a master at, it was manipulating my body into anything he wanted and the idea of making love to Draven’s other self was a mouth-watering thought indeed.

  “Does it have anything to do with ravishing me?”

  “Oh sweetheart, what I have in mind means you will need a week to recover and then, I may just do it all over again or never stop…I haven’t decided yet, but one thing you can be certain of.”

  “Wh…what’s that?” He could hear the waver in my voice and he smirked knowing how he was affecting me.

  “You won’t be walking away from my bed any time soon.”

  “I… don’t doubt it for…for a second stud.” I said trying to be as cocky as he was but giving the stammer in my voice, it was hard to be convincing and with that grin I was getting, man did he know it!

  “Ask your questions sweetheart before I embarrass myself and act like an adolescent teenager in his girlfriend’s bedroom.”

  “Is that so?” I asked shocked that I could do that to him.

  “It’s hard enough giving the ideal setting for this fantasy and knowing your new virginal sexual status.” Ok, so I was teasing him as I could feel an erection that could
have hammered nails into concrete.

  “Then why are we doing this to ourselves Draven?”

  “Because if there was ever a time that I would have to not give into my sexual urges and show restraint with the love of my life then it will be for this reason and this reason only. I don’t have reasons not to touch you Keira but this one.” I finally gave in and resigned myself to the fact that I would not be getting any from Draven until he was ready and I knew it wasn’t going to be in my childhood bedroom on a rainbow quilt with a picture of my smiling family on my bedside.

  “Ok, so back to my question, explain what happens.”

  “Alright but please know, I didn’t keep it from you out of deceit. It was… well, I was arrogant in believing that you were mine and was not allowed a choice in the matter, which you are still not by the way but you do at least deserve to understand it better.”

  “Oh jeez thanks.” I said sarcastically.

  “Well, do you want to leave me at any point?”

  “NO!” The thought was actually a painful one to think about.

  “Well then, it is a moot point. But the basics of it are relatively simple. I make love to you and my essence gets transferred every time and not only passes on my regenerative cells but also, as it would seem from Transfusion, some of my powers also and that part was unexpected indeed.”

  “Ok, just so as we’re clear, or more like I am clear, I won’t grow old, get wrinkles and start to forget my friend Betty down the road?”

  “You have a friend Betty?”

  “Hypothetical friend. So am I correct?” He smiled at my attempt at making a serious conversation humorous.

  “Yes, you won’t forget ‘Betty’ or anyone else for that matter. You won’t age any more than I do and considering I have had this body for a very long time, I would be correct in assuming my blood will have the same effect on your body also. As for the powers, I am in the dark on that one. But I will be with you every step of the way and from what I gather it only occurs when you are extremely pissed off…I won’t be making that mistake again around my games room or my garage for that matter.” I could just imagine the amount of leverage this gave me, especially as it would come in handy no doubt when he was driving too fast….oh the power, I thought in an evil baddie mode.

  “Ok, so next question.”

  “Am I right in saying this is the one you think I will fly into an uncontrollable fit of rage at?”

  “I thought I would start you off easy and ease into it.”

  “Please give me some credit Keira.”

  “Ha, coming from the man who nearly cause a $350 million plane to crash so that he could kill someone in a rage because you found me a bit skinnier than before…sorry Mr credit, but I need a deposit on that one before I give you that amount of trust in your trademark raging!” I smiled at my cleaver argument before continuing,

  “And don’t frown at me ‘cause you know I am right.” I said flicking him on the nose.

  “I think I preferred it when I intimidated you, you were more compliant back then.” He added dryly and I huffed.

  “Ask your question Keira.”

  “Fine, but no raging allowed!” He held out his hand and motioned for me to continue.

  “Why was it that you never told Lucius you had the Tip of the Spear all along and why couldn’t you give it to him, but did when…well…when what happened to me in the Temple room?” To give him his credit, he didn’t fly into a rage and the only noticeable anger was when he closed his eyes and his whole body went ridged underneath me. He moved slowly sitting me up and placing me opposite him ready to hear his reasons.

  “Keira, do you trust me?”

  “You know I do.”

  “But you didn’t, back when you were in Lucius’ cave room.” He reminded me and I lowered my head shamefully.

  “Well, I was angry at you, it was like I was just another object to be bargained with and I did kind of think you were having your cake and eating it too.” I confessed feeling even more like shit knowing what actually had happened.

  “Keira, look at me.” When I didn’t he said more sternly,

  “Look. At. Me. Keira!” I did as I was told and was granted with the back of his fingers on my cheek in a caress.

  “Good girl. Now I want you to listen to me when I say that you don’t need to feel guilty, I can very well imagine where your confused mind was at and I would never blame you, never. But in this, I need your trust.” I nodded and he continued.

  “Very well. That day as you know, I was at the Crucifixion and I know I lied but it was for your own good as at that time I could not go into the reason why I was there. For this you must forgive me but as I have said, it was unavoidable. So when I found out the only interference I was allowed to partake in was to retrieve the Tip and leave. I know it is hard to understand but even I must sometimes obey and do as the Gods ask of me.” He was right, it was hard to see indeed. Draven lived and breathed leadership and dominance that seeped from every pore, so this did make it a difficult thing to see indeed.

  “I was told that a re-born Vampire like no other was to become King to all creatures of his kind and he was to come to me and swear his life and loyalty. For years Lucius and I were not just companions with the same goal but also we were friends. But the one thing that I was sworn by the Gods to do was to keep the Tip from him until his time came, along with mine.”

  “I don’t understand, what do you mean his time, along with yours?” I shook my head making him take hold of me and kiss me sweetly before explaining the impossible.

  “His destiny told him of the Tip and that he would only get it back when the Chosen One was found and added to this was a mortal girl that would show him the sun and save his life.”

  “I know this, he told me but I never thought it…” I couldn’t carry on, it was just too mind blowing to piece together but then Draven delivered the biggest shocker of all.

  “I know this is hard for you to trust in, but everything told has come to pass”

  “And what of your time then, what was predicted for you?”

  “Oh Keira, I was always told that by keeping the Tip from Lucius, that it would one day aid in saving the life of the Chosen One and that, I would have done anything for…


  Chapter 53

  A Christmas to Remember

  That night, Draven held my body to his in an unyielding embrace that lasted the night and I woke up feeling like my body had been plugged into the mains all night as now I was running on full battery. Of course, that was until I went into the bathroom that morning and as if by will of the Gods, I had come on my period. This, for the first time, I think made Draven happy, as it meant he no longer felt guilty about not seeing to my growing needs.

  As for the whole Lucius thing, I learnt from Draven more about the unfortunate need to keep the only thing in the world his friend needed to feel whole and how hard it was to watch his growing obsession with something only Draven could help him with. But the words of the Oracle never left him and it was more than enough of a reason to withhold it from him. I was amazed that so far everything the Oracle had seen had come true and now, Lucius knew the depth of that truth, one he accepted, now knowing that Draven did the only thing he could.

  Life felt like a game of chess, with each piece finding its way off the board in precise moves in order for one person to win the game and I soon realised, after being informed by Draven, that I was not the pawn I always thought I was, but I was in fact the most important piece on the board…He told me I was his Queen.

  I smiled up at him and then said,

  “Well this Queen is hungry,” making him smile and then my stomach rumbled making us both laugh.

  “Considering your insides are now talking to me, I think we should please them by getting some food in you…something with a high fat content I think.” I rolled my eyes before we both got ready and went downstairs for a mammoth breakfast feast that my mum always did on Christmas
Eve morning. I looked at the spread my mum had probably been cooking since five this morning and took my place before diving in.

  “Have you notice the tea I am getting, I feel privileged indeed. Does this put me on the same status as the rich Aunt?” I giggled at the little Twinning’s breakfast tea logo hanging from my mum’s finest china tea set, which was only reserved for my dad’s best clients and yes, our rich Aunt.

  “Oh you lucky boy you…mum pass the Tetley, I need myself a real cup of tea.” I said winking at Draven when my mum moaned at me for being rude.

  The rest of the morning went as such and I laughed when I saw Draven trying to cram himself into the shower cubicle and I had to show him how to adjust the shower head up as far as it would go, that was after I had stopped wetting myself at seeing it hit him in the head twice in a row.

  “You’re enjoying this aren’t you?” He glowered at me and I nodded with a childish grin.

  “You mean watching you slum it with us commoners…why yes, I really think I am.” I giggled when he made the shower come on with touching it and soaking half my clothed body while I was half in the door.


  “Ooops, what is it you say…my bad?” The grin he gave me should have got him arrested, it was that primeval.

  “I will get you back you know, I am a master at this game and you now have a mighty enemy to contend with.” I said folding my arms, which were now sopping wet.

  “I have no doubt.” He said stripping off his T-shirt he wore to bed and it was the first time I saw his naked torso since being taken and I literally could not breathe at the sight. His defined pecs twitched as my eyes drank him in and the rippling six pack that actually after counting was more like an eight pack, one which was cut with a natural strength, not one brought on by spending a lifetime in the gym or thanks to drugs and supplements. His skin was a soft glow of olive sun kissed gold and his shoulders were square and bulging like his huge arms that could easily crush a man’s bones without the aid from any supernatural powers.


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