The Triple Goddess

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The Triple Goddess Page 70

by Stephanie Hudson

  “By the Gods, you make me so happy Keira!” He said before lowering it to my skin and then he tied the black silk cord behind my neck that was so incredibly soft against my skin.

  “Then let it be, it has been fused together and only one force alive can ever remove it from your body.” I gasped in surprise.

  “It can’t be taken off?” I asked in awe.

  “No, not by another’s hands and only by yours in the right or I should say, the wrong frame of mind.”

  “Which is?” I asked touching it for the first time and feeling a raw power being drawn from it.

  “If your love for its heart’s owner ever falters.” He said with heavy lidded emotion and I touched his cheek before saying,

  “Well if that means you, then that will never happen…you know that, right?”

  “Keira, if I ever see the day that necklace is not on your body, then that will be the time I truly feel my heart break for the first time in my life.” I leaned in, rested my forehead to his and then said over his lips,

  “Then I am happy that day will never come. Thank you Dominic, it is now a part of me as you are. I love it, as I love you.” As soon as I finished speaking the last word he held my face quickly and brought my lips to his for one of the most memorable kisses of my life.

  Once he let me go I got up and looked at the new adornment to my body and I was mesmerised at how stunning it was. It wasn’t some plum sized diamond or covered in a sparkling array of precious gems like something Kate Winslet wore in the film Titanic. No, this was unlike anything I had ever seen before.

  It was a deep purple stone that had been carved into an intricate heart that fell in a tear drop shape the size of a strawberry. A tiny slit had been carved in its centre where a fixed blood red gem was placed to make it like a bleeding purple heart, embellished with a swirly design making it delicate and pretty. It then hung unusually on a twisted black cord in an Asian fashion. I had never loved the look of a piece of jewellery so much before.

  “It’s a very rare piece of purple jadeite and it symbolises royalty, sophistication, and spirituality. It is also said that it can help to evoke imagination, inspiration and peace of mind, which is quite fitting for my little artist, don’t you think?” He said coming to stand behind me and he placed his hand over mine where I was holding it.

  “I can feel it, as though it’s calling to me or something… does that make sense?” I asked feeling a pull, like it was connecting with me, body, mind and soul.

  “But of course. It holds a piece of me with it and it can sense my essence in you, we call it ‘唱歌給你的愛人血’ which means ‘to sing to your lover’s blood’. The teardrop coming from its centre is just as rare as the jadeite being that of a red diamond. I had it carved to represent the only one that would ever wear it… the only woman that would ever be able to make my heart bleed.” Oh god I could barely breathe. This felt so much more than just a gift, it felt like he was giving me a piece of himself and in a way I guess, he was.

  “I don’t know what to say…it’s the most stunning thing I have ever seen Draven…but please, never tell me the price.” He laughed and kissed my neck by the soft cord.

  “It is like its new owner Keira, utterly priceless.” At this point I couldn’t stop from turning and having him the way I wanted. I jumped up and he caught my behind in his large hands, putting me at the right height to kiss him madly.

  “What about my gift?” He said against my lips and my heart plummeted. I could never and no way give him mine now, not after this.

  “I can’t…I’m sorry, I will get you something else but I can’t give it to you now.” I said touching my purple heart. He noted where my fingers were and then he frowned.

  “So, you think the only thing I could ever accept from you has to be of great monetary value, you believe me to be that shallow… yes?” Ok, when he put it like that it was a little insulting.

  “No, it’s not that at all…it’s….”

  “Good, I am glad to hear it. Go on and fetch it then, as I am excited.” He said dropping me and giving my behind a little pat. Oh God, this was going to be so embarrassing. I got on my bed and leant over the side and pulled it from under my bed where I had hidden it.

  “I must say, I am enjoying it already.” He said cheekily and when I lifted my head up, I saw him staring at my bum. I rolled my eyes at him and then came back up with a white papered bundle also tied with a purple ribbon.

  “Ah, great minds.” He said holding the ribbon in between his finger and thumb.

  “The ribbon is nice Draven, but it isn’t your gift.” I said mocking his words earlier and he raised his eyebrows at me.

  “Oh, you do play the game well.” He said before opening it with a care that surprised me from such long thick fingers. He was just about to reveal what it was when I stilled his hands.

  “Wait, let me first explain.”

  “Is that customary?” He mocked back but I ignored him.

  “I have something else for you to open but it’s at home and if you don’t like it…well, you might not like it…I mean, you might find it…umm… look I’m not saying this right…”

  “Hey, Keira look at me.” I did and his eyes softened as he ran a thumb over my bitten lip.

  “Trust me, anything you think in your heart to give me will be accepted with nothing but loving gratitude and a fierce protectiveness. I treasure anything you give, especially the memories you give me.” I swallowed the hard lump and took a deep breath.

  “I am glad you said that because if that is the case, then I think you will like this gift.” I let go of his hands and he pulled back the last bit of paper, letting every one of my scrapbooks to come tumbling out. I watched the shock transform his excited features and it was the look of utter disbelief and wonderment.

  “I didn’t know what else you could want, I mean what do you buy for a man that can buy anything he wants, so I gave you the only thing I knew you wanted but couldn’t possibly pay for…my childhood.” I must have gone bright red with waiting for his response. Would he find it silly?

  “This one here is empty, I bought it today in hopes…umm, maybe, you know…like the next chapter of my life…with you in it.” At this he finally looked up at me and now it was my time for my utter shock…he had tears misting his eyes!

  “I hope that means you like it and don’t think its lame?” I said and in a millisecond he grabbed me and had crushed me to his body in an unmoving embrace. I heard him saying things into my hair that I didn’t understand and I felt the pull of the necklace with our closeness. He was right, it was singing to him. I let him hold me for as long as he needed, being completely taken aback by his response and then when his whispering stopped he pulled me back. His eyes were damp and brimming over with deep seated emotions I knew he wasn’t used to feeling.

  “I love you and this gift you have given me means the world to me, more in fact, as now I have the two most treasured things that I own in my life and they both contain you. I am honoured Katherine, beyond the strength of these words and more, I am forever honoured.” He said taking both my hands and kissing them both on the palms.

  “I..I…am so…glad, oh Draven, I love you so much!” I said and the next kiss was the second of the day that I would never ever forget, not if I lived for an eternity.

  And with Draven’s love…

  It was now possible.

  Chapter 54

  Red Girl Walking

  We stayed at my parents’ house until we had to fly back for the Annual Afterlife New Year’s Eve party. Draven told me that they didn’t really celebrate at Christmas so being a part of humans’ traditions had been an experience. Although he did point out that Sophia still made him buy her a new car every year, this year it was a Mercedes SLK Roadster.

  He also explained that the New Year’s Party was their biggest celebration as it represented more to them than just the passing of a new year, it was to celebrate the Roman God Janus, who the month of January w
as named after. He is a God with two faces, one facing front and the other facing back and is the God of doors and gates. Draven also explained that he is the God that controls all beginnings and transitions and more importantly, doorways to these beginnings, endings and all time. In other words he is the father of Pythia the Oracle and controller of the future that she foresees and also the past.

  I was utterly fascinated when he told me the story in bed one night but his whispering in my ear of stories of the real mythology in that hypnotic tone soon had me falling asleep with a mind full of the Gods, in Draven’s arms.

  After a tearful farewell to my parents and promising Libby I would be seeing them soon when they were back in the new year, we were soon on our way back to the States just in time for this monumental occasion that I was actually getting nervous about. I asked Draven lots of questions and each time he laughed at me before answering with a soothing voice, one I couldn’t be angry at for making fun of me. The rest of the ‘gang’ had gone back to Afterlife already and he told me it was one of Sophia’s favourite things to plan and getting it all ready for the big night was like her version of me at Christmas.

  We were now on another one of Draven’s private jets, this time a lot smaller but just as luxurious and he lifted me into a massive leather seat that engulfed my small frame. Draven had been delighted with my mother’s efforts in putting weight on me and after nearly a week of gorging myself on Pringles, cheese puffs, After eights, Christmas cake…with the crunchy icing of course, and buffet food that included my favourite duck spring rolls and leftover turkey sandwiches I had gained back my weight and no longer had to keep pulling up my jeans so as not to flash my new Mr Men knickers from Libby. Draven had even made me put on Miss Giggles and gave me a real reason for the name, which ended up in me doing an assortment of farm animal noises.

  “Do you need anything, drinks, food or I did request one of those Christmas movies you love so much? Just ask the stewardess for anything you need.” I looked up at him leaning over the back of my chair and playing with a shorter strand of my hair at the front.

  “Why, where will you be…do you have work to do?” I asked wondering just how many businesses a man like Draven had to deal with.

  “I do indeed.” He leaned in close, brushed back the hair he had been playing with and whispered in my ear,

  “I will be flying the plane!” At this, it was like someone had just jack hammered a steel rode down my spine. I tensed and if Draven hadn’t been over me I would have shot from my chair.

  “Easy, love.”

  “But Draven, no…why can’t you get one of the pilots to fly, I mean…I…”

  “I think I have been flying a lot longer than any mortal pilots, don’t you? Trust me, Keira, I won’t let anything happen to you or my plane.” And with that he kissed me lightly on the cheek before turning to speak to a stewardess in hushed tones. No doubt warning her about his temperamental and irrational girlfriend who hates to fly, even when the pilots himself has wings!

  As it turned out Draven had recommend that the stewardess pretty much made it her mission to get me tanked up on champagne which was surprisingly good at taking the edge of flying and that, combined with popcorn, Santa Claus the Movie and an endless stream of the good stuff, I hardly noticed we were even on a plane…that was until I heard Draven’s deep commanding voice over the intercom for me to be shown to the cockpit. I tried to refuse but then his voice came over us again,

  “You don’t want me to come back there do you, Keira?” At this I was up like a shot and storming into the little control room to find Draven’s booming laughter.

  “Good girl, now won’t you take a seat?” I think I actually growled at him.

  “And if I don’t?” I tested but he just gave me a sideways glance and I saw his grin twitch as he tried not to laugh.

  “Then I could get up, fly the plane with my mind and see what Little Miss panties you are wearing today…although given your scowl I don’t think I find them to be ‘Happy’ but what about ‘Naughty’…? Oh I do hope for ‘Naughty’, now come here!” He added and crooked his finger at me. I complied, of course I did, especially with that voice!

  “Sit!” A simple order which I did, because I really didn’t want to think of Draven ever controlling a plane with his mind, not if it had to be shared with kinky thoughts. So I did as I was told and was crapping myself the whole time.

  “Trust.” He reminded me and then with a cheeky grin he said,

  “You can be my co-pilot.”

  “No, I bloody well can’t! I am not touching a single thing!” I said looking at all the switches, buttons, lights, levers and most scary of all, a window to the most beautiful view of sky I had ever seen.

  “Oh wow!” I said breathlessly.

  “Stunning isn’t it, that’s why I wanted you to see it and I could never fly you this high by myself, I think you would have a heart attack.” He chuckled and I smacked his arm without looking at him.

  “Ssshh, don’t ruin it with crazy talk.” I joked and he laughed. I eyed him out the corner of my eye and saw how happy he looked, so laid back and easy it made my insides tingle at the sight.

  “You know the real view is out there, right?” He commented, when I must have turned to stare at him in open wonder….was he blushing, no…never!

  “Oh, my god! You’re blushing!” I blurted out and he frowned.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, of course not, for starters it’s in the King’s handbook, that absolutely, none what so ever, die by one’s own sword, to ever blush in front of a beautiful woman staring at him with obvious open lust.” He said teasing and I laughed.

  “Well, it’s your fault for being so ridiculously stunning.” I said this time without humour.

  “Why Keira, do you think me handsome?” He said light heartedly.

  “You know I do and you know full well the effect your gorgeous looks have on the female population.” I replied and at this he just shrugged his shoulders.

  “As long as you like the way I look, then I am happy with the way I look. I couldn’t give a damn what the rest of the population thinks of me. This body was only ever meant for the temptation of one person and if you say it works, then it has done its job.” I couldn’t believe the seriousness of his statement. Surely he didn’t feel this way.

  “Oh my God Draven, you can’t be serious.”

  “Deadly. Keira my body is yours and yours is mine. This is a pointless argument unless you are not happy with the God’s selection of host for me?” He turned to me and I couldn’t believe he was talking about his body like it was something he could just change like picking a new outfit.

  “God, no! I love the way you look, every last inch in fact! You must know this, I mean is it not obvious…? I turn to jelly at just the sight of you and if you ever want to render me speechless all you have to do is take off your shirt.” Once I had finished he beamed at me.

  “Then all is well, and yes Keira, I know now.” He said and I couldn’t believe he didn’t know before, he must have…surely or had I just taken it for granted that he would know. I would have assumed a man like Draven would have just had to look in the mirror and seen every pore oozing with charm and breathtaking good looks but maybe I was wrong.

  By the time we had stopped to refuel and I had thankfully not been made to sit in the cockpit while landing, Draven had finally got another pilot to fly the rest of the way so that he could be with me. We spent the rest of the journey playfully kissing and Draven trying very hard to find out what today’s knickers selection was.

  I must have fallen asleep at one point because the next thing I knew was we were in a car and I was waking up from resting my head on Draven’s lap curled in the seat next to him like a big cat. The soothing strokes on the side of my head were down to Draven’s big hand and I almost purred. I stretched out, yawned and then sat up.

  “What time is it?” I said rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

  “It’s early and we’re not far
now, why don’t you get some more sleep. The party is later tonight and that will take it out of you.” I looked up at him and then down on his tempting lap and decided to give into the temptation. I was back asleep within minutes of Draven’s stroking hand and soothing words.

  The next time I woke was when I opened my eyes to see Draven carrying me up a staircase, but my exhaustion wouldn’t allow me to move other than to burrow closer to Draven’s heat. I felt him kiss the top of my head that was nestled deep into his jacket and then the last thing I felt was being lowered onto a familiar bed and I fell back to sleep with a smile on my face, thanks to the surprising thought that this bed still smelled of me.

  I woke for the last time to Draven’s lips at my neck and the sight of his tousled hair, morning stubble and lazy eyes was the nicest thing in the world to open my eyes to and the fact we were back in our bed was the cherry on top.

  “Morning little Miss Sleepy or should I say… little Miss Sunshine?” He said playfully and I lifted the covers to see, yes I was naked all except my little Miss Sunshine knickers.

  “You don’t play fair.” I said making him laugh.

  “Well, I am half Demon so really Keira, what did you expect? An unconscious beauty in my arms was just too much temptation to resist.”

  “So were you disappointed to find they weren’t in fact little Miss Naughty?” He sucked on my neck and then held it in between his teeth before smiling at my loud moan.

  “Not at all, I think there is enough ‘naughty’ in this relationship than to add more…”


  “I have very naughty thoughts about you Keira and later I finally get to show you.” He said in a thick hoarse voice that flooded my senses.

  “Now it’s up you, Sophia and Pip are waiting to play with my favourite dolly.” He said in my ear and then laughed when I rolled over, buried my head in the pillow and cried out a muffled,

  “Oh God, No!”

  The next few hours were exactly as Draven had described to me…I had become a living doll, to the two people in the world who loved nothing more than to play ‘dress human dolly’. I found myself once again transported back in time to Sophia’s bedroom and swiftly stripped of my clothes and pushed into a bath, big enough for an elephant.


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