The Triple Goddess

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The Triple Goddess Page 72

by Stephanie Hudson

  “And might I enquire as to what you find funny?” Draven asked and I turned to say one name,

  “Pip” He looked relieved for a moment before taking up his glass and drinking it dry. I looked back and saw that Lucius was looking at me and he raised his glass my way before taking a large sip. Draven growled.

  “I don’t think that is necessary, I think you made it quite obvious who I belong to when I first entered.” I said with humour turning away from the flirtatious bad boy at the end.

  “And so I should as it is my right.”

  “I agree.” I simply answered making him lose the jealously and grin.

  “Draven why did you have me wear this massive red dress when it is clearly a black and white night? I stick out like a sore and bloody thumb!” I complained wondering if, A- there would be a time tonight when people didn’t stare at me and B- if my flushed cheeks would ever go down.

  “Keira, everyone is staring at you simply because you are the most beautiful and remarkable creature in this room, along with any room for that matter…and you’re all mine.” He ended possessively and I shuddered at the bite in his words.

  “Draven, this is hard enough as it is for me but making me stand out like this…it’s…” I was trying to find the right words but he cut me off by turning my chair to face him.

  “Hey, it’s my rules remember…this is my party, this is my game and more importantly this…” He motioned up and down the length of me,

  “…is my body, my canvas to paint as I see fit, and tonight I wanted to see you, and only you, painted the same colour as the vibrant love that you make me feel. You make me happy Keira and seeing you like this makes me happy, so you should feel proud not embarrassed that you have done this for me…I am very happy indeed.” He said and then kissed me deeply making me truly forget my discomfort. Damn him and his wonderful way with words!

  “Better?” He asked dipping his head to capture my eyes. I nodded and he grabbed a white cloth napkin from near his glass and he placed his thumb underneath it to then smear across my lips in a sensual swipe.

  “Beautiful, but this I am afraid will get in my way for the need to kiss you more deeply and besides…” He leaned in closer and then whispered,

  “I don’t think this colour suits me as it does you.” I laughed as I turned to see him wipe off the lipstick I had left on his perfect lips.

  “Oh I don’t know, I could do you up like a dolly one day, you know, some painted toe nails… a bit of blush… as you’re not allowed to naturally, due to the handbook and all.” I said smirking into my glass.

  “You’re not that cruel, Vixen.” He responded playfully.

  “Oh no? Just you wait, I could be.”

  “Never.” He hummed on my neck and I shivered under his lips.

  “But just in case I have underestimated my little red rabbit, let me once again gain the upper hand.” He said and then he shocked me by standing up and signalling for silence.

  “Draven…what are you doing?” I whispered nervously squirming in my seat.

  “My friends, guests and loyal subjects, let me bless this night on the Eve of the birth of Janus and let us walk into the New Year never forgetting the steps we have taken behind us, for they are the map we leave for others to follow. So raise your glasses and let us not say goodbye to another year but to the beginning of another important step we take…To the leaders of the balance and all who follow our map!” Draven said in his commanding voice that stole the room of its essence and poured it back out in a powerful and accepting speech of a master and King addressing his people.

  Everyone in the room cheered and drank to their King’s words, myself included and I was just about to tell him what a good speech that was, and if he thought of a career in public speaking when he continued, adding to an even greater reason for me to get stared at and for my cheeks to melt off.

  “And now to start off the evening, I will be taking the floor this year in our first dance…Keira, if you will be so kind and give me the pleasure of your hand as we start with the ceremonial first dance.” The look he gave me was one trying to be serious but deep inside was laughing their ass off at the look of sheer horror on my face. I looked at his hand as though it would turn into a snapping turtle and just then the band that was situated further back in a little alcove, started to fill the room with beautiful notes.

  “Draven, I’m too short for you… I can’t dance…”

  “No, but I can, so come on sweetheart, don’t break my heart now.” He said smiling and I had no other option than to place my shaking hand in his.

  “That’s my girl!” He said proudly as he pulled me from my chair and took me into the centre of the Temple, where people had formed a large circle of bodies all waiting to watch the show. Well what they would get was me no doubt tripping up their King with a few toe stepping in between.

  “Don’t look so frightened, I have you.” He said softly before taking his stance, with one hand at my lower back. He gently placed my hand at his shoulder and then joined our free hands ready for the right moment to start moving around the open space.

  “Ready my darling?” He said sweetly and then the words ‘At Last’ filled the room shocking me into disbelief.

  “At Last by Etta James?” I said knowing the song well as it was the song played for Libby and Frank’s first dance as it was at my parents wedding. My mother had been telling Draven about it when my father had it playing and then grabbed my mum up to dance in the living room as he did every Christmas night. The same night he proposed to my mum, broken down at the side of the road when it started snowing. This song was a family favourite for that reason and Draven had listened intently to the words, nodded once and then said to me, ‘very fitting’ but didn’t elaborate at the time.

  “What else?” He said before picking me up by a solid arm banded at my waist, putting me at the right height and then he started to move us around the room in perfect timing with the most perfect song echoing around the most perfect setting, making it one of the most perfect moments in my life…

  Dancing in Draven’s arms.

  “The words in this song are perfect for me in the way I feel about you Keira. My stars are blue for you, my heart wrapped in clover the time I looked at you and Keira, you will always be my dream.” He whispered and my eyes glistened over with tears as he put the words of the song to his feelings. And then with another circle of the room with me still being held by one of the strongest arms I have ever known, the song came to an end with the most fitting lyrics that Draven sang back to me in lush deep tones…

  Words I completely agreed with…

  “For you are mine at last.”

  Chapter 56

  It’s Not a Party Without a Ragnar

  After our first dance the rest of the couples came and joined us and we had a few more dances, where throughout Draven still hadn’t put me down. So when he finally did to walk me back to our seats, I wobbled a bit but Draven just smirked down at me and said,

  “Does that mean it was as good for you too?” I winked at him and laughed when I heard him groan behind me.

  “Vixen.” Was soon whispered in my ear, as I walked ahead of him back to the table.

  “Oh that was so beautiful, you two.” Sophia said and it was clear to see that our first dance had made her all emotional. So I did the only thing in my heart that felt right, I leant down to put my arms round her and hugged her from behind then softly spoke in her ear,

  “Thank you my friend…for everything.” She then turned abruptly and took me in her arms and whispered back,

  “He has waited so long Keira…so thank you.” She said putting the emphasis on her ‘thank you’.

  With the night in full swing I turned to Draven and asked the question that I kept asking since being back here and every time I found myself being brushed off in some way, so now I was on a mission.

  “Draven, can you please explain to me where Ragnar is and why I haven’t yet seen him?” With one lo
ok at me and seeing how serious I was, he placed his glass back down and gave me a quick look of concern before standing up.

  “Come with me, Keira.” He said a bit dejected and I placed my hand in his for him to lead me away. I let him take me from the Temple’s main room before I asked,

  “Where are we going?” He didn’t look at me when he answered.

  “I am taking you to him.” His voiced sounded so lost I wanted to comfort him but I didn’t know how. So with the worry of saying something lame I remained silent until it was clear we were getting near. We had walked through a different section of the Temple and this time we seemed to be heading further underground as the last door to go through was after a series of tunnelled steps Draven helped me step down.

  It wasn’t far, only five minutes really and easy to get to but the door that stood in our way was made from solid hardwood and crisscrossed with iron strips fastened there by big wrought iron studs. A small metal disc was below what looked to be the locking mechanism and I remember seeing this before when I had found my way into the prison part of the Temple.

  I watched as Draven pulled back his cuff and raised his palm to his teeth. One fang grew longer than the rest and I saw his eye glow in the dimly lit tunnel as the power of the Demon came through. With one quick and efficient swipe, he sliced into his palm making me jump at the sight. I hated ever seeing Draven doing anything that might hurt him but from the triviality on his face it looked like he could have just been cutting his nails for the feeling it caused. He then fisted his bloody hand over the little bowl making an overflow of miniature scarlet rivers come escaping from the confines of his tight bent fingers. The noise of heavy bolts moving back and cogs turning echoed in the space.

  “Draven?” I said taking his hand and turning it over to peel back his bloodied fingers. I bent to pick up the corner of my dress then Draven’s free hand stopped me.

  “No, I will not have you ruin that pretty dress, here take this if you insist.” He said passing me a black satin folded bit of material from his breast pocket. I took it and gently wiped the blood away and watched as the cut started to heal instantly. I then lifted his palm to my lips and kissed him there, tasting the smears of blood left behind. I felt his knuckles on his free hand caress my cheek and then he kissed me there saying,

  “You are so very sweet to me, Keira.” He took hold of my hand and pushed open the door to reveal a gasp from me.

  I walked past him and wanted to burst into tears at what I was seeing.

  “WHY?” I shouted running to the glass cage that was etched with hundreds of symbols that looked like they had been scratched crudely with a set of claws.

  “I wanted to wait until after tonight, but I could see I could put it off no longer. I didn’t want to upset you.” Draven spoke behind me from afar, in a voice so distant it had nothing to do with the space between us. This was what Draven sounded like when he was upset and considering what I was seeing, I could understand why.

  “What’s wrong with him?” I asked quietly looking at the Demon form of my giant Viking protector who looked lost to the world he once knew. He was situated in the centre of this glass square by chains that attached to numerous heavy metal cuffs. His head held in place by some of these cuffs secured around the great horns that covered his face like a boned helmet.

  They were twisted and came from deep within his back but entwined at the point of his chin into a solid beard. His massive shoulders were raised higher than his neck and his clothes were torn and hanging in shreds like limp tails where his size had more than doubled. The most heart breaking thing was this was exactly the same way I remembered seeing him that day on the tarmac.

  “He has been like this ever since you were taken.” Draven’s empty voice explained.

  “Why is he in there?”

  “I put him there.” And just like that I snapped round and said accusingly,


  “Keira, try to understand. He is an incredibly powerful demon, one intent on destroying everything in his path. When I found him finally woken, we fought and I had to imprison him in here where these runes and scriptures hold his power in check and keep him from killing. But without them he would be too powerful to let loose.” He finished explaining and I reached out to the glass to place my palm flat against the cool surface. He didn’t move once. He just hung there on his chains and I felt more tears fall.

  “What is it I can do?” I asked knowing I would do anything I could to save the life of this man as he was willing to give his own for mine.

  “Oh Keira, there is nothing you or I can do…I…I wish I didn’t have to do this, but Keira…I brought you down here to say… goodbye.” His voice didn’t waver but I could hear how hard it was for him to tell me this and how it was even harder to hear me cry out before falling to my knees.

  “Keira!” He called my name and then he was there, holding me from behind and trying to give me his strength but it wasn’t enough…it would never have been enough to say…


  Draven led me away at the point I couldn’t find the energy to cry anymore. I turned one last time to see my friend and saw my handprint on the glass disappear as though being sucked in by the power of the cell and the last thing I thought I saw was Ragnar’s chains move. I wanted to go back but I found the door being shut firmly behind me and Draven took my hand to pull me from this place.

  I couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye and by the time we got back to the Temple doors I had formed a plan. There was no way I could stand back do nothing and if what I saw was true, then maybe there was still hope. But the trick was getting Draven to let me go.

  “We don’t have to go back in there if you would prefer.” He asked but after a quick sniff and snuffle of my nose and a wipe under my eyes, I looked up to his concerned face and said,

  “I will be fine… I think I just need to use the bathroom though.”

  “Certainly, let me take you.” Draven said pointing to the direction we should go but I decided it was now or never.

  “That’s alright, I can manage, but do you think you could get Pip for me…you know, girly stuff.” I said and Draven seemed to ease. It was as though being able to do something for me would help ease a guilt that wasn’t founded. I knew Draven was just as upset about Ragnar as I was but he just showed it in other ways. But the fact of the matter remained, Ragnar was uncontrollable and by the law of the King, being Draven himself, any Demon or Angel deemed unfit to remain on earth’s plane had no choice than to be sent away from it, to their underworld. And that was the last place either one of us wanted to see our friend go.

  “Of course, I understand you will want to see your friend. Wait here and I will send her out to you. I will be a moment informing people of our plans but you will find me here waiting for you by the time you have finished…take your time my love.” He said giving me a light kiss.

  “Hey Toots, what’s up, the big man said you needed the pleasure of my Impy charms.” I laughed at Pip’s graceful approach.

  “Oh Pip, you’re the only Imp for the job.” I said grabbing her hand and tugging her the way Draven and I had just come. She frowned at me and said,

  “Hey, unless this is a massive detour, the bogs are that way, Tootie bean.”

  “I know, but I wanted to show you something first.” I said and I knew it was cruel but needs must when my friend’s life was literally hanging in the balance. She seemed to accept my deception making my guilt double but now I was at the door there was no going back.

  “Umm, I think you made a wrong turn or something here Toots, ‘cause this door says we’re at a big NO, NO.” Oh poor Pip, I just hoped she forgave me after this.

  “Oh, you might be right…oh would you look at them, wow Pip you really out did yourself with these nails this time, let me look.” I said and she smiled at my compliment, gladly showing me her black and white chess piece nails that as always were razor sharp points. I grabbed her little hand and bent the nail as
if to look more closely before slicing it directly across my palm with a hiss.

  “Ooops, look what I did?” I said and Pip’s face drained of colour.

  “Oh Toots, I am so sorry! I should have warned you…give it to me I will heal it for you.” She said but I put it behind my back and felt for the little dish hoping Draven’s blood was still strong enough inside me.

  “Nah, its fine…a tiny scratch plus we should really get back before Draven worries.” She shrugged her shoulders and bought my lie before the door clicked open.

  “I’m so sorry Pip, I really am.” I said before getting in the door quick enough before she could react to my deceit. I slammed the door shut just as I heard her asking ‘why?’.

  “Sorry Pip, but I had no other choice…tell Draven I tricked you!” I shouted through the door hoping she heard me. When the banging started I knew she had and I had to smile at the blue language she was using.

  “Jesus Pip, you would make a sailor blush.” I said and when I heard her scream,

  “Jesus won’t help you when I get my hands on you!” And then with one last bang I knew I didn’t have much time before Draven came to the rescue. I just hoped that I didn’t need it, I thought on a gulp.

  I turned to the glass cage and after a deep breath I did what I knew needed to be done. Draven had explained in my depressed haze that he thought the reasons behind Ragnar’s meltdown was due to his past, the feeling of failing his daughter for the second time. With this information, combined with the twitch of chains I saw, gave me enough hope to believe the sight that he didn’t fail and that I was still alive, no matter the amount Draven had tried to convince him of this, would be enough to bring him from the depths of himself.


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