The Triple Goddess

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The Triple Goddess Page 75

by Stephanie Hudson

  “You please me greatly, with not only your exquisite body but with your utter compliance. Now lose the shoes and go lay on our bed to wait for your reward.” I noticed the way he said ‘our’ bed and it warmed me from the inside along with the sound of authority he stamped into every demand.

  I stepped out from not only my shoes but also the satin mound and walked on unsteady legs to ‘our’ bed. I did as I was told and now it was finally here, I found my nerves combined with my extreme building need heightened every sense in my buzzing body. I felt like a live wire being played with…toyed with even, by someone with all the power to light me up. One look to Draven confirmed that power and I quaked with another wave of emitted charge.

  “Lie back.” His voice brought me round to the fact that I had been sat up and staring at him with raw need and I was sure I saw a quick flash of a dangerous grin before he bent down to retrieve something. I did as I was told and lay back on the cooling sheets that were softer than anything I had ever felt on a bed before. I closed my eyes tight to stop myself from touching myself just to relieve the pressure and when I heard heavy breathing over me I opened them. I saw Draven looming over me like an impending force that would soon consume me from the inside out. The size of him looked incredible given his wings were outstretched and it was like a Dark Angel of mercy had just landed to find me waiting and wanting the way I most certainly was.

  “Virginal indeed and all mine for the taking.” He said before getting down on one knee. He came over me and I was about to take him in an embrace when he captured my wrists suddenly.

  “My game first.” He said across my waiting lips. Then he pushed my arms back up and before I could stop him he had tied my hands together with the satin ribbon and secured me to something I couldn’t see.

  “Your smooth skin looked incredible next to the hard links of iron and if I could find something soft enough then I would have your whole body wrapped up in chains but for now, this will do.” He said and kissed me softly on the lips and then laughed when I tried to yank my arms down.

  “Draven, what are you doing?” I finally found a steady enough voice to speak, although it was shaky at best.

  “Trust me my little ivory rabbit, what I am about to do to you, will take you above and beyond the realms of pleasure and for me…well I have waited too long with you in my life without yet feasting on you properly.” Oh no, was he planning what I thought he was?

  “Draven, please you ca…” I said in shame as the last and only other time he had kissed me down there had been through the thin barrier of a triangle piece of thong and although I couldn’t ever deny the amount of bliss it brought me, I was too shamed to ever let him do it again. I wasn’t a prude by any means but this was just always the one sexual act that until Draven, no boy had ever come close to and the utter vulnerability I felt being that open for anyone was sort of frightening to me.

  “You’re not about to tell me what I can’t do with this body I own, are you Keira…because I warn you, that would be unwise.” He said seriously and when he saw my rising panic at the one thing I had never experienced completely, he came over and softly soothed my fears.

  “Hey, look at me…I would never do anything to you that your body would not approve and from the sweet musk of you I can scent, then I would say your body agrees, now it is just time for your mind to catch up…don’t be frightened my pet, I take good care of my gifts.” He said and then kissed his way down my body so gently it could have been done by his feathers.

  “This, however lovely, is in my way to something lovelier.” He stated and then ripped my underskirt into two strips all the way up to reveal my naked sex.

  “That is much better.” He commented looking down at me and I tightened my legs in a reflex of my embarrassment.

  “Keira!” He warned and then tapped the top of my tense thighs until I opened up from him. I took a few deep breaths and with my teeth embedded firmly in my bottom lip, I opened myself up for him for the first time. The sharp intake of breath from him had my cheeks burning into molten flesh.

  “By the Gods you’re beautiful!” He said and then gently ran a finger along first once side of the triangle of trim blonde curls and then along the other side, making me moan each time. Then he ran a single fingertip back to the top and this time ran it the full length down in the middle, parting me as he went.

  “Ohhh…ummhh!” I moaned louder, longer and in even more indistinguishable noises.

  “Do you feel that Keira…that tingling heat that is travelling from my finger to you and right back again. That is the oldest language in the world. That is my body communicating with yours on such a deep level that the only part translated into understanding is a simple word…connected. I will always be able to talk to your body Keira, with a simple touch. But tonight I want more…I want to taste the very words your body speaks to me Keira and this time…I am going to SWALLOW YOU WHOLE!” He shouted out the last part and with his hands at the ready he pushed my thighs apart as far as they would go and held me immobilised as he began to devour me whole.

  I screamed out as soon as his tongue grazed my small bundle of nerves and soon he was lapping up my release like a starved man. I soon found I couldn’t have cared for my embarrassment at him discovering the very last inch of me unexplored. I couldn’t concentrate on anything but the sensations he was forcing upon me and if I thought after an orgasm he would be finished, I was oh so wrong. No, after he had licked his fill, he just went right back to stroking, teasing and sucking hard on making me give him another one.

  It soon became an erotic dance with us moving to the music of my screams. I would beg…beg for him to stop, beg for him to carry on, beg for him to take me further, higher, longer and faster than I have ever been. I was in blissful delirium. I was being consumed by wave after wave, providing feast after feast for this raging beast to gorge on… And boy did he gorge!

  After I had lost count and was fading fast he must have felt my body being rung dry as he made this his last meal of me. I felt wonderfully abused and with one last flick of his incredibly talented tongue I screamed as the pressure unbelievably rebuilt.

  “Keira, open your eyes for me, my sweet girl.” I did but it felt like trying to pry them open after someone had glued them shut. Draven was met by lustful half lidded eyes that watered thanks to the overwhelming drugging overdose on orgasms.

  “I am sorry my darling, I got carried away and took too much out of you…here drink this.” He said and through my blurred vision I tried to feel for the rim of a glass only to find a wrist.


  “Ssshh, it will help, just drink and gain strength from me…I am selfishly not finished yet…not by far.” He said and then placed his wrist to me and I felt the warm thick liquid touch my lips.

  “Draven, no!” I tried to push him away but he just chuckled and forced his blood upon me. Once I swallowed that first drop, it was too hard to stop. It wasn’t as gross as you would expect drinking blood to be but felt more like drinking a Red bull when you needed the energy kick. The taste of blood didn’t really even register as his essence filled me full of a warming glow that I couldn’t fully explain. I think in terms of cars then this would be my equivalent to going to the fuel station and getting treated to premium.

  He eased his wrist away from me and I felt a swipe of his thumb wipe away any excess blood from my lips.

  “I perversely get a sexual high watching you suckle on me like that.” He said after clearing his throat from its hoarseness. I smiled while still keeping my eyes closed and purposely made a meal out of licking my lips and smiled when I heard his frustrated groan.

  “Do you feel better? By the Gods tell me you do because you are killing me here waiting for my home-coming.” He said with such intensity that I felt my new energy zing to life on the other side of my skin, like his blood was making every cell to scream out at him. I raised myself up as much as I could and then whispered in what I knew would be just as husky as his own

  “Then come and get it Dominic!” Then everything exploded.

  I watched in amazement as Draven erupted into more of a brighter light like Vincent and the ends of his twitching feathers turned a blazing white. His expensive suit burnt away from him like a melting negative film strip and soon my eyes were drinking in the most Angelic form of Draven I had ever seen.

  He tore open my corset like the metal hooks weren’t even there and the material was even ripped from its constricting steel bones. Then he snatched out and snapped the ribbons hold me down and brought up my bound hands up and over his head, locking me as close to his body as I could get. Then with a twist of hips he was ready and positioned at the place he called his home, the entrance to my body and the doorway to touching my soul.

  “Say it with me Keira, say the words together as I take the very last step in merging your soul to me…SAY THE WORDS!” This time the voice I heard didn’t belong to his Demon side but the booming power of Heaven, making me gasp and with one driving force and the only words that ever mattered, we both shouted together…


  “I LOVE YOU!” Then he drove all the way home and destroyed anything in his path as he arrived at my door to the hilt and I was screaming another release and rippling around every last inch of him.

  “GODS!” He roared over me, then placed his forehead to mine to wait intimately for my mortal body to adjust.

  “By the Heavens above Keira you are so deliciously tight, I must be hurting you?” The intense look he gave me was so full to the brim of emotions I couldn’t have named them all.

  “You could never hurt me, Dominic.” I said and upon saying his name in sweet undertones on the shore of paradise he created, the wave hit and he kissed me with complete ravishment. Once he let my lips slide from his teeth in slow capture, he manage to finally speak,

  “Ready?” The one worded question was not only crushed through clenched teeth but it also looked to be the only word he could manage. His face was tense and I knew it was taking all his heavenly strength to hold back for me and when I smiled up at him and cruelly raked my nails down his scalp with tied hands, he growled.

  “Oh sweetheart…you really shouldn’t have done that!” He said before his movements had me screaming beneath him in intoxicating rapture. He pounding into me, circling his hips to hit the same sweet spot every time and instead of letting my pressure build to bursting and then halting the process so that I could endure more, like he usually did, this time he just let me explode. And explode. And explode. And explode again and again, all the time keeping his own release locked on the pinnacle edge until I was crying out that I could take no more.

  “Draven! Draven, Draven! I can’t…I…Ohohoh, God! Draven…pleeease!” I begged, hitting the very point where I could’nt take any more orgasms that he kept sending crashing my way. With his hands everywhere he could get to and with every different angle and nerve his hard length could touch I felt myself coming apart once again.

  “Draven…pleeease” I begged again feeling the delicious build up that would no doubt this time be my undoing.

  “Alright my love, this one last time I promise, now open your eyes and come with me…NOW!” He thundered out as he tensed before finally joining me in my life shattering release.

  “DRAVEN, ….AHHHHHH!” I let go of my cataclysmic scream.

  “GODS KEIRA! AHHH…HHH!” He screamed his own devastating shout of pleasure as he pulsated inside me and I gripped on tighter and tighter until he was screaming again as any normal time for the waves of bursting before euphoria hit, was tripled in Draven and it meant taking my own waves along for the ride. And then I felt it, the whole room had started to shake as if an earthquake was vibrating up through the mountains.

  I screamed in fright as I saw some cracks form in the ceiling but before I could try to act, Draven’s wings were thrust outwards covering us both in a glowing canopy of feathers as Draven continued his immense release, despite the obvious devastation it was causing to the surrounding environment. Or the raining of rock and debris hitting his wings that were still shuddering as he pumped himself deep within me, drawing out the last of his true essence and then I realised what he said was never going to be more true than in this moment…

  He really had communicated with my very soul.

  Chapter 58

  Missing Fates

  After that moment of devastating and most perfect experience of reuniting our bodies, we both passed out still entwined in the most intimate way. I awoke to find my arms still tied behind his neck, my body completely encased in not only his arms but also his wings and the most delicious of all, with his manhood still firmly seated inside me.

  When I shifted a little, his length twitched inside of me in protest, his arms tightened me closer and his wings curled round creating a firmer seal around our bodies. Then I saw dreamy eyes open slowly and it was sweet to see him as he took a moment to assess our situation. Once he did a lazy smile erupted and the memory of last night was no doubt what brought on a deep grin.

  Waking up this way was the most amazing start to an epic day. We actually spent the rest of our time locked away in his private cave and when we weren’t cuddled up talking, we were recreating some of the same blissful moments of last night. I watched as Draven laughed at the state of his cave after his erupting emotions and then he began to fix the rock as though it was a very natural thing to be done after such a literal earth shattering sexual encounter.

  Of course I soon found out why it was so natural as we discovered round four with me being once again tied to the bed. I think in fact I may have found a little fetish of Draven’s and when I teased him about it, he simply answered that ‘it must be down to him never before encountering a primal need to keep my body in a position ready for his taking’. I had shuddered before we found round five with me taking lead on top.

  But after that most exquisite day in Draven’s nest, life found a sort of normality that before had been in disarray. The New Year brought along new possibilities and for the first time nothing stood in our way for the only thing we wanted and that was to, of course, be together. Lucius and Draven now had a sort of alliance and although it wasn’t as strong as it had once been, the very fact that Draven no longer wanted to kill him was a big plus.

  But just before they were all leaving to go back to Germany, Draven nearly lost his control when I asked to say goodbye…privately. After one of our big arguments that wonderfully ending in lots of make-up sex he finally agreed. I hadn’t yet really spoken to Lucius since ‘The Triple Goddess’ incident and my growing need to see him was about the same level of effort Draven was putting in keeping us apart.

  I could understand why and my first sight of Aurora had me feeling the same way but every time the subject came up we would ended up fighting our battle in the healthiest way…in the bedroom.

  So now here I was, waiting for Lucius to walk back into my life, ready to say goodbye. I found my confusing thoughts brought on both nerves and apprehension. I didn’t know when exactly it happened, when Lucius went from being my captor, to my friend to then lastly my saviour, before I became his. But all I knew is that it had happened and as much as I would never admit so to Draven, I knew that I would miss him.

  I waited in a small sitting room that I hadn’t been in before and for Draven it was the best choice as I knew he was near. It was decorated with lush reds and burnt oranges of the Middle East and the cherry wood timber furniture shone to a high polish. A comfortable looking sofa to match was where my jittery body waited and when I heard the door, I shot up.

  Lucius let himself in and closed the door behind him which made me jump.

  “Nervous, Sugar?” He said amused and my heart stuttered at the sight of him. He was in usual Lucius fashion, dressed casually in a pair of charcoal grey jeans and a tight black long sleeved t-shirt with the sleeves pushed back to reveal strong forearms. His hair was a disarray mess that always seemed styled that way. Hi
s steel grey eyes had flecks of ice blue and the easy smile he wore was cocked to one side with an added playful and roguish charm that gave him the title of ‘ultimate bad boy’. And with one look I didn’t know what came over me but I ran over to him and threw a massive hug his way making him sound out an “umff!” before chuckling.

  “I guess not nervous then…. call me crazy but I definitely detect a certain level of Vamp withdrawal…why, by any chance did you miss me my pretty doll?” He mocked and I laughed once before giving him a quick jab in the ribs.

  “Not at all!” I said smiling and then stepped away to motion for us to sit at the couch. He nodded and we walked over to sit side on so we could talk facing each other.

  “I have to ask you something, Keira.” Lucius said his face turning serious and brooding.

  “Go ahead.” I said knowing there was only one thing he could possible want to know, so I wasn’t surprised when I heard only one word come from him,

  “Why?” His voice sounded strained and he was now fisting his hands as if trying not to reach out and shake the answer from me.

  “I could never have let you die Lucius, even if you can be the biggest asshole in Germany.” I said smiling, making him roll his eyes.

  “I never wanted that from you Keira…your life. I was always meant to protect it, once I found out who ‘else’ you were.”

  “You mean because of what I show you?” I asked feeling my cheeks heat as though I was showing him the sun all over again.

  “Yes, but now I know it means so much more.” He said raking a frustrated hand through his hair.

  “What do you mean?” I asked cautiously.

  “Don’t you see, it wasn’t just the sun, it was my sun, my past and my resentment of the Gods that was a grudge held for over two thousand years. You didn’t just show me the last sight I saw in my death Keira, but you showed me the last sight before my forgiveness, which was my rebirth.” He got up and then came to stand before me and kneel at my feet, putting us at eye level.


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