Her Mercenary Harem

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Her Mercenary Harem Page 11

by Savannah Skye

  By now, my hands had left his body and I was pulling my skirt down my legs. Perhaps I was moving quickly but I knew the direction in which I wanted matters to move, and this seemed the quickest way there. Luca seemed to have similar ideas, as his soft yet hungry kisses made their way down my body, traversing my belly, one peck at a time. But then, finally, I felt his hands steadying my hips and, moments later, his tongue speared into me. I cried out, my head shooting backwards into the softness of the straw, even as I pressed my hips forward.

  Luca was not to be rushed. He explored my pussy as diligently as he had my breasts, his tongue finding every corner, ironing out every fold, his face buried against me as I dug my heels into the giving straw, trying to work my loins into him. By the time he pulled back, I was hanging on the ragged edge of sanity, my mind a fractured mess of sharp pleasure, and he knew exactly what to do next.

  As he popped my clit from its protective hood, my mind seemed to shatter into a thousand crystal fragments, spinning off into infinity. I clutched at his head, gasping and whining. But Luca had picked his pace and was sticking to it. Slow and delicate as ever, he drew the rough edge of his tongue down my sensitive button, making me writhe like a snake before the last orgasm was even done kicking my ass.

  His fingers sought out my heated center and proved just as adept as his tongue, gently working and stretching me as his tongue turned my clit into its private plaything. I flung my legs over his broad back, my heels drumming against his muscles as he drove me wild with pleasure. Another orgasm crashed over me as tongue, lips, teeth and fingers took complete control of my downstairs. He was like a puppeteer, able to make my body do anything he wanted with just a wiggle of his finger, and luckily for me, what he wanted was to make me drown in my own ecstasy.

  But, however good this was and however much I might have kept enjoying it all night long, this wasn’t just about me. I suddenly felt that I had been placed here to help Luca move on from the greatest trauma of his life.

  As my wonderful man prepared to bury his face in my heated core once again, I held him back with a foot on his shoulder. My other foot stole down between his legs to rub firmly at the hard cock trapped there.

  Our eyes met and I saw Luca’s hesitation.

  “It’s okay,” I whispered as I sat up to face him and kiss him, tasting my own juices on his lips. Luca answered my kiss and then sat back on his haunches. As I watched, he tugged his tunic up over his head, revealing the smooth, clean contours of his torso. Like the other guys, his body was marred here and there with scars, but these only added to the character of his impressive physique – it was a body he had earned through graft, and one he needed just to stay alive. I took in the broad expanse of his pecs, my eyes travelling slowly down to the lean outline of his abs. A knotted drawstring at his waist held up the loose leggings he wore under the tunic, and even in the low light of the stable, I could not miss the significant bulge in it. Luca stood up, and my eyes flicked up at his as he undid the string and took off his pants.

  I couldn’t quite hold back a gasp as Luca revealed the long, smooth shaft of his cock, which seemed to gleam in the light. The uncertainty had vanished from Luca’s eyes and was replaced with something else. Like he could not quite believe his luck, and it warmed me from the inside out.

  Again, I held out a hand to invite Luca back down to our bed in the hay. Now, as naked as I was, he knelt back down beside me and, with trembling fingers, I allowed myself to take his shaft in my hand. It twitched as I touched it, letting my fingers dance up and down the column. It was even smoother than it had looked, almost like silk, and as I grew more confident and wrapped my fist about it, it grew longer still, standing tall and proud up from Luca’s hips. As I fondled him, Luca sought out my lips and we kissed again, tenderly and gently. His finger slipped back inside me and we continued to indulge each other’s bodies in perfect comfort as our mouths remained locked.

  I am not sure how long we remained like that, our bodies moving in perfect synchronicity, but somehow I found myself astride Luca’s thighs, still stroking his magnificent shaft in my disbelieving hands. Luca’s hands now slid up the backs of my thighs, the skin tingling where he touched, coming to rest where my hips met my ass, and guiding me to him. The time had come and I was more than ready for it. I felt the slick, smooth head press against my wetness, and then he was in me – just a few inches to start with, but enough to make me purr with pleasure. I placed my hands on Luca’s shoulders to steady myself, then twitched my hips in small, tight circles, letting the bulbous head inside me tug pleasantly at the muscles of my pussy. The effect was apparently good for Luca, too, as he sighed and squeezed nicely at the globe of my ass cheeks.

  Slowly, inch by delicious inch, I slid down Luca’s upstanding cock. It was not that he was too big or I was too tight, but I wanted to savor the experience. And it was not just me who felt that way. As I passed the halfway point, with a lovely long way still to go, our eyes locked and I saw the raw desire in Luca’s blue-eyed gaze. We held that gaze as I continued down, until our hips finally met, Luca hauling on my ass to ensure he was in me to the hilt.

  Then we lost eye contact as I lost control a little, my breath fluttering in short gasps, my eyes screwed up tight, my belly palpitating as hot, quick waves undulated through my core.

  Luca held me tight against him until I had stopped shaking. “Did you come already?”

  “I don’t know,” I confessed. “Just felt so fucking good.”

  He smiled and kissed me. “I’m glad.”

  I folded my legs about his hips as he remained upright in a sitting position, tightening my hold on his body, not wanting to lose one ounce of sensation. As if at some unseen signal, we began to move, working our bodies, one against the other. Luca’s cock was buried deep inside of me, but I could feel its shaft, rubbing against my clit with each grind of our tightly locked bodies. My legs were wrapped around him, muscles straining with each move, and the feel of his hips against my thighs was almost as good as the feel of him inside me. My breasts were crushed against him, rubbing against the muscular expanse of his chest. My arms were locked about his shoulders while my mouth worked across his face, kissing and biting.

  Every touch was electric, just the feel of his skin on mine was impossibly good. We were so unwilling to let each other go, to loosen our grip more than a little, that long thrusts were out of the question, and we simply ground our bodies against each other, driving ourselves towards orgasm through friction alone. I whined and keened as the hot sticky sensations stole through my body. I could feel Luca’s muscles tightening and releasing against me, but I also felt I could feel his need. This was something he had to do, and I was so glad that I had been the one who could get him to this point, after all he had been through.

  “Oh… Oh… Oh…”

  As the inevitable started to claim me, building like a fire in my belly, I unwrapped my legs to plant my heels in the hay and work myself back and forth deeper and more furiously against Luca. He growled in response, his fingers tightening on my ass cheeks to drag me up and down the strong length of his cock.

  “Oh, Luca …” My eyes met his and I saw tears glisten in their corners. “Come with me,” I begged him.

  Our bodies were now slamming together hard and fast, the friction between us eased with sweat, our need for each other trumped only by our need for release. We had reached the point of no return, the heat between us built to such a point that it had to crest or burn. Even with all the build-up, my climax still came as a shock to me, sharp and sudden, bursting from my loins and spreading through my body like wildfire. I threw back my head and howled at the roof, while the horses in their stalls looked on.

  Luca was only moments behind me, and before my orgasm was over, he lurched up, dragging my hips smack into his, sheathing himself in my body and delivering his seed right up inside me, gasping in pleasure. I collapsed against him as my orgasm ran riot in my body, making me shake uncontrollably. Luca went over backwards
to lie flat, pulling me with him, holding me as I was rocked by the spasms he had caused.

  We lay like that, in silence, a long while, getting our breath back and waiting for our hearts to slow down again. I kissed Luca’s chest as it rose and fell before me – I couldn’t get enough of the taste of him.

  When we had finally come back to earth, and that earth had stopped spinning, I spoke, cautiously. “Are you okay?”

  “Better than I’ve been for a long time.” He kissed me, comforting my anxieties. “You’re incredible. And I don’t mean you’re good in bed – although, you are fucking amazing – I mean that…” He tried to find the words. “I feel fine. And I don’t think that would have happened with anyone but you. You’re perfect.”

  I wanted to answer back. But even if I could have found the words to do so, I did not get the chance. Suddenly, Luca stiffened against me, sitting up straight as if he had heard something.

  “What was that?”

  Chapter 15

  As the door to the stable burst open, Luca was already rolling across the straw, grabbing his sword from where he had dropped it and rolling back up into a standing position in one swift move. Not letting his nudity get in the way of his fighting, he cut down the first bandit through the door with one stroke. He traded a few blows with the second and third before they went down, too, and whirled around as more bandits began to swarm in through the window.

  “Don’t move,” a harsh voice cut above the melee, “or she dies.”

  Luca looked around at the stable window to see what I was already staring at, shaking in fear. An arrow, poised ready to fly from a tensed bow, was aimed straight at me. I saw the tussle of frustration in Luca’s features – he couldn’t make it to the bowman in time, couldn’t take the arrow for me. In normal circumstances, regardless of the weight of numbers he was up against, Luca would have fought, to the death, if necessary. But with my life on the line, he dropped his sword and the bandits rushed forward to pick it up.

  “Give him his pants for gods’ sakes,” said the harsh voice from the shadows. “I don’t need that thing giving me the eye.”

  The owner of the voice stepped forward as Luca got dressed under the watchful eyes of the bandits. The man was sallow-faced and liberally scarred, with a scraggy beard and narrow eyes. He was not a large man, looming over the other bandits and yet, everything about him said that he was in charge here.

  “I guess you should give the girl clothes, too, now we’ve all had a look. Very nice. My name is Cyrsan. They call me King Cyrsan. And you can, too.”

  Luca said nothing.

  “Sorry to interrupt you two love birds, but a man like you wandering around is dangerous. I hope I don’t have to tell you that if you try anything, the girl dies.”

  “No! That was never part of the deal!”

  My mouth fell open, the voice belonged to Ryne, the headman of Stenheim. He rushed forward from where he had been hiding behind King Cyrsan, but was held fast by the bandits.

  “You promised you wouldn’t hurt any of our people if we gave you the mercenaries. That was the deal.”

  “Ryne, what have you done?” I breathed.

  The headman looked almost hysterical. “They’re not our people. They’re killers and probably worse. No one liked having them in town. Women aren’t safe.”

  “Have they touched a single woman?” I yelled back at him, before realizing how this looked. “Except for me. But that’s different.”

  “People weren’t safe.” Ryne stuck to his story.

  I looked at King Cyrsan. “And you think they’re safe now?”

  “We made a deal,” muttered Ryne. “We give them the mercenaries and they leave us alone forever. It was the right thing to do for the village.”

  “And you think they’ll stick to it?” asked Luca, speaking to Ryne but his eyes never leaving Cyrsan.

  “Of course we will,” laughed Cyrsan. “Won’t we lads?”

  An amused cheer went up and I saw the horrified uncertainty in Ryne’s face.

  “Now,” Cyrsan addressed Luca, “let’s put you with your friends. You’ll be pleased to know they didn’t surrender, but they ate the feast your hosts laid on to say thank you. Their meat was drugged. They’re sleeping it off. You, of course, had better things to do than eat.” He leered at me. “We’ll deal with you all in the morning.”

  “You said you’d let them go,” said Ryne, pathetically. “We don’t want anybody to die.”

  Cyrsan smiled. “Of course we will. We’re men of our word.”

  As the bandits bound his hands, Luca looked at the bandit king. “We’re men here. Can we talk as men?”

  Cyrsan paused, then nodded. “You’ll be killed in the morning. We’d like for you to join us, but people who would work for these villagers for no money… we’d just never be able to trust you.”

  “Good choice,” said Luca.

  “They’ll escape!” I found myself yelling at Cyrsan. “And then they’ll kill you.”

  Cyrsan laughed. “If they kill me, then my men will raze this village to the ground. If they fight back, then we’ll start killing villagers. And for some reason, that seems to matter to your friends.”

  “That wasn’t part of the deal,” Ryne’s useless mantra continued.

  Cyrsan put an arm around Ryne’s shaking shoulders. “I’ll level with you, Ryne, because I like you. There’re a lot of things going to happen that weren’t part of the deal. We’re grateful to you for handing us these men, but in the end, you brought them here. Your village has had a little unspoken arrangement with us for decades; you give us food and supplies, and yes, a few girls when we’re lonely, and we don’t kill you. But when you hired these men, you defiled that arrangement. If I let you get away with it, then every other village will get similar ideas. So, you’re going to pay for it. I’m afraid we lied to you.”

  “But… but…” Ryne continued to stammer as Luca was led out, flanked by ten bandits. He went with his head held high, stern and unafraid. I wished that I could have matched his calm, but I was distraught. I didn’t know what to do and realized that there was probably nothing I could do. I was surrounded by enemies. Not just the bandits, but the people I had grown up with. I couldn’t trust a one of them.

  “Largon,” called King Cyrsan. “Watch the girl. I don’t think she’ll try anything, but she seems to have a bit more backbone than the rest of these villagers.”

  The man named Largon – who looked even uglier than the bandit average – looked me up and down. “Can I…?”

  “Do what you like if it keeps her from doing anything stupid.”

  Before I could do anything, Largon had grabbed me by the wrist and was dragging me back towards the stable, amid the laughter and hooting of the bandits.

  “No,” Ryne appealed to Cyrsan. “You said…”

  “Do I have to go over this again, Ryne? I lied.”

  Once we were alone, Largon slammed the stable door behind us and tossed me to the hay. “You made that pretty boy mercenary happy. Now, you’ll do the same for Largon.”

  “I’d rather die,” I spat back at him.

  “Not my thing,” replied Largon. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. I don’t think you’ll enjoy either, but I’d still recommend easy.”

  I demurred and lay back on the hay. “Please be gentle.”

  Largon began to shed his clothes eagerly. “I can’t promise gentle, but I won’t hurt you where it shows.”

  Like an animal, he hurled himself on me. Which meant that my foot met his crotch with even more force than I had intended. It would have been nice to stop to savor the look of cross-eyed agony on Largon’s face, but I had no time for that. Taking advantage of his temporary incapacity, I lunged to where he had dropped his clothes, reaching for the knife in his belt. But Largon recovered himself enough to try and stop me.

  “You’ll pay for that, you little bitch.”

  Our hands scrabbled for the knife in the straw. But Largon was stronger t
han me and it was he who claimed the weapon as I tried to get away from him. Rushing to a corner of the stable, I felt something behind me.

  “Now, you’re gonna get it,” snarled Largon, advancing on me, knife in hand.

  I swung the pitchfork around from behind me, catching Largon on the chin with the butt end in a way that even Taka would have been proud of. The tool spun in my hand and I did not hesitate - I thrust forward and the two prongs pierced Largon’s chest. He stared at me in surprise for a moment and then fell to the floor, dead.

  I looked down at him. I had killed a man. I didn’t feel any guilt about it and yet, there was still a quiet horror in what I had done.

  The moment was broken by a sound at the window and a figure leaped into the room holding a knife.

  “Hah!” yelled Bren. He then took in the room and relaxed.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I hissed, not wanting to be overheard by the bandits outside.

  Bren looked a little sheepish. “I came to save you.”

  “That’s very sweet.”

  “I was going for heroic and manly,” Bren said with a sheepish smile.

  “What the hell even happened?” I asked.

  He hastily explained how ill-feelings had spread through the village e– made up stories of the mercenaries taking advantage of young girls, speculation about what they might do after the bandits were dealt with. The overall feeling was that they were not saving the village from violence, they were bringing it with them. They were more trouble than they were worth. That sort of unsubstantiated rumor can cause panic if it goes unchecked and the town had harnessed that panic into a plan. They sent someone to find King Cyrsan and make a deal – the village would drug the mercenaries and hand them over to the bandits, if the bandits agreed to leave Stenheim alone forever.


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