The Baby Shift- Indiana

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The Baby Shift- Indiana Page 3

by Becca Fanning

  “Wait ‘til you see what’s in the car,” he told her with a wink. He followed her to the car and opened the door for her. She gasped at the small velvet box waiting for her on the seat. Her eyes swung up to him.

  “Is that for me?”

  “It wasn’t left there by accident,” he said with a wink. She flew to the box after buckling in her seatbelt. When she pushed the velvet lid back, a gorgeous diamond bracelet was sitting on luxurious cream fabric.

  “Logan,” she breathed, admiring it under his car light with an awed gasp. She wasn’t usually one to be taken away by precious gems—perhaps because she didn’t own any herself beside a strand of pearls from her parents—and couldn’t stop turning the bracelet over, mesmerized. He chuckled, placing the roses in the backseat. His strong hands went to hover over her wrist.

  “May I?” he asked. She nodded, consenting as his hand wound around her wrist with the new bracelet. He fastened it with a quick movement, and she admired it on her own wrist.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “The night’s not over yet,” he reminded her, and they sped off down the street. They were going to dinner at one of his favorite restaurants, he informed her. A security guard escorted them, taking the rose bouquet in his hands. When they arrived at the top floor of one of the downtown buildings, the entire restaurant side of a restaurant complete with a private balcony had been cleared for them. The roses waited for her on the table. She flushed under the prying, but polite gazes of the staff, who flew to dispense sparkling water and wine.

  “The chef has prepared a special menu for us tonight,” Logan informed her with a wink.

  “Aren’t you worried we will be photographed?” she asked him. He shrugged.

  “Who cares? Let them see us.” A bloom of pride welled up in her, and she averted her eyes to the table to keep from letting the tears well up in her eyes. The waiter, a handsome youth in a suit, came up to offer them some complimentary champagne from the chef. Logan smirked and waved him on. She laughed as the bottle popped off, and the waiter poured them two glasses.

  “To unexpected events,” Logan said with a smile. How handsome he looked in the candlelight restaurant with the backdrop of the city behind him. His Shifter eyes were positively glowing along with the candles’ flames. She flushed and clinked their glasses together, thinking that he’d never looked better.

  The first course came out, and she bit into a delicious toasted baguette slice with caviar on top. He admired her from across the table, and she quickly swallowed the bite, covering her mouth her hand.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You’re truly gorgeous, you know,” he said. “And smart. And witty.”

  She blushed. “Save it for after the wine, Logan.” He winked. The next few courses came out in their own time. It was to be seven courses in all, she learned. She was thankful that she hadn’t chosen the red dress, which was much tighter. He fed her a spoonful of sweet potato puree, and she giggled. They discussed everything: his childhood, her childhood. His being a Shifter … her being human. She was about to broach the subject of Charlotte when their steaks came out.

  It wasn’t the only thing to come out. The waiter couldn’t stop her before she approached, her oiled legs glistening under the dim light.

  “Oh, Logan,” Natalia drawled, clutching her handbag and then passed an icy over Ginger. “I see you’re dining with your secretary.”

  “Natalia,” he said through gritted teeth. “You need to leave. Now.” The waiter was already rushing to call security at the hostess stand.

  “Just wanted to congratulate this little minx,” she said to Ginger with a biting smile. “How did you manage to trap him? I heard you have a baby with golden eyes … You know he’s just going to leave you, right?”

  Tears welled up in Ginger’s eyes as she opened her mouth. “Don’t you dare talk about my daughter.” Natalia’s eyebrows sprang up, and she went to give a biting remark, but two burly men in black yanked her backward. She hissed at them. “I’m leaving!” She tossed her glossy hair and sent one withering look back at Ginger. “Good luck, sweetie. You’re going to need it when he cheats and leaves you.”

  It was as if an arrow struck her heart. Ginger hunched forward, clutching her chest. The tears were falling freely. The chef had come out of the kitchen to whisper very dark sounding threats towards the retreating Natalia.

  “I’m so sorry,” the waiter said as he rushed over. “I didn’t stop her—”

  Ginger lifted a hand. “Where are the restrooms?” She didn’t look at Logan as she made a hasty retreat towards the elevators, where the waiter had pointed. She dove inside a bathroom and sobbed into a wad of tissues. She dialed a number on her phone.

  Lauren answered. “What’s up? Can’t think of anything witty to say and need my help?”

  Ginger sobbed into the phone. “I need you to come pick me up.”


  The restaurant apologized profusely, more aggressively when the waiter realized with wide eyes that Ginger wasn’t coming back. Logan waved him off. He proceeded to eat her steak, his own steak, and the rest of the courses by himself. He drank an entire bottle of wine. When he left, he told the chef not to worry and left everyone a large tip.

  He didn’t return to his car. He was too tipsy. Instead, under the moonlight in the street, he transformed. His human limbs, strong and muscled, grew taut and wild as he Shifted into his animal form. A lion would be running through the streets of Indianapolis tonight. His beast self begged him to hunt Natalia’s scent and rip her apart, but he wasn’t a monster. Just wounded. He ran down the length of the street, darting in shadows and throwing all of his exhaustion into his pursuit. It wasn’t Natalia’s scent or vengeance he was after.

  It was Ginger. It’d always been Ginger. How hadn’t he realized how much she meant to him? His paws tore down the pavement. Soon, he’d thrown himself over parked cars and through alleyways, rushing towards the outskirts of town … where Ginger lived. Would he be in time? He nearly stopped as a thought broke through his fury: What exactly was he planning on saying? He could beg her forgiveness … tell her that he’d changed, or he would change. Gone would be the supermodels and actresses. He had eyes only for her, the mother of his child. A child he’d not been aware that he had until last month.

  He rushed through the streets with powerful movements. Everything was faster when he was in his lion form. And his last weeks of training had allowed him even faster speed. Speed that he hadn’t known since he was a young teen, Shifting involuntarily and filled with hormones. He ran until his legs seemed to be screaming. Finally, her house came into view. It was dark already. His heart dropped. Had she gone to her parents’ home? He carefully approached through the backyard.

  Outside, through the glass sliding door, he saw her at her table. Wrapped in a fluffy pink robe, he smelled her tears and anguish. Her eyes were red, makeup washed from her face. His heart sank, even within his animalistic form. He sat like that for some time, waiting and wondering what to do next, when suddenly her eyes lifted.

  “Logan,” she gasped and threw herself backward. She’d never seen him as he truly was. Her fingers brushed her open mouth as if she held a scream that she couldn’t quite get out. Her eyes widened as he took one step closer to the door. “You’re…you’re…” It was only thanks to his heightened hearing that he could make out her quiet breathless speech.

  He lowered his head and bowed, allowing his magnificent mane to fall over his powerful shoulders. Even in this form, he hoped that he would appear handsome to her. Her eyes widened a fraction more as he looked up at her from his bowed pose. She was glorious, even though her eyes were puffy from crying. The edge of her nose was red. She looked like a vintage postcard for a beautiful woman with a cold. His lips twitched upwards. She came to the door with her fingers pressed against the glass. He stepped toward her and pressed his own paw against the glass. A smile bloomed on her lips, but she glanced toward the handle with a doubtfu
l eye.

  “Is it safe?” she asked him in a quiet voice. “Is it safe like this, Logan?”

  He closed his eyes and nodded. She unlocked the door and pulled it open. He stayed where he was and bowed again, hoping to show her that he meant no harm. She got on her knees and gently brushed his fur to the side, admiring his eyes.

  “You’re beautiful,” she breathed, and he grunted in amusement. She smirked. “Handsome, I meant.”

  He allowed her to stroke his mane and enjoyed how her nails felt scratching against his fur. She chuckled as he involuntarily began to somewhat purr.

  “I’m sorry I left,” she said. “What Natalia said…in some ways, she’s not wrong…but I know that we can both change.” She smiled. “For each other.”

  He began to change, gradually. Slowly, his muscles became softer, although still firm. He heard her inhale his scent, lean into the warmth of his transformation. Now, his human arms went around her, to hold her against him. It was like magic to hear her heartbeat against him. How could her supple body feel so vulnerable, yet so powerful against his own chest? He kissed her neck, enjoying the way that it made goosebumps rise all over her skin. He chuckled, deep and dark and full of love, as she swatted him playfully.

  “You’ve got me crying my eyes out in a bathrobe,” she muttered, shaking her head in disbelief. She wiped her eyes and glanced down, the whites of them widening. “And you’re naked!”

  He smirked. “It’s hard to keep clothes on when you transform into a wild animal,” he informed her. Another luxury suit down the sink.

  “Your tailor must hate you,” she said.

  “He’s happy with the boom in business,” he said. She glanced back inside at her house.

  “Come on, I’ll get you a towel. Maybe I have some of my dad’s old clothes lying around.” And in a few minutes, he was dressed in a pair of old basketball shorts with a towel over his shoulders.

  “This is probably the cheapest clothes you’ve ever had on your body,” she muttered. He winked.

  “I’ll tell you a story about a time in Mexico with a gang member’s daughter, if you get me drunk enough.”

  She rolled her eyes, but she relaxed on the couch with him. She’d grabbed a bottle of red wine, just opened from her return home in tears, and poured them two glasses. “It’s a total of twelve dollars.”

  “Wine is wine,” he said, and they cheered. She laughed and covered her face. He raised an eyebrow. “What?”

  “Somehow …” she said and then trailed off with pink cheeks. “Don’t get me wrong. I loved the fancy dinner, the gorgeous flowers, the bracelet … but somehow this feels better. Just you and me. On the couch.”

  “We’ll get a nicer couch than this one,” he said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes again and then started, nearly spilling her wine.

  “We will?” she asked cautiously. “What are you saying?” Her eyes were guarded. He leaned forward, cupping her face in his hand. Her wine trembled in her other hand.

  “I want to be with you,” he said. “For real. Forever for real.”

  “We’ve known each other for a few months,” she told him, aghast.

  He smiled. “We’ve known each other for longer than that. You had no issues raking your fingernails down my back in that hotel.”

  She returned the smile. “No, I suppose I didn’t…but we have to move slowly.” She glanced away, her whole neck and chest blooming red now. How it enticed him. He leaned forward to inhale her sweet scent. God, it was like the world’s greatest drug. How would he ever get enough?

  “We’ll go on more dates,” she said. “We can move in, but I want all your model contacts gone from your phone. I’m not an idiot.” Her voice became severe. His stomach flipped in excitement. Somehow seeing possessiveness flash on her face sent a rush of arousal through him. He smirked.

  “They’re history,” he told her, and it was a promise. “All of them.”

  “And we need a restraining order on Natalia,” she said with a firm frown. He laughed darkly.

  “Already on it,” he said. “I’m calling my lawyer in the morning. She’ll find a new millionaire victim soon enough.”

  She bit her lip and nodded, processing everything. “Okay.”

  “Just okay?” He said with a raised brow. “No declarations of impassioned love?” Her lips twitched upward as she leaned forward, their lips nearly brushing.

  “I’ll give you the passion again when you’ve earned it.”

  He sucked in a breath. “God, you’re amazing.”

  She smiled and captured his lips in a kiss.


  It was their fourth date when Ginger decided that she was finally going to pull out all their stops for a night of passion. She bought new red lingerie with Lauren at an upscale department store. A trip to the salon had her hair looking lovely and face painted perfect shades to compliment her new mauve dress. On their last dates, they’d included Charlotte. They’d been to the zoo, the aquarium, the park…now, it was the adult date night —the big one.

  He picked her up at her parents’ home, and it was like their first date, but he’d learn to tone it down. She didn’t need another bracelet or more roses. He brought a giant stuffed animal for Charlotte, chocolates for her mother, and a new toolbox for her father. Perfectly thought-out gifts, she noted. She smiled as they climbed into his car and they roared. They were going to a private villa this weekend.

  The scene was already set for them when they arrived. A faithful fleet of servants came running out to grab their bags and escort them to the dining area, a gorgeous veranda that overlooked a lake. It was nice to get out of the city. They admired each other in the warmth of the string lights hung around the veranda’s decking. Best of all, the servers were happy to bring plates of food and booze and then quickly leave with giddy smiles on their face.

  They fed each other luxurious snacks. For dessert, they dined on chocolate cake, too decadent for human mouths. He smirked and thumbed a tiny bit of chocolate from the corner of her mouth. She pulled his finger into her mouth and sucked it off. His eyebrows shot up.

  “Do that again and we’ll have to tell them not to come out,” he said in a husky voice. She sipped her wine innocently.

  “You can tell them that we’ll be quite alright if they go. We can clean up tomorrow.” He bit his lip and then jumped up. She heard him utter a quick command inside and then smirked as he rushed to return.

  She drained her glass of wine. His hands grasped her knee, and his fingers trailed upward. She shivered beneath his touch. He pulled her hand towards him, kissing her knuckles. She trembled beneath the butterfly kisses, nearly moaning as his lips began traveling up her arm.

  “This dress looks too good on you,” he informed her with a dark little laugh. She smiled but couldn’t seem to reply in the haze of her pleasure. She leaned back in her chair as his kisses went to her collarbone, and his other hand slipped between her thighs.

  “You’re a bastard,” she said in a panting voice, full of want. Full of need.

  “So, I’ve been told,” he said with a smirk as his tongue licked at the sensitive skin of her neck. She moaned now, feeling the delirious pleasure of the food and wine take over her body as he continued his torture. She leaned toward him, abruptly stopping his movements. In a swift move, she captured his lips. It tasted of chocolate, wine, and pure pleasure. They battled for dominance. His hand skirted over her plunging neckline, the rough pads of his hands brushing over her bare breasts beneath the fabric. Her nipples hardened under the touch. She moaned and gasped in pleasure. He took her in his arms and pulled her close to him, seemingly unable to get more.

  “Do you want this?” he asked suddenly, as they broke apart between kisses. She narrowed her eyes with a saucy look.

  “Don’t go soft on me now,” she told him in a hushed whisper. He smirked and captured her lips again. He drew her up and pulled her body against him. God, his breath on her neck was an erotic tickle that she needed to escalate. She
grinded against him, impatient for his next actions. After all, she was a modern woman. She had needs, too. She wrapped her hands around his neck, interlocking her fingers, and throwing her hair back so that he could see her face.

  “I want you,” she told him. “Forever.”

  He grinned wickedly. “I feel the same way.” They began their kisses again. Suddenly, there wasn’t enough room for them. His hands pawed behind her to knock the plates off the tabletop. She gasped. “I’ll tip the waitstaff extra this weekend, don’t worry.” He continued with his kisses, and she moaned into his mouth, allowing his tongue access. Her hands dropped down to explore his chest, and her fingers roamed across the powerful muscles.

  “Take me,” she begged. She spread her legs apart, and he allowed his hand access to her inner thighs. She mewled against him in ecstasy as his fingers ran up and down, near her lace panties. She groaned as he took his hand away but then giggled as he dropped to his knees, his lips now exploring her sensitive inner thighs. He licked over the lace fabric, and she shivered in pleasure, throwing her hair back. Her own hand found a glass of wine and drained it as he continued his pleasurable attacks.

  “I need you now,” she sang out. He smirked and stood. She dragged her nails across his chest and began to yank at his buttons. He helped her undress him, and she began to pull off her own dress. His eyes widened as she revealed her naked skin and the curve-hugging lingerie beneath.

  “Gods, you’re gorgeous,” he muttered in a husky tone. “Everything a Shifter or a man could want.”

  She blushed but refused to drop her gaze from his. “Take me, Logan.”

  He didn’t need any more convincing. He pulled his pressed pants off, and she admired the sculpted shape of his package in his luxurious briefs. She pawed at the fabric, but he grabbed her hand with a naughty grin.

  “Patience,” he purred. She rolled her eyes but bit her lip and waited. He pulled off his underwear in an agonizingly slow movement, and she moaned in appreciation, seeing him fully naked before her. “Ready?” he asked as he hovered before her. She’d pulled off her lacy thong and let it drop to the ground.


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