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Lifeless Page 6

by Jennifer LaRocca

  “You forget that I know you, Letti. You’re trying to talk yourself out of going, but you know deep down inside that you really want to go anyway. You won’t back out after saying you’d go just because you feel uncomfortable about the situation.” She sounded pretty confident, and she should have because she was right.

  I felt completely uncomfortable about this whole situation. Why did he even invite me personally to his show? Why was he even talking to me, period? I really didn’t understand. I wasn’t anything special. I had so many questions but no answers. Maybe I should have asked him, but I didn’t think it would really matter what his answers would have been.


  I looked up from my food to see Jules snapping her fingers at me. “Where were you?”

  I put my silverware down, grabbed my napkin, and wiped my mouth. “I was just wondering . . . Why is he even talking to me? Why would he ask for me personally to be his account agent? I just don’t get it.”

  “Do you have to get it? Can’t you just go with it? Why does everything have to make sense with you?” She picked up her phone and started typing away as I thought about today’s events. When I woke up this morning, I didn’t think I’d be seeing Kade again. I definitely didn’t think I’d feel his hands on my body again either. Then I started thinking about the phone conversation I heard. That whole conversation was very weird.

  I was knocked out of my daze by the sound of my phone beeping. I looked over at my phone on the side of the table. The text was from a number I didn’t recognize.

  Unknown: Hey, beautiful, I’m glad ur coming tonight. Wear your hair wavy for me. ;)

  I stared at my phone wide-eyed.

  Did he really just tell me how to wear my hair?

  I looked up to see Jules staring at me. “What’s with the look on your face?”

  “Kade just sent me a text,” I said, showing her my phone.

  “How the hell did he get your number?”

  “I gave him my business card. Ugh, I don’t have experience dealing with this kind of stuff, Jules.” I started rubbing circles on my temples.

  “Think of it as an adventure, Letti. Maybe this is what you need, like me and Brent. Just have some fun. What do you have to lose?”

  What did I have to lose? My heart—getting involved with someone like Kade was risky.

  I flagged down the waitress to get our check. I was ready to go home and take a nap and think about this. I looked at Jules, contemplating what she’d just said. Maybe she was right. Maybe this was what I needed. I could just have some fun, couldn’t I?

  Wait a minute. Why was I even thinking this?

  “You and Brent are different.”

  “How do you know that Brent and I are different? You’re judging Kade before you even get to know him, and that’s not like you. I know you had a rough childhood and you’ve had a hard time letting guys in because of your dad. You’ve got to let that shit go and have some fun with your life, or else you’re going to end up an old woman with a bunch of cats. And we can’t have that because you know I’m allergic.” We both laughed.

  We laid some money on the table and got up from the booth. She was right; this wasn’t me. There was just something about him that scared the hell out of me. When he was near me my cautious decision making was inhibited, and I had just met him two days before. This wasn’t normal.

  “He makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. I can’t even explain it. It’s scaring the shit out of me. Things I’d never even felt with Trey,” I confessed, as we walked out of Lou’s. “Maybe it’s just my hormones telling me I need to get laid soon.”

  “I know what you’re talking about because I feel those things with Brent. But I know where I stand in this relationship, and I’m okay with that. But you haven’t experienced life as I have. Do me a favor, and just let things happen as they come. Try not to think about it too much. If anything, he’ll at least break your celibacy streak.” She laughed.

  Jules did always know how to make me feel better. “You’re right. I’m going to go home and take a nap before we go tonight. Are you on your way home too?”

  “Nah, I have some errands to run. I’ll see you in a little bit though. Just think about what I said, okay?” She leaned in and gave me a hug.

  I gave her a half smile and walked to my car. As I was putting the key into the ignition, my phone beeped again. It was him again. I was going to have to program his number in my phone.

  Kade: I’m making my song list 4 2nite. Any requests 4 the beautiful lady?

  Was he serious? I smiled. I knew he wasn’t the type to back off until he got what he wanted, which was good because at that moment I didn’t want him to.

  I replied back to him.

  Scarlett: I’ve never really listened to your music.

  Kade: Oh, well, don’t I feel stupid. We’ll just have to fix that.

  Scarlett: I was just kidding. I like your song Lifeless. I’m not sure what the other songs’ names are though.

  It took a minute to get a reply back.

  Kade: Then that’s the one I’ll play just for u.

  I looked at the time. It was already seven. Shit! I wouldn’t have time to take a nap. I put the car in drive and headed to the condo.


  When I got to the condo, I went straight to my bathroom, started the shower, grabbed a new razor, and got under the spray. This was what I needed, a hot, relaxing shower. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the wall. I usually do my best thinking in the shower.

  My mind drifted to my mother. My whole life had revolved around not turning out like her. Then I met Trey. I wasn’t technically heartbroken over the situation anymore, but I was still hurting. It had been five months since I left Alabama. I missed that happiness that I thought I had. Deep down it felt as if I’d never have it again. Being used was one of the worst feelings I’d ever experienced. It made me feel worthless, and I’d tried to avoid that feeling my whole life because of my mother. The thought of possibly being used again was distressing, but Jules was right. If I didn’t put myself out there, I’d never know.

  After getting out of the shower, I dried off and headed to my closet. I had no idea what I was going to wear that night. My closet wasn’t very full, but I did have some nice new things that I’d managed to buy since moving to Atlanta. I pulled out some Buckle low-rise, boot-cut jeans and my black AC/DC V-neck tee. I paired it with black wedge shoes and some bangles, and I was good to go. First, I need to put styling mousse in my hair. I was going to wear it up, but since he asked so nicely, I decided to wear it wavy.

  With my hair done, I set about doing my makeup. It was a rock show, so I went heavier than normal with the makeup with a smoky eye and a peach balm on my lips.

  When I was finished applying my makeup, I got dressed and grabbed my black cross body leather Hobo bag. I headed for the living room to see if Jules was there. I’d heard her come in after I got out of the shower and needed to find out if she called for a cab yet.

  She was sitting at the bar, talking on her phone. She was wearing a jean skirt with an embellished white t-shirt and her cork wedge shoes. She looked up at me as I walked into the kitchen. “Yeah, babe, I’ll see you in a few. Bye.” She had a smile on her face. I really hoped she didn’t get her heart broken. She might have known where she stood in her relationship with Brent, but that didn’t mean her heart did.

  “Did you call a cab?” I asked as she looked up at me.

  It was eight fifteen, so we needed to be heading out soon to get there on time. “Yeah, it should be here in about ten minutes. Let’s take a shot.” She headed into the kitchen with me. I knew I had to work the next day though, so I wasn’t going to be drinking much that night.

  “What are we drinking to?” I asked.

  “To you, hopefully, getting some action,” she said with a smirk, and I rolled my eyes.

  We both downed our shots and headed downstairs to wait for the cab.

  Chapter 7

bsp; When we arrived at The Sinners Club we were bombarded with crowds of people and paparazzi. Apparently word got out that Perfectly Damaged was putting on a show. From what Jules told me on the way to the club, it was going to be just a small gathering of people. The place would be full, but it wasn’t going to be a full-blown concert.

  I looked around as we walked through the crowd to get to security. It suddenly hit me that Kade must have gotten this attention everywhere he went. I couldn’t imagine that the attention was wanted. This morning I didn’t see any people standing outside our office, so they must have done some 007 maneuvering to get him there without detection.

  As we made it to security, I saw an unwelcome sight. I had totally forgotten that Jessica talked her way into coming. She was standing there with her blond hair pin straight, wearing a skin-tight black mini dress with her fake big boobs bulging out of the swoop top with bright red fuck-me heels. Ugh! Can you say slutsville?

  “Yay, you’re here.” Jess squealed as she made her way over to Jules and me.

  “Yay, we’re here.” I said reluctantly looking over at Jules who couldn’t help but turn her head and laugh.

  I told the security guard my name, and he spoke into his ear piece. He nodded his head and lifted the railing to let us pass, but before we entered, he tapped my shoulder and leaned down to my ear. “I was told to tell you to go to the back left corner by the offices. Someone will be there to take you where you need to go.” He then turned back to his duties as I stood there dumbfounded.

  Jules grabbed my arm. “What the hell was that all about?” she asked as we started toward the door, trying to avoid Jess.

  “I have no idea, but I think I’ve been summoned.” I whispered to Jules as we entered the club.

  After walking through the corridor, we came to a halt. The club had been completely transformed into a little concert area. The dance floor had been changed to a stage, and there were two guitars in stands, three microphones, and a drum kit all waiting to be used. The main bar area still looked the same, except there were more tables and chairs.

  I was interrupted from my observations by Jess shrieking in my left ear. “I’m so excited. Do you think we’ll be able to meet the whole band?”

  “I have no idea. We weren’t invited as groupies Jess,” I stated, annoyed.

  I started walking toward the bar. I looked over at Jules to see her texting away on her phone just as Jess replied, “That doesn’t mean I didn’t arrive as one.” She flipped her hair back. I looked over at Jules and rolled my eyes. It was going to be long night with Jess in our group.

  “I just sent a text to Brent to let him know we’re here and see where he wants us to sit,” she said as she started looking around the room.

  “Let’s get a drink while we wait,” Jess butted in as she flagged down the bartender. The place wasn’t packed, but there had to be at least a hundred people there so far.

  Jules turned to me and grabbed my shoulders. “Why don’t you go do your thing? I’ll stay here and wait for Brent.” She winked at me. “I’ll text you and let you know where we’re sitting.”

  I looked at her with a nervous smile. Why in the world would he ask me to meet him in the back? Either he wanted to introduce me to his band, or he wanted to get me alone.

  I nodded my head at her and turned to make my way to the back offices. I heard Jess asking Jules where I was going, but I didn’t hear Jules’ reply. My goal for tonight was to completely ignore Jess.

  I could feel my heart racing as I slowly made my way to the back corner. I had so many things going through my mind. I could talk myself out of going back there and just leave altogether, but I wouldn’t. I couldn’t. Jules said I need to live a little, so that was what I was going to do.

  I made it to the back and noticed Keith standing at the entrance to the foyer leading to the back offices. He, of course, had his phone attached to his head. As soon as he noticed me, he grabbed my arm and started pulling me through the foyer without ever stopping his conversation on the phone. We stopped at the third door on the right. I had no idea how many rooms were down there or why they had so many. I had to ask Brent.

  Keith knocked on the door, and I watched as he walked off, leaving me to enter the lion’s den. After a moment, I heard a “come in” being shouted from beyond the door. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and reached for the doorknob before I changed my mind.

  I slowly opened the door and walked in the room. My body went into overdrive. His shirtless back was facing me as I entered. He was flipping through some papers on the desk that were in front of him. I just stood there and stared. I might have even drooled a little. His back was lean and muscular, and he was wearing ripped jeans that hung low on his waist and fit his ass perfectly.

  I started having those feelings in the pit of my stomach again. My body was hypnotized every time I was near him. It was that damn connection that scared the hell out of me.

  I was in such a daze staring at him that I didn’t even realize he had turned around and started walking toward me. My heart rate kicked up a notch upon seeing his muscular chest. My eyes drifted down to his trim waist to see the V disappearing down his pants. The pictures on the Internet did not do him justice.

  I blinked out of my sexual haze when I noticed that he had stopped walking toward me. I looked up at him, and my cheeks immediately turned red. He had caught me checking him out, and he was looking at me with his signature grin and heat in his eyes.

  “Close the door,” he said.

  I turned and closed the door, feeling stupid that I had been standing there staring at him with the door wide open. I took a deep breath then turned around and yelped when I was met with his hard chest. I lifted my hands up against his chest to stop myself from crashing into him.

  He moved closer to me. I tried to take a step back, but was unable to because I was right up against the door. I just stood there with my hands flat just under his pecs.

  What was it with guys and doors? Was there a guy handbook that told them that girls were helpless pressed up against a door? If there was, it’d be true.

  I tried to catch my breath as I looked up into his eyes. He was looking at me with lustful eyes, and I could feel the heat coming off of his bare chest. He smelled so good. His scent was woodsy and male. I could feel my lower half pulsating, acknowledging that it wanted to be touched.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said as he lifted his hand to run his finger down my cheek. “Why are you so nervous?”

  “I’m not nervous,” I sputtered, trying to get my breathing under control.

  “You are,” he whispered with a smile. He moved his hand to tilt my chin up.

  He was looking at me as if he were going to kiss me. Did I want him to kiss me? My eyes drifted down to his plump luscious-looking lips. I could have sucked on those all day. I bit my bottom lip as I thought about what they would feel like on my body. I needed to get myself under control.

  No, I needed answers first.

  I put my hand up, reluctantly pushed his chest back, and sidestepped from his grasp on my chin. I walked a few steps away and turned to face him. He looked at me disapprovingly.

  He made a move to come toward me, but I put up my hand to stop him and took a deep breath to calm my nerves. “I’m sorry, but I have to ask before you touch me again.” I took a deep breath. “Why are you even talking to me? It’s not that I’m not flattered by the flirting and charm. I just don’t get it. You’re a rock star, a celebrity, totally out of my league. I’m nobody.” I gestured toward myself and directed my eyes to the floor and waited for his answer. When I didn’t get one, I looked back up at him. His expression had changed from want to bewilderment.

  “Why would you say that about yourself?” he growled.

  “Because you don’t even know me.” I flailed my arms up as I started to pace.

  “I don’t need to know you to know that I want you.” He started walking toward me. That lustful look was back in his eyes.

  I stopped pacing and walked backwards as he approached. “I’m not just some piece of meat you can chase around and then fuck as your consolation prize. I won’t sleep with you just so I can tell my kids someday that once upon a time I screwed Kade Evans.”

  He had a determined look on his face as he stalked toward me. I backed away until I was backed up against the wall. Reaching out, he grabbed my face with both of his hands and tilted my head up toward his. I didn’t move. I just stood there with my palms flat against the wall.

  He leaned his head down closer to my face and looked into my eyes. “You asked why you? Why not you? When I look at you, it’s as if I’m under a spell and I don’t want to wake up.” He leaned his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. “You’re like an angel. I shouldn’t want you, damn it, but I do. I’ve been thinking about you since that night.” He lifted his head up and looked into my eyes again.

  My body flushed. I wanted to tell him that I felt the same way—that I’d thought of nothing but him too—but all I could do was look at him.

  “Just that small taste of your skin on my tongue left me wanting more,” he groaned as he rubbed his nose against mine.

  My heart rate had picked up again. I was panting, waiting for him to kiss me.

  “I’m no angel,” I said softly, tilting my head up more in invitation.

  “You’re an angel compared to my darkness,” he said as he brought his mouth down to mine and sucked my bottom lip into his mouth. “Mmm . . . your lips taste good too.”

  I couldn’t take it anymore. Lifting my hands into his hair, I crushed my lips to his. He growled as he thrust his tongue between my lips. I whimpered with a need I’d never felt before. It was as if he were quenching this thirst I didn’t know I had. We kissed with such hunger that it was hard for me to breathe. He tasted so good. I sucked on his tongue, wanting to taste more, and he groaned in response. He ran a hand down my arm to my lower back then moved it down to my ass and squeezed, pulling me closer to his erection. I wanted this man desperately. I was pulsating between my legs, needing to be filled.


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