Solstice 31: The Solstice 31 Saga, Books 1,2,3

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Solstice 31: The Solstice 31 Saga, Books 1,2,3 Page 100

by Martin Wilsey

  Pete set fresh garden rolls and peanut sauce down in front of them followed by bowls of pho that had onions and meatballs.

  A woman slid onto the stool next to Barcus. “Oh, that smells lovely. Pete, can I have that, too?” She was older but fit. Her hair was groomed and set in formal fashion on her head.

  “Hello, Senator,” Barcus said between bites of garden roll.

  “Hello. I’m sorry I don’t remember your name.” She took a closer look. “Have we met? With all that has happened…” she trailed off.

  “No, we haven’t met. Before you return to Earth, I need you to know something.” Pete brought her rolls and peanut sauce. Barcus slurped noodles casually. She dipped her garden roll into peanut sauce and took a hungry bite.

  “Chancellor Dalton was behind the attacks.” He lifted his and drank from the bowl it. Pete set her soup down before here. “You will be the only one to know. There are more bombs and the only control system is in Dalton’s Residence on Calf.”

  She was staring at him.

  “In eleven days you will be made the new Chancellor. The day after that you hand select team will find and destroy the control systems never mentioning it.” Barcus wiped his mouth.

  “I was just called back to Earth. How do you know any of this?” She asked.

  “I’m Roland Barcus. You don’t know that name but you will. All of humanity will. Because I will take the blame for killing the Chancellor, destroying the Ventura, and 111,243,601 people today.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” She asked.

  “Station will send you an eyes only file two days after you have been named Chancellor. I’m sorry, but you have the hardest road going forward. You will balance on the razor edge with full colony war on one side and lies on the other. Take the lies.” He wiped his mouth and rose.

  “Why do I believe you?”

  He seemed to tower over her.

  “The real war is over. Don’t look for me too hard.”

  He turned and walked away without looking back.

  Senator Lang watched him go.


  The Final Report

  “We made assumptions. Took evidence for granted. We didn’t want to think that we were the villains. We were all blindly following another Liberal Fascist Hitler. The story was covered up, and Barcus was scape goated. If the colonies had discovered the truth, then it may have been war.”

  --Solstice 31 Incident Investigation Private Testimony Transcript: General Patricia Chase, senior member of the Earth Defense Coalition.


  All the evidence collected on December 22nd, 2631 had been long ago been identified and attributed to Roland Barcus. This narrative confirms those assertions but views them with a different optic.

  The Warmark designated DS-12 recovered at the Chancellors residence did, in fact, contain blood and hair from Roland Barcus. The recently released surveillance video confirms his landing and entrance into the residence.

  Security video shows him disarming and being scanned through three checkpoints before entering the residence. The newly uncovered video from the Chancellors private chambers has been certified and authenticated.

  Testimony of the Ventura's surviving crew, regarding the subsequent cover-up, have explained all the outstanding questions regarding the detonation of nuclear bombs in Sri Lanka, Mexico City, and New York. Since then ninety four additional seed bombs have been discovered.

  This independent investigation has revealed that Roland Barcus was not responsible for the destruction of the Ventura or the Solstice 31 Incident that killed over 111 million people. Evidence clearly indicates he did kill the Chancellor’s body guards in order to stop additional cities from being destroyed. Someone else, in fact, killed the Chancellor. They were never identified.

  Even though his actions now seem justified he and remains sought for additional questioning.

  The location of the planet Baytirus, like so many other colonies, remains unknown. The destruction of the Memphis lost all references to its location. Former Chancellor Dalton was careful to keep the location closely held, and the subsequent cover-up removed all other data regarding it.

  That cover-up did leave a digital trail. That trail led this independent investigative committee to Senator Kendall and his organization. Once the questioning began, the cover-up unraveled quickly.

  The conspiracy that led to the Solstice 31 Incident was three fold:

  The Chancellor was consolidating power and eliminating opposition. By the consolidation of the opposition, political adversaries in the military and civilian deep space programs, the ships could be easily destroyed. This allowed the complete control of the apathetic bureaucracy within Sol and seven other colonies.

  Dalton's Genome program was attempting to create a race of humans that would be perfect followers. Perfect being defined by the fact that they would always obey orders, any orders, no matter how horrific. Even if it would result in their own deaths. Dalton nearly succeeded. Many of these suicide solders were captured after the Solstice 31 Incident. Note: Many but not all. They were quietly institutionalized. For decades we thought they were somehow associated with Roland Barcus. They never knew the names of their masters. Some remain intuitionalized even now.

  The final aspect of the Chancellors corruption was the discovery and capture of Vincent Joseph Turkot and his help with technology and speeding humanity into the future. Classified documents indicate that Turkot was the catalyst behind many human technologies. Chief among these being the printing press, weapons design, heavier that air flight, micro circuits, global Internet, Faster Than Light (FTL) travel, Artificial Intelligence, Nanites, Deep Brain Implants, Polycarbon Fiber material sciences and Artificial Gravity.

  We also believe that Turkot was the chief architect behind the Solstice 31 Incident. He manipulated events to this end, even from a prison cell.

  The Earths war with the colonies was stopped due to the efforts of Barcus and the new Chancellor, who bore the burden of the truth. Many of the governments Liberal Fascist elements remained until now. Even these are being detained as this report is finalized.

  Chancellor Lang has pledged her transparency and full disclosure of findings of this investigation. But the implications of these findings may have far reaching impact. Questions remain.

  What if Earth was terraformed? What if Turkot was able to intentionally direct a meteor that reportedly impacted the Earth sixty million years ago? How many other perfectly Earth like planets are out there?

  How many gardeners, these Scarecrows could there be?



  “When Barcus finally disappeared we told the whole story. Because no one cared anymore. He never really spoke of the future after 2631. He tried to forget it just as much as he sought to forget the past. I don't know if that was good or bad. For him…”

  --Memoirs: Admiral James Worthington, senior surviving member of the Venture deep space survey ship. Friend of Barcus the Scarecrow.


  Autumn leaves swirled in the light breeze. The late morning sunlight was warm on her shoulders as she crossed the small bridge and approached Whitehall.

  The southern gate was far smaller than she expected. A single wagon could enter there. It was open. She could hear a fountain and children singing beyond. The song would end, and they would all fall down and melt into musical laughter.

  The gate was flanked by a pair of carved wooden benches. One was occupied by a man in a plain tunic with long hair and a long beard.

  She took off her pack and sat gratefully with a sigh sat next to him.

  They listened to the leaves and the children and the sun for a few minutes before she spoke.

  “We met once before, long ago.”

  “Yes, I remember. Your name is Wyn.” He poured her a cup of water.

  “I'm flattered. That was over ninety years ago.” She said, accepting the cup. “Much has changed since then.”<
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  “Yes. I know. You are a prime example of all that has changed.” He said becoming silent again.

  “Is it true that all of the High Keepers walk here from the other side of the finished tunnel? Ansel told me this after he selected me. He sends his regards... and condolences.”

  “He will make a fine ambassador.” He said. “He was a beloved High Keeper. Second only to High Keeper Ulric.”

  “He looks forward to visiting Earth.” She said, “He has the skills for it.”

  “And you? Are you ready?” He asked not looking at her. “You are the tenth High Keeper of Baytirus. The first woman.” There was a pause, “and the last High Keeper to walk to Whitehall from the Tunnel. Now ask your questions before Elizabeth runs out here to announce it's time for lunch.”

  “Why did you rebuild the Abby?”

  “It was for her. Once we had the functional Makers again, it was easy.”

  “Why did you settle for two rooms in the gatehouse? You could have had the biggest palace on Baytirus if you wanted.”

  “When all that you ever wanted happens to be just what you need and already have you become the richest man in the Universe.”

  She sighed and gathered courage, “Ansel said to ask only this. What do I need to know.”

  “You are the last High Keeper that will be able to ask me anything.” Now he looked directly at her, “Don't look for me. You won't find me. I'm the Scarecrow now. During your term, you will have ten years of peace, and you will pave the way for another thousand years of prosperity on Baytirus.”

  “Caisy sends her regards.” She sighed, “So does Poole. They asked me to give you this.” She handed him a QUEST comm unit.

  “In case you need to get in touch?” he asked, knowing the answer.

  “No. In case you need to get in touch with us. It's keyed for Caisy and Poole. It can be routed through the entire Baytirus net via Caisy and the whole Moon via Poole.”

  “Have all the AIs stayed sorted out?” he asked.

  “Thanks to you. The AI war was short. Minimal loss of human life.”

  “Caisy will be a good adviser.”

  “She does an excellent job as the University. She gets irate if she discovers a child that can't read by age five.”

  “Is the new high orbit station on-line yet?”

  “Elkins Dock has been open for almost two years. It holds an orbit halfway between Baytirus and the Moon. Full dry-dock and shipyard services. Probably 4000 residences already, families. It's beautiful. People vacation there.”

  “I'll see it one day.”

  “The high council is considering a new name for the Moon. HK Kuss, the moons reopen the high council, wants to call it Hume. All of it. Hume Base, Hume City, and just Hume, as Earth calls hers Luna.

  He stood and continued.

  “And when it is your turn to be our Ambassador to Earth you will help bring lasting Peace to that world, that whole system, as well.”

  “Will I see you again.”

  “Yes. One day. But for now, take this.” He drew his Telis Raptor blade from his tunic, sheath and all. “Make this a formal token of the Earth Ambassador. Just seeing it will make the weak ones think twice.”

  “The Chancellors Doom?” She took it from him carefully as if it would kill her if she handled it wrong.

  “Here is another truth. Po saved me. She is the one that killed the Chancellor. And I was innocent all along.” He paused, “Well, mostly.”

  Elizabeth ran out the gate just then, skidding to a stop. “Lunch is ready!” and she was gone again before the dust settled.

  “Wyn, the road will be long for you. It will not be without challenges. Trust your instincts about people. It will be your greatest strength.”

  “The Atish are strong and loyal. Thanks to you.” She stood, drawing the Telis blade from the sheath. “They are the best, most highly respected, defense force in the known universe. They think they are monks, not soldiers. Even the provincial constables respect them.”

  “I think it's because they love music as much as fighting.”

  “Why are they called The Atish?”

  “After the first High Keeper. He tried to make super soldiers that would do anything they were told and always be loyal. It's a kind of reminder.” He looked in her eyes again, “For them, and you.”

  “I saw one of the first gens once. I think she was anyway. It was in an Inn, out West, in one of the new provinces. She was playing a black flute while she stood on a massive low mantel, on one foot.” Wyn was lost in memories, “The other foot was resting flat on her knee. Steady as a rock. The music was so simple, so pure; no one spoke in the crowded Inn for the whole hour she played. They just quietly left coins on the mantel for her.”

  “Was she wearing deep red riding leathers?” he asked.

  “Yes. And when she was done she nodded to the crowd and dropped down as light as could be.” They entered the courtyard, “And as we applauded, she used the flute to slide along and collect all the coins into a hat. Then she just slipped away.”

  “That was Jude. She still wanders the world. Playing for people as she goes. The longevity treatment wears well on her. But not so well with Cine, or Po.”

  “I am so sorry about Po.” She said.

  “Don't be. The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.”

  “She will be missed.” She said.

  “More than you could possibly know.” He replied.

  “I visited her monument just before coming here. Why is it in a ruined Redoubt to the South along the coast? It is so clean, desolate. Polished. So vast and lovely.”

  “It was there that she had her first, best day of her life.”

  “Are you all right?” Wyn asked.

  “Oh, yes. I mourned for her long ago. While she held me. We were at Foxden, over hundred years ago.” They stopped and looked at the giant willow on the center of the courtyard fountain, “I knew the day, the hour, she'd drift away, even then. I knew as I kissed her goodnight on that far off day, as I held her in my arms, that she would never wake.”

  Barcus turned to see a crowd of children gathered, all bouncing with anticipation. A chorus of “Please-Please-Please” began as he turned away and continued talking.

  “I want you to take Stu back with you.” Barcus leaned on the wall by the entrance into the community courtyard and placed one hand behind his back and bent one knee lifting up his calf to a right angle. “I have already gone over it. He is willing to take on Elkins Dock. He will be good at it.”

  Just then the girl Elizabeth ran up his back like a monkey. The first step was on his calf, then his hand at his back, then a step to his shoulder, the top of his head and then his raised hand and then she was on top of the wall running and laughing. She didn't even use her hands. In rapid order, one at a time almost thirty children flew to the tops of the wall. The last child looked like he was only four years old and struggled up the climb. Hand and feet and eventually he stood up on both of Backus's hand but could not quite reach the top. Then Elizabeth was there, and another older boy and they reached down and took the young boy by the wrists and lifted him up.

  And they ran along the tops of the wall. It was a maze of inner court walls.

  “How thick are these walls.” High Keeper Wyn asked.

  “They are all twelve inches wide.” He said through wide smile as the children began to sing.

  “Aren’t you worried they might fall?”

  “Worried? No. Because they do fall now and then. They may even break a bone. But they have learned they are free...”

  The End


  About the Author

  Martin Wilsey is a full-time author and creator the highly acclaimed, bestselling, SOLSTICE 31 SAGA.

  Mr. Wilsey's first novel, STILL FALLING, was published March 31st of 2015. Less than three years and over a half a million published words later, he retired from his career as a research scientist for a government-funded think tan
k. As a full-time science fiction writer, Mr. Wilsey still uses his research and whiteboard skills to keep the books flowing. He likes to put the science back into science fiction.

  Mr. Wilsey is also the founder and CEO of Tannhauser Press, a small press and collaborative environment that was explicitly created by writers for writers.

  As a prolific blogger, Martin shares what he has learned on his journey as an indie published author. On his blog, he writes a weekly webcomic and shares his inspirations and views on life. In addition to writing, he has begun to expand efforts into publishing through Tannhauser Press, audio narration, and podcasting.

  Mr. Wilsey has more projects than he has time. Please feel free to email him and distract him even more.

  He and his wife Brenda live in Virginia with their cats, Brandy and Bailey.

  Email him or follow him on Social Media!

  He just might kill you in his next novel...

  For more information:


  Email: [email protected]




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