Elizabeth's Flight: a tale of loving discipline out west

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Elizabeth's Flight: a tale of loving discipline out west Page 5

by Susan Thomas

  "I heard word that a man was over at Hollow Ridge asking about me, or rather a young woman, maybe with a boy named Arthur. I hired a buggy to go and find out who and what. It was a detective. I expect he is working for Rankin Blake."

  Beth could tell John Spencer was upset. "You went off, tracking a man down, who might turn around and abduct you, and did so without telling anyone? It would have been better if I had made those enquiries. You hired a buggy... and don't tell me you can drive. I refuse to believe you know to handle a horse well enough to be safe in all situations. In addition, you, an eighteen-year-old girl, went riding out along that lonely road without a by your leave or any companion. Do you not understand what might have happened to you? This is not your home town. There are wild and dangerous men out here in the West who would love to use a girl like you. That whole escapade was downright foolish and irresponsible. Well young lady, that is not good enough. You have responsibilities to all of us who love and care for you. You will go to your room and get into your nightdress. Then, when you're ready, put on your dressing gown and come down to my office. Go on, hurry now."

  Beth's face was burning with shame and embarrassment at this lecture. It was all she could do to stop herself bursting into tears. She paused before obeying him and asked about Arthur.

  "I put Arthur to bed some while back. A growing boy needs his sleep. I told him there was nothing to worry about though in fact I was worried and so was he." Mary Spencer sounded cross and disappointed.

  Beth hung her head and was half way up the stairs to do as she was told when she realized just what this meant. They were going to spank her with that paddle thing hanging on the wall. Emily had told her about her sessions in the office getting spanked with that paddle and now she was going to experience it for herself. It was an odd situation. She wasn't a daughter either by birth or adoption but that was not how the Spencers saw her. She was Emily's sister and therefore also their daughter. She had accepted their warmth, their love and their care. She had behaved thoughtlessly and foolishly. So reluctantly she supposed it was only right she now accept their discipline.

  Beth undressed, washed her face, hands and under her arms and slipped on her nightdress. She knew, from what Emily had said, that at her age they would spank her over her nightdress. She felt the cotton material in her hands. That wasn't going to offer much protection. Her heart sank... this was going to hurt. She brushed her hair and then gathered it back with a ribbon before putting on her dressing gown. It required a deep breath on her part to leave her room and pad softly downstairs in her bare feet. She could hear John and Mary talking softly in the office and it required another deep breath on her part to knock on the door.

  "Come in Beth."

  Beth walked in, her heart racing and her mouth dry. She noticed immediately the desk top was clear except that the paddle had left the wall and was now resting on the empty desk.

  "Well done Beth. It is good that you have done as you were told without argument. I have already told you why I am going to discipline you and I am sure you know that you deserve it. I hope you will now learn to share your problems and seek advice. Above all you must never again go out on your own down any of the lonely roads around here."

  "No Sir. I promise I will be more sensible in future."

  "Mary will remain here with you. Now please remove your dressing gown and come and bend over this desk. If you reach out Mary will hold your hands."

  Beth was extremely nervous. She had never been spanked before and was finding it all rather hard to cope with. She was also scared about how much it would hurt and was well aware that the thin cotton wasn't going to do much in protecting her from the hard oak of the paddle. If she could have seen herself, she would have noted the burning red of her earlier embarrassment had disappeared leaving her pale, with her freckles standing out against the pallor. She placed her dressing gown on a chair and stepped forward to the desk. The paddle had been picked up and she bent over the desk and reached out to Mary's hands on the other side. Mary grasped her hands firmly. She felt more than saw John Spencer move to a good position behind her. Her bottom felt strangely large and exposed though it was fully covered. The nightdress had tightened across her rear end and with a spasm of embarrassment she guessed that its shape must be very clear to him.

  "I'm only going to give you six as you've never been spanked before. Nevertheless, you'll not sit comfortably for several days and I hope that will help you to remember why you've been disciplined."

  Beth was shaking at the end of the speech for she knew the punishment was about to start and the unknown is always frightening. There was a sudden huge blow across her bottom which seemed to drive her into the desk. Her eyes opened wide with shock and she gripped Mary's hands tightly. For a moment her bottom went numb and then a deep burning began. "Aaah," she cried before wailing, "Ooooow," as the burning seemed to have no end.

  With a huge 'whoop' sound the next blow fell and seemed to her to be even harder. "Aaaah," she cried and felt her eyes prickle with tears. She gripped Mary's hands even more tightly and saw the sympathy in that good lady's face. Beth had only had two of her six and already the terrible burning in her bottom seemed to be growing. She whimpered awaiting the third.

  The third blow with the paddle was fierce. It seemed to take the effect of the first two and multiply it so that her bottom ignited with fierce burning. "Aiiiow... ooo... oow." She cried out her distress but it seemed not to help and she burst into tears.

  The fourth swat was so hard and forceful that, although supported by the desk, she moved considerably up on her toes and further over the desk. Then the pain hit her; she let out a long shriek, "Aaaaahoow," tears gushing from her as she tried to deal with her spanking.

  Beth pushed her feet back down onto the floor and took a good grip of Mary's patient hands. She heard whispered encouragement from her. She not even taken a breath of preparation before the fifth landed fair and square in the middle of her bottom. Even as she cried out the next one smacked against her sore cheeks. Her cry, which had distress and surprise in it, lengthened as the burning went deep down into her and seemed to rise to quite unbearable heights.

  Mary Spencer let go of her hands and Beth stood very slowly, her shaking hands going around to her bottom in a most undignified way and clutching it. Then Mary was holding her and drying her tears.

  "That really hurts," Beth sobbed.

  "Well it's meant to my darling, and let's face it you were a really naughty girl doing that."

  Beth gave a hiccupping giggle. Naughty! Naughty girl at her age! When she had recovered a little Beth turned to see John Spencer looking at her. The paddle was back on the wall and he looked very anxious and unhappy. With a flash of intuition, she knew what was troubling him.

  "I am sorry Sir. It was thoughtless of me and after you both have been so kind, loving and generous. I deserved my spanking."

  John Spencer relaxed and she knew what he needed now...in fact what she needed. She went up to him and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her and they stood like that for some while.

  When they relaxed John suddenly broke out, "I wish you'd stop calling me 'Sir' and call me Papa. If we had known, there were two of you we'd have taken you both."

  It was an emotional moment and Beth agreed. He was right, it seemed natural, as she had received more love and warmth from these two in a short time than her own parents had ever given her. Her new Mama took her up to bed but Beth's bottom was still so hot and sore she didn't feel like sleep. Mary Spencer sat on a chair while Beth walked slowly around the room rubbing her sore bottom.

  "So, they have found you do you think?"

  "I don't know. He wasn't getting much information from the folks of Hollow Ridge. My guess is my New York trick has failed. Rankin Blake has guessed I've come out West. He's a clever man and ruthless. He wants me," she shuddered, "and my running will have only made his desire worse. He put that notice in some of the bulletins but that shows he doesn't really
know I am here. He's just got detectives sniffing around for a scent."

  "Your father can't make you marry him."

  "No? Listen, he is a powerful man. I am a runaway and only eighteen. Then there is Arthur. They're saying I kidnapped him. Do you think the authorities can resist putting me back with him? Rankin Blake is even more powerful and what he wants he gets. I don't know why my parents want me to marry him but they do, and the three of them won't rest until they have had their way."

  "Beth, there is a way you can escape this man."

  "What? Flee again? I fear they will always catch me."

  "No. Marry Henry. He'd have you like a shot. He is a good and decent man. He longs to have a family of his own and I've seen him looking at you longingly but he is too shy to make any overtures."

  "Emily suggested that too."

  "Of course she did. Listen, several men here have had to get mail order brides. They've worked well but you two do know each other and your twin is married to his brother."

  "It seems so cold and how do I approach it. 'Hey Henry, I need a husband. You'll do nicely. Marry me.' No, I don't think so."

  Mary giggled, "You are funny. It's not cold at all. Love will come because Henry is a good man and you will be a good wife. John will broker it for you. Just say the word. It solves all your problems and Henry's too and we will all be delighted."

  "I'll think about it."

  Beth's bottom was smarting from her spanking and her mind was whirling with her worries. Arthur wasn't so much of a problem. As a last resort they could hide him...why for sure the Hancocks would shelter him until the danger was past. No, she was the one. She was a public figure here in Kirkham and if a detective came looking for her it would take very little time for him to find out who she was. What with her smarting bottom (her well-deserved smarting bottom she admitted to herself) and her worries, sleep was elusive and in the end she gave up. She groped in the dark and lit a candle before pacing her bedroom thinking about the suggestion she marry Henry.

  Most of the girls at her school had known they would end up marrying men their parents approved or even chose. They would marry for money, connection or because two families wanted to join. Other women married purely for economic reasons. It was hard for a woman to support herself - at least by respectable means - and unless you had some form of inheritance, marriage was really the only option. She earned a wage as a schoolteacher but she was living with the Spencers. If she had to manage on the money she earned she would have to be very frugal indeed. So marrying Henry to avoid Blake was not so dreadfully strange.

  As for Henry there was no other eligible woman for him to marry. He might well end up looking for a mail order bride. He was a decent man. Emily had told her how, after the death of his parents, he had abandoned his own dreams of college and worked hard to send his brother instead. He was a little stern, and he had frightened her twice with that sternness, but he was also quick to apologize and he had promised to do his best to protect her and Arthur. She couldn't say he was handsome exactly, but he had a strong, interesting face. He was a man with character. He had curly brown hair he wore fairly long but not so long it needed to be tied back, a strong jaw line, square chin and straight nose that might have looked frightening but the lines of his face were softened by those eyes. The green eyes seemed warm and compassionate and when he smiled they lit up. He certainly was a powerful man. He was tall with wide shoulders narrowed to a trim waist but he wasn't bulky; he had a lean look like a racehorse and she guessed with those long legs he could run fast. Then there was the bonus that Emily was married to his brother. Really, was it such a dreadful thing to marry Henry? He would want children but so did she. She made up her mind. If he would have her she'd marry him and that would be a permanent protection from Blake.

  The next morning before church Beth told John and Mary her decision. If they would approach Henry Flight she was agreeable to marriage. They were delighted and as soon as the church service finished John darted over to Henry and had a whispered conversation with him. Beth tried hard not to look in their direction. Her stomach was now turning somersaults she was so nervous. What if he rejected her? Not only would she be humiliated but she would still have the worry about Rankin Blake. John Spencer said nothing to her other than he had put the proposal to Henry. Beth could hardly eat any lunch she was so nervous. It now seemed like a huge step to her.

  Not long after lunch an excited Mary called out to Beth, "Come quick, you have a visitor."

  It was Sheriff Henry Flight. He was still dressed in his church clothes and looked very formal. When they were alone he cleared his throat and began to speak in a direct way. "Miss Franklin, I'm given to understand that if I were to make a proposal of marriage to you then you would be agreeable to listening to it."

  "That is so, Sheriff Flight."

  "Well, I'm not a man of letters or words. Although I once had hopes of furthering my education it wasn't to be. So I'll be direct. I offer you my hand in marriage. I'm not a poor man. I am sheriff but I also own the Kirkham Saloon and a dozen properties which I rent out. That don't make me rich but you'll not have to scrimp and save to manage. I know you have come from a wealthy home with servants an' all. I won't pretend to compete with that but I'm a man who takes care of his family. I'll be a good husband and always faithful. I admit I have a quick temper, which is a fault in a man, but I am also quick to admit when I am in the wrong. I'll not hide from you the fact I expect my wife to obedient and respectful and any behavior to the contrary will see you over my knee while I set fire to your rear end with my hand."

  Beth had noticed this attitude in Kirkham. Women had to obey their husbands. She surmised that this was because they had to protect their wives and families, originally from Indian attacks but even now there were many dangerous folks around and it was still largely an unsettled area. "So Sheriff Flight, may I expect to be beaten regularly if I marry you?"

  "Not beaten Miss Franklin, no indeed. I am no Rankin Blake. I meant spanked and only if or when it was needed. I would mainly use my hand and only a hairbrush or perhaps a switch if it was a real serious matter. I would never raise my fists to you nor would I use a whip as he seems to have done. I'll be frank with you. Yesterday you went off on your own on that lonely road to Hollow Ridge. If I had been your husband I'd have set fire to your rear end so you'd not sit comfortable for a week after."

  Beth smiled ruefully. "You need not worry on that score. I have learnt my lesson and was taught it with the paddle. My first experience ever of being spanked and I sincerely hope my last."

  Henry Flight suddenly laughed. "I beg your pardon, Miss Franklin. I guess you'd not think it a laughing matter but it was the way you said it. So," he now sounded anxious, "have I put you off marrying me by my honesty?"

  "No, I guess life out here is different and, although I was never spanked at home, I was never loved, except by my nanny. I am in a new place and must accept new attitudes. But now I must be honest. I have never learned to cook until recently nor to clean a house. I'm learning but have no experience. I'm not a mischief, as Emily apparently is, but I am stubborn, determined and although my temper is not quick it's there. Now, have I put you off continuing your proposal?"

  "Stubborn I can manage. I think we'll do well Miss Franklin. So what do you say?"

  "I say yes."

  Henry smiled. He stood looking at her for a moment and then he asked, "May I call you Beth?"

  "Of course. May I call you Henry?"

  "Sure. Now may I kiss you?"

  Beth felt herself going very hot. She'd never been kissed by a man before but she nodded shyly. Henry took her in his arms; very gently and carefully he put his lips to hers and gave her a slow kiss. Beth closed her eyes, amazed to find that she was really enjoying being kissed for the first time. When it ended they both looked at each other until Henry shook himself.

  "Well, I guess we'd better go and tell everyone."

  The delight which greeted the news was huge. Mary screa
med with pleasure. John Spencer couldn't stop shaking Henry's hand. Arthur hugged Beth until she asked him if he had turned into a bear. Then they all had to go and see Charles and Emily. Charles was delighted his older brother was getting married at last and to his sister-in-law. Emily was beside herself. She took hold of Beth and whirled her around in a totally manic dance until they were both breathless. It took some considerable time before they were all calm enough to resume normal life.

  Beth managed to pull Emily off for a private word and whispered, "You're going to have to tell me about the marriage bed. I don't know anything about what happens or what to do."

  "Oh Beth, you're going to love it. It is just so wonderful I can't begin to explain. Look Mama told me what I needed to know for my first night. After that it just gets better and better. Mama will tell you all you need; the rest you'll soon find out. Honestly don't worry. Henry will lead you."

  Mary Spencer did indeed respond to Beth's question. She did it with a red face and Beth's face grew gradually redder as she spoke. It all sounded very strange to her.

  "Will it fit in there?" She whispered this as if they weren't alone.

  Mary smiled. "Oh yes Beth. Don't worry and what you have to remember is that it will give Henry a great deal of pleasure to do it."

  That made sense to Beth. A wife had a duty to her husband and if he got pleasure from doing that then she would do her duty to the best of her ability.

  "Will it hurt?"

  Mary hesitated. "Well, it might be really uncomfortable the first time but your body will soon adjust to him being in you. The best thing to do is just relax and let Henry enjoy himself. You'll soon come to like it too."

  None of that, nor Emily's reassurances that she would love it all, stopped Beth feeling nervous and anxious about her first night. She could only do her duty by Henry and hope for the best.


  "Henry, I'm real pleased you're marrying Beth. You deserve a good wife and she will be one," said Charles. "You'll probably not need to discipline her as much as I have Emily because she seems a bit more serious... not too much, but enough I guess. Emily reckons they are beginning to balance each other out somewhat. Now I am not happy about this orphanage business. There is more to all this. I don't believe this Mrs. Jones is the girls' mother. There is something else behind all this."


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