The grand audience chamber of the Great Temple was filled to
overflowing. Thousands of friends, family, dignitaries, students, and
other spectators crowded the stone benches. Leia Organa Solo and her
husband Han stood with Master Luke Skywalker on the dais at the front
of the room, flanked by Chewbacca, Artoo-Detoo, and See-Threepio.
It was the same dais on which they had stood more than two decades ago
after the destruction of the first Death Star, to receive special
medals from the struggling Rebellion. But this time the former heroes
of Yavin were here to honor their children, their nieces and nephews,
their students and friends-the new heroes of a new generation.
Stirring music soared through the air and reverberated from the ancient
walls. To cheers and applause, Jacen, Jaina, Tenel Ka, Lowie, Zekk, Em
Teedee, Anakin, and Anja advanced up the main aisle and climbed the
stairs to the platform. As they reached the dais, Master Skywalker
welcomed each one with a medal. Next, Leia, Han, and Chewie offered
thanks and congratulations on behalf of the New Republic.
The young Jedi Knights, along with Anja and Em Teedee, turned to face
the audience. Raynar and Lusa also joined them, recognized for their
assistance during the struggle against the misguided Diversity
Alliance. Row upon row of friends and loved ones looked up at them
with pride.
At a signal from Master Skywalker, the fully trained Jedi Knights in
the first row of the audience drew their lightsabers and switched them
on. Then Luke's former students held their glowing energy blades high
in blazing tribute to the new heroes before them.
When the crowd had spent a full two minutes roaring in approval, the
Jedi historian Tionne quietly moved to the front of the dais at one
side. Raising the stringed instrument she conied, the silvery-haired
Jedi began to play.
Slowly, a hush fell over the audience, and Tionne lifted her voice in
song. Her ballad told of the rise and fall of the Shadow Academy, the
defeat of the insidious Diversity Alliance, and how the threat of
Czethros and Black Sun had been overcome. The melody carried a message
of new hope as Tionne sang of bravery in the face of danger, betrayal
and redemption, trust in the Force, and sacrifice.
New legends of the new Jedi.
KEVIN J. ANDERSON and his wife, REBECCA MOESTA, have been involved in
many STAR WARS projects. Together, they are writing the fourteen
volumes of the YOUNG JEDI KNIGHTS saga for young adults, as well as
creating the JUNIOR JEDI KNiGHTs series for younger readers. Rebecca
Moesta also wrote the second trilogy Of JUNIOR JEDI KNIGHTS adventures
(Anakin's Quest, Vader's Fortress, and Kenobi's Blade).
Kevin J. Anderson is the author of the STAR WARS: JEDI ACADEmy TRILOGY,
the novel Darksaber, and numerous comic series for Dark Horse comics.
He has written many other novels, including three based on The X-Files
television show. He has edited three STAR WARS anthologies: Tales from
the Mos Eisley Cantina, in which Rebecca Moesta has a story; Tales from
Jabba's Palace; and Tales of the Bounty Hunters.
For more information about the authors, visit their Web site at or write to AnderZone, the official Kevin J.
Anderson Fan Club, at P.O. Box 767
Monument, CO 80132-0767
Under A Black Sun Trilogy Page 49