Jagger: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 3)

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Jagger: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 3) Page 2

by Jessie Cooke

  The back door of the bar made a banging noise and my head snapped up. From my hiding spot behind the dumpster I saw a man and a woman come out. Holy fuck! That’s the biggest man I’ve ever seen. He’s got muscles that sit on top of his muscles and tattoos that sit on top of all of that. He bent down and kissed the woman. She was probably five six in her bare feet and the hooker heels she was wearing had to be six inches tall. He still had to bend nearly in half to reach her mouth. I knew I should slip out of here, but I was mesmerized by this guy.

  That kiss looked so hot. He had one of his big hands on her butt…squeezing it while he kissed her breath away. One of these days I want to be kissed like that…That was a strange thought for me. Usually the furthest I ever allowed myself to think about was tomorrow, because when you live on the streets of Las Vegas…even that’s not guaranteed. But damn that kiss looks hot.

  The woman had her hands on the side of his face and all of a sudden in the middle of that hot kiss; she dropped one hand and pulled up her shirt and her bra! It was the middle of the afternoon and they’re in an alley. She didn’t seem to care. Her tatted titties were out there for all to see. Maybe she was mesmerized beyond rational thought because the giant she was with was so incredibly gorgeous. Shit! My mouth is practically watering over this guy. I have no place to sleep tonight and I’m creaming my virgin panties over a stranger having sex…with another woman in an alley. Just the kind of guy every woman should aim for.

  The woman arched her back and pushed the guy’s head down to her neck. He was breathing so hard that I could hear him from six feet away. He kissed her neck and then I could hear him making sucking noises against it. The woman was moaning like crazy. She pushed on his head again and one of her big tits almost disappeared into his mouth. I watched with rapt attention as he sucked on that one and pulled on the nipple of the other one, stretching and twirling it between his fingers. He pulled his head up and I saw his long tongue come out and lick at the other nipple. Damn! She was making all kinds of noises now. I could see her pulling at the top of her pants, trying to get them open. He saw her as well and took his mouth off her tit and unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. She slid them down and stepped out of them. His big hand disappeared under the elastic of her panties and she let out an animalistic howl. He grabbed the little panties from the back and while he kept one hand busy inside of her, he used the other to rip the panties off.

  Then…dear Jesus…he went down to his knees and I saw that long pink tongue of his come out and graze her pussy lips. She squealed and he did it again. Progressively, she moved her hips faster and her breaths got louder and shorter. Then she started saying,

  “Oh yes! Oh baby! Oh God it’s been so long! Yeah baby! Fuck me with your tongue! Oh! You’re so good!” He had a thigh in each massive arm and I could see his muscles flex as he lifted her slightly and buried his face between her legs. Now she sounded like a porn star. She was loud. I think she had an orgasm, but I’m not sure…He pulled his face away and I saw him press his fingers up into her. She had her eyes rolling back in her head as he leaned back in and started licking her while he rammed his fingers in and out of her. After a few minutes of that, she grabbed his head with both hands and practically screamed, “I’m cumming! Oh fuck!” She had a death grip on the poor guy’s head. It’s a good thing he has all that long, thick hair as a cushion.

  Still holding onto his head, she guided him up to her face and she kissed him. I could see her licking his face while she wriggled her hand down into his jeans. She must have liked what she found because she squealed again. He shuddered; I’m not sure if it felt good, or if her squeal annoyed him as much as it did me. She took her hand out of his pants and unbuttoned and unzipped him. I’m a virgin…but I’ve lived on the streets for a long time. I’ve seen a lot of naked men…I mean, a lot. I’ve never seen anything like what fell out of the giant hot guy’s pants. I don’t think the woman holding it ever had either. She had a look that was a cross between shock and pure lust on her face. She dropped to her knees and at that level, he had to squat slightly to meet her mouth. She held it in her hand and licked up one side and down the other, stopping to let her tongue swirl across his balls. He had his eyes closed and was moaning softly. I think he liked that. She started giving him serious head, the way I see the hookers giving their johns in the park. I could tell she was gagging on it each time, and it was still only halfway in. She was using her fingers to massage his balls as she sucked him and his hand reached down and was pinching and pulling on her nipples now.

  He looked a little tense after a little bit of that and he suddenly reached under her arms and pulled her to her feet. He spun her so she was facing the wall and he was behind her with his hard cock poking against the middle of her back. He reached up and grabbed her boobs and squeezed them while he kissed her neck. “Oh God! I need you to fuck me!” she was begging him for it. Kind of un-ladylike if you asked me.

  “My pleasure, darlin’” It was the first time I’d heard him say anything. His voice was as sexy as he looked. He let go of her boobs and reached down for his pants. She watched him take out a condom and rip it open and then roll it onto his massive cock. He turned her back around and then pressed a hand against the small of her back. She bent forward with her hands against the wall and her ass in the air. I watched him slide that monster into her. He went slow…even to a woman who was experienced, that thing had to be hard to take. She sounded happy about it though and she pressed back into him until he was buried inside of her. They both started moving then, him forward and her back against him. He had his big hands on her hips and I could hear the wet-smacking noises they made as he moved in and out of her. Her boobs were bouncing all over the place and the faster he fucked her the harder they bounced. She suddenly screamed out that she was cumming and in a cool but winded voice I heard him tell her, “Me too baby. Here we go.” He grunted then…once, twice…one last time. They both stood panting where they were for a few minutes before she finally said,

  “I really need to go.” He pulled out of her and even without a hard-on, that guy was huge. I watched them slip on their clothes. The guy looked relaxed; the woman was a nervous wreck. When she was dressed and he had just pulled on his jeans she reached up and touched his face. “Thank you. I really needed that.”

  “Thank you, darlin’”

  “I’m sure it was my pleasure,” she said. She looked embarrassed, but happy. He leaned down and kissed her and I heard him say,

  “Whoever that guy was, I’m glad he didn’t show up. I’ll see you again here sometime baby.”

  She hesitated, like she was going to say something else. Finally though, she turned and went back through the back door of the bar. He watched her go and then he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a fat blunt and a lighter. He lit it and inhaled deeply before reaching down to button and zip his pants as he blew out the smoke. I knew I should get the hell out of here. It was starting to get dark and there were no lights in this alley. I had to find somewhere to sleep…I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

  Shit Skye! Stop acting like you’ve never seen a man before and get the hell out of here. I waited until he had his back to me and then I picked up my back pack and slowly slipped out from behind the dumpster. I took one last look at Zeus, God of everything…and then I started to slip out of the narrow alley and back out to the street. That’s when I came face to face with my tormenters from earlier.

  “Well, look who it is,” pimple face said.

  “I told you she went in the alley!” his friend with bright blue Nike’s on, told him. I looked over their shoulders, hoping it was just the two of them as I walked slowly back into the alley. I didn’t see the others and as soon as I cleared the brick wall I shot my right leg out and connected with pimple boy’s thigh.

  “Ah! Fucking bitch!” I danced back further as blue Nike came at me. I let him get close enough to almost grab me and then I drove my knee up and connected with the soft flesh between his legs. It
was obvious from the crunch that he hadn’t gotten as lucky genetically as Zeus had.

  “Fuck! I’m going to kill you!” Pimply pulled something out that glinted in the falling sun. Bastard couldn’t beat a girl with his fists…he had a knife. The wheels in my head were turning fast. I remembered the door to the bar that the woman and the big guy came out of. I saw her go back through it so it had to be unlocked. I turned to run and hit a fucking solid wall. I saw stars and barely felt myself being lifted and placed behind the wall I’d just ran into…it was Zeus.

  He looked at the two little creeps and said, “You guys got your asses kicked by a girl.” Pimply started towards him with the knife. Blue Nike was still holding onto his balls. I think he was crying. Zeus got into something that looked like a fighting stance. Pimply hesitated but then his own stupidity took over and he lunged at the big guy with his little knife. The big guy turned his back to him and threw out a kick like a donkey. It connected with Pimply’s face and I think I heard bone crunch. Pimply screamed out…loud enough to pierce my eardrums. Before I knew what was happening again, my savior grabbed me by my arm and pulled me towards the bar. He started to drag me through the door and I grabbed the doorjamb with my hand.

  “Come on!”

  “No! Who the fuck do you think you are? You think you can just throw me over your shoulder like a fucking cave man and carry me away?” The big oaf looked like he wanted to smile.

  “Suit yourself,” he said, “Just don’t mention me when the police get here.”

  Shit. I followed him in the door, through the bar and out the other side. When we hit the street, I saw a police car racing towards us. Zeus put one of his big arms across my shoulders and said,

  “Act natural.” I was as stiff as a board under his touch as we walked two blocks up and turned down another street and into an IHOP parking lot. I shook out from underneath his arm. He grinned, but didn’t say anything. He was probably afraid I would kick his ass too. He led me over to a motorcycle…it looked like an antique. We were close to the front door of the restaurant and I could smell the pancakes. My stomach started going crazy, making loud noises. The big guy looked at me funny and said, “Is that your stomach?” I just glared at him. He laughed and said, “You sure are a disagreeable little thing. Are you hungry?”

  I was starving. My last meal had come out of a dumpster behind Taco Bell over twenty-four hours ago. There was no mild sauce at all in the trash container so I was very unsatisfied. Oh, I also had an orange that I found dropped on the street this morning. I was pretty happy about that. I got my Mexican food last night and my Vitamin C this morning. It was all good. Besides, I didn’t want to eat with this guy. He probably already thought I owed him something for “saving me.” I’ll find my own food later, after I find a place to sleep tonight.

  “Nope, not hungry at all,” I told him. My traitor stomach growled again. Like the caveman he seems to be, he grabbed my wrist and said,

  “I’m hungry. I hate to eat alone. Come join me and by that time the excitement down the street should be over.” I jerked my wrist away.

  “Do you have to be so bossy?”

  “It seems like it,” he said, amused again.

  I shot him another look that seemed to make him smile. Idiot. I followed him. I was too hungry to listen to my pride at the moment.



  I was sitting in this IHOP, feeling pretty damned sexually satiated and watching this dark-haired imp devour a short-stack of pancakes smothered with butter and syrup. She hadn’t spoke to me since we’d come in here. She wouldn’t even tell the waitress what she wanted to eat. She was obviously a street kid. Her hair was so dark it was almost blue…and so greasy that it shone under the lights. It was matted like it hadn’t been brushed in a while and her skin had a layer of city dust across it. Her clothes weren’t really dirty, but they were significantly worn and they didn’t fit her for shit. She had an old army green backpack that she clutched onto for dear life…even now, while she was eating. She looked like maybe she would be a pretty little thing if she was cleaned up. I wondered how long she’d been on the streets. She couldn’t be over sixteen/seventeen years old. She had high cheek-bones like maybe she had some Native American blood…and strange colored eyes that were somewhere between blue and purple…violet, maybe. They were huge, taking up most of her face and framed with inch and a half long eyelashes.

  “Stop it!” she didn’t stop eating as she snapped at me with her mouth full.

  “She speaks.”

  She dropped the fork. With a heavy sigh she said, “Listen, thanks for helping out with those guys…although I had it under control, and thanks for the pancakes. I don’t like being stared at. I should go now.”

  “Go where?”


  “Where’s home?”

  Her eyes shifted. She was thinking…who had to think about where home was? People who didn’t have one. “Summerlin,” she said, quickly. Summerlin was a predominantly white, upper class neighborhood. I had a hard time believing she’d ever been there; much less that was where she lived. I could be wrong, but I doubted it.

  She grabbed her backpack and stood up. I dropped some cash on the table and stood too. She looked at me suspiciously and walked…almost ran, to the door. She pulled it open and I reached over her head and took it from her. She ducked out and headed for the street. I stood there and watched her. Every so often, she would glance over her shoulder at me and walk faster. I went and got on my bike and took the route she’d taken. I caught up with her as she jogged down a street that would lead her over towards Freemont Avenue and the old strip. When I pulled up next to her, she looked like she was ready to fight again, but she stopped. I turned off the bike and she said,

  “Stalk much?”

  “I just wanted to tell you that Summerlin is in the completely opposite direction from here.”

  “Fuck you! It’s none of your business where I’m going.”

  “True. This is just not a good neighborhood and a teenaged girl with that kind of mouth on her could get into a lot of trouble. I was going to offer to drop you at home…if you’ve figured out where that is.”

  “I don’t need you to drop me anywhere. Fuck off.”

  I laughed. “Man do you have a potty mouth. You kiss your mom with that mouth?”

  She started walking again. I got off the bike and followed her. I don’t know why. I’m not usually a community service kind of guy…but something in this girl’s eyes looked so lost and haunted. I just couldn’t bring myself to leave her out here all alone. She walked about half a block with me on her tail and when she was almost to the end of the street she turned around and came at me like a feral cat. I was caught off guard as she drove her head into my chest. It knocked me back and took my wind away. She wasn’t satisfied with that though. She came at me with her fists next and she was throwing some pretty damned nice punches. I blocked most of them, but the one that caught me just over my left eye packed some power. She kept throwing them and I kept blocking them.

  “Where did you learn how to fight?”

  “None of your business.” Smack!

  “You’re pretty good. I’m a fighter.”

  “Good for you.” Pow!

  “I could introduce you to the promoters, I know they have a program for high school kids on the weekends…” she stopped moving and looked at me like I’d grown another head on my shoulders.

  “High school? How old do you think I am?”

  “Um…” I didn’t relax my arms. I wouldn’t put it past this one not to sucker punch me. “Fifteen…sixteen?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’ll be twenty in two weeks, so I don’t think I’d qualify for your program, pedo.”

  I laughed. “You don’t look twenty. You think I was after you because I want to sleep with you?”

  “Why the hell else would you fight those guys off and buy me food? You all want something. Fuck your big ass! If you want it from me, you’ll hav
e to take it when I’m dead.”

  She was serious and it wasn’t funny, but I laughed again. She kicked me in the gut. “Oomph! Damn it, that hurt!”

  “Good, pervert!”

  Trying to get my air back I said, “I’m not a pervert. I just wanted to make sure that you’re okay.” Alright, I am kind of a pervert, but not that kind of pervert. I thought she was a kid. I just wanted to help.


  “Because you’re out here alone on the street and you were obviously starving and those guys would have really hurt you if I hadn’t been there…”

  “Get over yourself!” She started walking again. With a sigh that hurt my stomach that would probably be bruised in the morning, I followed her. “Damn it! What is it going to take to get you to leave me alone? Do I have to scream for the cops?”

  I looked around. We were in an industrial area now and there wasn’t another person in sight. “You think that’ll do any good?”

  Not amused at all, she screamed, “What do you want?” at the top of her lungs.

  “Listen…what’s your name?”

  “None of your…”

  “Yeah, yeah…anyways, let me take you to a motel. I’ll pay for a room for you and get you something to eat for dinner later and then I’ll leave you alone…okay?”


  “Didn’t we just go through this?”

  “I’m not having sex with you.”

  Feeling the juvenile in me rear its ugly head I made a face to indicate that she repulsed me and I said, “I have no desire to have sex with you.”


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