Bill Clinton

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Bill Clinton Page 19

by Michael Tomasky

  Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign in

  New York Times

  Nichols, Terry

  Nixon, Richard

  impeachment and

  North, Oliver

  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  Balkans and

  expansion of

  Northern Ireland

  North Korea

  nuclear technology, China and

  nuclear weapons

  North Korea and

  post-Soviet states and

  Nunn, Sam

  Nussbaum, Bernard

  Obama, Barack

  obstruction of justice

  occupied territories

  Oklahoma City bombing

  Olson, Barbara

  Olson, Ted

  O’Neill, Thomas P., Jr., “Tip”

  Oslo framework

  Wye memorandum

  Oxford University


  Panetta, Leon

  partisan warfare

  Pataki, George

  Patriot Movement



  elections of 1991

  elections of 1994

  Pepperdine University


  Perot, H. Ross

  Persian Gulf War


  “Politics of Evasion, The” (Galston and Kamarck)

  Pollard, Jonathan

  Porter, Richard


  Powell, Colin

  preemptive war

  presidential debates of 1992

  Provisional IRA

  Pryor, David

  Quayle, Dan

  Rabin, Yitzhak

  assassination of

  Račak Massacre

  race relations

  Rader, Campbell, Fisher & Pyke

  Rainbow PUSH Coalition

  Raines, Howell

  Rangel, Charlie

  Reagan, Ronald

  assassination attempt on

  Reagan Democrats


  of 1990–91

  of 2001

  Rector, Ricky Ray

  Reed, Bruce

  Rehnquist, William H.

  Reich, Robert

  reinventing government

  religious right

  Reno, Janet

  Republican National Convention of 1992

  Republican Party

  abortion and

  anti-Clinton battles and

  budget of 1993 and

  budget of 1995 and

  budget of 1997 and

  Contract with America and

  crime bill and

  elections of 1988 and

  elections of 1992 and

  elections of 1994 and

  elections of 1996 and

  elections of 1998 and

  elections of 2000 and

  environment and

  far right and

  Gingrich and

  gun control and

  health reform and

  impeachment and

  Iraq and

  NAFTA and

  sexual hypocrisy and

  Supreme Court and

  welfare reform and

  Whitewater and

  Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)

  Reynolds, Albert

  Rich, Denise

  Rich, Frank

  Rich, Marc

  right wing

  Robbins, Tony

  Robertson, Pat

  Rohatyn, Felix

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Rose Law Firm

  Rosenzweig, Paul

  Rostenkowski, Dan

  Rubin, Robert

  Ruby Ridge raid

  Russert, Tim


  Balkans and

  debt default

  G-8 and

  Helsinki summit and

  NATO expansion and

  Rutherford Institute


  Safire, William


  Sanders, Bernie

  Santorum, Rick

  Sarajevo, siege of

  Saudi Arabia

  Scaife, Richard Mellon

  Scalia, Antonin

  Schmidt, Susan

  Schumer, Charles

  Schwartz, Tony

  Second American Revolution, The (Whitehead)

  Secret Service

  Seinfeld (TV show)

  Sentelle, David

  September 11, 2001, attacks


  Shalala, Donna

  Sharon, Ariel

  Sherman, William Tecumseh

  Silberman, Laurence

  Silberman, Ricky

  Simpsons, The (TV show)

  Sinn Féin

  60 Minutes (TV show)


  Social Security

  social spending


  Sontag, Susan

  Souljah, Sister

  South Africa

  Soviet Union

  collapse of

  Iraq and

  Special Division

  Spielberg, Steven

  Srebrenica massacre

  Stanford University


  Starr, Kenneth

  Starr report

  Stephanopoulos, George

  Stevens, John Paul


  bombing raid on





  budget of 1993 and

  budget of 1995 and

  budget of 1997 and

  Taylor, Stuart, Jr.

  tech boom

  Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif)

  Tenet, George



  Thatcher, Margaret

  think tanks

  Third Way

  This Week (TV show)

  Thornburgh, Dick

  Tito, Josip Broz

  Toensing, Victoria

  Tokyo subway sarin attacks

  Tonight Show (TV show)

  tort reform


  Tramontano, Karen

  Trans-Pacific Partnership

  Treasury Department


  Trimble, David

  Tripp, Linda

  Truman, Harry

  Trump, Donald J.

  Tsongas, Paul

  Turner Diaries, The (Pierce)

  Tuskegee experiments

  Tyson, Laura



  United Nations

  Balkans and

  Beijing conference on women of 1995

  Iraq and

  U.S. Air Force

  U.S. Chamber of Commerce

  U.S. Congress

  abortion and

  Balkans and

  budget of 1993 and

  budget of 1995 and government shutdown

  budget of 1997 and

  Clinton campaign of 1974 for

  Contract with America and

  crime bill and

  elections of 1994 and

  elections of 1996 and

  elections of 1998 and

  EPA and

  Gingrich and

  Gore and

  health reform and

  impeachment and

  NAFTA and

  welfare reform and

  U.S. Constitution

  U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit

  U.S. embassy bombings

  U.S. House of Representatives

  Judiciary Committee

  Rules Committee


  Ways and Means Committee

  U.S. intelligence

  U.S. Naval Academy

  U.S. Senate

  Foreign Relations Committee

  Hillary Clinton elected to
  impeachment trial in

  Supreme Court and

  U.S. Supreme Court

  Breyer appointed to

  Ginsburg appointed to

  Whitewater and

  University of Arkansas


  relations normalized


  voting rights

  Waco, Texas

  Wag the Dog (film)

  Waldman, Michael

  Wall Street Journal


  War on Poverty

  Warsaw Pact

  Washington Post

  Washington Times

  Watergate scandal

  Weather Underground

  Weaver, Randy

  Weekly Standard

  welfare reform

  West Bank

  Weyrich, Paul

  White, Byron

  Whitehead, John

  White House Office of Legislative Affairs

  White House Preservation Society

  White House travel office

  white supremacists


  Fiske report on

  independent counsel and

  Starr and

  Starr report on

  Whitman, Walt

  Wilder, Douglas

  Willey, Kathleen

  William J. Clinton Foundation (later Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation)

  Wofford, Harris

  Wood, Kimba

  World Trade Center

  bombing of 1993

  9/11 bombing

  World War I

  World War II

  Wright, Jim

  Wye memorandum

  Yeltsin, Boris


  Yongbyon nuclear reactor

  youth programs


  Ziglar, James

  Zuckerman, Mort


  Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!: The Beatles and America, Then and Now

  Hillary’s Turn: Inside Her Improbable, Victorious Senate Campaign

  Left for Dead: The Life, Death, and Possible Resurrection of Progressive Politics in America


  Joyce Appleby on Thomas Jefferson

  Louis Auchincloss on Theodore Roosevelt

  Jean H. Baker on James Buchanan

  H. W. Brands on Woodrow Wilson

  Alan Brinkley on John F. Kennedy

  Douglas Brinkley on Gerald R. Ford

  Josiah Bunting III on Ulysses S. Grant

  James MacGregor Burns and Susan Dunn on George Washington

  Charles W. Calhoun on Benjamin Harrison

  Gail Collins on William Henry Harrison

  Robert Dallek on Harry S. Truman

  John W. Dean on Warren G. Harding

  John Patrick Diggins on John Adams

  Elizabeth Drew on Richard M. Nixon

  John S. D. Eisenhower on Zachary Taylor

  Paul Finkelman on Millard Fillmore

  Annette Gordon-Reed on Andrew Johnson

  Henry F. Graff on Grover Cleveland

  David Greenberg on Calvin Coolidge

  Gary Hart on James Monroe

  Michael F. Holt on Franklin Pierce

  Roy Jenkins on Franklin Delano Roosevelt

  Zachary Karabell on Chester Alan Arthur

  William E. Leuchtenburg on Herbert Hoover

  James Mann on George W. Bush

  Gary May on John Tyler

  George McGovern on Abraham Lincoln

  Timothy Naftali on George H. W. Bush

  Charles Peters on Lyndon B. Johnson

  Kevin Phillips on William McKinley

  Robert V. Remini on John Quincy Adams

  Jeffrey Rosen on William Howard Taft

  Ira Rutkow on James A. Garfield

  John Seigenthaler on James K. Polk

  Michael Tomasky on Bill Clinton

  Hans L. Trefousse on Rutherford B. Hayes

  Jacob Weisberg on Ronald Reagan

  Tom Wicker on Dwight D. Eisenhower

  Ted Widmer on Martin Van Buren

  Sean Wilentz on Andrew Jackson

  Garry Wills on James Madison

  Julian E. Zelizer on Jimmy Carter


  Michael Tomasky is a special correspondent for the Daily Beast and the editor in chief of Democracy: A Journal of Ideas, as well as a regular contributor to the New York Review of Books. He was previously executive editor of the American Prospect and was the first U.S. editor of the Guardian. He is the author of Left for Dead: The Life, Death, and Possible Resurrection of Progressive Politics in America; Hillary’s Turn: Inside Her Improbable, Victorious Senate Campaign; and the ebook Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!: The Beatles and America, Then and Now. He lives outside Washington, D.C. You can sign up for email updates here.

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice


  Editor’s Note

  1.  A Young Fellow in a Hurry

  2.  The Comeback Kid

  3.  The New Realities of Politics

  4.  The Limits of Power

  5.  The President Is Relevant

  6.  The Culture Wars

  7.  Hitting His Stride

  8.  That Woman

  9.  Unbreakable

  10.  Ducking Lightning Bolts Till the End




  Selected Bibliography



  Also by Michael Tomasky

  The American Presidents Series

  About the Author


  BILL CLINTON. Copyright © 2017 by Michael Tomasky. All rights reserved. For information, address Henry Holt and Co., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

  Cover photograph © Bettmann/Getty

  The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

  Names: Tomasky, Michael, 1960– author.

  Title: Bill Clinton: the 42nd president, 1993–2001 / Michael Tomasky.

  Description: New York: Times Books, 2017. | Series: The American presidents series | Includes bibliographical references and index.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2016024648 | ISBN 9781627796767 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781627796774 (electronic book)

  Subjects: LCSH: Clinton, Bill, 1946– | Presidents—United States—Biography. | United States—Politics and government—1993–2001.

  Classification: LCC E886 .T66 2017 | DDC 973.929092 [B] —dc23

  LC record available at

  e-ISBN 9781627796774

  First Edition: January 2017

  Our e-books may be purchased in bulk for promotional, educational, or business use. Please contact the Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department at (800) 221-7945, extension 5442, or by e-mail at [email protected].




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