Devoted to Her (Dream Date Book 2)

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Devoted to Her (Dream Date Book 2) Page 27

by Ivan Kendrick

  “You’re hurting about a girl, right?”

  Nathan did a double take.

  “What? No. It’s not that. I’m fine, really.”

  Lori seemed unconvinced, but she didn’t pry. When they finished, Nathan offered to take Lori back to where she was staying.

  “I’d rather spend some more time with you, if you don’t mind.”

  “In my apartment?”

  “Yeah. What’s wrong? Too untidy?”

  Nathan chuckled.


  “If you’ve got underwear all over your room, then we can go to my place. Do you mind?”

  Nathan hesitated for a moment. They stopped just next to his car.

  “Just for a little bit?”

  “Okay. Give me your address.”

  It turned out that Lori lived in the same apartment building as Claire. Nathan hoped that the latter wasn’t there. She would think the wrong thing.

  Outside Lori’s apartment, she unlocked the door. Nathan was about to follow her inside, but she turned around. Lori surprised Nathan by placing her arms around him. His expression became puzzled.

  “What are you doing, Lori?”

  “I know what you need,” she said, looking down at his lips. “And I can give it to you.”

  Nathan didn’t know what Lori was talking about. He tried to push her off him.

  “I don’t know what you think I came here for, but you’re wrong.”

  “Shush. You thought I didn’t notice that you fancy me? I would have enjoyed dancing with you when we met at the club. Maybe we’ll do it sometime.”

  “You’re getting carried away.”

  “No. I like you too, Nathan. Don’t worry, though. I’m not into relationships.”

  Right then, it dawned on Nathan.

  “You’re a, um, addicted to…”

  Lori smiled.

  “Not exactly, but close.”

  Before Nathan could reply, Lori kissed him. He felt her pushing both of them inside her apartment. She closed the door and led Nathan toward the sofa.

  “Wait,” Nathan said, breaking the kiss. “You’re taking this completely the wrong way. I like you, yes. I just can’t betray my girlfriend.”

  Lori started to look pissed.

  “I thought you said you don’t have a girlfriend.”

  “I…uh…it’s complicated.”

  Lori turned around, thinking over it.

  “I’m sorry. This can’t happen, Lori.”

  Nathan started backing toward the door. Lori didn’t look at him. His hand grasped the door handle. He looked back at Lori. She looked back to him. Amazingly, she wasn’t crying. Nathan was glad that she didn’t seem as tightly attached as Erika.

  “Thanks for the coffee, Nathan. I…I hope things turn out all right for you.”

  Nathan nodded.

  “I don’t blame you for keeping distance. Now, I sort of wish I were like you. When you get hurt in a relationship, it’s hell.”

  Lori grimaced in understanding.

  “That’s why I don’t fall in love. It’s safer to just be friends…with benefits, you know.”

  Nathan turned slightly red.

  “Have a good day.”

  “Thanks, Lori. You too,” Nathan said. He then left the apartment with a renewed sense of loyalty for Amanda. Nathan loved her too much. He had to keep fighting until there was no point to it anymore.

  It was dark outside already. Amanda wondered where all her time had gone to. She felt tired, although happy. She really enjoyed her new job. Amanda did miss modeling, although she could do without it.

  Amanda checked the time on her phone. Her shift was about to end. She looked around to make sure there weren’t any customers waiting for her help. Then Amanda went to let her coworkers know she was leaving.

  Almost ten minutes later, Amanda walked toward the entrance. There were still a bunch of customers around. Amanda put on her jacket. Just then, she heard a voice behind her.

  “You do look gorgeous in that uniform.”

  Amanda froze. She felt Nathan standing so close behind her. Amanda didn’t want to turn.

  “What do you want?” she asked to buy time. “You know I’m still mad at you.”

  “Say that to my face. Let me see your eyes while you say that to me. Otherwise, you’re not telling the truth.”

  Amanda slowly turned around. For a moment, she almost didn’t recognize Nathan. He was wearing a sports jacket and a baseball cap. Nathan was probably incognito to avoid the bodyguards.

  “Why are you here?”

  “First, I want to ask you to give me—no, give us—another chance. What we have is too special to let it die away. I love you.”

  “Maybe you should think of that before you go and kiss other women.”

  “You think I did it on purpose? I would never cheat on the most achingly beautiful woman I know.”

  Amanda’s cheeks reddened. She wasn’t able to hide her smile.

  “It hurt, you know. Seeing you with another woman.”

  “I know what it feels like. Remember that you let Christopher kiss you.”

  At the mention of that, Amanda blanched. She opened her mouth in horror.

  “How did you know…?”

  “Your parents didn’t lie to you. I was going to see you at your place that day. I showed up, only to see you and Christopher enjoying yourselves on the porch. When you kissed him, I couldn’t watch more, so I left.”

  “That was a mistake I should never have allowed. I don’t want to hurt you, or Judith.”

  Nathan placed his hands inside his jacket pockets.

  “Let’s take this to another place for now, okay? I’d rather not get thrown away by your guards.”

  Nathan took Amanda’s hand and led her toward the back. They left through one of the rear exits. Before moving forward, Nathan looked around. He put his baseball cap on Amanda’s head. She was still too stunned to protest. Nathan led her to his car.

  “You can’t tell anyone about it,” Amanda said as soon as Nathan sat down on the driver’s side. “About me and Christopher, I mean. If Judith found out, I shudder to think what she would do.”

  “No problem. We’ll keep it to ourselves.”

  “It wasn’t intentional. He just…kissed me. I didn’t expect him, nor did I ask him to. You have no idea how guilty I’ve been feeling since then. I’ve had a hard time looking at Judith in the eye for a few days after that. She means a lot to me.”

  “I would say the same about you. Amanda, you mean the world to me.”

  Amanda turned toward Nathan. They looked at each other for a few moments, longing for the other’s touch. Nathan’s gaze moved down to her lips.

  “Let’s forget everything. Give me a chance. I can’t be without you.”

  Amanda looked down, biting her lip.

  “I trust you, Nathan. I should never have shut you out for so long. Please forgive me.”

  “I have nothing to forgive. The evidence against me was overwhelming.”

  “Just don’t do it again.”

  “I promise that, baby.”

  Nathan slowly moved toward Amanda. She froze, not sure whether to turn away or meet him. She decided to close her eyes. Nathan touched his lips to hers. Amanda gasped, but didn’t pull away. Her lips moved against his. Nathan reached forward, touching the side of her face. He pulled Amanda to him and kissed her.

  Nathan’s hands moved down Amanda’s body, remembering familiar places. He caressed her thigh.

  “Let’s go back to my apartment,” Nathan said. He started to plant kisses along Amanda’s cheeks and jaw. “Ditch your bodyguards.”

  “We’ll piss them off.”

  Nathan guffawed.

  “So what?”

  Amanda closed her eyes, letting herself feel what Nathan was doing to her. She started to wonder if it had been a mistake to be angry with him for so long.

  Nathan pulled Amanda’s jacket off of her. He found that she had a long-sleeve sweater an
d an undershirt.

  “Wait, Nathan,” Amanda said, pushing forward on his chest. “Not here. I…”

  Nathan waited for Amanda to continue.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I need some time to think. Let me go back to my apartment. I have to think things through.”

  “What’s there to think about? We’re in love, and we sorely missed each other. Let’s just give in.”

  Amanda sighed, looking around.

  “Let’s just go, all right? If you’re really stealing me from my bodyguards, you should know that they may be here any moment.”

  Nathan looked through the front, scanning the back of the Best Buy.

  “You’re right. I’d rather not have Caldwell drag me out through my broken window.”

  Amanda burst out laughing. Nathan revved the engine. He drove away from the building.

  “I didn’t think you’d steal me for real.”

  Nathan looked at Amanda curiously.

  “For you, I would do anything.”

  Amanda thought for a moment.

  “Would you let Erika go?”

  Nathan scoffed.

  “Please! Not to be mean, but I could live without her without thinking twice. You, in contrast, are necessary to me.”

  Amanda looked at Nathan.

  “Just don’t hurt me again. Okay?”

  “I’ll try my darned best. You’re meant to be loved, sweetheart. I won’t disappoint you again.”


  Hilbert watched as Nathan led Amanda toward the parking lot. The two got inside a car, but didn’t leave. That angered Hilbert. He wasn’t pleased to see that Amanda was still dating that poor devil.

  Five minutes passed before Nathan revved the engine. Hilbert decided to follow them. He knew that they still lived in the same apartment building. Hilbert didn’t need to keep them in sight, but he wanted to. He wanted to get Amanda back.

  At least Rebecca is right about one thing. Amanda deserves to marry a prince, not some penniless guy below her level.

  It was because of Amanda that Hilbert stopped having sex with other models. She was the one he’d been looking for. The woman that eclipsed all others. Contrary to popular opinion, Hilbert didn’t screw the models out of malice. He just wanted to find Ms. Right. Only highly beautiful women were able to spark his interest.

  The drive wasn’t long. Hilbert saw Nathan’s car arrive at the apartments. Hilbert stayed a safe distance back. He was glad that the bodyguards were away, at least for the moment. Hilbert found a spot that overlooked Amanda’s apartment. He shut off his engine and waited there.

  Amanda and Nathan walked into his line of sight a couple of minutes later. Hilbert saw Amanda pull out her key to open her door. It opened before she could unlock it. A short girl with pearly brown skin greeted them.

  That must be Emmy Crenshaw.

  Hilbert remembered her from the news. She was the girl that Rebecca’s minion stabbed while trying to abduct Amanda. Emmy seemed to be all right now.

  The three of them disappeared into the apartment. He rubbed his chin. Seeing Amanda made him remember every moment they’d shared. Hilbert would show her that he wasn’t the petty criminal she thought he was. He was just an unlucky guy turned social climber in his search for the right woman.

  At close to midnight, Christopher woke to loud pounding on a door. He stirred in bed, looking up to find where the noise was coming from. He realized that there was someone outside his apartment. Christopher got up from bed. Putting on some shoes, he went to the living room.

  “Coming!” said Christopher. He wondered who was coming to see him at such a late hour. When he opened the door, a fuming Rebecca was standing outside.

  “Sister! Come in.”

  Rebecca walked in with her arms crossed. Christopher closed the door, puzzled at her behavior.

  “Where have you been? Romantic troubles?”

  Rebecca did not find that funny.

  “How are things going with you and Amanda?”

  Christopher’s eyebrows furrowed.

  “What do you mean? They’re fabulous.”

  “Fabulous? Nathan just spent some time with Amanda a few moments ago. You were meant to keep them apart.”

  “You’re bluffing, right? Thanks to your machinations, they hardly look at each other anymore.”

  Rebecca shook her head. She walked forward and sat down on Christopher’s couch.

  “Nathan was able to sneak past Amanda’s bodyguards tonight. It was lucky that I found out, because I was watching her. They reconciled and then Nathan took her back to her apartment. I thought they would go inside and do…it. Thankfully, they didn’t.”

  “So, what’s the problem? Amanda and I are great friends now. We undermined her trust in Nathan.”

  “I didn’t ask you to be her friend. You should be seducing her!”

  Christopher clicked his tongue.

  “I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, sis. Amanda is stupendously dazzling, don’t get me wrong. She’s just not the girl for me.”

  Rebecca’s eyes widened.

  “What are you saying?”

  “I didn’t fall for Amanda, like you were hoping. I’m a little bummed, I admit.”

  “Christopher, you’ve met Amanda Tilley, haven’t you? A guy like you would have fallen in love at first sight.”

  “Yeah, I thought it would work that way too. Only, you don’t fall for someone just because they’re spellbinding. I’ve fallen for Judith instead.”

  Taking a deep breath, Rebecca stood up.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me, Christopher. Since when have you failed to seduce a woman?”

  “It wasn’t a failure if I didn’t set my sights on Amanda in the first place. We can both thank her for pushing me toward Judith.”

  “Argh,” Rebecca groaned, turning around.

  “Why do you hate Amanda so much? You never told me anything. At first, I thought you just wanted her boyfriend, but now I see it’s much more than that.”

  “That’s my business. Just go seduce Amanda and don’t ask questions.”

  “No, sister. I want answers. Why are the police looking for you?”

  Rebecca’s head whipped toward Christopher. She looked wide-eyed at him.

  “What are you saying?”

  “They have a sketch. Amanda showed it to me. The woman in it looked an awful lot like you. She even had your sunglasses and that head covering of yours.”

  “Shit!” said Rebecca, tensing up. “Why hadn’t you told me?”

  “You’ve been so busy doing God-knows-what that you haven’t stopped for a visit.”

  “Then you should have called me! Don’t you think it’s your duty to protect your sister?”

  Christopher narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

  “So, you’re saying the woman in the sketch is you?”

  “No, Chris, don’t put words in my mouth. There’s no reason why the police would be looking for me. I’m not the woman in the sketch, even if it looks like me.”

  “I hope so, Rebecca. I really do.”

  Rebecca took a deep breath, visibly relaxing.

  “Just seduce Amanda. It’s not like I’m asking you to do something unpleasant. Any other guy would kill to be in your shoes.”

  Christopher laughed.

  “Forgive me, sis, but I can’t do it. I want Judith and I’m not going to risk breaking her trust. The poor girl has suffered enough as it is.”

  “I don’t give a damn about her. You owe me—and my family—big time. Seduce Amanda, or I will leave you on the street where we found you.”

  Christopher kicked the sofa, groaning.

  “You can’t kick me out.”

  “I can do anything I set my mind to,” Rebecca told him. With a last withering look, she turned and left the apartment. Christopher sat back on his sofa, sighing.

  The next morning, Amanda finally woke up feeling well. She’d had time to think over things. Amanda couldn’t stay mad at Nathan a
ny longer. She despised seeing him kiss another woman, but he’d never given her any reason to mistrust him before. Even with all the guys who hit on Amanda, Nathan remained devoted to her.

  Amanda spent extra time dressing for the day. She wanted to give Nathan a surprise. Amanda selected a tight sweater to flaunt her curves, and her best pair of dark blue jeans. When she was ready, Amanda emerged from the bathroom. She saw Emmy in the kitchen.

  “Gosh, Amanda. You should give me some dress-up tips now that we live together.”

  “Does this look good? Or is it too much?”

  “Seriously? You look good enough to eat. Who are you going to see today?”

  “Nathan. Who else?”

  Emmy’s mouth opened wide.

  “You’ve forgiven him?”

  Amanda nodded.

  “Yes. I’ve made him suffer for a bit too long. He’s always been faithful to me, and at least now he’s learned his lesson. I can be sure he truly loves me.”

  Emmy walked forward and hugged Amanda.

  “I’m so happy for you, friend!”

  Amanda giggled, feeling happy at last.

  “Go get him, friend.”

  Waving goodbye at Emmy, Amanda left the apartment. She first went to knock on her bodyguards’ door to let them know she was leaving. Caldwell answered in about five seconds.

  “I’m going to visit someone in this building.”

  Caldwell nodded. He went back inside for a moment and then walked back out. Amanda made her way toward Nathan’s apartment. She wondered what her bodyguards would think. They went ballistic when they found out that Nathan had stolen her from right under their noses.

  Amanda stopped when she was on the hallway that led to Nathan’s apartment. He was outside, his back against the door. Erika was in front of him, talking.

  What’s going on now?

  As Amanda watched, Erika joined her hands in front of her. She seemed to be pleading for something. Nathan ran a hand through his hair. Erika lifted an index finger. Nathan shook his head. To Amanda’s surprise, Erika reached forward and touched his chest. She then moved to put her hands on his arms. She tried to close the distance between them, but Nathan was trying to move away.


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