Jude Stephens

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by Touch of a VAmpire

  Touch of a Vampire

  Book Two of the Evolved Series


  Jude Stephens

  This book is dedicated Mark and Megan

  I would like to thank everyone who read my first book and took the time to tell me how much you liked it. It means the world to me.

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  Published by Solstice Publishing at Smashwords

  Copyright 2010 Jude Stephens

  Chapter 1

  I was going to die. They would find my body floating in Lake Ontario. I had done something stupid. This was the first stupid thing I’d done since Roberto left two weeks ago to wrap up some business dealings before we began searching for my tribal clan to continue my Sensay training.

  A few short months ago I was a normal physical therapist trying to re-enter the dating world and then wham! I find out I’m a uniquely evolved being who has special abilities. And I fell in love with a freaking vampire who was going to be really mad at me for getting myself into this predicament. I promised him I would take little steps with my abilities and until now that’s exactly what I had done.

  I was down by the dock practicing reaching out with my senses, when I amazed myself by hearing a school of salmon out in the lake. I wanted to watch them. I got a sense from the school they were feeding on some plankton. Spotting a row boat on the shore, I worked hard to get it into the water and was quite proud when I paddled the hundred or so yards to where the salmon were. When I reached my destination I closed my eyes and put my feet up to relax. I reached out with my senses and marveled at the images I got from the school. They were frenzied. The plankton they found was rich with vital nutrients. All in all it was a good day to be a Chinook salmon. Not such a good day to be a Sensay that wasn’t a strong swimmer.

  The first inkling something was wrong was when I put my feet on the floor of the row boat and found water above my ankles. I promptly grabbed the oars to start back towards the shore. There was one thing I was unaware of. It’s really hard to paddle a boat that was sinking. I tried to paddle for a few minutes but got nowhere with the increasingly weighted down boat. I knew I would have to make a swim for the shore but was not happy about it. I could swim, but I don’t think I’d ever gone the distance that would get me safely back to the shore.

  With a great deal of trepidation I jumped into the cool water. I started out pretty good. I was pleased with myself and then a severe cramp hit. I doubled over with excruciating pain and promptly sank. I fought panic as I tried to stay afloat by flapping my arms. In no time at all my arms were burning and felt leaden. I began to sink again. This time, with a certainty I wouldn’t be coming back up, I wondered who would be at my funeral. Probably only my best friend Janel, since the rest of my recent acquaintances were vampires who only go out after sunset. I hope she remembers that I want to be cremated.

  I got the sensation I was floating…it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling. When the blackness surrounded me, I felt my mother’s arms close around me. A feeling of peace engulfed me until a voice rudely shouted in my head, “OLIVIA! I will not allow this! Open your eyes and swim. You will obey me or so help me God, I will paddle your sweet luscious ass the next time I see you.”

  That tone was not something I was used to hearing come from that voice. Struggling, I managed to break free of the darkness to see why he was angry with me.

  Alex? I spoke back to him with my mind. Where are you? I’m confused. It’s the middle of the afternoon.

  “I’m in Sweden. It’s almost nine p.m. here. Listen to me Baby, you need to swim. I know you’re tired and your arms ache. Listen to the sound of my voice. Concentrate on that. I need you to live, Baby. I refuse to let you go.”

  I forced my tired limbs to start moving. I didn’t want to die. Not yet. I have a purpose. I need to avenge my parents’ deaths. I need to make sure The Guardians didn’t kill anymore innocent people.

  “That’s it, Baby; use your anger to push yourself. Don’t let them get away with taking your Mom and Dad away from you.”

  I pictured my Mom and Dad as I found them several weeks ago with their throats slit. I concentrated on that and took one stroke at a time. Remarkably, the pain seemed to flee as I became determined to get to the shore. When I reached the shore I was able to pull myself out onto the sandy beach.

  “Alex?” I spoke out loud, but there was no reply. “Alex? Are you still with me?” Nothing.

  Maybe I imagined the whole thing though it sure sounded like Alex, even though I had never heard him raise his voice to me. We connected like this once before when he was taken by The Guardians and tortured. It’s been several weeks since I last saw him. Six weeks and three days to be exact. But who’s counting? I still missed him, but he wasn’t the one I chose.

  I made my choice all those weeks ago, and I didn’t regret my decision. The last six weeks with Roberto have been heaven. It was very much like a honeymoon, though we didn’t legally tie the knot or anything. I think Roberto is waiting until I get through my Sensay training. And, of course, there was my bond with Alex that still needed to be broken. Both Roberto and Alex were looking into a way to sever the bond. Alex bound himself to me without my permission. I had feelings for Alex at the time, but when I bind myself to someone I want it to be my choice.

  Even though I love Roberto with all of my heart, I wasn’t sure that we were ready for that step yet. I looked down at myself. My khaki shorts and tank top were soaking wet and my pretty sandals were more than likely ruined. My long brown hair hung unattractively in clumps around my face. I wasn’t looking forward to the teasing I would get from Antonio when I returned to the house.

  I thought back to the day Antonio, one of the day guards, arrived here. Andy, along with Mark, were the two day guards here in Oswego when I arrived. Mark was still here and as talkative today as he was then. In the few months I’d known him he maybe spoke a dozen words to me. Andy on the other hand was an easy going sort who had swept my best friend Janel off her feet and absconded with her to the Bahamas.

  While starting the short hike back to the house I thought about how much I missed Janel. She and Andy had gone off on a romantic trip to the Bahamas several weeks ago. It was only supposed to be a two week vacation, but after a few weeks, Janel called me to tell me she wanted to stay a while longer. It seems the Bahamas is a popular destination for The Evolved. Who would have thought it? Andy had taken her on an excursion to Cat Island, a small island off the beaten track.

  There she had encountered several different evolved species partying and decided she needed to stay and study them. I was a little bit jealous she was learning more about The Evolved than I was, and I was a member of the so called club.

  Still, I loved this last month with having Roberto all to myself and wouldn’t trade places with Janel for all the money in the world, but I was growing anxious to learn more about what I am.

  Finding out I was a Sensay not too long ago was a shock, but I was slowly learning more about my abilities every day. My sense of smell was my first ability to manifest and it was the one I was learning to control better than the others.

  Thank goodness, I thought to myself. It truly was not pleasant to have to smell a garbage dumpster in ninety degree weather when you were miles away from it
. On the other hand, there were some scents that made me weak in the knees. While taking a walk with Roberto one night, I came across the smell of cinnamon. I stopped in my tracks, closed my eyes and breathed deeply. The fragrance was absolutely magnificent. The scent was rich and strong and made my mouth water.

  Roberto laughed and said, “Piccolina... am I going to have to be jealous of Tomas?” I opened my eyes and gave him a perplexed look. “Who’s Tomas?”

  “Tomas is the baker at the Oswego Bakery and Deli. He is making his famous cinnamon rolls for the morning rush. And by the look on your face he just gave you an orgasm.”

  I laughed. “It was close to one. Did you smell that too? Sometimes having this sharp sense of smell really pays off.”

  Roberto’s eyes turned dark. “I do smell the cinnamon… and it smells good, but I much prefer your scent Olivia, especially when you’re aroused. Let’s go home and I will sprinkle your delicious body with cinnamon and lick every bit off.”

  I sighed remembering how he did just that. Roberto was very talented with his tongue.

  I still was having trouble controlling my sense of touch. Though, I was getting better at it. I’ve learned to block unpleasant feelings by focusing on the sensation and picturing a barrier between the pain and my skin. It was almost as if I were putting on body armor. The one problem I keep coming up against is that I lose focus when the pain becomes extreme. The same goes for pleasure which I would have thought wouldn’t have been a problem but sometimes it frustrates me.

  I tend to get overwhelmed with passion and have desires I can’t control. So far Roberto hasn’t complained, even when some business associates came to meet with him a few weeks ago, and he asked me to stay while they discussed expansion plans for the Platza del la viva, Roberto’s casino in Atlantic City. Roberto was dressed casually in black pants and black t-shirt. When he leaned against the desk in his office I couldn’t help but stare at his muscular thighs and daydream about how powerful his thighs were. I began picturing his naked body and how he moved in and out of me and the next thing I knew I was breathing hard and aching with a sexual need that was painful.

  I excused myself and headed up to our bedroom with every intention of taking a cold shower and had just started ripping off my clothes when Roberto burst in the room saying “Dio Olivia…I can smell your arousal…let me help you Piccolina.”

  And he did….he made me come so hard that day I thought I was going to pass out from the intense sensations. Like I said, Roberto didn’t mind, but sometimes I really disliked being a slave to my senses.

  When I reached the top of the slope, I saw a car parked in the driveway and wondered who was visiting.

  We didn’t get many visitors here. Roberto liked to keep his home concealed. The only people allowed here were other evolved ones and those who were on the inside with Roberto.

  So, I was curious to see who the car belonged to. Roberto wasn’t due home until the weekend which was two days away. I went around to the back of the house as was my usual custom and sitting on the patio was a tall stunning blond and my best friend in the whole world.

  “Oh my God!” I exclaimed. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home today? I’m so glad to see you!”

  Running to give her a big hug I skidded to a stop when I saw her face. “Sweetie…what’s wrong?” I asked concerned.

  Janel was upset, which made my stomach do

  somersaults. She didn’t get upset over little things. She was one of the most positive people I know.

  She took a deep breath and opened her mouth and shut it again. Uh oh…if she’s at a loss for words this was going to be bad.

  Trying to start her talking I asked, “Did Andy break your heart? Where is he? I will tae kwon do his ass if you want me to.” I teased.

  She was trying to smile at me but failed miserably. I was getting scared. “Janel, just tell me what’s wrong!”

  “Roberto’s married!” she blurted.

  Chapter 2

  I stared at Janel. Not sure whether I should start laughing at her unfunny attempt at a joke or if she was serious, I just sat there with my mouth hanging open.

  “Olivia? Did you hear me? Roberto is married. Well, I’m not sure if he’s married like a normal person but he has a woman. Olivia? Do you hear what I’m saying?” She repeated.

  Snapping out of a fog, I said to Janel, “What are you talking about? Roberto is not married and without doubt not involved with another woman. I have spent almost every minute with him for the last two months. I think I would know if there was another woman.”

  Looking at me with pity she said, “Oh Sweetie, I’m so sorry. I found out while Andy and I were on Cat Island. As you know, a lot of The Evolved hang out around there. One night we were in the Boathouse, that’s a bar that is owned by an evolved.

  The owner’s name is Deon, and it turns out he is a Luscas. I had no idea what that was until Andy explained it to me.” Janel went on in an excited voice, “A Luscas is a sea creature! Can you believe that? Supposedly there are only a handful of them in the whole world. I don’t know if they are all grouches, but let me tell you about Deon. One night I wanted him to make me a special--”

  “JANEL! Please…stop. Is there a point to this story?” I was beginning to get a pounding headache.

  Looking contrite she said, “I’m sorry…you know how I ramble when I’m nervous. Well, like I said we were at the Boathouse and were having a lot of fun when in walked this tall gorgeous blond.”

  At her words my stomach sank to the floor.

  She continued, “All of the people in the bar turned to stare at her. Even I had to stop and stare. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone quite so stunning. When I turned to ask Andy who she was he had a scowl on his face and just said, ‘Trouble’.

  Then she looked our way and made a beeline straight for us. She gave me one of those looks…you know where someone looks you up and down and then dismisses you as not being worthy of their attention.”

  I knew exactly the look Janel was talking about because it happened to me often enough, especially when I was with Janel. I’m just surprised it happened to her.

  “Can you please tell me what any of this has to do with Roberto?” I pleaded with her.

  “Sorry. Well, I really didn’t like the look of her, especially when she grabbed Andy’s hand and said, ‘Hello Andrew. It’s been a while. How is my darling bonded?’

  “Andy looked like he wanted to vomit, when he replied, ‘Fine. He’s been looking for you. Why haven’t you contacted him?’

  “Well, I couldn’t help but ask who her husband was. They both ignored me. Then she said to Andy, ‘Tell him I will contact him when I’m good and ready and he should stop stalking me!’

  “She turned to me then, and let me tell you, she scared the crap out of me when she said, with her damn fangs out, ‘And you can tell your little Sensay friend that I want her to stay away from my bonded and my brother!’”

  Janel said the last with tears in her eyes. I couldn’t comprehend what she was telling me. Her bonded and her brother? What the hell does that mean? Roberto told me his sister was murdered by The Guardians years ago…suddenly a thought came to me. Alex told me that he missed his sister… what was her name?

  “Annika,” I whispered.

  Shocked, Janel said, “Roberto told you he was bonded to Alex’s sister?”

  The world started spinning out of control. I kept hearing the words, bonded…Roberto...Annika…Alex’s sister, over and over again. I heard a high pitched wailing in my ears, and it took a few minutes for my mind to register that it was me howling in grief.

  I heard Andy come crashing through the door followed by Antonio and Mark. I heard Andy admonish Janel, “I told you not to say anything until we got Roberto here. Jesus Janel, she’s a Sensay, and you know she’s not in control of her emotions and senses yet!”

  Crying, she said, “I’m sorry. I had to tell her. What those guys did to her was sleazy. Even you think th

  Seeing her cry snapped me out of my pain induced wailing and brought me snuffling back to reality.

  “It’s okay. Stop crying Janel. I’m sorry for my outburst. I don’t mean to upset anyone.”

  Looking around at the group surrounding me, I couldn’t stand the look of pity on their faces. “I think I’ll just go to my room and lie down for a bit. I have a headache.”

  I all but ran into the house and up the stairs, but when I looked at the door to the room I shared with Roberto, I couldn’t go in there. It was filled with too many painful memories of the love and passion Roberto and I shared. I went instead to where Janel usually stayed and curled up in a ball on the bed. The pain inside me was a living thing. I could feel it twisting and turning through my body. It was like a snake that was feeding on my soul. I felt like I would go mad from it.

  “Olivia…please…stop. I can’t stand to see you this way.” Alex’s voice filled my mind.

  “Go away Alex. I don’t want you here now.” I begged him. Sometimes I really hated how mentally connected we were.

  “Olivia, listen to me. I want to be honest with you.”

  “Honest? You don’t know what that means, Alex.”

  “I want to explain. I wanted to tell you from the beginning. Roberto said we should try and get your cooperation first. We were both desperate to find my sister. I still am. I’m worried about her.

  “Something happened in Italy about a year ago and she disappeared. Roberto swears he doesn’t know what happened. For a while we thought she was kidnapped by The Guardians, but she was spotted by some of The Evolved, first in Amsterdam, then in Sydney and recently in the Bahamas. That’s where Roberto is now. He went to see if he could find her there after Andy and Janel ran into her. We thought you’d be able help locate her.”

  Alex’s voice trailed off. I couldn’t keep the anger from boiling up inside of me.


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