Jude Stephens

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Jude Stephens Page 5

by Touch of a VAmpire

  Abruptly the man stopped laughing and said, “You’re very weak Orenda. I’m going to have my work cut out for me.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. And how do you know my name?” I demanded.

  “You will know soon enough, and everyone here knows your name.”

  “Here? I’m not even sure why I’m here much less where I am.”

  He began to tie the boat lines to the dock and then easily swung himself onto the boat. Now that he was up close, I was overwhelmed with shivers that invaded my body.

  “What’s happening?” I asked in a frightened voice.

  He came to stand behind me and bent and whispered in my ear, “I will tell you everything, but first you will tell your man to back off and put his gun down.”

  I turned around and sure enough Mark stood in the shadows with a pistol trained on the man. I couldn’t help wonder why Bullet hadn’t come to my rescue.

  “Mark, put the gun down. I sort of know this guy. He may be rude, but I don’t think he wants to harm me.” I took a few steps away from the man before I asked, “What is your name?”

  “My name is Cheveveyo, but you can call me Cheve.”

  “Cheveveyo? Is that Iroquois?”

  “No, it’s Hopi.”

  Now that I had stepped away from him I felt a little more in control and I wanted answers. “Where am I? I just kind of followed my instincts getting here.”

  He leaned against the railing and again I couldn’t help but think how ruggedly handsome he was. Mark, having sensed my emotions came to stand beside me. Again, I wondered where Bullet was.

  “You are on the island called Wahya…or Wolf Island. It is a private island and is not on any of the maps. The only way to get here is to follow your instincts.”

  “Well, Cheve, I have to tell you, until recently, I didn’t even know I was Native American or that I had relatives still living. Can you tell me what this is all about?”

  Cheve sighed deeply, “Can we talk while we walk back to the village? It’s getting late and I wanted you to meet your akso:d.”

  “My what?”

  “Akso:d, your grandmother.”

  “My grandmother? I wonder why my parents didn’t tell me.” I mused.

  “I imagine they wanted to protect you. Is there anything you need from the boat before we head back?” Cheve asked.

  “Not too much, just a few things that we brought. Mark can you help me get everything together?”

  Mark grunted and went below deck. “Who is that? He obviously isn’t one of your vampire lovers.” Cheve asked.

  “What? How do you know about my vampire lovers… lover?”

  Cheve smirked at me. “You came to me in a vision

  remember? Besides you are connected deeply with your akso:d. She, you will soon find out, knows everything.”

  I swallowed hard, “Everything?”

  Cheve leveled a steely look at me. “Yes everything, but she never mentioned this one to me.”

  “Mark is a friend who wants to help me that’s all.”

  “He has feelings for you,” Cheve stated matter of factly.

  I began to deny it, but thought what the hell, if this pompous ass knows everything then let him figure it out.

  I just shrugged it off until Cheve said, “Though you don’t have any passion for him.”

  That got me riled. “It’s none of your business who I have passion for. So just stay out of it.”

  Cheve swiftly grabbed hold of me and pulled me into his arms. I did nothing as he lowered his soft full lips to mine. The minute his mouth touched mine, flames of desire licked through my veins. As he pulled me tighter against him I felt my body react in an almost violent way. When his tongue had barely slipped between my lips, I felt the stirrings of an orgasm build. What was happening to me? I couldn’t believe how fast my body reacted to his touch. As swiftly as it begun it stopped and Cheve stepped back, clearly unaffected by our brief kiss.

  “Your passion is most definitely my business, Orenda. As a matter of fact, your passion and the lack of control of your passion are all about my business. I’m your Sensay instructor.”

  With that little announcement he went below to help Mark. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. Cheve my instructor? My mind was whirling. What exactly did that mean? I was still standing in the same place when the guys came back carrying two backpacks. Cheve, rather rudely, shoved my backpack at me.

  Mark went to take it but Cheve said, “Orenda needs to learn to carry her own burdens.”

  Mark glared at him, and I said, “Its okay Mark.”

  Cheve hopped off the boat and waited for us to follow.

  “Wait. I need to get Bullet.”

  Cheve looked puzzled. “Bullet?”

  With the mention of his name Bullet came around from the other side of the boat. Cheve’s eyes widened. “So it’s true then?”

  “What?” I asked.

  “That you are the one of whom the prophesy speaks. You walk with the great wolf spirit.”

  I sighed “I’m not sure why everyone keeps saying that. All I know is that Bullet just showed up a few days ago and he is my friend. Be nice to him.”

  Cheve snorted, “Nice? I will revere him above all other beings.”

  I rolled my eyes. For some reason all of the people around me lately were a bunch of drama queens. We began our trek to the village and the path was eerily just like the one from my dream. I decided to ignore that and instead press Cheve for answers. “Why and how are you going to train me?”

  “Are you asking me my qualifications, Princess?”

  I didn’t like the way he said “princess” and could feel myself developing the red glow of anger in my belly.

  “You are angry with me. That is the first thing we will need to work on, that and your out of control libido.”

  “Hey! Who do you think you are?” He stopped walking and stared me square in the eyes.

  “I think I am your Sensay trainer. The one who will teach you what you’re going to need to know in order to stay alive. I’m also the one who will protect you with my last dying breath for like it or not, you are the hope for The Evolved that walks this earth.”

  With that he began walking again. “I will help you master your senses by pushing them to the limits and finding your breaking point. You need to be able to identify the exact point that sends you over the brink and harness it. It is kind of like building up your body strength at the gym. Each time you go, you add a little extra to your workout.”

  “Okay, so that explains the how, now tell me why you are qualified to train me in this.” I was a little annoyed at myself that the question came out a bit spitefully. I was really letting this guy get to me.

  As if knowing exactly how irritated I was he smirked when he said, “I am able to communicate with Great Spirit warriors. They have honored me by teaching me many things including how to master control over emotions and senses.”

  My mind was trying to wrap itself around this information when I asked him, “When you communicate with the Spirits, is it like a dream? Or is it like you lose yourself for a while?”

  “In the beginning, which I’m sure you’ve experienced, it is very much like a dream though things can manifest.” He pointedly looked at Bullet.

  I had to ask him about the recent fugues plaguing me, “That’s the way it started for me, but the last few days it happened while I’m awake. I seemed to go into a trance like state where I saw my parents and it was like they were giving me instructions on what to do.”

  Before Cheve could answer, Mark chimed in for the first time, “I don’t like it, and she gets very weak and exhausted when it happens.”

  Cheve gave me an, I told you so look “You’re more advanced than I thought. With time, you won’t be weak when you walk in the spirit planes, and eventually you will be able to call upon them anytime you want.”

  “Will you also teach me about my heritage and why everyone seems to think that I�
�m fulfilling some sort of prophesy?”

  “No, your grandmother will teach you those things. I’m more of a ‘hands on’ teacher.” He said the last with a leer.

  I didn’t like this man, I decided as we continued to walk. Amazingly we were walking through the same meadow as in my earlier dream and when we came to the top of the hill we were looking down on a village of longhouses. As we began to walk down the hill people emerged from the long huts. They lined either side of the road and as we walked through, it was just like in my dream. As I passed they averted their eyes and bowed their heads.

  It felt weird. I couldn’t help but have doubts that I was this great princess. I felt like an imposter. It was at that moment that I saw the elderly lady. She was standing at the entrance of a longhouse that stood apart from all of the others. As in my “dream” she was dressed traditionally in deerskin.

  I felt something inside me ache and moving on instinct, I went before her and fell to my knees, took her hands in mine and began to weep.

  She let me cry for a couple of minutes and then pulled me to my feet. “Khe:awak, my daughter, welcome. We have been waiting a long time for you. Come, let us go inside and talk.”

  She led me into the long hut. I turned to make sure that Mark was okay and saw him being led away by Cheve.

  “Your protector will be fine. Cheveveyo will make sure he gets settled.”

  She led me over to the remains of a campfire. Despite her age she easily sat down on some blankets. “During these warm summer months we build our fires outside, but here in the longhouse it is still the center of a home where we gather to talk. I know you have a lot of questions, Khe:awak, and I will try to explain all to you.”

  A young girl appeared and handed us each a glass. By the smell I could tell that it was apple cider.

  “Thank you Sarah.” The girl smiled shyly and left.

  “I will begin at the beginning. There are, as you know, many different species on this planet. What you’ve recently learned is that there are species the rest of the world knows nothing about. These are The Evolved. The beings that stay for the most, part hidden. Yes, there have been some mistakes made.

  Every so often one of The Evolved will be uncovered, but it is easily enough dealt with as myths, or legends. Take, for an example, your vampires.”

  At my startled look she said with a wink, “Do not be startled by my knowledge of this. You will find that I have the gift of seeing. And I also have the gift of understanding. Love is love. It is without thought, without reason. And it is a powerful force. One must follow it to wherever it leads.”

  She stopped and took a long drink. “Your vampires are a good example of legends. There is usually some truth to a legend, and that works to the advantage of all of The Evolved. There are some evolved that are closely guarded. The Sensay is one of them.

  “They have been closely guarded because for the world to know about them, even in legend, is dangerous. A Sensay has the power of the earth. You are one with nature. The earth speaks to you. You are one with all of the beings. All living beings are attuned to your senses.

  For these reasons alone, you would be hated, feared and… she looked at me long and hard, “hunted. I’m afraid in your case there are some added complications. A long time ago, before you were born, there was a gathering of all nations. Great warriors and spirit walkers gathered in the desert of New Mexico. There was a great sweat lodge built and those gathered were told by the Great Spirit that a great Sensay would be born to a wise one. Great powers would be bestowed upon her. She will unite all beings. She will bring peace and happiness to the world. You, my Khe:awak, are that Sensay.”

  For a few minutes I let her words settle upon me. I wanted to jump up and deny them, but there was a deeper emotion rolling around inside me, one that recognized the truth.

  “But how am I to do this? I know nothing of my powers nor am I anything special. I’m afraid I don’t know what to do.”

  “You will be taught, by me and by Cheveveyo, but mostly you will learn from the spirits and from inside yourself. Your instincts will be your greatest instructor.”

  I was silent for a few minutes absorbing all she had told me. I was tired and longed to be by myself to process all I had learned today, but I had an undeniable need for her to tell me about my family.

  “Are you my grandmother? Was my Mom your daughter or my Dad your son?”

  She looked sad and I hoped I hadn’t upset her by reminding her of their deaths and was just getting ready to apologize when she said, “Neither. I am not your grandmother, I am your mother.”

  Chapter 8

  I sat frozen. I could not comprehend the words she’d spoken. Oh, I heard them all right, but I couldn’t make any sense of what they meant. “My what? What did you say about my mother?”

  “Orenda, I am your birth Mother. You are my khe:awak, my daughter. The Sherman’s were your adoptive parents.”

  “No! I don’t believe you. They were my parents. I loved them. I don’t even know you. Why are you telling me this?” I jumped up and made my way towards the door. I had to get out of here, but when I got to the doorway Bullet was blocking my path. “Move Bullet!” When he didn’t budge I tried to push him out of the way.

  “He won’t move. He wants you to listen to me.”

  “I don’t want to listen to you.” Not because I thought she was lying to me but because I didn’t want to hear what she was going to tell me.

  “I had to protect you. There were people looking for you. They would have taken you and used you for their own sick purposes. That or they would have destroyed you in order to make sure the prophesies don’t come true. I died a little inside the day the Sherman’s took you away.

  “I gave you to them. They were good people, whom I could trust to keep you safe. Jay Sherman had a quarter Seneca blood running through his veins. He understood the importance of keeping you hidden. You grew up in middle class America just like thousands of other children. There was no way they could find you.”

  She gave a small bitter laugh “But they did, didn’t they? They found you and the Shermans.”

  I turned at the sound of grief in her voice. It was something I couldn’t ignore. “You loved them too?” I questioned.

  “Oh yes,” she said as she wiped tears from her eyes. “They were beautiful spirits those two, and so much in love. It was a shame that they couldn’t have their own children. They brought you to see me a few times. That was all the contact we could afford. I saw how much they adored you.”

  I didn’t know what to say. I knew she wasn’t lying to me but I had trouble thinking of her as my mother.

  Hesitantly I asked her, “Um, there is one thing I want to ask. If you’re my Mother then why do you look so….”

  “Old?” she filled in for me.

  I felt my face flame. “Well, even Cheve thinks you are my grandmother.”

  She sighed. “It’s true; I was older when the great spirits blessed me with a child. I was almost fifty. Your Han’nih, your father, could hardly believe it when I told him. He was a good man. He died before you were born in a car accident of all things. He was stuck over on the mainland during a brutal snowstorm. He was anxious to get back home to me.”

  I kept quiet. She seemed to be lost in some sad memories.

  When she spoke again it was with a surprisingly strong voice. “It was after that, that I knew you were going to be a special child. I began having visions. The Great Spirits told me that my unborn child would be a Sensay. Not only that, but that the child would have the power to unite all of the earthly beings.

  They told me that I was to keep you safe at all costs, for there would be many who would do you harm. It was also at this time that I got my gift of seeing. That, more than anything, kept me strong. I was able to at least see you in visions from time to time.”

  Hearing of her visions gave me the nerve to say, “I’m not sure but I may be having visions too. I’ve had a few instances where I seem to go int
o a trance like state.”

  She shrugged “It’s possible, but we will talk more on this tomorrow. You look like your are very tired, Khe:awak. I will show you to your house.”

  “Am I not staying with you?” I asked looking around the large longhouse.

  She laughed “Oh no. You will need a house of your own while you are in training. I am too old to be kept up by that.”

  I groaned, thinking about the rough road ahead of me; probably long hours of martial arts and cardio training. I let out a long sigh to which the woman just laughed. Bullet and I followed her out into the warm summer night. She led us to a smaller house set apart from the others. When we entered I was surprised to see there was a regular bed and small dresser.

  “I thought having some of the things you were used to would help you settle in better. I know this isn’t easy for you Orenda.” She stood close to me and reached up to place a hand on my cheek. “How I wish things were different and you were not standing in front of me looking at me as a stranger instead of your mother.”

  I started to protest, but it was true. She was a stranger.

  “What shall I call you? I don’t think I can call you mother. Not when I was used to calling my real mom…I mean my…” I stopped embarrassed.

  She dropped her hand from my cheek and said, “Don’t worry. I understand how you are feeling. Why don’t you just call me Onatah? That’s my name.”

  I inwardly breathed a sigh of relief, I didn’t want to call her Mother. It was too soon. The wounds were still too fresh. I smiled at her and said, “Thank you, Onatah.”

  She gave a small nod and said, “Goodnight then Orenda. Sleep well and I will see you in the morning.”

  After she left I glanced around the small house and took in the furnishings. I saw that someone had brought my backpack in and laid it by the dresser. There was a small wood burning stove in the corner. And although there was no firing burning, Bullet curled up in front of it. I laughed at him “Ahhh. Staking out your territory already?”


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