Jude Stephens

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Jude Stephens Page 13

by Touch of a VAmpire

  He traced a finger along my neck. “I’m sure gonna miss biting you, but damn, I don’t want to be out of control like that again.”

  I kissed him along his jaw line. Something I’d been dying to do. “We may be able to do it again one day. Maybe when this mission is over we can take a week’s vacation together. I can imagine if we holed up somewhere we could do anything we want.”

  “Ohhhh, sexy and smart. No wonder I love you.” Alex smiled at me.

  It still made me uncomfortable to hear him say that, so I changed the subject. “How long have we been here? Do you think we still have enough night left to get to Leeds’ place?’

  “We’ve been here a little over an hour. I think we can make it, but it will be cutting it close.”

  “I’d like to try to make it Alex. We have our flight lined up for tomorrow night and it’s a direct flight which was more difficult to get. If it gets too close to daybreak we can find a hotel. I don’t want to risk you getting caught in the sunlight.”

  Alex cupped my chin “You are a good person, Wren. Probably too good for the likes of me or any other vampire. We vampires tend to be a bit on the selfish side and more than a little domineering.”

  “It’s funny, I never thought of you as domineering…” I faltered. I was about to compare him with Roberto. I didn’t want it to always be a thorny subject between us, but now was not the time to dredge up all of that.

  “Why don’t you see if you can feed quickly while I get Cheve to get my suitcase so I can change?”

  “Okay Babe, but I may have to find a person as opposed to an animal. It will be much quicker.”

  I hadn’t thought about that. In all the time I’d spent with vampires I’d never given any thought to them biting humans besides myself. “Um, Alex? How do you go about doing that? Do you hurt them?”

  Alex laughed. “No. Haven’t you ever seen a vampire take blood from a human?”

  I thought back to the one time I saw Roberto take a human’s blood. He ripped the throat out of a Guardian.

  “Only once and Roberto ripped his throat out first.”

  “Let me assure you, that’s not how we usually go about feeding from a human. Why don’t you get your clothes and come with me while I feed?”

  I was pleased that he wanted to take me along. Roberto had been on the secretive side when it came to all things vampire.

  Alex was much more open about things, but then again maybe it was the age difference. After all Alex was a few hundred years younger than Roberto.

  “I’d like to see that. Can you get my bag from the car and I’ll change my shirt real quick.”

  “Of course. You know when we have time I’m going to have to take you shopping. This is the second shirt I’ve ripped off you.” Alex chuckled.

  I laughed but said, “Don’t worry, so far it’s all been t-shirts, now if you start ripping my sexy lingerie then…”

  Alex groaned, “God, Wren, please don’t talk about your lingerie. I’ve had so many fantasies the last few months, and they always had you wearing black lace and leather.”

  I wanted to go over and wrap my arms around him but was afraid to. I know how hard it is to control the lust that races through our veins. So instead I just said, “Don’t worry, Hurrit. I promise you one day you will get to see my lingerie, and I may even want you to rip it off.”

  Fire blazed in his eyes for a moment followed by confusion. “What did you call me?”

  My mouth turned up in a slight smile. “I called you Huritt. It’s a native American word.”

  “What does it mean?”

  “Oh no. I remember the night we first met you said something to me in Swedish, and I never did find out what it was. So now you can just wonder as I did.”

  “What I said that night was you will be mine. I was claiming you”

  “Ahhh…I should have known. Well, I’m not going to tell you anyway. I’ll make you wait just like you did to me.”

  Alex chuckled and went to get my suitcase. He came back a minute later rubbing his jaw.

  “What happened?”

  “I don’t know. When I went out for your bag Cheve was leaning against the car, so I thought I’d ask him if he thought I was a huritt, and he hit me. I almost ripped his throat out, but I thought you might get mad if I did that. That guy is working my last nerve, Wren.”

  I was laughing so hard that I had a hard time catching my breath. When I finally was able to speak again I said, “I’m sorry that Cheve hit you, but it may have sounded like you were coming on to him. You asked him if he thinks you’re handsome.”

  I started laughing again picturing Cheve’s reaction.

  “Okay, now I’m embarrassed. He probably thinks that I’m still in need.”

  That made me laugh even harder. When I could control myself I said to Alex, “When I first met Cheve I thought he might be gay, and now he thinks you were hitting on him. This is too funny.”

  Alex’s grin was evil. “You know we could have some fun with this.”

  I shook my head no. “Don’t try and antagonize the man. He is my friend.”

  “Okay, I’ll let him be, but I do owe him one for socking me in the jaw.”

  I changed my shirt and we left the room. Alex threw my bag back in the car. Cheve was still leaning against the car.

  “Cheve, Alex is going to feed and then we’ll be ready to leave. I’m going with him.”

  He gave Alex a dirty look. “Do you think that’s wise?”

  Alex looked at Cheve with a steel glint in his eye. “I would never do anything to bring harm to Wren. I value her life above my own.”

  Were these two ever going to be able to get along, I wondered. “Let’s just get going Alex.” I pulled him by the arm. “So who are we going to bite tonight?” I asked him.

  He looked around and nodded towards the hotel’s office. “How about the desk clerk?”

  I took a deep breath. “Okay let’s go get you dinner.”

  When we opened the door the desk clerk looked up and smiled. “Hello, how I can I help you this evening?”

  He continued smiling as Alex walked up close to the desk. Alex smiled back and said, “Do you have a map? I’m afraid we’re a bit lost.”

  The clerk replied, “Of course. Let me just go in the back and get one.” The clerk stepped into a small room behind him and Alex and I followed. I closed the door as Alex went behind the man, slightly leaned in and the next thing I knew the man was slowly being lowered to the ground by Alex.

  “What did you do to him? Did you mesmerize him? I’ve seen that in the movies.”

  Alex turned towards me and rolled his eyes. “No I didn’t mesmerize him. I applied pressure to his carotid artery and he passed out.”

  “But you barely touched him!”

  “I’ve had years to practice the technique. I can tell by the flow of blood just how much pressure to apply. This man’s arteries are clogged with cholesterol. The blood flows slowly. He only needed a slight pressure to bring him down.”

  Alex lifted the man’s arm and rolled his sleeve up baring his wrist. Without ceremony, his fangs slid out and he bit into the man’s wrist. Alex didn’t drink long and when he was done he licked the wound. He rolled the man’s sleeve back down and lifted him into a nearby chair.

  Alex’s eyes met mine. “Now you know the reality of a vampire’s life. It’s not either all good or all bad. It’s life trying to survive.”

  I had to admit it was kind of anticlimactic. I had expected mesmerizing eyes and commanding words and had gotten bite, drink, done instead.

  “Will he be okay?” I asked as Alex opened the door and escorted me back outside.

  “He’ll be fine. He will wake in about fifteen minutes feeling a little groggy that’s all. I didn’t take much from him.”

  When we got back to the cars both Mark and Cheve were waiting. Cheve pushed himself off of the SUV and said, “I think it’s best if Alex rides with Mark again. There’s no way of knowing if he will get into
the same state again.”

  I began to protest when Alex interrupted, “I agree. At the moment I’m fine, but I don’t want to test it. I apologize to everyone for the hold up.”

  Mark shrugged. “Bullet enjoyed taking a walk.”

  Alex looked at Mark and nodded. I was surprised at Mark’s show of support for Alex.

  I wrapped my arms around Alex. “See you soon handsome.”

  Alex kissed my forehead and grinned at me. “That’s right. You called me handsome before. You think I’m sexy, don’t you?” He wagged his eyebrows at me and hopped in the car next to Mark. I walked over to the SUV and slid into the front seat beside Cheve.

  “Fucking Vampires,” was all he said as he pulled out of the parking lot.

  Chapter 18

  We got to the swamp an hour before sunrise. We had to walk the last two miles and kept a brisk pace. Bullet loved it.

  When we got to the edge of the swamp I said, “Where the hell is Leeds? He promised that he would meet us here.”

  “I’m over here, Sugar Lips.”

  I turned around and sure enough there was Leeds standing tall at close to seven feet. As always my breath caught at the sight of him. He truly was gorgeous. His long black hair was loose and flowed just past his shoulders.

  I knew from memory that his body was rock hard. He had muscles that bulged in all the right places. The only thing that took some getting used to was the fact that his eyes glowed red, but that was only at night.

  I ran to him and threw my arms around him and hugged him tight. “Oh Leeds it’s so good to see you again.”

  “Awww, Sugar Lips it’s good to see you too. Um, have you been working out?”

  I laughed even as Alex came over and took Leeds hands off of my butt.

  Leeds looked at Alex and then at me. “Awww, don’t tell me that you got rid of one vampire and then got another one?”

  Alex glared at him and Cheve laughed. I somehow remembered my manners. “Leeds I want you to meet some of my friends. This is Cheve. He is my Sensay trainer, and this is Mark, my friend.”

  Leeds looked at them, nodded and to me said, “I really wish that it was only you here. I could use your help.”

  “My help? With what?”

  “I’d rather not say.” Leeds’ face went blank and he began to rub himself.

  Alex swore. “Holy hell, Leeds. Control yourself! Don’t you think we better get moving if we want to get to your cottage before sunrise?”

  Leeds shook himself out of his trance. “Okay. Bloody hell, you vampires are a pushy lot.”

  Leeds led the way to a row boat. I looked at our group. We weren’t all going to fit. “There’s no way we’re all going to fit. Bullet will have to wait and have someone come back for him.”

  Leeds looked at us, “Which one is Bullet?”

  “Bullet is my wolf.”

  Leeds eyes looked around wildly, “Wolf? You brought a wolf with you?”

  Alex chuckled at him, “Are you afraid of a doggie?”

  “Alex, please. Leeds there’s no reason to fear Bullet. He is as gentle as a lamb.”

  Leeds didn’t exactly look afraid, he looked pissed.

  “Leeds, Bullet is a special wolf, and I promise he won’t cause any trouble. If it makes you feel any better he can sleep in the work shed out back.”

  Leeds still looked angry but said, “Okay. I don’t want no wolf running through my house.”

  Having solved that crisis, I called for Bullet who was out doing God knows what in the woods. He came trotting through the bush and once again I found myself admiring this animal. I leaned down and rubbed his head. “We’re going to go over to the cottage now, Boy. Mark will come back for you in a little while. Stay out of trouble okay?”

  As usual, Bullet looked at me with complete comprehension and lowered his huge body to the ground and laid his head on his paws.

  We climbed into the boat and headed off. I saw Alex glancing at the sky and knew it would be cutting it close to dawn. I reached over and squeezed his hand. The electricity crackled between us and I quickly dropped his hand. It seemed that the lust the blood bond created was still there.

  Thankfully the trip across the swamp was uneventful and since we were all just carrying a backpack, there was no need to unload the boat. With the exception of Mark, we all took off in the direction of Leeds’ cottage.

  As soon as the cottage came into view I asked Leeds, “Is it all right if Alex and I stay in the same room I was in last time?” I wasn’t thrilled to be in the same room that Roberto and I had shared, but I knew that there were no windows in there and would be better protection for Alex.

  Leeds mumbled, “Sure. Why don’t you tuck your latest vampire into bed and I’ll make breakfast for the rest of you.”

  I glared at him over the latest vampire crack. Leeds opened the door to the cottage and everything was pretty much as I remembered it; however, there was an odor that I had a hard time defining. It almost seemed animal in nature but that wasn’t quite it. Oh well, I thought to myself, one never knew with Leeds and what he was up to.

  I looked admiringly around the room. It was a surprisingly lovely cottage that could make one believe they had stepped into a cottage in the English countryside, which is what I’m sure Leeds was trying for. His family was comprised of English settlers who settled in this area in the 1700’s. A stroke of fate and genetics made Leeds what he is today. The so-called Jersey Devil.

  I led Alex down a short hall to the bedroom that I stayed in last time. Alex was unusually quiet.

  I dropped my backpack on the floor and said, “Thank God we made it in time. I was worried.”

  Alex smiled at me. “I’m gladder than you are. It sucks being caught out in the sun unconscious.”

  “Has that ever happened to you?”

  “Just once when I was young. Annika and I were out playing hide and seek. I got lost in the woods, but luckily when the topor came upon me I was in some pretty thick brush. Our servants found me before the midday sun burned me.”

  “I remember Roberto telling me that a vampire is just sensitive to the sun.”

  “That’s true, but when you’re young the sun is much more dangerous. A young vampire is more susceptible in a number of ways. When we’re young, our need for blood is higher.

  “Think of it as a young human, you go through growth spurts and need to take in more calories. It’s the same thing with our death sleep. The topor comes on very quickly for the young, but as you age, you may be able to hold off a little longer and wake a bit earlier.”

  I realized how little Roberto had told me about vampires during our time together and voiced my opinion, “I don’t know why Roberto never told me these things.”

  As Alex began undressing he said, “Do you remember me telling you once that there is a great divide between the old vampires and the young?”

  I nodded trying to concentrate while Alex stripped off his shirt as he continued, “Well, it’s more like a war then a divide. The council of vampires in which Roberto is a member, does not want to budge their stance on issues. They believe things must remain the same. The oldest vampires rule with an iron fist.

  “They have a long list of rules, no mating outside the species, no divulging our strengths, no humans for food, no other councils may be formed, no breaking of bonds. They are absolute in their ways and will not even consider change.”

  “What kind of change?”

  “We mainly want to have a say and representation on the council. Many on the council hold on to the old ways and do not embrace the changes in the world. We would bring the vampires of the world together with the technology that is available in order to help each other.”

  I could see that Alex was passionate about his cause when he grasped my hands and said, “Wren, there are vampires in this world that are ashamed of what they are. They are led to believe that they are abominations and mistakes from God. It is heartbreaking to see a young pup hating himself for being different. Just
like in human society, there are those vampires who live in ignorance.”

  I wrapped my arms around him, my heart melting at his compassion.

  “How can the council ignore such things?”

  “They live in the past, Wren. They don’t see a need to change things when it’s worked this way for hundreds upon hundreds of years. That’s why Roberto never told you too much about vampires. That is the way of the elders.”

  I was glad that Alex explained things to me. It made me understand why Roberto was more reserved and why he had never explained things to me. I said, “Thank you Handsome, for trusting me and bringing me into your world.”

  Alex took my chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilted my head back so he could look into my eyes. “You are my world.” He lightly brushed his lips over mine and I could feel his body begin to relax as the topor overcame him.

  “Damn,” was all he said as he let go of me and made his way to the bed. I helped him off with the rest of his clothes and right before he succumbed to his death sleep he whispered, “I love you.”

  Knowing that he couldn’t hear me, I whispered back, “I love you too.”

  I stared at his handsome face a few minutes before I made myself get up and head to the kitchen to find the others.

  Cheve was seated at the table staring at Leeds with his eyebrows furrowed as Leeds stood by the stove cracking eggs and humming the Benny Hill theme song. I sat down just as Cheve said to Leeds “So Big Guy, you like the Benny Hill show?”

  Leeds didn’t turn around when he replied, “Huh? Never heard of it.”

  Cheve glanced in my direction with a slightly alarmed look on his face. I just shrugged in response. Mark walked in and sat down.

  “Did you get Bullet settled?” I asked him.

  In a usual Mark response, he said, “Yep.”

  Leeds finally turned around and with a spatula in his hand said, “Just keep him out of the house Sugar Lips.”

  I was puzzled by his reaction to Bullet. Granted he was a wolf, but Leeds didn’t seem the type to be fearful of any man or beast. Leeds set a plate in front of me loaded with scrambled eggs, bacon and toast.


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