Jude Stephens

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Jude Stephens Page 17

by Touch of a VAmpire

  Janel looked hurt, “You know I would never say something unless I was sure. It’s not my intention to hurt you and I can’t believe you would think so.”

  I immediately felt contrite. “Oh, Janel, I know you wouldn’t try and hurt me on purpose, but I need to know facts if I’m going to keep myself alive, and sometimes well, you know you tend to get carried away with a bit of gossip.”

  I couldn’t help but think back to how Janel always used to buy the tabloids in the supermarket. She was a firm believer in Bigfoot the Loch Ness Monster and Yeti’s.

  I took a minute to stop and think about that. I was in a room with a vampire, a spirit walker and I myself was a Sensay. Who was I to judge Janel and the tabloids?

  “I’m sorry, Janel. I didn’t mean that. I’m just upset and need to know the truth.”

  Janel looked a little less hurt, “Well, I told you I’ve been working at the clinic. We get all kinds of patients there. A few days ago who walks in but the tall blond bombshell herself, Annika.”

  I had to sit down. I was now positive I didn’t want to hear this.

  “I knew who she was the minute she entered. She knew who I was too because she said, ‘What the hell are you doing here?’ I told her I was helping out and learning to use my nursing skills for The Evolved now. She narrowed her eyes and asked, ‘Is the fucking Sensay with you?’ I told her no, and she just said, ‘good.’

  “I asked what I could do for her and she told me she needed a bottle of tussin A B.”

  At my confused look she said, “Tussin A B is a cough syrup made especially for vampires. It’s made of a regular cough syrup and A B positive blood.”

  Still confused I asked, “I didn’t think vampires were susceptible to common colds.”

  “They aren’t, but their children are, especially before they reach puberty and start their transformation. Research has shown they do, however, benefit from blood even before they hit puberty, thus the added addition of pure A B positive into the cough syrup.”

  Janel was pleased with her knowledge of Evolved medicine I could tell, but I really wanted her to get on with it.

  “Janel?” I reminded her.

  “Oh yeah, sorry. Anyway, after I got her the medicine, she said, ‘Tell the Sensay to trust no one.’ And then she left.”

  I felt better. As was usual Janel had been exaggerating. “That doesn’t mean Alex. She was just warning me that’s all. Though, I do wonder about that. I’m sure she holds no love for me.”

  Janel said, “I think it’s more than that though, she said something about her brother being involved in this mess too now.”

  My heart sank. I didn’t believe it. I would not believe it until I talked to Alex, and I stated as much, “I don’t know what’s going on but I will say one thing. I trust Alex and I will give him a chance to explain.”

  “I think that’s a good idea. These evolved are a secretive and strange lot,” Janel said.

  I cleared my throat and Janel hastily added, “I didn’t mean you. You’re not like them.”

  I sat down on the chair. I was getting tired. “Ah, but I am like them Janel. I’m different now than when you last saw me. If I concentrate I can hear your heartbeat loud and clear. By the way it sounds its nice and healthy. I can smell what you’ve eaten for breakfast through your pores. By the way, watch the bacon or your heart won’t always beat so healthy. And I may not have x-ray vision, but I can see just about every skin cell clearly on the back of your hand. You may want to change hand lotions by the way, yours isn’t working so good.”

  At her horrified look I shrugged and said, “You’re a little flaky.”

  “Now, that just creeps me out. Stop that. You don’t walk around all day sniffing and listening to people’s bodies, do you?” Janel said clearly disgusted with me.

  “Of course not. I just wanted you to understand what I am. I’m not like you. I’ve accepted my difference. I need you to also. You’re my best friend.”

  Janel came over and hugged me. “I’m sorry. I do know you’re different. I just don’t think of you that way. To me you will always be sweet Olivia, though I’m glad that you’ve embraced your real name, I’ve always like it.”

  I smiled, “Everyone seems to have shortened it to Wren now.”

  “I like that even better.”

  In a way I was glad there was at least one person on the planet that didn’t look at me differently. God knows, most days I felt like a freak.

  I stifled a yawn and Cheve said, “Wren must get some rest. Since we are among The Evolved there will not be need for protection, so we will all get some sleep and meet in the dining room at dusk.”

  Janel was giving Cheve what I liked to call the flirt eyes. “I like the way you take command Cheve.”

  I almost laughed at his wary expression. I felt like telling him to run as fast as he could. I said my goodnight to everyone, quickly showered and climbed into bed beside Alex.

  I lay beside him looking at his boyish features. He looked so peaceful and innocent in his death sleep. Could he be playing me? Somehow I didn’t think so. What we needed to do was talk to Annika. As much as I hated to face her I knew she was a key to everything.

  I slept and when I awoke it was to the sweet sensation of Alex on top of me. Unable to stop the flames from building, I opened myself to him. I was wet and ready and he slid inside me. “God Baby, promise me I’ll wake up next to you for the rest of our lives and I’ll never ask for anything else. I love you Wren.”

  He kissed me until I was dizzy and couldn’t think clearly. His hips pumping fast, it didn’t take either of us very long to shout out with our climaxes, and I couldn’t help tease him, “Well, that was short and sweet.”

  Instead of being put out by my remarks he replied, “Yep…that’s the way I say good evening. After feeding, I’ll start showing you how I say good night, and I’ll say it all night long.”

  I hit him with a pillow. “Go shower and dress. We have to meet Janel and the guys in the dining room.”

  He groaned, “Oh God, you found her, huh?”

  “Stop it. She’s my dearest friend, and I want you to be nice to her.”

  “You ask a lot my love, but for you I will do it.”

  He rolled out of bed in all of his naked gloriousness and I said to him, “You are so beautiful. You look like you were sculpted by the Gods themselves.”

  He grinned and said, “Yeah, I know.”

  I threw the other pillow at him. One of the things I loved about him was that he was so easy going. He didn’t turn every conversation into a life and death matter like Roberto tended to do. I felt uncomfortable comparing the two vampires, but I couldn’t help it.

  I would have to mention Annika before we went down to meet the others. When Alex returned from the shower, I was dressed and ready to talk. He sang while he dressed. “Let’s spend the night together. Now I need you more than ever.” I still couldn’t believe how beautiful his voice was. “You seem to favor the British Invasion.” I said to him.

  He turned with a wide grin, “Oh yeah. The sixties in London was a wild time.”

  I could see Alex in sixties fashions dancing in the clubs. My breathing quickened when I pictured myself dancing in his arms. I forced my mind from the enticing image and saw Alex watching me with a lazy smile. “We don’t have to go down and meet Janel. I can call room service and we can stay in bed all night.”

  He began walking towards me clad only in his jeans. I tried staring at his bare feet but strangely even that was turning me on.

  I jumped up. “No. Janel has information about Annika.” I blurted.

  He stopped. “What? Is Annika here?”

  “I believe so. Janel saw her at the clinic a few days ago.”

  “The clinic? Is she sick?”

  “Um no, she was getting some medicine for a child.”

  A pained look crossed his face. “I guess she had a child then.” He sat down on the edge of the bed. “It’s hard to understand any of this, Wr
en. I don’t get why Annika ran away. There was a time when we were young that Annika and I would share everything. I love my sister and to not know what’s going on hurts.”

  I went over and wrapped my arms around him. “Don’t worry we’ll find Annika and straighten everything out. And then we’ll find Roberto and we’ll go home.”

  “I like the sound of that. Home. Do you think your Mother would mind if we built a bigger place on the island? Maybe on the other side?”

  “Why Mr. Sandstrom are you asking me to move in with you?”

  Looking serious Alex said, “No Wren. I’m asking you to marry me.”

  “Marry?” I repeated.

  “Yeah Wren, marry. I know we’re already bonded in the vampire way. I want to marry you in the way humans do. I want the world to know how much I love you. I want to be your husband and walk beside you everyday.”

  My head was spinning. Part of me wanted to jump up and down and say yes, yes, yes! Another part of me cringed at the word marriage. My first marriage with Brian had been a disaster and it wasn’t just the cheating thing. He was critical and controlling. Now that I discovered my abilities and my purpose in the world, I liked being the one in command of my life.

  Sensing my hesitation Alex said, “Baby you don’t have to answer me now. I just wanted you to understand how I feel about you. How I’ve always felt. I know you love me and that is all that matters to me.”

  I did love him, and I knew that he loved me. He was right. That’s all that mattered. I kissed him. “I love you Alex, and one day it will be the right time and we’ll both know. We need to clean up this mess around us first.”

  He sighed “Of course you’re right, but damn I just wish the world could go away so that I can concentrate on loving you.”

  I laughed. “You need to concentrate on loving me?”

  He leered at me, “Oh yeah. I need to think about all the places and all the positions that I’m going to take you in. There is this hot spring right here on this island where I picture us making wild love…”

  I jumped up. “Okay…now I need to concentrate on something else. Let’s go down to the dining room.”

  When we got downstairs, everyone was already there. To my delight even Bullet was lying beside the table. When he spotted me he got up and met me halfway wagging his tail.

  “Hiya Boy. Are they taking good care of you?” I asked while I petted him.

  I looked at Alex “Is it okay for him to be in the dining room?”

  Alex bent down and petted Bullet’s sleek fur. “Sure, this is a hotel that caters to The Evolved after all. Believe me half the guests in the dining room right now are far more wild than Bullet.”

  I glanced around. The people in the dining room looked normal enough to me. I opened up my senses and was assaulted by a myriad of smells, sounds, visions, and feelings that literally knocked me on my ass. It had come at me like a freight train.

  Alex was helping me up when the others came to assist.

  Cheve gave me a scowl. “Wren, what were you thinking opening yourself up like that?”

  “I’m sorry. I wanted to see what types of Evolved there are here.”

  Cheve was not happy with my answer. “You haven’t had enough control training to filter yet. We have to work on that.”

  Janel smiled at him, “Can I watch?”

  Cheve took a step back. Alex laughed. Bullet sat back down beside the table and I couldn’t help but feel like things were normal once more.

  I said to Alex, “I think there’s another vampire at the table over there.” I pointed to a tall pretty woman with long black hair.

  Alex looked and Janel chimed in, “Oh no. That’s Aida. She isn’t a vampire, she’s a chupacabra.”

  “A chupacabra? What’s that?” I asked.

  Alex answered. “A chupacabra is a close cousin to the vampire, which is most likely why you thought she was vampire. There is a subtle difference with some primate DNA being interwoven. Only those skilled can tell the difference.”

  Janel added “He’s right. I only know because she’s a patient.”

  There was so much to this new world that I needed to learn about. A waitress came and we ordered. I wondered when Alex was going to hunt when he excused himself from the table. Janel and I chatted for awhile catching up on what we were doing. The way she spoke of the doctor at the clinic I had a feeling that she was indeed involved with him. I felt bad for Andy, but this was nothing new for Janel. She flitted from man to man and I once again wondered if she would ever find the man who could tame her. I realized that Alex had been gone for awhile and voiced my concerns, “I wonder where Alex went. He’s been gone for a while now.”

  Janel said, “He went to feed.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “When he ordered, he asked for the breakfast special. That for a vampire is the animal of the day.”

  “Ewww…I don’t know why but for some reason I find the thought of feeding on a human more palatable than feeding on an animal.”

  Cheve chimed in, “That’s because the fucking vampire bit you and you liked it. Imagine them biting someone unwilling. They’ve been known to do that over the centuries.”

  Janel cut in, “Oh Christ, Cheve. You’re living in the dark ages. These days vampire mostly drink from animals and if they don’t it’s by mutual consent”

  I wondered what Janel meant by that. “What do you mean by mutual consent?”

  “The hotel has a service here for vampires that they can request a human donor be brought to the room. It’s not advertised, but you know how it is. If you have enough money you can buy anything.”

  I wondered if Alex had ever used that service. I would ask him later. Our food came and as we were eating Alex returned. He bent and kissed my cheek. I wondered if he just had those lips on a cow or a woman. I would ask him that later too. For now though we needed to get down to business

  “Okay, here’s my plan for the day. We’ll go to the clinic so I can get a feel for Annika. That was the last place she was. I’ll see where that leads. Hopefully we can find her tonight.”

  Cheve said, “That’s fine. But first, before we leave this hotel, I want to know the truth.” He looked at Alex, “Come clean and tell us why you’re trying to keep Wren from knowing the whole truth.”

  Chapter 24

  All heads turned towards Alex. I held my breath. Surely, I would have felt if Alex was keeping something from me.

  Looking everyone in the eye Alex said, “This is a matter between Wren and me. You can be assured; however, I would never do anything to hurt her. I would gladly lay down my life for her.”

  Alex now only looked at me and took my hands in his. “Take my hand my love. Feel and know what I say is true. You are my heart and I would die before allowing any harm to come to you. There may be truths that need to be told but they are not my truths to tell.”

  Looking into his eyes and holding his hands, I could feel the life force flowing through him. The life force that was his and mine combined. I knew he spoke the truth, and I also knew there were some things he held back. The things held back were not of his doing, but I got a feeling he was afraid for me to learn of it. I knew in an instant what it pertained to. Out loud I said “Roberto.”

  Alex dropped my hands quickly and averted his eyes. “It’s not my place to talk of it.” He looked up with pain shadowing his eyes. “I am always and forever yours, no matter what.”

  I was scared by the intensity of the emotions playing through me. I was in turmoil. From deep inside my heart I heard Onatah saying “Khe:awak, open your heart to the light and all will be well.” With those words I was able to calm the raging fires. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the truth. I didn’t need anymore chaos in my life. I reached up and cupped Alex’s face and tried to erase the fear I saw there, “And I am yours.”

  “And I am going to throw up.” Cheve said. “Let’s get going. I’m anxious to begin this so we will be that much closer to going home.”
  As we stood Alex said, “Mark bring the car around, and then Cheve and I will escort Wren to the car. There will be no repeat of this morning.”

  “This morning?” Janel repeated.

  “It was nothing.” I said.

  At the same time Alex said, “Someone shot at Wren.”

  Janel didn’t look shocked. “Yeah well I told you, you are the topic of a lot of conversations among The Evolved.”

  I stopped walking. “You never told me that.”

  Janel shrugged, “I thought I did. Well anyway, people either think you’re an overblown braggart who is trying to stir things up or you’re the greatest thing since sliced bread and you’re gonna save the world.”

  We continued walking and I wondered which statement was truer. We waited by the door as Mark brought the car around. I felt silly walking out to the car sandwiched between Cheve and Alex with Bullet bringing up the rear.

  Janel was assigned to the front seat and Cheve, Alex and I were in the back. Bullet stuffed his large body into the cargo area. No smart car for us, I thought as we lumbered our way into a huge Escalade.

  Janel gave directions and in half an hour we were pulling up in front of a plain grey brick building. There were no signs on the building and Janel explained none were needed because all of The Evolved knew where to go for medical treatment. We went in the back door for which Janel had a key. She led us into an office and turned on the light.

  “Do you have anything that Annika may have touched?” I asked.

  Janel thought about it. “The only thing she touched was her receipt. She signed because she used a debit. I don’t think she was using her real name though. I’m trying to remember what name she used. It was Chris or Christine. No. I remember it was Ann Crist.”

  Janel went through the stack of receipts and found Annika’s receipt. She handed it to me. I held it on the palm of my hand. I let my senses free. I could smell the scent of the tree that the paper had been made from. Above that I could smell a scent that was similar to Alex’s but with a hint of hibiscus.


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