Beautiful Lie

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Beautiful Lie Page 4

by Leah Holt

  Moaning quietly, my eyes closed on reflex, body melting into his hands. Birch had spent years learning all the places that gave me goosebumps if he kissed them or caressed them just right.

  His eyes never stopped watching me, they never left my body, not once. Taking notes on how I moved or whimpered, he payed careful attention to how my body reacted to his lips and hands.

  I felt like an instrument he had been playing for years. He knew my chords, he knew which string to pluck and strum so I sang for him. It was perfect, always perfect.

  Releasing his hand from my wrist, I kept stroking the hard member as Birch slipped his fingers under my shirt.

  Hard pads caressed my breasts, plucking at the pebbled beads. “You want this, don't you?” Another moan spilled from my mouth, louder and less controlled. “Sing for me my sweet little siren.” Sharp teeth clamped down on my shoulder, biting into the flesh.

  There was no escaping him now. My mind had turned off, refusing to let thoughts that weren't about his cock come through.

  Moaning, my eyes closed tight as I pushed my chest up and forced my tits into his hands.

  Growling, he twirled my perked flesh hard, grinding his cock into my hand. Birch knew exactly what he was doing, and he was loving every second of it.

  His eyes flirted with a primal smile, teeth nibbling his bottom lip as he grunted. In one quick spin, strong hands flipped me onto my stomach, and bent me over the bar.

  With painful slowness, he slid a hand down my spine, curling his fingers into my hips. Working my pants, he popped the button and slipped his hand into my panties, searching for my sex.

  “Fuck, Cyprus, you're so damn wet right now.” A single finger dipped between my folds, massaging the juice against my clit.

  “Mm,” cooing, my head snapped forward, fingers clutching the firm wood edge. Brushing the counter with my belly, the cold surface iced my skin, forcing me to suck in a quick gulp of air.

  “Tell me what you want, Babe. Tell me what you want me to do.” Rolling his hips, he massaged the dimples above my ass with his thumbs. “Let me hear you say it.” Gliding a hand back into my panties, he cupped my mound, putting pressure on my swelling nub.

  “Fuck me, Birch.” The tip of his finger flicked my clit, causing my legs to tremble. “Fuck me.” The words came out built on nothing but air as my hips rocked, forcing his finger against my needy button harder.

  “That's what you want, hm? You want me to fuck you?”

  All I could do was nod. I had lost my voice as his finger massaged and swirled my hot center, forcing all the words from my mind. An air-filled moan escaped my lips as he pushed his finger into my pussy, then pulled it free to find my clit again.

  Running his free hand up my back, he tangled his fingers into my hair and tugged the locks with a quick snap. “Tell me, say it so I can hear you.”

  “Fuck me.”


  “Fuck me.” Groaning, my ass rolled and bucked, pushing into his belly.

  Tearing at my pants, he worked them down over my thighs, leaving them to trap my knees. Wrapping my hair around his fist, he gripped my roots and shoved my head down against the bar. “Again, say it again. I love hearing you beg for me.”

  “Fuck me, Birch.”

  I heard the metal teeth on his jeans as he tore open the zipper. Harsh fingers dug into my ass cheek and pulled the plump flesh apart. A throaty growl rolled off his tongue, as the tip of his cock pressed my entrance.

  My body was on fire, begging for him to take me. I needed his cock, I needed to feel him deep inside me. There was nothing I could do once I hit that level of greed. I had to have him, right there, right then.

  If he even tried to stop and walk away, I would have jumped him like a starving cougar, and devoured him whole.

  In one quick thrust, Birch's length was buried inside my pussy, pulsing and throbbing as he stilled. He didn't move, allowing my walls to stretch around the muscle and lubricate his cock.

  The coarse hair at the base of his dick tickled my ass, my pussy clenched around him tight and firm, waiting anxiously for him to move.

  Shifting his hips, he pulled back slowly, only to drive in deeper. His crown hit my lower belly, forcing a rush of air to skip out of my lungs. Thrust after thrust, he fucked me. Raw and needy, the love of my life turned from man into beast.

  And I begged for every second of it.

  “Harder, fuck me harder.” Gnawing on the inside of my cheek, I did my best not to scream. The last thing I wanted was to be interrupted by a curious old man, searching for the sound. That would be a recipe for disaster, killing any and all arousal that had claimed us.

  Each piston of his hips was followed by a deep grunt. With clenched teeth, grinding into each other, he slammed in and out hard and fast.

  My brain went fuzzy and numb, forgetting where we were. When I was with Birch, it always felt like there was no one else in the world. He was all-consuming, engulfing every inch of my body and mind.

  The orgasm bubbled, tingling in my stomach and spreading down my legs. My tits scraped the bar top, making my nipples tender and firm beneath the fabric of my shirt.

  “Mm, Birch, fuck, I'm so close.” Biting my lower lip, I looked back at him over my shoulder. “Don't stop, harder, harder. Fuck me, fuck me harder.”

  His hips drove in with malice, threatening to force me to my knees. Pressing the tips of my toes into the floor, I found my balance and readied my body for pure ecstasy. I was right there, teetering on the edge of sexual insanity, ready to jump.

  With white knuckles I held on tight, as fireworks shot through my muscles turning them weak. The orgasm hit hard, making my thighs quiver and my lungs struggle for air.

  I couldn't breathe, but I didn't need to. He fed me everything my body needed to survive. He was my food, my water, my oxygen. I could give up everything, and as long I still had my man, I would be happy.

  Birch picked up his pace, gripping my hips in both hands and pulling me back to meet his rhythm. With one final thrust, he groaned, stilling above me and clinging to my waist with the tips of his fingers.

  Dropping his chest onto my back, we laid there like that for a few seconds. Our chests rose and fell together, our breathing loud and ragged as we both slowly came down from the high coursing through our veins.

  “Okay,” he finally said, pulling his cock free and grabbing a few cocktail napkins from the holder to clean off. “Back to work.” Slapping my ass, the sound rang out, echoing in the empty bar.

  Giggling, I grabbed a few napkins for myself, and turned to look at him. “You're lucky I love you.”

  Smiling, he clasped my jaw with his thumb and finger. “I know I am.” Giving me a kiss, he snapped his back straight. “I've always known how lucky I was to have you.”

  My heart pitter pattered, watching his eyes glisten with that same look he has given me since we were kids and confessed our love to each other.

  Tucking his cock back into his pants, he buttoned them up and glanced at the clock. “And we still have twenty minutes to spare. Want to go again?”

  “You're a fucking animal.” Shaking my head, I threw the napkins into the garbage. “And no, we'll have to go for round two later.” Wriggling my hips, I shimmied my jeans back into place.

  “You're no fun.” Pouting his lips, he batted his eyes like a sad puppy dog. “Come on, I can be quick.”

  Smirking, I nodded in agreement. “I know.”

  “Hey,” he barked, doing his best not to laugh. “That was one time.”

  “That's all it takes for me to know it can happen.” Grabbing the stack of papers from under the register, I rested them in my arm, and started for the office downstairs.

  “I love you!” he yelled as my foot hit the top step.

  “I know you do.” Smiling to myself, I pressed the papers to my chest and walked into the dimly lit basement.

  For years I often wondered what my life would have been like if this tragedy hadn't happened. I wond
ered who I would be and what I would be doing if I hadn't ended up in those woods.

  Would I be in college, working towards a degree in accounting?

  Would I be slaving day after day as a waitress in a shitty restaurant, barely getting by?

  And then one day those thoughts just stopped.

  Because there was no place I could picture that would make me as happy as I was with Birch.

  There was a silver lining to my story; finding the love of my life in the middle of a nightmare.

  Chapter Two


  “This isn't what we agreed, Nicholi.” Antoine tapped his thumb against his jaw and stared down the rectangle shaped table. “We agreed to fifty thousand for the run. That was what you said, that was the number you told me.” Holding out his finger, he glared through one eye at his target sitting beside me.

  Nicholi sat deadpan, not willing to play Antoine's games. Glancing at me, he flicked his eyes to the pile of papers on the table. I knew what he was getting at without him having to ask.

  Flipping through the contract I had drawn up a few weeks prior, the same one Antoine had signed, I slid it in his direction. “That's your signature—right?”

  Scoffing, Antoine rolled his eyes and pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his breast pocket. “Am I doing business with you, Nicholi? Or your little pet?”

  Nick didn't give him the pleasure of a reaction. But I knew it bothered him when someone would toss out shitty words about any of his children. And even though I wasn't his by blood, he still considered me his daughter.

  I saw his finger twitch, it was subtle, but it was there. I was fairly certain that if the deal was done and the money was in our hands, Antoine would have had a bullet in his brain right then for what he said.

  “She asked you a question.” His face was cold, no emotion or concern about the tension that was starting to build between them.

  I always found Nicholi's level of cool one to be desired. He could stay still as water on a cold winter day, no expression, no arched brow or curled lip. It didn't matter how much someone pressed him, he was a statue.

  But that was also his secret weapon. He gave you nothing to go on, nothing to show you that he was getting pissed and angry. He would make you think that all was fine, that whatever shit you had pulled didn't bother him as much as a pimple on his ass. And then he would strike, one click and you'd be laying in a pool of blood.

  It was a masked brutality, a game he took pride in. And one I had been lucky to avoid. I wasn't sure I could handle that side of this shit. And so far, I've only heard stories, I haven't had to see it first hand.

  I wasn't stupid, I knew what Nick and Birch were capable of. I also knew that death came with the job. It didn't change how I looked at them, not once had I ever questioned their loyalty to me. I didn't have to fear these men, but others weren't so lucky.

  Glancing down at the paper, he nodded. “It is, but you must have doctored it. Seventy grand is not what we agreed on.” Lighting the end of his cigarette, he took in a long, slow pull. Wispy tendrils snaked out over his lips, filling the air with a sweet scent.

  Clove cigarettes. . . Huh, I wouldn't have expected that.

  Most of these jerks smoke cigars.

  Crossing my leg, I cleared my throat. “I didn't mess with the deal, that's what you signed, that sheet right there.” Leaning back in my chair, I clasped my hands on the table, speaking clear and firm. “I'm only going to warn you once, don't accuse me of fucking with this shit.”

  I took my job seriously, there was no way in hell I would fuck with something so sensitive. Numbers were mine and mine alone. I created the contracts, I sat with Nick and discussed reasonable prices for their services. And I would never ever go back and change them once hands had shaken on it and pen hit paper.

  Chuckling, Antoine looked over at his brother Collin, his lips curling high with amusement. “Your little pet there is feisty,” he said, ticking his head back in our direction. “Maybe we can adjust our deal a bit, make it more worth my while.”

  “The deal is set,” Nick snapped, jerking his body straight. “I agreed to give you two boats and help you get your merchandise into the country. Seventy grand, that's what I said, that's what you got. There's no room for negotiation now.”

  Holding out his hands, Antoine's mouth turned razor thin. “I think there's always room for tweaking shit, we can add in a little disclosure that would make this deal much sweeter.”

  Nick veered his stare, his voice harsh and fierce. “I filled my end of this, you have a debt to pay. Don't make this harder than it has to be.”

  The two men glared at each other, each one trying to assert their own level of power. The first time I had sat in on one of his meetings, I was fucking nervous as hell.

  But not now, not anymore.

  Time had thickened my skin. I wasn't intimidated by these assholes and their comments or threats. My confidence had grown, my comfort with what I was capable of when it came to protecting myself, Nicholi, or any one else I loved was strong.

  Standing up from the chair, I walked closer to Antoine, pressing the tips of my fingers into the table. “We're done here, you have until tomorrow to pay us what you owe. Understand?”

  Antoine's eyes slowly clicked my way, the air tearing like a thick sheet of cardboard as he broke the staring match with Nick. Licking his lips, he smiled up at me, letting out a devious laugh. “We can take this firecracker off your hands for a bit, Nicholi, show her a real good time.”

  My skin turned hot, blood percolating under the skin like coffee as he grinned at me. Holding my breath, I flared my nostrils, doing my best not to smack him across the face. My knuckles turned ghost white as I balled them tight and dropped my face to his. “Tomorrow, or I'll make you regret ever stepping foot in here.”

  “Sweetheart, why don't you sit back down and let the big boys talk.” Flipping his fingers, he waved me back towards my seat. “You look much prettier when your mouth isn't moving.” His eyes turned to pinpricks as his teeth blared white behind parted lips. “I think you need a muzzle for your pet, Nick, she doesn't know her place.”

  Wrong answer asshole.

  In one quick swoop, I kicked him in the chest, forcing his chair to drop backwards and land him on his back. Collin jumped from his seat, but he wasn't quick enough. My gun was out, level with his head.

  Jerking his arms out to the side, Collin stepped backwards, palms facing me like a big white flag. Keeping him in my peripheral vision, I pressed my heel into Antoine's throat, cutting off his air supply.

  “How do I look now?” Cocking my head, I applied more pressure, watching his eyes pop from the sockets as he choked for air. “Tomorrow we expect payment. And if you don't make good on it, it won't be my pretty little face you'll be seeing.”

  Nick started to laugh, raising up from his seat. “I don't think your idea of a muzzle went over too well.” Rounding the table, he nodded at me to relax. Removing my foot, I allowed Antoine to breathe again. “I think we're clear, right?”

  Antoine held his neck and shook his head.

  “Good, now get the fuck out.”

  Scrambling back on his hands, his brother grabbed him from under his arms and lifted him to his feet. The two men were gone before I even had time to blink.

  Patting my shoulder, Nick leaned in and kissed my forehead. “See, and you didn't want to take the gun. I told you it's better to be prepared and not have to use it, than need it and not have it.”

  My body started to shake as the adrenaline wore off and what I had done sunk into my head. I hadn't thought about it, I reacted. It was like instinct, a natural reaction that happened before I had time to really decipher my movements.

  What did I just do?

  That could have ended really badly! I could have just put us in danger even more!

  “I. . . I'm sorry, he just—”

  “No, no, don't apologize. I liked seeing that, maybe a little too much.” Nick patted my shoulder an
d brushed my hair like he used to when I was younger. “It makes me happy to know you can handle yourself. You did great, Cyprus.”

  “But what if he—”

  “He won't.” Nick's words were short and direct. “People fear us, we don't fear them. That's how this works. You did exactly what you should have.”

  I can't believe I just did that.

  Smiling, I swallowed hard, forcing my racing heart back into my chest. I felt weird, like in that moment I hadn't been myself. I had lost control, I had allowed his stupid fucking comment to drive me into a blind rage.

  That jerk needed to be put in his place.

  He had insulted me, he had tried to make it seem like my only place there was being eye candy. I didn't like it. He needed to learn respect for women. . . for me.

  I'm a Rottera. This is what we do.

  Birch jogged down the stairs with a curious look on his face. “What the hell just happened? I don't think I've ever seen those two move that fast in my life.”

  Squeezing my shoulder, Nick smiled. “Your girl here just put them in their place. You would have been proud.”

  “Wait, what?” Shifting his eyes between us, he looked dumbfounded. “Why didn't you ring me? You were supposed to ring me if there was a problem.”

  “Cyprus handled it just fine.” Lowering his head, Nick walked past his son and up the stairs. “I'll see you two at home. Great job, Cyprus. I think tomorrow will go nice and smooth.”

  I watched him disappear into the bar above us, and heard him move through the room. The door jingled, signaling Nick was gone. And I couldn't help but feel slightly torn between the good and bad world I was living in.

  Protection was Birch's job, not mine. I was the numbers, I was the tax-altering paper criminal. Not an assassin. Nick might have complimented my reaction, but I felt horrible for being a loose canon.

  I really am one of them. . .

  Walking to my side, Birch ran his hand through his hair. “I'm confused, what the hell just happened?”

  Folding my arms, I plucked at my lips and shrugged. Was I supposed to tell him the truth? That I had drawn my gun on the men and almost crushed Antoine's larynx to prove a point?


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