The Complete Box Set: Saving Her

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The Complete Box Set: Saving Her Page 10

by Bry Ann

  Gunner looked me directly in the eyes and answered swiftly.

  “Protection. I can offer you my protection Sam, and judging by today’s beating, you’ll need it.”

  My head shot up, and I looked at him in surprise. He was right. I did need his protection. Somehow, despite his lack of a moral compass, I trusted he really would have my back if I were his partner, better than most people here would anyway. He respected me, and I could tell that didn’t come easily to him.

  “How do I know you’d have my back, huh? You ordered my beating today, and I'm just supposed to, what, sign on with you as my partner. Do you think I'm an idiot?”

  “No, but I can see it in your eyes. You know I'm right, and you know, as my partner, I would make sure nobody beat the shit out of you. It wouldn’t be because I care, it’s because you offer me something that can help me earn more money. No one fucks with my money. Besides, I may not have a major conscious or anything, but I have a certain let's say, comradery, with my partner. I don’t like when people mess with that.”

  “I’ll think about it.”.

  Gunner whipped around and glared at me.

  I smiled. “I will. You have my word.”

  That seemed to settle him a bit, and within a second we were at the coffee shop I had discussed. I was rather impressed I was going to get out of this car without further injury or death.

  “So, you are getting out here?”


  “Okay,” he said with zero cares as to whether or not I made it home. I got out of the car, and he yelled out the window. “Get back to me by tomorrow. Tim will give you my number.”

  With that, he was gone, and I was left trying to limp my way home. It was so painful and exhausting getting back home. I then had to get myself through the back window somehow. I spent the rest of the day in bed. If my mom needed me, I wouldn’t have known. There was nothing left for me to give her that day. Not emotionally, physically or mentally.

  Chapter 8:

  For the first time, I called in sick from work. Kallie, the girl who answered the phone, affirmed it was me three times before passing it on to Shauna who passed it on to Matt. He just about passed out when I told him I wasn’t coming in. I had to reassure him three times that I was okay. He offered me time off “gladly” and said to take as much time as I needed. Perks of never calling off, no one ever doubts your motives.

  I stayed in bed for two hours before my mom used her walker to come in my room.

  “What are you doing here Sam? Don’t you have work?”

  “Um, yeah, I did but, uh, stuff happened, and my day off got switched.” God such a lie.

  I can’t lie to my mom worth shit. She raised an eyebrow at me before turning around and then back towards me after taking a few steps.


  “Yeah mom,” I grumbled through the pain.

  “Are you okay? What I mean to say is… Sam are you in trouble?”

  My head shot up, and I attempted to sit up fully, but the pain stopped me. Luckily, I bought the pillow up with me when I lifted my head because it effectively hid my face.

  “Of course I'm fine. What kind of question is that?”

  “Of course. Why would I even bother asking you?” my mom snapped.

  I closed my eyes and tried not to cry. I knew I’d hurt her. By the time I opened my eyes again, she was gone. I turned over in my bed and covered my face with my pillow for several minutes.

  Ring! Ring! Ring!

  I lifted my head off the pillow as my phone began to ring off the hook. I groaned and opened my phone. I had four texts. One from Tim, one from Gunner and two from Logan. This was the epitome of my complicated, screwed up life. Two texts from a mega superstar, one from a drug dealer, who I’d slept with, and the other from another drug dealer who happened to want to “partner” with me. Even with my incredible ability to handle stress and suppress my feelings I was supremely overwhelmed.

  I opened Gunner’s first. Somehow that one seemed the least complicated.

  Gunner: What’s your answer? I won’t wait any longer.

  I sighed and flipped to Tim’s text next.

  Tim: I’m sure you heard, but you are in. I think you and Gunner are a good partnership, for your sake more than his. This will be my only tip out of courtesy for the awesome sex. You have a deal tonight at 6. Meet me at the same bar. If you don’t choose Gunner tell me now.

  I rolled my eyes and went to flip to Logan’s, but I couldn’t handle that yet. Somehow the druggies seemed easier.

  Gunner. What was I going to do there? On the one hand, I didn’t trust him, like him and hated him for the way my body was feeling right then. On the other hand, as a partner in a drug trade somehow, I knew he wouldn’t screw me over like the other guys probably would. He was smart, and he could protect me. I decided.

  Me: Fine. Don’t forget what I said Gunner. Don’t screw with my family or me.

  Gunner: I’m shaking. See you at 6.

  I groaned and went back to Tim’s text.

  Me: Yeah, thanks. I guess. I’ll be there tonight. Gunner and I are a go.

  He didn’t respond. Thank Goodness. I was over that conversation.I took a deep breath before flipping through Logan’s texts.

  Logan: Hey! So, I won the case against Rogan. Dude owes me $3000. It’s not much but whatever. Should it help?

  I texted back immediately: Should help?

  Logan: Yeah, your mom. I'm sure any bit could help with various treatments and stuff, even if insurance covers most of it. If somehow you owe nothing like I know you’ll say then get her some nice clothes.

  “No that’s your money!”

  Logan: “No. It’s all you're ever gonna get from him. It's yours. I'm not arguing with you on this. Besides, I mailed it already.”

  LOGAN! I went to text back, before I had even hit the send button my phone dinged again. I hit send and flipped to that text. It was Dana. When did I get such an active social life?

  Dana: Hey Sam. Sorry to bother you. Can we meet up? I need you.

  I texted back immediately. “Are you okay?”

  Logan: You are oh so welcome.”

  Me: I’m sending it back to you, but thank you Logan. You are so nice to me. I saw the tabloids. Having fun in LA?” I texted back secretly annoyed. Logan had been seen leaving multiple bars drunk with a parade of women. He was back to his typical life; women, alcohol, fans and potential upcoming projects and opportunities.

  Dana: I just need a friend.

  Oh shit. I literally could not even today. I had the “meeting” at six but more than that she would take one look at me, even with makeup and tell Logan. I could not have that happen.

  Me: I literally can’t today Dana. I'm so sorry. I would be there. Wanna talk on the phone or can you wait until tomorrow?

  Dana: I can wait until tomorrow. Time?

  Me: I start work at 12:00 pm. So 9 AM?

  Dana: Perfect.

  After several minutes, Logan finally texted back.

  Logan: Uh yeah. I'm having fun.

  I could almost see him running his hand through his hair.

  Me: Good, you can have fun for both of us then.

  Logan: Meeting up with the bartender?

  I was pissed at him for sleeping around and drinking so much I decided to lie and even the score.

  Me: Not him, but there have been others.

  Logan: Are you messing with me?

  Me: No, I deserve to have fun too, right?

  No response.

  Me: Seriously you are not my dad Logan. I'm joking. I'm just working.

  Logan: Thank God.

  Me: You are such a hypocrite.

  Logan: Yeah, I am….

  Me: I have to go.

  Logan: Hey, is everything okay?

  Me: Fine, why?

  Logan: Idk, you seem different.

  Me: I’m texting

  Logan: Yeah, I know. Just getting weird vibes. Ignore me.

  Me: Vibes? You’ve
been in LA too long.

  Logan: HAHAHA, I’ll be back soon! Namaste;)

  I threw my phone to the side and mumbled: “take your time” to nobody. I sighed and threw the covers over my head and rested until the alarm I had set for 4 pm went off. I moaned but managed to use the headboard to sit myself up. The pain was still so bad but slightly better than this morning. I managed to get out of bed and throw on a bunch of extra makeup to hide the yellow bruising on my face. I wore loose jeans and a zip-up hoodie. Clothes that hid my injured body but were loose enough that they didn’t cause me any more pain.

  I walked out into the living room and out the front door. I thanked God my mom was in bed with the nurse. I shut the door quietly and took the bus to the bar. Tim met me out front and took me to the room in the back where I was beaten up last time. I cowered inwardly, scared of another beating, but I didn’t let it show. In the room this time, however, was a table with food and comfy places to sit. I took a sit as far away from everyone as possible. Tim and I were the first ones there, followed by Gunners old goonies, Gunner himself and then three other men.

  “So, do you have an arrangement with this bar or something?” I asked.

  “Let’s just say the owners are great clients, and we are great providers that offer a significant discount,” he said eyeing me under his pierced eyebrow.


  “Speaking of,” Tim turned to the rest of the group, “this ray of sunshine over here is Sam. Sam was a fuck buddy of mine before signing on. Now she’s Gunner’s partner.”

  “Gunner’s fuck buddy?” One joked. “Where do I get in line?”

  “Gunner’s partner,” I said glaring daggers into the guy who made the joke.

  One guy in the back, who seemed very serious, looked at me with menacing eyes.

  “She gets to be Gunner’s partner? He’s the best agent. The biggest moneymaker. We all work hard doing and do whatever the hell he orders, and she walks in here and is picked automatically because she has a vagina!”

  Tim opened his mouth, but I stood up sending my stool flying back.

  “You know what asshole I….” I roared before Gunner was by my side setting his hand on my shoulder. He pushed me down roughly.

  “She was picked because she’s fucking smart and seems to be able to think beyond a third-grade level. If someone else proves they can do that and offers me things she can’t, then speak to me. Trust me. I'm fucking open.”

  With that, he sat back down. Well, it seemed I made a good choice accepting Gunner’s offer then.

  “Now let’s move on with the meeting,” Gunner said with a threatening calm. “The job Sam and I have in a bit has some very colorful characters, and I’d prefer to be prepared. It’s in all of your financial interest.”

  “Especially yours and your bitch,” that overly serious guy spat out again.

  “Watch it, Collins,” Gunner warned.

  All I was thinking about was Gunner’s use of the word ‘colorful’ to describe men we were meeting with.

  “Okay anyway,” there was amusement in Tim’s voice, “Gunner and the one with the vagina are going to…”

  “It’s Sam!”

  “Yes, your highness,” he gave a fake bow. “So, Gunner and Sam are going to meet with the X5 gang’s leader and two of his men. They requested a rather large shipment, and we want to discuss the details with them first. If Gunner and Sam can make it work the right contract could be signed today and we can maybe even get the first payment situated. It would be great money for each of us.”

  Gang? What have I gotten myself into? I was trying to keep my face stoic because I could feel Gunner watching me carefully, but I knew I wasn’t doing a very good job.

  “Okay so here’s the plan,” Tim continued, “Gunner, you know what to do. Be your usual charming self. Sam, you are going to play a different role each time we go out. I won’t make you do what you need to do today every time because, well, I know you’d kill me. However, I do need you to do what I say this time. It’s as much for your benefit as ours. In this bag is an outfit. Wear it. Wear it, Sam,” he said again with emphasis. “You are playing Gunner’s ‘girlfriend’ of sorts. Act drunk, charming, slutty. The head guy has a weakness for breasts, and although you aren’t that pretty, you have some good tits. No one here can tell in that fucking jacket, but I’ve seen them. They are pretty solid.”

  “Aren’t you charming,” I grumbled. Gunner and his goonies laughed. “For real though. There is one problem with your plan.”

  “And that is….?”

  “I’m covered in fucking bruises and shit from yesterday’s lovely introduction. So unless Gunner is my abusive ‘boyfriend’ of sorts, this isn’t gonna work.”

  Tim just smiled. “Raymon, Archer help Sam. Gunner get changed and wired. Meet us back here when you are done. Everyone else, you know what to do. Get logistics done. Make this as easy for them as possible. Raymon and Archer, after you help Sam find your backup positions in case shit goes south.”

  “I’m not being changed by two random drug dealers Tim.”

  Everyone stared at me in shock and Tim glared at me.

  “Fine then, Sam follow me. I’ve seen it all so I guess that would be preferable to you.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “And Sam, watch your mouth. I'm your boss now. I will admit you have an advantage being the first girl ever to get in, which I admit we desperately needed, but as you can tell I'm not past hitting a woman. Either is Gunner. So, watch it.”

  Gunner must be like second in charge or as high up as Tim. Everyone sure respected the hell out of him.

  “So, you coming?

  “Yeah, I’m coming.”

  I shot one last look at Gunner who shrugged and then I followed Tim. He headed into the women’s restroom and locked the door. He picked up the bag and threw it at me.

  “Here put these on.”

  I pulled some black clothes out of the bag, and I went into the stall to change. The minute I went to the stall Tim busted out laughing.

  “Sam,” he roared with laughter. “I’ve seen you naked so many times. Are you shy now? What changed?”

  Uh, sorry, Tim. I have higher standards now.

  “It’s awkward when it’s one-sided Timothy.”

  “I can get naked too if that’s what you want.”

  “Very funny. Just give me a minute.”

  I tried to throw on the clothes he gave me, but they were so tight. I had to put on tight black skinny jeans, a long sleeve black lace top that scooped all the way down to just above my belly button and a pair of black boots.

  “Well this sure doesn’t leave much to be imagined in the boob area, does it?”

  “I believe that’s the point. Now get out here.”

  I wrapped my arms around my boobs and walked out.

  “Oh quit with the false modesty Sam. We both know it’s beyond you.”

  He was right. I hated dressing like this, but I wasn’t shy by any means. For some reason this conversation made me think of Logan. Logan. My heart burned again. The funny thing was he was probably hooking up with some chick, getting drunk and not giving me a second thought, but I missed him. I missed the way he always made me laugh, how he seemed to understand me so easily and put up with my bullshit and all his stupid nervous quirks that made him the dorkiest superstar ever. This was my reality though. I uncovered my boobs and not so subtly adjusted them to try and make them pop.

  “So, the bruises?” I asked.

  “Yeah right. Sorry, I was distracted,” he laughed. “Yeah Gunner sure beat the shit out of you, didn’t he? I’ll have to tell him to pull back slightly next time.”

  “Gunner? He didn’t do it. The other two did for your information. Gunner just ordered them to do it and left.”

  “What? Are you fucking with me?”

  “Uh, no why?”

  Tim started adding makeup to my chest, face and exposed skin.

  “Well I’ll be damned; this partnership may ju
st be better than I thought. I’ve only ever seen Gunner back out of a beating once.”

  “Really?” My eyebrows shot up. “Who?”

  “His ex. In his past, she was an honor student and was like super smart and shit. Gunner and she were in love back in the day. He respected her. Then some tragedy happened. Gunner won’t talk about it. She turned into a junkie; he became a drug dealer. She got into a lot of debt with us, and he refused to beat her for the money. He looked like a fucking ghost when she entered the room. It was a blast from his past.”

  “He still let her get beat up?”

  “He had no choice.”

  “Yeah, real gentlemen.”

  “Gunner’s all business now Sam. Not evil, not good, he just does what needs to be done.”

  I nodded. In some weird, fucked up the way I understood that.

  “Well you are good to go,” Tim said as he dabbed the last bit up makeup on me.

  I looked in the mirror. The makeup covered the bruises well. I needed to learn how he did that. My face was covered in dark makeup that did its best to make me look remotely sexy, which I knew I wasn’t.

  “How did you learn this?” I laughed.

  “Partly covering my own shit, partly from being a tattoo artist and the other part if I told you I’d have to kill you.”

  “I’m intrigued,” I said as we walked out.

  “Sam,” he jerked my arm and turned me around to face him. “This friendly banter has to end. We have fun, but I have to keep my reputation with my men. I can’t treat you differently. Understand?”

  “I’m in a porn star outfit covered in bruises. I wouldn’t say you are babying me.”

  “You know what I am saying.”

  I jerked my arm away and walked back into the meeting room. I didn’t feel like myself with these men. It was like Sam was gone and her much tougher, much braver alter ego took over. The only thing reminding me of who I used to be was the pounding in my chest.

  I took a seat in my chair and forget for a second that my boobs were on display. I was easily reminded by the ogling from all the men in the room, except for Gunner who looked straight ahead, stern.

  “Okay, guys. Stop staring at my tits. Seriously.”

  They all laughed.

  “Can we go? I’ll fill Sam in on the way,” Gunner asserted. All business. I see what Tim meant.


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