Boy Meets Girl b-3

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by Meg Cabot

  Boy Meets Girl

  ( Boy - 3 )

  Meg Cabot



  Begin Reading


  About the Author

  Books by Meg Cabot



  About the Publisher

  For Benjamin


  New York City’s Leading Photo-Newspaper

  Kathleen A. Mackenzie

  Personnel Representative

  Human Resources

  The New York Journal

  216 W. 57th Street

  New York, NY 10019


  Ida D. Lopez

  Craft Food Services

  The New York Journal

  216 W. 57th Street

  New York, NY 10019

  Dear Mrs. Lopez:

  Last week, we met to address your continuing job-performance problems related to thegiving out of dissemination of serving of items from the dessert cart you operate in the newspaper’s senior staff dining room. These problems have persisted despite repeated counseling sessions withme my boss Amy Jenkins supervisors as well as staff training programs. Specifically, your refusal togive disseminate serve dessert to certain members of the senior staff has resulted in several written complaints from administrators at thisestablishment paper company.

  Mrs. Lopez, your refusal to serve dessert to certain members of the paper’s staff is disruptive to food service operations, and the explanations that you have provided for your behavior are notsatisfactory wholly believable inexplicable acceptable. This letter is being issued as a written warning with the expectation that there will be an immediate and sustained improvement in yourwork attitude food service dissemination job performance. Failure to comply will result in further disciplinary action.

  On a more personal note, Mrs. Lopez, please stop refusing to give senior staff members dessert, even if you feel, as you explained to me last week, that they don’t “deserve it.” Which members of the paper’s staff do or do not deserve dessert is not your decision to make! And I would hate to see you asked to leave the food craft services department over something so silly! I would really miss you—and your chocolate chip cookies!

  Damn it.

  From the Desk of

  Kate Mackenzie

  To do:


  Finish disciplinary warning letter to Ida Lopez.

  Pick up prescriptions—Allegra, Imitrex, Levlen.

  Get new Almay pressed powder compact.

  Find new apartment.

  Find new boyfriend.

  Get better job.

  Get married.

  Have successful career.

  Have children/grandchildren/big retirement party.

  Die in sleep at age 100.

  Pick up dry cleaning!!!!!!!!!

  Kathleen A. Mackenzie

  Personnel Representative, LZ

  Human Resources

  The New York Journal

  216 W. 57th Street

  New York, NY 10019


  [email protected]


  What are you doing?


  WORKING. Stop IM-ing me, you know the T.O.D. doesn’t like it when we IM during office hours.


  The T.O.D. can bite me. And you are not working. I can see your desk from here. You’re making another one of those To Do lists, aren’t you?


  It may look like I’m making a To Do list, but really I am reflecting on the series of failures and bad judgment calls that have made up my life.


  Oh my God, you are twenty-five years old. You have not even had a life yet.


  Then why am I in such mental and emotional anguish?


  Because you stayed up too late last night watching


  reruns. Don’t try to deny it, I heard you salivating over Cole.


  Oh my God, I’m so sorry!!!!!!!! Did I keep you and Craig awake?


  Please. Craig would sleep through a nuclear blast. And I only heard you because I got up to use the bathroom. These hormones make me have to go every five minutes.


  I am so, so sorry. I swear I will be off your couch and out of your place just as soon as I get a line on a studio I can afford. Paula’s taking me to look at one tomorrow night in Hoboken. $1100/month, third-floor walk-up.


  Would you stop? I told you, we like having you stay with us.


  Jen, you and Craig are trying to have a BABY. You do not need an old college roommate sacking out on your living room couch while you are trying to procreate. You did enough just getting me this job in the first place.


  You more than earn your keep with all the cleaning you do. Don’t think I haven’t noticed. Craig even pointed out this morning that you had dusted the top of the refrigerator. Obsessive much, by the way? Who even looks at the top of the refrigerator?


  Well, Craig, OBVIOUSLY.


  Whatever. You can’t afford $1100/month on your salary. I know how much you make, remember?


  It’s the cheapest place Paula’s found me so far. That isn’t on the same block as a methadone clinic.


  I don’t understand why YOU are the one who had to move out. Why didn’t you kick HIM out?


  I can’t stay in that apartment. Not with the memories of all the happy times Dale and I shared.


  Oh, you mean like all those times you came home from work to find that, like, one of his bandmates had mistaken the closet for the bathroom and peed on your suede boots?


  WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BRING THAT UP AT WORK? You know it always makes me want to cry. I really loved those boots. They were perfect Coach knockoffs.


  You should have thrown his stuff out onto the fire escape and changed the locks. “I don’t know if I can marry you after all, I have to take things one day at a time.” I mean, what kind of thing is that for a guy to say?????


  Um, the kind of thing an ex-pothead who is about to land a million-dollar recording contract would say to the girl he has dated since high school. I mean, come on, Jen. Dale can get anyone now. Why would he stay with his girlfriend from high school?


  Oh my God, I swear if it weren’t for the T.O.D. watching me like a hawk for any excuse to can my ass, I’d come over there and slap you. You are the best thing that ever happened to Dale, recording contract or no recording contract, and if he doesn’t know it, he isn’t worth it. Do you understand me, Katie? HE ISN’T WORTH IT.


  Yes, but then what does that say about ME? I’m the one who went out with him for ten years, after all. TEN YEARS. With a guy who isn’t sure now that he wants to marry me after all. I mean, what does that tell you about my ability to read people? Seriously, Jen, I probably shouldn’t even be allowed to work here. How can I presume to tell my employers who they should and should not hire when I am obviously such a heinous judge of character?


  Katie, you are not a heinous judge of character. Your problem is that you—


  logged on

sp; AmyJenkinsDir:

  Pardon me for interrupting, ladies, but is there or is there not a departmental ban on Instant Messaging during office hours? Ms. Sadler, please get me the blue form on the new hire in Arts. Miss Mackenzie, I need to see you in my office right away.


  logged off


  logged off


  logged off


  logged on


  logged on




  Her home life must be very unsatisfactory.


  logged off


  logged off

  30’s East Rent Stabilized

  A Steal! Studio $1100. No

  Fee. Call Ron 718-555-7757

  Yo! It’s Ron. Leave a message.


  Um, hi, Ron? Hi, this is Kate, Kate Mackenzie. I’m calling about the apartment. The rent-stabilized studio in the East Thirties? Yeah. Please give me a call about it. I can come to look at it any time. Really. Like in five minutes, if you want. Just, you know. Call me. I’ll be at 212-555-6891 until five, then you can reach me at 212-555-1324. And thanks. Call anytime. Really.

  If you sprinkle

  When you tinkle

  Be a sweetie,

  Wipe the seatie!

  This message brought to you by

  The Human Resources Division of theNew York Journal


  New York City’s Leading Photo-Newspaper

  Features Division

  The New York Journal

  216 W. 57th Street

  New York, NY 10019

  Human Resources Division

  The New York Journal

  216 W. 57th Street

  New York, NY 10019

  We, the undersigned, of the Features Department of theNew York Journal, are hereby returning this sign, found in the restrooms on our division’s floor. While we realize that this sign is the Human Resources Division’s humorous way of dealing with the complaints of untidiness in the restrooms at 216 W. 57th Street, we find the sign offensive for the following reasons:

  We in the Features Department do not “tinkle.” We urinate.

  We in the Features Department do not refer to ourselves, or anyone else, as “sweetie.” (exception: Dolly Vargas has on occasion referred to people as sweeties, but not in reference to their hygienic practices)

  We in the Features Department do not refer to toilet seats as “seaties.”

  A more appropriate step toward maintaining an appropriate standard of cleanliness in our restrooms might be more frequent spot checks by the custodial staff.

  Please do not hang signs like these in our restrooms EVER again.


  George Sanchez

  Melissa Fuller-Trent

  Nadine Wilcock-Salerno

  Dolly Vargas

  To: Jen Sadler

  Fr: Kate Mackenzie

  Re: Amy’s Toilet Signs

  Oh, my God, the Features Dept. returned those signs the T.O.D. made housekeeping hang in all the toilet stalls! Too funny! Want to be there when I tell her? Amy, I mean.


  To: Kate Mackenzie

  Fr: Jen Sadler

  Re: Amy’s Toilet Signs

  OF COURSE I want to be there. You know how disappointed she’ll be when she finds out. She says she hung signs like this all through her sorority house, and that the girls loved them. This is gonna be so good. . . .

  New York Journal Employee Incident Report

  Name/Title of Reporter:

  Carl Hopkins, Security Officer

  Date/Time of Incident:

  Wednesday, 1:30 p.m.

  Place of Incident:

  NY JournalSenior Staff Dining Room

  Persons Involved in Incident:

  Stuart Hertzog, legal counsel to theNY Journal, 35

  Ida Lopez, Craft Food Services dessert cart operator,NY Journal, 64

  Nature of Incident:

  S. Hertzog asked I. Lopez for more pie.

  I. Lopez said No more pie.

  S. Hertzog said But I see the pie right there, give me some.

  I. Lopez said No more pie for you.

  S. Hertzog said Why not?

  I. Lopez said You know good and well why.

  S. Hertzog summoned Security.

  Security gave him pie.


  Incident recorded, sent to A. Jenkins in Human Resources.

  To: Kate Mackenzie

  Fr: Amy Jenkins

  Re: Ida Lopez


  Thanks for your input re: Be a Sweetie/Wipe the Seatie. However, as I’m sure you’ve seen by now, we have a more pressing concern than the Features Department’s objections to my lavatory signs.

  We’ve had another complaint about Ida Lopez, the dessert-cart operator in the senior-staff dining room. It appears the situation is getting worse. Today she categorically refused to give Stuart Hertzog, of Hertzog Webster and Doyle, the paper’s legal counsel, a piece of key lime pie. As you know, desserts in the senior-staff dining room are supposed to be unlimited. When questioned as to her reason behind refusing pie to Mr. Hertzog, Ms. Lopez replied, “He knows good and well.”

  Mr. Hertzog, of course, hasn’t got the slightest idea what she is talking about. He has never set eyes on the woman before today.

  As Ms. Lopez is currently on disciplinary probation from her last, similar violation, I believe we can begin moving forward with termination paperwork. Therefore, please discontinue work on her disciplinary warning letter for last week’s infraction and begin termination proceedings. Ms. Lopez should be informed no later than today at five o’clock that her services will no longer be required here at theJournal . Please see that Security escorts her to her locker and that she cleans it out thoroughly. Security is not to allow her out of their sight until her keys and employee ID have been confiscated, and she has left the building.

  I have been informed by Food Craft Services management that Ida Lopez is inexplicably popular with junior members of the staff. Therefore it would be best if this case were not discussed outside the confines of the department. Please remember that personnel matters are confidential.

  I will expect Ms. Lopez’s termination paperwork on my desk no later than 3 p.m. today.


  Amy Denise Jenkins


  Human Resources

  The New York Journal

  216 W. 57th Street

  New York, NY 10019


  [email protected]

  This e-mail is intended only for the use of the individual to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this transmission in error; any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this transmission is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message and all of its attachments.

  To: Kate Mackenzie

  Fr: Tim Grabowksi

  Re: Ida Lopez

  Hey, Katie, Ida’s one of yours, right? If so, you’ve got to do whatever you can to get this pie thing with Hertzog straightened out. Ida is the lifeblood of theNY Journal . Without her and her dessert cart, I for one will not be able to go on. And I think I speak for a lot of people here when I say if there’s anybody who does not deserve pie, it is Stu Hertzog.

  Counting on you, as the only huma
n in Human Resources (not including Jen, of course) to Do the Right Thing—


  To: Kate Mackenzie

  Fr: Nadine Wilcock-Salerno

  Re: Ida Lopez

  Say it isn’t so! The rumor mill has it that Amy Jenkins is asking for the head of our best baker on a silver platter. DON’T GIVE IT TO HER!!!!!!!! WE NEED IDA’S CARROT CAKE! If possible, hooked into an IV and attached to my arm.

  I mean it, Kate, don’t let them fire her.

  Nad ;-)

  To: Kate Mackenzie

  Fr: Melissa Fuller-Trent

  Re: Ida Lopez

  Dear Kate,

  I was in the senior staff room today when Ida Lopez refused to serve pie to Stuart Hertzog, the paper’s legal counsel. All I can say is, Mr. Hertzog really was unforgivably rude to Mrs. Lopez, even before she refused to serve him—I mean, he acted like he had some kind of inalienable right to pie—and if you need me to make a sworn statement to that effect or anything, I would be willing to. Only please don’t let them fire Mrs. Lopez . . . her chocolate chip cookies are out of this world.


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