Bowles, Jan - Branded by the Texas Rancher (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Bowles, Jan - Branded by the Texas Rancher (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 6

by Неизвестный

  He entered her then with an urgency she found thrilling. Stretched apart, she panted for breath as he seated himself to the hilt. Then he moved his arms under her legs and braced his hands under her buttocks.

  With her thighs resting over his biceps, he began thrusting inside her. She had never felt so wanton in her life. Her legs spread wide open in invitation. Her breasts naked, accepting, as his tongue lashed slowly over them. The hot sun soaked into her bare skin. Surely this was the most wicked and indulgent thing she had ever done?

  She ran her hands through his sun-streaked hair, savoring the texture against her fingertips. Her own needs took control, and she yanked on his hair, forcing him to kiss her. When their tongues met, desire pooled and pulsed around his cock.

  Nothing had felt this raw and sexual before. She braced her arms on a convenient branch, relieving some of her weight. He thrust even deeper then, making her moan against his mouth. Slowing the moment, he kissed her so sensuously, his huge cock impaling her so fully, that every nerve ending throbbed with desire.

  Held, suspended over him, she stared into his eyes as her pussy tightened deliciously around his thick length. “Oh, Jed.”

  “Come for me, Becky. You’re so close, I can feel it.” He kissed her lips as he ground himself hard into her. Just that one movement sent the nerve endings in her clitoris into overload. An orgasm so powerful and beautiful ripped through her body, making her reassess just how great sex could be with the right man. Her stomach contracted and quivered, driving a huge convulsion around his cock. More ripples flowed, pulsing over his huge shaft inside her, making her moan against his mouth.

  He gripped her tighter and thrust more urgently inside her, passing through the aftershocks, building the momentum once more, over and over until she climaxed again. Her whimpers of satisfaction loudly filled the air around them. With a loud guttural groan, he came, spurting his cum deep inside her. Spent and exhausted, he rested his forehead against her naked breasts, and she stroked her hand tenderly through his hair.

  Surely this intense feeling that happened between them was more than just sex? It felt like they’d shared a lifetime together already, but then maybe to Jed, this was all normal.

  When his breathing had slowed, he lifted his head and looked deep into her eyes. “You’re one hell of a woman, Becky, and no mistake.”

  * * * *

  As Jed laid the blanket on the ground, he couldn’t help but study Rebecca. There was no doubt about it. The woman had simply taken his breath away. As he glanced at her buttoning up her blouse, she looked like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. All that was left was a faint blush to her cheeks. Now he knew different. Poised on the edge of orgasm, he’d felt the tight sheath of her body contracting around him. Her moans of passion had spurred him on, making him drive deeper inside her until they’d both come at the same time.

  Sex with Rebecca had taken on a whole new meaning, but what that was, he hadn’t a clue. He knew he wanted her now more than ever.

  “Come over here, Becky. I’ll give your shoulders a rub.”

  She sat down in front of him, and he began rubbing his fingers into her flesh. “Mmm, that’s wonderful.” She lifted her hair out of the way.

  He leaned forward and caressed her neck with his lips. “So, what did you think of your first outdoor adventure?”

  She smiled coyly at him. “Who said it was my first?”

  He doubted she’d done anything like that before, so he called her bluff. “Well?”

  “I think actions speak louder than words, Jed.”

  He chuckled. He’d been right. “They do indeed.” He held out his arms. “Come.” Then he rolled onto his back and pulled her to rest on his shoulder. “Now what I’d like to know is why you don’t go to church on Sunday?” He placed his hat low over his eyes to shield them from the blazing sun.

  “Well I can’t see you beating a path to God’s door, either.”

  He smiled. “Well I’ve only ever stepped inside a church four times. One time was filled with joy, and the others filled with sadness. What’s your excuse?”

  “It’s complicated. Maybe I’m not a good person.” She broke off a piece of grass and began twirling it between her fingers.

  “If you’d rather not talk about it, just say.”

  “No, I’m fine. My father ran a local parish in Hampshire, a rural county just outside London. To everyone in that parish, he was the epitome of goodness and light. He could do no wrong. Only I saw a different side to him. One that I learned to despise and hate.

  “I was an only child, you see. Mother died when I was six years old. Maybe that was the cause of his violent mood swings. He certainly hated the sight of me and would do anything to ruin my self-confidence.

  “In the end, I tired of his constant character assassination and tried to leave, but I was weak and gave in to him. I stayed because he’d become frail. I thought it was my destiny to remain single, so when he approved of Jason, it seemed the perfect solution.”

  “So, in a way, you went out with Jason in order to make your father like you?”

  She stared at him. “Do you know, I think you’re right. I never really cared for Jason in any meaningful way. I could have saved us both a lot of heartache if I’d stood up to my father from the very beginning.”

  “Rebecca, in retrospect, we would all do things differently. Hell, I’ve made loads of mistakes over the years that I’d change given a second chance.”

  She gently placed a finger to his lips. “I spent years listening to the pulpit sermons that my father gave, and yet he never acted remotely Christian to me. That’s the real reason why I don’t go to church on Sunday. I’m all sermoned out.”

  “And rightly so by the sounds of it. Rebecca, do you look like your mother?

  “Yes, I do look like her.”

  “The reason I ask is, I know how I felt when Marlene died shortly after giving birth to Annie. The resentment had been there, even if only for the first few days. In the end, I found Annie to be the greatest comfort I could possibly have.” He could remember it as though it was yesterday. The grief and loss had overwhelmed him. He couldn’t even bear to look at Annie. In the end, it was Marlene’s own mother who had placed the tiny bundle in his hands. From then on he knew he’d be all right.

  She touched his hand. “Marlene left you a very precious gift. A part of herself.”

  He breathed in and rubbed a hand over his face. On occasions the past would rise to the surface, and this was one of them. He’d never been one to show emotion, but he felt so at ease with Rebecca that he just couldn’t help it. “How beautifully put, Rebecca.” He turned and looked at her lying against his shoulder. Her pale complexion appeared flawless and her eyes sincere. “You’re a good person, and you don’t have to go to church to prove it, either.”

  Then he kissed her tenderly on the lips. This just felt so right, lying in the grass, the birds twittering in the trees. The sun soaked into his very being, making him feel so very alive.

  “Now how about we stay here a while, then we can go back to the ranch, and I’ll cook us up a fine steak meal?”

  “Mmm, sounds like heaven.”

  “That’s the answer I was hoping for, darlin’.”

  Chapter Eight

  Two months later

  Rebecca marveled at how fast the weeks had flown by. Her relationship with Jed had grown in intensity. She was very attached to him now. In fact, truth be known, she loved him. Although he’d voiced nothing about how he felt about her, so she had kept these feelings to herself.

  Over the weeks she had learned nearly everything about him. His likes and dislikes, of which there were many. The way he liked his toast buttered when hot, the strength of the coffee she poured first thing in the morning. These all gave her an insight into the man.

  Only last week, she’d gone to his ranch and watched him rope young steer calves in order to tag them for the first time. His actions had been so masculine and manly, and yet he handled
her with a tenderness that sometimes overwhelmed her. He saw to her every need as a woman.

  Although that wasn’t to say he was like that all the time. Oh, no, there were times when he seemed to stare right through her. On these occasions when they had sex, he would be like a man possessed, pounding into her until they both climaxed in pools of sweat.

  She parked the car at Jed’s ranch, and smiled as he approached.

  “Now you’re a sight for sore eyes, and no mistake,” he murmured, kissing her on the lips.

  “You too, Jed.” He literally took her breath away with his fine physique and masculine scent. “A week seems an awful long time.” Now that the school holidays had begun, she didn’t even get to see him when he would pick Annie up from school.

  He cleared his throat. “There’s been a change of plan. Annie’s grandmother’s not well, so she hasn’t gone over there to stay.”

  Since the beginning of their affair, they’d deliberately kept it from Annie. It had been her idea, and perfectly acceptable given the circumstances. Why involve his daughter? Surely, if their relationship floundered, wouldn’t it confuse her even more given that she was her teacher? Jed had agreed this was the best option open to them. Besides, Annie wouldn’t be adverse at spinning a few yarns of her own in order to impress her friends.

  As disappointment settled in her stomach, she said, “That’s okay, Jed. I can come back next week.”

  “Now that’s the exact reason why I didn’t call. Annie will be fine. It’s not as if she doesn’t know you, is it?”

  “As her teacher, Jed, but not as your lover. How did you explain it to her?”

  “I just said we’d become good friends, and that you always stay over on Sunday night.”

  “When did you tell her that?”

  “This morning.”

  “That’s hardly giving her time to adjust, Jed. You don’t realize that she’ll view me with suspicion. Now I’m someone who can threaten her relationship with you.”

  Rebecca knew all about the jealousies of children, having witnessed plenty herself when her father’s parishioners would come seeking his advice over an unruly stepson or stepdaughter.

  “I think you’re exaggerating, Rebecca. Annie’s just a kid. Besides,” he took hold of her arm and began escorting her into the house, “I insist.”

  Annie sat at the kitchen table. An assortment of paper and pencils scattered around her. She looked up as they both entered the room. “Hi, Miss Wade, Pappy said you were coming over.”

  “Hi, yourself, Annie,” she said cheerfully.

  * * * *

  Later, Rebecca relaxed back into the comfortable old leather couch in the open-plan living area and reflected on the day’s events. On the whole, it had gone remarkably well. All three of them had enjoyed a lovely horseback ride around Jed’s land. He’d proudly shown her the new perimeter fencing he’d just started to install along the eastern edge.

  Although with Annie vying for her father’s attention every moment of the day, it had been hard for them to have their normal, open relationship. They had to keep strictly to protocol. A warm glow had spread through her on several occasions when she’d seen him look longingly at her.

  In an hour or so, Annie would go to bed, and then she and Jed could finally be on their own. She guessed this was what all parents were doing the whole world over, waiting for the kids to go to bed in order to have a little bit of time together.

  Annie sat on some scattered cushions in the middle of the floor, and as Rebecca studied her she saw, perhaps for the first time, the beautiful young woman she was yet to become. Her clothes, her hair, all said tomboy, but maybe she just hadn’t had anyone show her girlie things before.

  “Have you ever braided your hair, Annie?”

  Annie looked at her and shook her head. “No, Miss Wade.”

  Rebecca smiled. “I can show you. Would you like that?”

  “I sure would, Miss Wade. Pappy says my Momma used to braid her hair, but I don’t rightly know how to do it.” She went over to the large oak dresser and removed a framed photo along with a brush. She handed them to her. “That’s my Momma. Ain’t she pretty?”

  Rebecca studied the photo. A very blonde and very pretty young woman smiled at her from across the years. She’d seen it several times, but Annie didn’t know that. “She is, and I think you look just as pretty. Now let’s see if we can braid up your hair the same way.”

  * * * *

  When Jed returned with two coffees, he stopped in the doorway. The sight of Rebecca brushing Annie’s hair arrested his movements. Surely this was what he’d always wanted, a happy family unit?

  He took in the scene. Annie perched on a cushion, the framed photo of Marlene on the floor beside her. Rebecca calmly plaiting her hair.

  He placed the coffees on the side table, noticing the little smile Rebecca gave him.

  “Miss Wade says I’m as pretty as Momma.”

  “You sure are, Pumpkin. You look more and more like her every day.” He’d known Marlene since they were both ten years old, and Annie looked the spitting image of her.

  “Jed, have you any ribbons?”

  He tried to lighten the mood. “What do you take me for, woman? When would I put ribbons in my hair?”

  His daughter giggled. “Pappy, the ribbons are for me.”

  “Well, why didn’t you say?” He scratched his head then went over to the dresser. He opened a drawer and pulled out a small bag. “Grandma sent these bobbly things over. Didn’t rightly know what to do with ‘em.” He handed them to Rebecca.

  She tut-tutted and shook her head, playfully saying to Annie, “It’s a man thing.” They both burst into laughter.

  He sat down just as Rebecca secured the final plait. “There, all done.”

  “Thank you, Miss Wade.” Annie stood and quickly turned to him, seeking his approval. “What do you think, Pappy?”

  He felt his heart constrict. Suddenly she looked more grown up than ever. “You look real beautiful, Pumpkin.”

  Rebecca leaned back into the sofa. He put his arm around her and gently caressed the nape of her neck with his fingers. She smiled warmly at him.

  Annie jumped on the sofa, squeezing in between them both. He moved his hand and placed it on top of her head. “Now it’s way past your bedtime. It’s time you took the nine o’clock walk, honey.”

  “Oh, Pappy. Do I have to?”

  “Yes, you do. Now scoot. I’ll come up in ten minutes to tuck you in.”

  Reluctantly, she rose and headed for the door. “Now don’t forget to say goodnight to our guest.”

  “Goodnight, Miss Wade.” Her big brown eyes looked at him. “Pappy, I don’t feel well.”

  “You’ll be all right. Now go to bed.”

  He watched her leave the room, her head down. He turned to Rebecca. “I don’t usually have any trouble.” Rebecca just smiled at him, and he asked, “Do you know something I don’t?”

  “I think Annie is a very clever girl.”

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her possessively on the lips, delving his tongue into her mouth. He needed so very much to take her to bed and lay his naked body over hers. “I’ve wanted to kiss you properly all day.”

  “Me too.”

  Chapter Nine

  Finally, Jed closed the door of his bedroom and turned the key. It was just past eleven in the evening, and they’d both had a shower.

  He touched her lips as he pulled her toward the bed. “Now let’s see how quiet you can be,” he whispered, beginning to open the silk robe that she wore.

  Wearing just a pair of black sweatpants, he sat on the bed. Still standing, she nestled perfectly between his legs.

  “I’m always quiet,” she whispered back. With Annie just down the hallway, they felt like a couple of naughty teenagers.

  He grinned at her. “Uh-huh, Becky, your passionate cries really turn me on, but you’ll have to keep them well and truly hidden tonight.”

  As if to make a point,
he peeled her robe back and suckled hard on her naked breast. She gasped and bit her bottom lip to stop herself from moaning out loud.

  He chuckled and lay back on the bed, pulling her on top of him. The hard contours of his warm, naked torso pressed against her bare breasts.

  “Well, I don’t know what you’re looking so smug about, Mr. Fancy Pants Monroe. You’ll have to slow down your usual tempo because this brass bed squeaks every time you move.”

  He stroked his hands through her hair and kissed her lips, his gaze flicking from her mouth to her eyes. “Becky, this is gonna be pure torture, making love so quietly.”

  The heat from his body burned into her as she lay on top of him. She stroked her hand down to his groin and caressed her fingers over his hard penis.

  “It could take hours, Jed.” She grazed her lips against his. “All those slow movements, until you’ll finally be able to release your cum inside me.” When she saw the look of frustration on his face, she giggled into his shoulder. Since being with Jed, she had become quite practiced in talking more provocatively. It felt natural with him.

  He slid his hands down to her buttocks and smoothed them over her bare flesh. “I just love your cute ass.” Then he hooked his legs around hers and held them fast against him. “Mmm, now I’ve got you exactly where I want you.” His one hand trailed into her buttock cleft and rubbed into her pussy. The other hand fingered her puckered hole.

  Unable to move, she bucked with the contact. She whimpered against his chest. “Jed, that’s so sensitive, I won’t be able to keep quiet for much longer.”

  He chuckled. “One day soon, I’m gonna claim this ass as mine.” The thought of something so deliciously forbidden sent a thrill running through her, and her stomach muscles quivered at the thought. No more repressed English schoolteacher for her.

  “Mmm, I can feel that turns you on as much as it does me.” Then he let her go and rolled her onto her back.


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