Fallen (Chronicles Of The Fallen)

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Fallen (Chronicles Of The Fallen) Page 1

by Julie Morgan



  This book is a work of fiction. All characters in this novel are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2013 by Julie Morgan

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.

  Evernight Secrets Publishing

  Cover Image and Back Page design by Design by Katt


  Edited by Kim's Editing Services https://www.facebook.com/KimsEditingServices2013


  John – Thank-you for your patience and being there when I needed you. Thank you for your encouragement and the little push I sometimes needed when I would doubt myself. Thank you for being my rock. I love you always.

  My fabulous BETA TEAM! Thank-you for being the amazing people you are! Between the laughter and discussions, you are the best! Sometimes I really wanted to yell, shake you and sometimes, have that shot of vodka while Samuel looks on in approval. Yum! Here’s to you in helping me along the way! Rebecca and Kerri, you will forever be my girls! Mom, Thank you. For everything. Sometimes I wonder if you heard the voices in my head when I was younger!

  Kim - There's no words to express my gratitude. Thank-you will never be enough! You are amazing and NEVER doubt your mad skills!

  And to the people at Starbucks #3427 – Thank you for allowing me to sit hours upon hours in your café while I drank your water and occasionally, enjoyed the Pumpkin Scone, which by the way, I’m super happy to say is seasonal. Your staff is amazing!

  To my Leanna.

  Your precious soul will always light up the darkest of rooms simply with your smile.

  Chapter 1

  Sitting inside the PR firm’s waiting area, she feels like she’s waiting for her life to begin. This interview will make or break her career. After studying at Princeton, majoring in Marketing and Journalism, Lisa spent time as an intern in big firms like Hardin, Baton & Partners, and worked full-time for Crenshaw & King Co. She knows Elite PR & Marketing is the best around. She wants this, needs this opportunity. Her career depends on it.

  Looking around, she studies the pictures of celebrities on the wall. “This has to be it.”

  Crossing her legs, she straightens her black pencil skirt, her black designer shoes complementing the outfit. Her white Versace blouse, with a black-and-white Anne Taylor scarf, complete her look. Her rich auburn hair flows in soft waves down her back to adorn her glowing, porcelain-like skin. Her eyes, framed by long lashes, are bright, emerald green and could brighten the darkest of rooms. Her soft lips and rounded chin are complemented by her captivating smile. Wondrous eyes gaze out in playful curiosity as she smiles, though there is a hint of a wild child there. With her slender, toned frame, she seems the picture of perfection. The diamond encrusted watch on her left wrist and a diamond bracelet on her right provide her an upper-class aura that suited her. Adjusting herself in the seat, her nerves are making her palms sweat.

  Running her hands down her legs again, she keeps telling herself, “You got this. You got this.”


  Looking up at the receptionist, she stands, smoothing down her skirt again, giving her one last chance to clean off her damp palms. Leaning down, she grasps her briefcase, then makes her way to the desk. She briefly reads the embossed name plaque, “Mariah Kingsley”, and looks at her with a smile. The receptionist stands, returning Lisa's smile. “He’ll see you now.”

  Following close behind Mariah, who’s leading her to the interview room, she studies her short and slender frame. Her straight, blond hair is pulled to the nape of her neck and fastened by a clip. Her grey, two-piece dress fits her slender frame nicely, the skirt ending just above her knees. Her black peep-toe pumps provide Mariah a little extra height, as her heels click on the floor with each step she takes. The walls in the hallway are glass, separating her from the other employees. Some of them are on their phones, others are watching her, as if they were whispering “fresh meat”. She received a few smiles…and a few glares.

  Turning a corner, Mariah and Lisa stop at a double set of wooden doors. Mariah grasps the door handle and pulls it open. The room is enormous. The white walls are bright as the sun reflects inside, bouncing off the round table in the middle of the room. The walls are decorated with pictures of celebrities, musicians, and world-renowned authors. As she takes a step inside, two gentlemen look up and smile.

  A tall man approaches Lisa. He gives the appearance of danger, a bad boy. His dark brown eyes are strong and seductive, but also show a hint of mischief; his dark hair is like deep waves that she wouldn't mind riding; his frame is so firm and perfectly fit that she imagines sweat running down his chiseled chest and cut abs; his lips are longing, begging to be kissed; his cologne is intoxicating; and his button-down white shirt, fresh from the cleaners and providing a nice contrast to his dark hair, is accented with a brilliant red tie. The tie has black lines, in sporadic patterns, scattered throughout. He smiles, showing perfect teeth. To say that he looks like he hasn’t missed the gym a day in his life would be an understatement.

  “Hello, Lisa. My name’s Samuel Clayton. I’m the CEO of Elite PR & Marketing. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He reaches out, presenting his hand to Lisa. She smiles, feeling a little blush touch her cheeks as she shakes his hand. His handshake is firm, but his skin feels like silk.

  Clearing her throat, she says, “Hello, Mr. Clayton. It’s a pleasure to be here today.”

  “Please, call me Samuel,” he says, smiling.

  She nods to him, smiling slightly. “Thank-you, Samuel.”

  Steven, the marketing director, smiles and nods at her. She’s met with him previously so having him here today provides a sense of relief, like a friendly familiar face. Steven is also tall, but maybe an inch shorter than Samuel; his salt-and-pepper hair accents his light blue eyes; his goatee gives him a youthful appearance; his grey dress shirt is accented with a blue tie, bringing out his eyes and reminding Lisa of a country sunrise. He appears to look strong, but not as fit as Samuel. She reaches over to shake his hand. “Steven, it’s great seeing you again.”

  “Likewise, Lisa.” He smiles and looks over at Samuel.

  Steven walks towards the table. “Lisa has great potential with us, Samuel." He motions to the leather chairs pushed against the table. "Shall we?” The oval conference table is set up with coffee, and various assortments of bagels and cream cheese.

  Samuel pulls out a chair for Lisa and she takes a seat. Steven picks up a remote and presses a button, sending down blinds over the windows. "The sun can blind us in here at times.” Steven chuckles, sets the remote down, then takes his seat next to her.

  She nods in appreciation. “Thank-you.”

  Leaning over, she opens the top of her black briefcase, reaches in, and pulls out her resume and a couple copies of her portfolio, laying them on the table. Samuel picks one up and begins to thumb through it.

  Lisa watches him for a moment and then turns to Mariah, who has returned to the room. Lisa smiles up at her, not realizing that she had even left. Mariah steps towards the table and begins pouring three cups of coffee, handing one to Lisa first. “Thank-you.” Mariah smiles, then turns to leave, closing the doors behind her. Lisa reaches over for the cream and sugar, lifting a few spoonful’s of each into her cup, then stirs. Setting the spoon down, she takes a sip and then places her cup back onto the table.

  Samuel turns his attention back to Lisa. “Tell us about some of the clients and parties you
have booked in the past. How were they successful?”

  He places two spoons of sugar into his cup. Stirring it, he takes a sip. Looking down at her portfolio, Samuel begins looking through it again. Lisa explains some of the clients she's booked, the parties she's hosted, and the events that went on without a hitch.

  “Gentlemen, please take a look through my portfolio of events. I trust you’ll see the level of expertise I’ve used. No matter who the client is, everyone is important. Nothing is out of my limits. Everyone has a weakness. I find out what that might be and play it to my advantage.” She grins, as they look through her portfolio. “I also understand that not everyone needs to be bribed.” She shrugs. “It never hurts, though.” She smiles, and Samuel chuckles. “Having the client being presented by Elite PR & Marketing would be name dropping alone.”

  Samuel nods, as he reviews her portfolio. “Lisa, this is quite impressive. I understand where Steven was coming from now. He’s spoken very highly of you.” Lisa grins and feels her face blush slightly.

  Looking up to catch her gaze, Samuel sets her resume down. “Let me get down to it. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to climb to the top? To be number one?”

  She nods with confidence. “Absolutely. I strive for perfection.” Samuel and Steven both smile. She intertwines her fingers and sets them in her lap, crossing her legs.

  “Excellent. You would be willing to sell yourself to make this happen? Do whatever it takes to be successful?” Samuel raises his brows.

  “Absolutely. I value my career. I love PR and would give everything I am, everything I have, to be successful here.”

  Samuel’s eyes gleam with a hue of red that flashes so fast, Lisa believes she may have imagined it. Steven stands and strides across the room, grasping a contract. Coming back to the table, he hands it to Samuel. “Then welcome to the company, Lisa. We’re honored to have you on board.” Samuel hands the contract to her.

  She looks down at it, then back up to Samuel, her expression one of gratitude and excitement. “Oh, my gosh! Are you serious?” Lisa squeals out and then immediately contains herself, clearing her throat. “What I mean to say is thank-you for this opportunity,” she says with a huge smile.

  Steven chuckles and Samuel smirks. He reaches into his breast pocket and pulls out a black Montblanc pen, which he holds out to her. Taking it, she reads over the contract, not really paying much attention to the details because the excitement of landing her dream job is coursing through her. Scribbling her signature on the dotted line, she slides it back to Samuel. He signs his name, then slides it to Steven. Taking the contract, he presses a button on the table. It buzzes lightly.

  “You will do great things here Lisa. I can feel it!” Samuel stands, reaching out his hand. The double wooden doors open and Mariah walks back into the room.

  Steven hands her the contract. “Please make two copies.”

  She nods and smiles warmly at Lisa. “Yes, sir. Welcome to the company, Lisa!” Mariah takes the contract and looks to Samuel. Lisa witnesses the exchange, and she’s not sure if it is intimate or something else. Ignoring it, she smiles and begins to gather up her resume and portfolios, placing them in her briefcase.

  “Thank-you so much!” she says, turning to face Steven. She extends her hand. “I’m excited to continue my career here at Elite PR & Marketing.”

  He shakes her hand and smiles. “We look forward to seeing what you’re capable of, Lisa.” Mariah walks back into the room and hands the two copies of the contract back to Samuel. Smiling at Lisa, she walks back out the door.

  “Here’s a copy for your records.” Samuel hands it to her. “When passing by Mariah, let her know of a tentative start date so we can prepare your office.” Lisa places the contract into her briefcase.

  "Thank-you again. You won’t be disappointed.” She smiles, then picks up her briefcase.

  “I believe that,” Samuel chuckles, then rests his hands on his hips. “See you very soon.”

  “Gentlemen, it was a pleasure and an honor. I look forward to my venture.”

  Smiling, she pushes the door open, then looks back at Steven and Samuel. They begin talking amongst themselves so Lisa closes the door behind her. Stopping for a moment, she exhales a breath that she’s been holding. Her smile grows bigger, as she leans against the door.

  “Ms. Adams?” Mariah’s voice calls from down the hall. Walking that way, Lisa approaches her desk. “Mr. Clayton asked that I get a potential start date for you.”

  Lisa nods and pulls out her smartphone, touching her calendar icon. “I should be able to start two weeks from today.”

  Mariah smiles. “Okay, you’re all set. I look forward to seeing you then. Welcome to Elite PR & Marketing!”

  Lisa smiles back. “Thank-you so much, Mariah. I look forward to working with you, as well.”

  She walks towards the elevator, pressing the down button. Standing and waiting, she looks down at the floor, holding her briefcase in front of her. When the elevator arrives, she steps inside and pushes the button for the first floor. Relaxing against the elevator wall, she lets out a long sigh. “I did it! Holy shit, I did it!”

  Lisa squeals, as she does a little tap dance. She gains control of herself as the elevator doors open, exposing her to the sunlight of the reception area. Stepping out onto the marble floor, she reaches into her briefcase and pulls out her keys, sunglasses, and smartphone.

  Pushing through the revolving doors, the breeze blows gently across her body as she slips on her sunglasses. Dialing her friend Jill, she leaves her a voice mail: “We’re going out tonight! I got it!” Not saying anything else, she presses END and puts her phone back in her briefcase.

  Unlocking her Volvo, she climbs in, turns on the ignition, and turns up the stereo. The Scorpions “Rock You Like A Hurricane” blasts through the car. The grin on her face gets wider. Taking off for home, she can’t wait to celebrate her new career.


  Making his way towards his favorite red leather chair inside his den, the incubus takes a seat. Relaxing, he listens to the sounds of the embers occasionally popping in the fireplace, the whimpers and a few giggles from the two women making out on a rug in front of him. The chill of the leather against his bare skin relaxes him, his gaze remaining focused on the two women on the floor. The blond straddles her legs over the brunette’s waist as they continue to kiss. She looks at him and raises a hand, motioning for him to join them. He smirks and shakes his head. “I enjoy watching. I’ll join you soon enough.” The blond grins and turns back to the brunette.

  A soft breeze brushes by his hand, and the telltale smell of sulfur fills his nose. Turning in the direction of the scent, he sees a bound parchment. The tan paper, enclosed with a red ribbon and a red wax seal, beckons to be opened. The seal is pressed in the shape of a naked woman hanging by chains. With a rough and deep voice, he says, “And he calls…” He picks up the parchment and runs his finger underneath the seal, breaking it. The pieces of wax fall into his lap, and he brushes it off onto the floor. Unrolling the parchment, he reads “Lisa Adams”.

  The name sinks into his mind, and he closes his eyes. Her features invade his thoughts: her long hair; her light, porcelain-like skin; and her emerald green eyes. Seeing her soft, pouty lips, he imagines himself kissing her. Her tone frame exuded confidence and turned him on.

  Opening his eyes, he crumples up the parchment. Squeezing it, smoke begins to billow out of his hand. Sulfur fills his nostrils as the parchment disintegrates. Opening his hand, ashes fall from his palm. “And so it begins..."

  Standing, he makes his way over to the women on the floor. They stop kissing and look up at him with excitement. Kneeling down to the floor, he reaches for the blond woman and pulls her to him, pressing his lips to hers. The brunette positions herself behind him, kissing along his neck.

  Chapter 2

  Having just broken up with her boyfriend, Lisa and her best friend, Jill, felt that it was time to go out and have a ni
ght on the town. "We deserve this," sighs Lisa. "I can't believe I put up with his bullshit for as long as I did."

  Jill nods, fixing her hair. “He’s a worthless piece of shit, Lisa. I'm just sad it took you so long to see it." Jill looks at her in the mirror. Lisa was gorgeous. Her long, auburn hair drapes across her ivory skin; her green eyes were painted with tan hues, black eyeliner and mascara. Tall and slender, Lisa could wear anything and make it look good.

  Looking back at herself, Jill runs her flat iron through her long, blond locks. Examining her makeup, Jill asks, "Seriously, Lisa, what did you see in him?" Jill crosses her slender legs, adjusting herself in front of the vanity. The bulbs built around it reminded Jill of a 1950's movie set with the mirrored vanity, save for the light tan walls and black bedspread.

  Looking over to her friend, Lisa sighs and shakes her head. She picks up the hairspray so she can put the final touches on her hair, which is set in soft curls that tumble down her back. "He wasn't so bad at first. He was very sweet and actually cared for me." She looks at her friend. "He wooed me, Jill." Both girls laugh. "He was good at so many things, but honestly…Jill, he was hung!" She laughs and sets the hairspray down, trading it for her tube of lip gloss. Pulling the wand out, she applies the light pink gloss over her lips.

  "Sex isn't everything, Lisa."

  "Yeah, I know," Lisa huffs, as she sets her gloss down. "But as all things do, the true colors come pouring out at some point. His were just black."

  "I'm sorry, honey, but at least you found that out," Jill says and glances at her. "And now you know."

  "It's been too long since I've been out just for fun and not for work.” Lisa grins, pulling her friend into a hug. “Thank-you for being my friend. I love you."


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