Fallen (Chronicles Of The Fallen)

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Fallen (Chronicles Of The Fallen) Page 10

by Julie Morgan

  “I did. What will you do about it?” His eyes turn icy, but playful.

  Reaching behind her, she grabs a pillow and sits on her knees. Her smile turns into a mischievous grin as she pulls it above her head. “This.” She laughs, bringing it down on his chest. At the same time, Alex whacks her side. She laughs and jumps to her feet, backing up a few steps and swinging her pillow again, hitting his arms. He chuckles as he stands up and races towards her with his ammunition ready. She squeals and runs around the couch, Alex chasing her. Their laughter fills the condo and she attempts to throw her pillow, but it misses.

  “You’re mine now!” Alex yells, and she laughs harder.

  Catching her around the waist, he pulls her to him, lifting her feet off the ground. Laughing, she leans against his body, his arms wrapping securely around her. They remain this way while their laughter begins to calm. Something in this feels familiar to Lisa, but she’s not able to figure out what it is. It’s like a lost dream, like deja vu. Alex lowers her down to the floor, but his arms remain around her waist, his mouth close to her ear. “It’s getting late.” Reluctantly, she nods.

  “Stay just a while longer?” She turns in his arms to face him. Her hands move up to his chest. “Is that okay?”

  “Of course.”

  They smile at one another. Lisa parts her lips slightly, her eyes focused on him. Moving his hands from her body, he raises them to brush the stray hairs. Cupping her face, he tilts her head up. Her heart races, his lips moving closer until they brush softly against hers. His breath fans across her lips, and his forehead rests against hers. She hears him swallow hard, as if he’s struggling with something.

  “Alex?” she whispers.

  He pulls away from her. “Let’s have a seat on the couch.” She sighs and nods, looking down at the floor. “Hey, now, none of that.” He tilts her face up and looks into her eyes. “I’m in no rush here.” He smiles. “Okay?”

  She smiles and nods, feeling a sense of relief and, at the same time, frustration. Alex is so sexy, sensuous, and kind. It’s been a long while since a man has treated her this way. He whispers, “It’s okay, I promise.”

  She nods, tilting her head. “Slow is good.”

  Alex smiles as they settle into the couch. As the movie continues to play, sleepiness begins to take hold of her and she yawns. Her head nods a few times and Alex lays her head down on his lap. He begins to move his fingers gently in her hair, sending her into a hypnotic state of unconsciousness. Before she realizes it, she’s dozed off.

  Looking down at her, Alex raises his brows as he gently tilts her head, seeing her eyes closed. He gently lifts her head and moves out from underneath her. Laying her head back down, he runs his arms underneath her slender frame, pulling her into his arms. She naturally rolls into his chest, her head on his shoulder. “You smell nice,” she mumbles.

  He smiles as he walks towards her bedroom. He pushes the door open with his backside, then steps into her bedroom. He walks over to her bed and lays her down on her black comforter. “Thank-you,” she mumbles. Smiling, he leans over her bed and pulls the comforter across her body, covering her up.

  Leaning down, he whispers, “You’re welcome,” then kisses her cheek. “Sleep well, my Lisa.”

  She smiles softly and pulls the comforter closer. Alex takes a few steps back and leaves the room. Turning off the TV, he places the pillows back on her couch. Walking out the door, he locks it behind him. Checking the handle, he heads down the hallway towards his condo. Pulling out his keys, he opens his door and enters, closing the door behind him.


  As she sleeps, Lisa moves onto her back, the comforter shifting off of her body. The bedspread begins to move underneath her and a wave ripples. Fingers shape and begin massaging her legs gently. She shifts, enjoying the touch. Two hands morph from the black comforter and they push through, like hands pushing out of a grave. Grasping her bed, the body pulls itself upwards. A shadow of a man begins to appear and takes shape, hovering over Lisa’s body. His red eyes glow and lightly illuminate her bedroom. Sitting between Lisa’s ankles, his hands touch her bare skin and move up the inside of her legs, gently pressing them apart.

  Lisa whimpers softly as his touch sends sensations through her body, releasing heat between her thighs, taut nipples pressing against her clothing. His hands move up the inside of her thighs, squeezing them gently. His velvet lips press against her flesh and his fingers move over her mound. Her back arches lightly as his fingers move inside her shorts. Running lightly over her folds, his finger lightly grazes her clit, then moves inside her. Lisa moans softly, her head moving on her pillow.

  Moving the material of her shorts aside, exposing her to him, he leans in and swipes his tongue across her. Lisa gasps and he leans in again, licking her once more. She lets out a whimper and spreads her legs wider, wanting more. Separating her lips with his tongue, he runs the length of her folds, tasting her. He growls and is ready to take what’s his.

  A white light erupts in the room and a hand grabs the back of his head, pulling him off of her. Thrown across the room, the demon hits the wall with a thud. Looking up to the angel, a hiss erupts from the demon’s lips. Walking over, the angel stands above the incubus. The white aura surrounding him causes the demon pain. “She is MINE!” the demon snarls.

  Alex shakes his head, his arms folded over his chest. His magnificent wings expand outwards and his brows rise. “Not tonight she’s not. You WILL leave!” The command of Alex’s voice causes the hardwood floor underneath the demon to shake. The trembling floor begins to fall piece by piece into darkness. A huge black hole forms, pulling the demon inside of it. He clutches the floor with his sharp claws. His arm reaches up as his elbow grips the wooden floor.

  The demon’s lips pull into a sadistic grin, his eyes glowing. “She will be mine, Selaphiel. I WILL have her!”

  Alex grins at the demon’s use of his angelic name. He moves his foot and steps on the demons arm. Pressing down, he shoves his arm and claws, pushing them off of the floor. A scream billows out of the darkness and he watches the demon fall into the pit of Hell. Turning away from the hole in the floor, which is now resealing itself, he steps towards Lisa’s bed.

  Selaphiel, the Angel of Prayer, stands over Lisa and looks down upon her body. As much as he would like to admit his feelings for her, he cannot. The love he feels for her, the love he’s always felt for her, is much like the love a father would feel for his child. To admit he feels himself falling in love, to admit he chooses her over his life as an angel would mean one thing: Fallen. Closing his eyes and tilting his head down, he inhales deeply, then opens his eyes. Reaching over her, he pulls the cover over her body, then presses a soft kiss against her temple. “Sleep. You will not remember what happened, or the touch of the incubus.” His hand lights up in a soft glow as he moves it over her body, removing the memories of the dream. “Sleep well, Lisa Adams. I shall see you tomorrow.”

  Backing away from her bed, Selaphiel removes his hand from her and the glow fades. He steps into the shadows of her room and his wings pull back into his body. Then he rips through the air, leaving Lisa alone in her room.


  Darkness surrounds Samuel, but a red glow gives just enough light to see. Looking up, the hole closes over and the skyline of Hell erupts with dark clouds filled with ash and sulfur, the sounds of lost souls screaming in never ending agony. He inhales and takes a few steps forward.

  “You’re playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse, Samuel.”

  He turns to find the succubus Lilith standing behind him. Taking her true form, the pale green color of her naked body is smudged with demon residue. Her red hair hangs in thick dreadlocks down to her waist. Black sludge, dripping down her skin, clings to each thick strand. She approaches him, her serpent-like tongue whipping across her lips, tasting the air around her. Her eyes are completely black, and she stares at him. Her lips curl into a sadistic grin that exposes her fangs.

bsp; Samuel sneers and looks at her. His eyes trail over her body with what appears to be appreciation. “What would you know of games?” His gaze returns to hers and he raises a single brow. The look on his face changes to disgust. "Are you jealous because I want to fuck her and not you?" Samuel's lips form a sadistic grin.

  A growl erupts from Lilith and, without warning, she lunges at Samuel. Her nose presses against his and her hands grip the flesh of his neck. He yells in pain and tries to pry her hands away. Her hair whips against her head, slashing across his face, leaving an open wound in their wake. Her tongue licks her lips, tasting the breath in his mouth. He yells in pain. “If you would follow through with your charge rather than fucking around all day, I would be up there and be the one fucking!”

  Lilith’s nose flares and her left hand begins to change, extending long talons around Samuel’s neck. She presses one of her talons into his flesh, forcing blood to trickle down his neck. Leaning toward him, her tongue licks at the wound, leaving behind a burn on his skin.

  Samuel hisses and groans, gritting his teeth. “Stop it. You’re making me hard." Glaring at Lilith, his eyes flash red. "She has to come willingly. You know that as well as I do.” Raising his hand, he grabs her wrist and pulls her hand down, removing the talon from his neck. “If you hadn’t fucked up your last charge, you might be up there feeding on souls yourself.” Wrapping his other hand around her neck, he shoves her away from him.

  Lilith’s eyes widen and another growl erupts from her lips. “How DARE you!” Raising her talons, she begins to take a swipe at him. Quickly catching her wrist, he twists it around her back. Pulling her to him, her back presses against his chest.

  He growls in her ear, “Don’t forget who gave you life and who can take it away just as easily.” His breath fans across her pungent neckline. “If you would focus half your energy on your own charges, you wouldn’t be trying to fuck with mine.” Lilith stumbles slightly when he pushes her away from him. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to see why I’ve been summoned.” Samuel turns his back on her and walks towards the Pit.

  Seething, Lilith growls until it becomes a scream. Closing her eyes, she turns and starts walking in the other direction. Mumbling under her breath, she says, "I hope he pulls your balls off and forces them down your THROAT!"

  She knows she cannot defeat Samuel; she learned that lesson many centuries ago. She would give anything to have him dead, or at least to suffer in Hell the way she is. His downfall as an archangel was when he created her as a demon. She didn’t want to be the submissive wife to Adam. Promising her all the souls she could dream of, he made her the first succubus.

  Samuel didn’t expect to be cast out of Heaven for doing such a deed. The very nature of his being is what brought him to his fate; Angel of Death, deceitfulness, and seduction. He was the most beautiful and most treasured of the Archangels. Lilith smirks as her feet carry her forward. "Now he's nothing but a dick with balls." She laughs at her own joke, but she knew the joke was on her. She gave up a life of being a submissive wife to become the most powerful female demon, only to live out her eternity in a submissive role in Hell.

  Looking down, she finds a demon half her size who’s been watching their debacle. His small black frame and graying skin remind her of a hobbit. Grabbing onto him, the demon screams and attempts to kick himself free. She opens her mouth wide, extending it to twice the size of her face. The demon screams as she wraps her mouth around his body, consuming him. Closing her eyes, she presses her palms to the earth of Hell, consuming the demon. Letting out a moan, her body shaking slightly, she absorbs the essence from the demon. Opening her eyes, she stands back up and looks back at Samuel as he makes his way towards the Pit. She smirks, then continues on in the opposite direction and vanishes from the site, knowing what is about to come.

  Looking down on the dark, dead land of Hell, and while his body is completely healing itself from Lilith’s attack, Samuel takes in his surroundings. Heading towards the edge of the Pit, the souls inside move, kick, and climb over one another in an attempt to escape. Moans and screams for help, for saving, for final death billow out.

  His gaze turns up to the chains and leather straps that hang from an unseen source. Bodies that are mangled beyond recognition rapidly heal themselves, then the process of torture begins anew. Hellhounds lash out and bite into the bodies; Demons run towards the blood and drink it off the ground, then latch onto the wounded.

  Grinning, he squats down and runs his hand along the ground. A long, thin shaft appears underneath his fingers. Standing, he runs his hands over the length of it…one side blunt with tribal markings around the base, the other sharp like a spear. Keeping his gaze on the shaft, he makes his way towards a cliff. Lowering the shaft to his waist, he looks out towards the caverns in the landscape. Caves, cliffs, and peaks continue out as far as he can see. Occasionally, a blast of fire erupts from a cave. The screeching of the serpents hidden in the water that leads towards the gates of Hell fills the air.

  Turning his gaze back to the ground, he notices it begin to shake. The cliff he’s standing on begins to break apart, forcing Samuel to step back. Suddenly, a large, black head, the size of a football stadium, pushes out of the ground. The neck, shoulders, and massive chest follow, then thick, massive arms reach towards Samuel.

  Fear rushes through him and he starts to back pedal. Tripping, he falls on his ass. The eyes, as red as blood, peer down at him; its muscles ripple; the nails on his fingers have residue of human flesh embedded underneath them. Scooting backwards across the ground, fear pulses through Samuel as Lucifer peers down at him. Samuel's lips part in an effort to speak, but only a squeak is heard. He can feel Lucifer looking directly inside him, violating him where he sits.

  When Lucifer begins to speak, everything in Hell stops. There’s no sounds, no screams, and no movement. Everything freezes in this moment. “What seems to be the problem in gaining her soul, Samuel?” His voice echoes throughout Hell as if he were speaking in a canyon. “You are a fucking incubus! FUCK HER AND TAKE HER SOUL!” The booming sound from Lucifer forces Samuel back a few more feet. Dropping the shaft, it breaks and shatters into dirt, absorbing back into the ground. Samuel’s palms press into the earth and small sharp claws begin pulling and stabbing at his hands.

  Closing his eyes he shakes his head. “Soon, Master. Soon, she will be yours. Soon, I will have her.” He lifts his hands and brushes the small dirt demons away.

  “Soon?" Lucifer's body lunges towards Samuel. "SOON?” His voice booms again, and a wave of fire pushes out across the land. Souls begin to scream and demons erupt in a euphoric rage. Lucifer bends over Samuel’s small frame and glares down at him. “You have always been my first in line, my first in charge to run things while I'm busy raising Hell, and you tell me you will get her soon?” Lucifer lets out a laugh, righting himself. “Well, I’ll take over the world and dominate every soul on earth soon. You know, in my own damn time.”

  Samuel lifts his head up enough to look up at Lucifer. The red eyes glare down at him with such rage, a scream is forced from his throat. “You will take her now, Samuel. You have no idea what will happen, what events will unfold, if she fucks Selaphiel!” The last of his words force Samuel to spasm on the ground and black blood erupts from his lips. Chocking on his own blood, Lucifer forces Samuel’s hands to move upward towards his neck. His own fingers begin wrapping around his throat and they squeeze. Chocking between the blood in his throat and his fingers tightening around his neck, Samuel's eyes begin to cloud over. Something dark appears next to his head. Slowly, Samuel's eyes make their way over and find Death next to his body.

  The long black cloak hides his face, except for the red eyes that stare down at Samuel’s body. Death lost his wings centuries ago when it was stripped from Samuel, leaving only the skeletal remains on his back. A pale hand is wrapped around a long scythe made of steal. Sharp rivets rise up towards the top, and the extension has fire burning inside of it. Flickers of memories of whe
n he was named the Angel of Death rush through his mind. Now, looking up at Death himself, fear pulsates through Samuel, fear of what will become of him.

  Turning his head back and looking upwards, he sees Lucifer coming at his face and Samuel screams. Suddenly, everything stops. He stops choking, his hands relax around his neck, the blood around his body vanishes, and Death’s image vanishes. Samuel looks around, hearing a snicker. He knows it’s Lilith, but he’ll deal with her in his own time.

  Lucifer’s hand reaches down and picks him up, lifting him to his face. He screams out in pain, as Lucifer squeezes his body. Lucifer squeezes harder and Samuel screams louder. Bringing him closer to his face, he snarls, “You fail me again, you WILL die.” Lucifer squeezes harder. Just as Samuel is about to scream out again, he can feel cool air touching his skin. The pain immediately ends and he opens his eyes, looking around.

  Finding himself inside his home, Samuel exhales a sigh of relief and allows his head to relax on the floor. Sprawling his arms out to his sides, he takes a few deep breaths. Sitting up, he rests his elbows on his knees and looks towards his recliner, the leather reflecting the track lighting above it. Shaking his head, he rolls to his knees and stands, walking to the bar across the room. Pulling off a stopper, he picks up the glass brandy decanter and pours himself a glass. He picks it up and drinks it in one gulp. He looks into a mirror on the wall. His eyes glow red and a snarl escapes his lips. Throwing the glass towards the mirror, both shatter onto the floor. Samuel’s distorted view is reflected back at him as he turns and walks out of the room.

  Chapter 8

  He holds her close. They kiss and their tongues fight for dominance. Alex lays Lisa down on her bed and presses his body against hers. His hands move over her, kneading her breasts as she gasps against his lips. He looks down at her and removes his shirt. Her fingers move up his chiseled chest, his muscles ripple underneath her touch. With a sudden movement, his wings expand outward. She gasps as his lips crush against hers.


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