Lucas: The Hunter Brothers Series

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Lucas: The Hunter Brothers Series Page 11

by L. J. Dee

  “I thought not,” he grinned, raising his eyebrows as I frowned gently, wondering what the hell my next task would be.

  “It’s a fetish club,” he smiled as I tried not to giggle, my brain racing with excitement at the prospect of running a party here. The venue was stunning and I imagined there would be no holds barred as my imagination went wild, but there was one question I wanted the answer to more than any other.

  “Is Mr Hunter a member here?” I asked as he nodded.

  “Yes, Jessica. He asked me to show you around and explain what we do here. I hope you’re broadminded. Lucas seems to think you might be,” he laughed softly as I shook my head, almost in disbelief.

  “I don’t have any experience, but I’m looking forward to seeing what it’s all about,” I smiled as he nodded, watching as the lithe little leather clad waitress delivered our tea in china cups with a bright silver teapot and a selection of biscuits.

  “Sugar lumps,” he barked as I jerked in my seat, taken aback by the harsh tone of his voice.

  “Forgive me, Master,” she said, trotting out of the room as he told her he’d “Deal with that later.”

  “I apologise, Jessica, she’s in training,” he said as I tried to keep my cool and my mouth from gaping.

  “Training for what?” I asked as he held my gaze.

  “Lilly is my slave. She joined the club as a submissive, but requested to move onto a Master/slave relationship quite recently. There is a lot less leeway than she’s used to,” he smiled as I stared at him wide eyed.

  “Isn’t that demeaning?” I asked, suddenly wishing I hadn’t as he laughed at my naivety.

  “That’s kind of the point,” he smiled as I nodded. I’d read about it and decided my best bet was probably to keep quiet, but I was far too intrigued.

  “Is Mr Hunter a Master?” I asked, chewing the inside of my cheek as he smiled.

  “No, Jessica, Mr Hunter is a Dominant,” he said as I thought that perhaps I’d better get back to the job in hand and stop asking personal questions about my boss.

  “So you’ve been open ten years?” I smiled as he nodded.

  “My wife and I set up the club together. Unfortunately she is no longer with us,” he said and I wasn’t sure if he meant she’d left him or died, and I didn’t want to ask. The thought of someone being whipped to death or choking on their ball gag and I was sweating in my seat.

  “I’m sorry,” I offered as he smiled gently, pouring my tea and enquiring whether I wanted sugar as I shook my head.

  “She left me for another Master,” he said sadly as I sipped on my tea, desperate to ask if that was common in the lifestyle but deciding against it.

  “So exactly what kind of fetishes do you accommodate?” I asked as a small flush crept up my skin, looking down at my saucer in the hope he wouldn’t notice.

  “All sorts. You’d be surprised at the eclectic sexual tastes of people, Jessica. We try to accommodate them all, providing they are safe, consensual and legal of course,” he laughed as I giggled nervously, wondering whether I would get the opportunity to look around.

  “What are the requirements for the party?” I asked as he took a deep breath.

  “I was rather hoping you could help with that. We try each year to outdo the last, so the tenth anniversary needs to be pretty special. All the members gather for the event and we’ll require refreshments and food in the main hall. We tend to leave the playrooms free as our members like to go and make their own fun during the night,” he smiled as I raised my eyebrows.

  “Would it be possible to have a look around and get a feel for the place?” I asked as he smiled broadly.

  “Absolutely! It’s fairly quiet today but there are members who are happy to be watched if you feel like dipping your toe in the water,” he chuckled as I nodded rather too enthusiastically.

  “Where would you like to start?” he asked, watching me closely. “There are the dungeons where you find some of the more hardcore scenes, or the bedrooms where things are a little less severe,” he smiled as I decided to jump in feet first.

  “I always think it’s a good idea to work from the bottom up,” I smiled as he raised his eyebrows.

  “Personally I prefer things from the top down. Follow me,” he chuckled.

  I was a bundle of nervous energy as I followed Zachary down into the cold stone bowels of the old building, wondering what on earth I was in for. I could hear the moans from the stairwell and they didn’t sound altogether good. There were lashings and soft cries as my skin shivered, the noises more like a mediaeval torture chamber than a place of pleasure.

  “Buck and Sue are down here today and they enjoy being watched. Buck is a sadist and Sue is a masochist and what you need to remember is that this is consensual, Jessica. This is what Sue enjoys, she derives a huge amount of pleasure from the pain that he inflicts and while it may seem strange or wrong to you, this is a scene they have both requested.

  I slapped my hands over my mouth as I saw the woman chained to the wall, broad red marks littering her back as I gasped out loud, causing Buck to turn as he grinned mischievously. He was a big bastard and clearly enjoying himself, flexing a huge black whip.

  “That just looks like abuse,” I whispered, staring up at Zachary wide eyed and immobile, listening to the loud cries and the soft moans as he brought the leather down on Sue once more.

  “Maybe we should have taken the top down approach,” he said, beckoning me back up the stairs to the lower ground floor of the old stately home.

  “It’s difficult at first, Jessica. Some people find it hard to wrap their heads around it, but when we are sexually aroused the pain and pleasure signals can blur and cause intense sensations. It happens in some people more than others and I know from experience that Sue finds this incredibly rewarding. She is what you’d call an extreme masochist,” he smiled.

  “I don’t think I’d want to have sex with someone if they’d just done that to me” I said, frowning deeply as Zac smiled kindly.

  “The conclusion or objective of these scenes isn’t necessarily about sex, although much of it can be incredibly sexual,” he offered in explanation, although it only served to pose more questions than it answered.

  “There is a strong, often deeply emotional connection between people involved in these types of activities, some even describe it as spiritual,” he said, noting my obvious confusion. Whatever Buck was doing to Sue was a far cry from what went on at church I mused inwardly, unable to hide the reaction that was leaking all over my face.

  “Some things you just have to experience in order to understand,” he smiled eventually as I nodded.

  “Are you a sadist?” I asked, suddenly thinking that was a really forward question, but Zac didn’t seem to mind.

  “Yes, to a point, although I’m not as extreme as Buck. I’m a Master and there are plenty of members volunteering to be slaves. This isn’t a one way transaction. It may be an exchange of power, but the pleasure and reward is with both parties. Sometimes it’s easier to put into context when you think back on your own personal experiences of sex and what you enjoyed,” he said. Well that wouldn’t help, there were only two and the first one had lasted less than a minute.

  I may as well be honest. “I’m not all that experienced,” I said, flushing as I looked up at him.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, that’s no bad thing,” he smiled, touching my arm gently and leading me down the corridor. Most of the doors were closed, but there was a huge window running along the wall and I could see from here the tangled limbs of the writhing bodies on an enormous four poster bed. It looked like two or even three put together to create a massive space for what was obviously an orgy. I couldn’t peel my eyes away.

  “A common fantasy that we cater for,” Zachary laughed gently as I watched two men fucking a woman in the most improbable position I had ever seen as she took another in her mouth. At least she looked like she was enjoying herself I thought, glancing away as one of the men turned
to look through the window, desperate not to make eye contact.

  “Thirty is the most we’ve ever had in there” he announced proudly as I stared at him in mute silence, turning again to see two men kissing as a dark skinned brunette sucked their cocks in turn. I’d never seen men together in that way and it was strangely thrilling, lighting up my body as I watched intensely.

  “Does Lucas do that?” I asked as Zachary looked down at me chuckling.

  “I’m not entirely sure what Mr Hunter is happy for me to share with you,” he smiled before making his way along the corridor as I continually glanced back at the men in the orgy room, mesmerised and captivated and trying to picture Lucas that way.

  We reached another stairway as I followed him up the red carpet that ran across the middle of the broad stone steps, gazing around at the ancient looking portraits that filled the walls. “Who are all these people?” I asked, marvelling at the venue and imagining it would make a wonderful backdrop to a gothic themed event with candles and fire, bringing the building back to its past. It would be atmospheric; haunting even.

  “Ancestors of the mansion mainly, and some I don’t know that I’ve collected from antiques fairs over the years. That one is the Marquis de Sade, and my particular favourite,” he smiled as I gazed up wide eyed at the disturbing and sinister portrait that sent a strange shiver of fear down my spine. Zac chuckled at my response and I half ran to catch him up, away from the strange eyes of the Marquis that appeared to follow me.

  I was glad when we reached the top step. “This is the main floor where the Dominant and submissive members like to play,” he smiled as I looked around at room upon room. Most were empty with their doors propped open. I glanced inside to see all kinds of strange furniture and implements adorning the floors and walls, a number of crosses, giant beds and brackets and cuffs where I assumed they’d be tied up.

  “Do you have any ideas, Jessica?” he asked as I nodded.

  “I have a few, but I need to think about what might work best and I would quite like to explore a bit more. I feel like I’ve scratched the surface today, but I’d like to get a real feel for the place. Would it be possible for me to come back?” I asked as he nodded brightly.

  “Yes. Come whenever you like, Jessica. No need to call ahead, just ask for me when you arrive. If I’m busy I’ll have someone tell you which rooms are free for you to explore,” he smiled and I wondered if he read my thoughts. My curiosity wasn’t just for the party, it was for me.

  The more I thought about Lucas in this environment, the more I wanted to experience it. It was a safe way to start, discover more about it under the banner of research. It was unlikely I’d get another chance to glimpse this strange and intriguing world and more than one thing today had aroused my body as well as my brain.


  I was visiting the club again. I had my ideas for the party, I’d had them for days, but I was fascinated and I couldn’t help myself, drawn into the strange and exciting world that Lucas Hunter occupied. I had watched some scenes already, growing increasingly used to the ideas that had seemed so alien only days ago.

  The people I had spoken to had been lovely, entertaining, welcoming and normal. I wasn’t sure what I expected, but it hadn’t been what I’d got. Little by little my prejudices and judgements were being stripped away, and I was discovering a whole new world where the boundaries were different and the views were more open. It was intriguing and intoxicating. Besides, I was actually getting paid to do this I smiled to myself, moving to the back of a small crowd that had gathered at the edge of one of the dungeon rooms, wondering what treat I’d be in for today.

  My heart stopped dead at the powerful sight unfolding in front of me. I knew I shouldn’t stay, it was voyeuristic in entirely the wrong kind of way, but I couldn’t help myself. It was what I’d thought about tirelessly and endlessly since I arrived, ducking down at the back, trying to be as inconspicuous as I could.

  I was finding it difficult to blend in as the only woman who was fully clothed in work attire, but I couldn’t walk away either. Every cell in my body was screaming at me to stay put and watch this unfold.

  There was a girl with her back to the group, as naked as the day she was born, cuffed to a cross on the wall, a long chestnut plait flowing down her back and a beautifully bare-chested Lucas Hunter standing behind her, wielding a rather large and menacing looking black flogger.

  Her skin was pale and I swallowed hard as he approached her, before he stepped back and began his expert movements. I flinched at the sound of the first connection, my gasp audible among the others gathered. Most were watching the girl, but my eyes were trained firmly on Lucas. The muscles of his broad black were flexing as he worked the leather falls across the girls buttocks and thighs, looking controlled, powerful and utterly delicious, a soft sheen of sweat glistening gently against his olive skin.

  Watching the others had been interesting, but this was captivating on a whole new level. The swish of air and the snap of the leather sounded painful but the girl was moaning softly, each stroke seemed to bring her pleasure and I couldn’t understand it. Or maybe I could. Her skin grew gradually pinker as he moved his arm in a figure of eight with the menacing looking implement and I was mesmerised.

  The vision of Lucas was like nothing I’d ever seen before, like a painting, an image of perfection captured in a moment, and I imagined myself as the girl and how it would feel for him to be doing that to me. He moved towards her, softly brushing the long braided strand over one shoulder, and that gentle touch jarred like a jealous punch in my gut. He whispered something in her ear, turning suddenly to look at the crowd.

  I’d thought I was hidden, but through all those faces his eyes found me out, and as our gazes locked, I froze. God, if that night in the office was embarrassing, this was something else entirely. He’d known I’d been coming here, Zachary had told him and I wondered momentarily if he knew I was coming today. The slightest of smiles played on his mouth as his eyes pierced mine without an ounce of humiliation. In contrast, my cheeks were blazing and I moved away quickly, leaving the crowd with the sound of the flogger and the ecstatic screams of the captured brunette still ringing in my ears.

  I knew I should think it was wrong, but I didn’t. Even my logical brain was regretting walking away and there was no denying the arousal I felt as I’d watched that scene unfold before me. I was amazed and intrigued, still trying to steady my shaking legs as I retreated to one of the private rooms to catch my breath and quiet my nerves. I knew from Zachary that this one was unoccupied for the afternoon and my heart was pounding as I closed the door behind me.

  If my arousal was fuelled, my curiosity was even more so. I took my time, picking up the various instruments used for punishments, touching them, stroking them, wondering how they would feel against my skin. Up to now I’d only looked; explored every part of the stately home, dreaming up ideas for the party, but seeing Lucas today had ignited a fire that was proving more and more difficult to extinguish.

  I pressed myself against the wood of the cross that dominated the far wall, right next to the huge mahogany bed, a dark centrepiece that took up almost a fifth of the entire room. The lighting was low as I faced the wall, feeling the hardness through my flimsy blouse and wondering just how fearful or excited I would be if I were chained here for real, waiting for Lucas Hunter to yield that flogger, a cane or a whip.

  It was a heady feeling, a powerful thought. Allowing myself to be restrained and played with by another human being. Consenting, but relinquishing control. Zachary had explained the use of safe words and the power that came with total submission, but I wasn’t sure I believed it.

  It seemed to me that the power lay in the hands of the Dominant, but from what I’d seen and just heard, pleasure certainly lay with the sub. I was just about to move away from the cross when I heard the footsteps behind me and froze. I was so deep in thought I hadn’t even heard the door.

  “You’re here again,” came t
he low, deep voice, dripping with sexuality and utterly unmistakeable.

  “Yes,” I replied as I turned slowly, leaning against the cross for support and staring into the mesmerising eyes that pulled me immediately under their spell. My stomach was somersaulting and I was so ecstatic he was here that my heart danced a little beneath my blouse.

  “Why?” he asked, piercing my gaze so deeply that for a moment I couldn’t breathe. Chas was right, he was one of the people that just drags the truth from you, and I knew my flimsy excuse of research for the party wouldn’t be believed.

  “It fascinates me, Sir,” I said, deliberately rolling out the ‘Sir’ for effect. I used it around the office, but I’d heard it used here and it had altogether different connotations. I was playing with fire and I knew it. He tilted his head, a small smile playing on the side of his mouth.

  “Thank you for your honesty, Jessica,” he said, striding closer.

  “Have you been approached to participate?” he asked as I nodded. It had happened twice, the approaches subtle and civilised, but I hadn’t been interested. “And have you done so?”

  “No” I said quietly, still held by those beautiful blue eyes, eclipsed by dark pools of black as I leaned back against the wall.

  The atmosphere was heady and electric and I knew it was wrong, but I was enjoying the attentions of Lucas Hunter far too much right now to stop.


  I swallowed hard. This wasn’t an easy question and I couldn’t tell him the truth or could I? No. He was still my boss. I wanted him, but it wasn’t the only reason, and the others I could voice and still hold my head up high in work tomorrow. Part of me was embarrassed but a bigger part wasn’t. He had given me this party to organise in the first place, for his friend at a club that he was a member of. Why should I be bashful?

  “I like to watch, I’m not sure I’m ready to do,” I said as he smiled at me, nodding.


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