Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4)

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Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4) Page 20

by Perry, J L

  My only hope is he hasn’t ended things between Chase and I before it’s even really begun. If he has, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive him. I love my dad, I truly do, but I’ve never been as happy as I am when I’m with Chase. He’s my other half.

  I contemplate calling Chase, but after everything that happened earlier, I think I need to see him and talk to him face to face.

  After discarding our uneaten breakfast, I rinse the dishes and place them in the dishwasher before heading for the shower. The sooner I know where we stand the better.


  About an hour later, I pull into Chase’s driveway. I’m not going to lie, my stomach is in knots. Both Pops and Chase’s bikes are here, so I know they’re home.

  Once I’m out of the car, I head towards the garage. It seems to be where the boys spend most of their time. “Is anyone here?” I call when I walk inside.

  “Hey, sweet-thing,” Pops says, sticking his head above the bonnet of the car he’s working on.

  “Hi. Is Chase home?” He pulls a rag out of his pocket and wipes his hands, walking around the car towards me.

  “Yeah, he’s here. He’s sulkin’ in his room, I think. Did you two come to blows or somethin’?”

  “Something like that.” I shrug. I’m not about to tell him the reason if he doesn’t already know. One, I’m embarrassed by the way my father treated Chase, and two, I don’t want to cause any trouble for my dad with Pops.

  “Come sit,” he says leading me over to the chairs lined up against the wall. “I think it’s time I tell you a few things about my boy.”

  “Okay.” I take a seat next to him when he sits.

  “Look…how can I put this?” he exhales as he considers his words. “The thing is, Chase doesn’t come from your type of breedin’. No offence, but it is what it is. I kinda get the feelin’ that’s not real important to you anyway.”

  “It’s not,” I answer truthfully.

  “Good. I like you, and so does my boy. I’m not sure what he’s told ya about his mum, but she was a bitch to him growin’ up. Did a real fuckin’ number on him, on both of us. Kinda’ took all his trust away in women, you feel me?”

  “Yes. I think I understand.” It answers a lot of questions I had about his mum.

  “You’re the first chick he’s ever really taken a shine to, since he came to live with me. I’m not one to get in the middle of other people’s business, but I don’t want his insecurities about himself and his past, fuckin’ this thing up between you two. He’s a good kid.”

  “I know he is. I haven’t told him this, but I think I’m in love with him. I’m scared to tell him how I feel. Last time I told him I cared, he freaked out.”

  “Well…ummm,” he clears his throat. “I’m real pleased to hear that, darlin’, but if he’s anything like me, he’s not good at expressin’ shit like that. You’re good for him, sweet-thing. Just give him some time to adjust. I couldn’t ask for a better girl for my boy. I think you’re perfect for each other.”

  “You do?” I ask with a smile.

  “I do.”

  “I think so too. My mum said the same thing.”

  “Well ya mum sounds like a pretty fuckin’ wise woman.”

  “She is,” I chuckle. “Thanks for the talk. It’s helped answer a lot things that have been worrying me.” I lean over and kiss his cheek. “Chase is lucky to have you.”

  “Well…ummm…good,” he says, and I swear I see a slight blush creep over his face. He clears his throat again and stands. “Go rescue my boy from his one man fuckin’ pity party will ya.”

  “Okay,” I laugh. I grab hold of his hand before he walks away. “Thanks again, Pops.”

  “You’re welcome, sweet-thing.”

  Once I leave the garage, I walk across the back lawn, making my way up to the house. I open the back door and go inside. Shit, I should’ve asked Pops which room was Chase’s.

  As I head down the hall, I hear music coming from one of the bedrooms. Bingo. Must be his room. As I get closer I also hear that unmistakable voice, as he sings along to the music. I wonder if he realises just how breathtakingly beautiful his voice is.

  I stand outside his room for a few minutes listening. Unfortunately, I can’t quite make out the words of the song through the closed door.

  I raise my hand and knock. “Fuck off,” he says, and my heart sinks. Then he adds, “I told you before, Pops, I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “It’s me…Angel,” I say hesitantly. Within seconds the door flies open.

  “Sweet-cheeks. What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to apologise for the way my dad treated you earlier.”

  “Really?” he asks. “I honestly didn’t think I’d see you again after that.”

  “What? Why?”

  “You know…all that stuff you told me about your dad sabotaging all your relationships. I thought maybe he’d forbid you from seeing me.”

  “He can try, but it won’t work. I’ve let him get away with it for too long. I’m not going to let him stand in the way of us, Chase. You mean too much to me.”

  “So you’re not going to break up with me?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Thank fuck for that,” he exhales as he pulls me into his arms, almost squeezing the life out of me. “I thought I was going to lose you.”

  “I can’t breathe.”

  “Shit. Sorry, Angel,” he says, releasing his hold on me. He takes a step back, gazing into my eyes. A huge smile graces his handsome face. He reaches up, gently tucking some stray hair behind my ear. “I’m just so fucking relieved to see you.”

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d want to see me,” I tell him honestly.

  “Well I do. I don’t want to lose you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  “I don’t want to lose you either,” I say. He pulls me into his arms again.

  I wrap my arms around his waist. “I love you, Chase.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, his body goes rigid before he releases his hold on me, stepping back. He lowers his head, looking down at the floor. Even though I meant what I said, I wish I could take those words back.

  Memories of our first time together overwhelm me. It was me telling him I cared about him that day, which caused him to walk out.

  “Chase,” I plead, as my hand reaches out for his.

  “You love me?” he whispers. When he looks up into my eyes again, I’m shocked to see they’re watery.

  “Yes I do. With all my heart.” He may not want to hear it, but it’s the truth.

  “Nobody has ever said those words to me before. Never. Not once.”

  “Oh Chase,” I say as I pull him into my arms. It breaks my heart that nobody has ever told him that before. “Pops loves you.”

  “I know he does,” he says, “but he’s never actually said the words. You’re the first.”

  “Not even your mum?” My parents tell me they love me every day.


  “That’s so sad,” I whisper into his chest. “Well, I love you, and I’ll tell you every day if you want to hear it.” He doesn’t answer me with words. Instead, he pulls my face towards his, giving me the sweetest, softest kiss ever.

  Kicking the door closed with his foot, he takes a few steps backwards, taking me with him. When he’s seated on his bed, he pulls me onto his lap. I’m now straddling him.

  “Tell me again?” he asks.

  “I love you, Chase Daniels.” His lips are on mine in an instant.

  “Thank you for loving me,” he says against my mouth, as he pulls my body flush with his.

  “You’re an easy person to love,” I tell him, and he is. I’m not bothered that he doesn’t say it back. Sure I want him to love me too, but I want him to say it when he means it, not just because I said it to him.

  I can already feel his growing erection pressing against me, so I grind myself against him as I deepen the kiss. He growls into my mout
h as he lies back on the bed. His hand reaches out to push the guitar onto the floor before flipping me over onto my back, rolling on top of me.

  That must have been the music I heard earlier. I didn’t know he played an instrument.

  “I want you, sweet-cheeks,” he breathes.

  “I want you too.” He kneels back on his haunches, looking down at me, smiling. He reaches for the button of my jeans, undoing it. After sliding down the zipper, he pulls my jeans down my legs, taking my panties with them.

  I sit up slightly, helping him remove his T-shirt, before reaching for the button on his jeans. Within seconds we’re both naked. He reaches over to his bedside table, retrieving a condom. I don’t think we’ll ever make that mistake again.

  When he settles down between my legs, he kisses me passionately. This time when we have sex, it’s different from the other times. It’s almost like he’s trying to show me how much he loves me, because he can’t say the words.



  A few hours later, we finally make it out of my bed. I’m sitting in the lounge room with my girl planted firmly on my lap, where she belongs, when Pops walks in. The smile on his face tells me he’s happy we’re okay.

  “Well I see you two lovebirds have made up.” Angel and I just look at each other and smile. All is right with the world again. I honestly thought when I left her house this morning, I may possibly never see her again. I couldn’t be happier that’s not the case.

  “You want me to get an extra frozen dinner out of the freezer for sweet-thing?” he asks.

  “Oh, I’ll cook if you like,” Angel offers.

  “You gotta taste her cooking, Pops. We can walk down to the grocery store and get what we need.”

  “Sounds fuckin’ good to me,” he says.

  “Let’s do it, stud-muffin,” Angel says, hopping up off my lap.

  “Fuckin’ stud-muffin,” Pops repeats. “I fuckin’ heard it all now. Fuckin’ stud-muffin,” he says again shaking his head as he cracks up. Fucking great. I’m never going to hear the end of this.


  Pops, like me, is in love with Angel’s food. He even told her last night he’s thinking of moving her in with us. I can see how much he likes her, and that makes me happy. Those two mean the world to me, so it’s important they get on.

  Sweet-cheeks ended up spending the night here. I’ve never had a girl stay over before, so I’m glad I got to experience another first with her.

  When I roll over in the bed, I find her gone again. Fuck, I’m gonna have to talk to her about that. I want her to be the first thing I see when I open my eyes. The first thing I touch.

  It’s Sunday today, the day of the family barbeque at the club. They hold one every fortnight. I’m happy she’s coming with me, but I’m also scared as fuck. Even though it’s family day, so it’s toned down a lot because there’s kids around, it can still get a little crazy.

  It’s been part of my life for as long as I can remember, so I’m used to it. Angel though, she comes from a different world to me. I hope today doesn’t scare her off.

  I slip out of bed and into my jeans. As soon as I walk into the hall, I can already smell the food. She must be making breakfast. I can also hear Pops and Angel laughing in the kitchen. I think he enjoys having her around as much as I do.

  “Hey, Pops,” I say as I playfully slap him on the head as I pass, making a bee-line to my girl.

  “Morning, stud-muffin,” he responds with a chuckle. Fucking stud-muffin. I knew I wouldn’t hear the last of that.

  “Morning, beautiful,” I whisper in Angel’s ear as I slide my hands around her waist, pulling her to me. She’s standing at the stove, flipping eggs in the pan, while Pops sits at the table drinking coffee. Angel turns her head, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

  “Morning, handsome,” she says against my mouth.

  “Oi, none of that lovey-dovey shit in front of me,” Pops scolds, jokingly. “It’s too fucking early in the mornin’ for that crap. I haven’t even eaten yet.”

  “You’re just jealous, old man,” I state.

  “Fuck off,” he retorts and I laugh.

  “Do you want me to fix you some coffee, Chase?” she asks.

  “No, I can get my own. I don’t expect you to wait on us.”

  “I told her the same thing,” Pops adds.

  “I like looking after my boys,” she says sweetly. I look over at Pops and he’s beaming. I must admit I am too. I like how she referred to us as her boys. I wish Pops would find himself a lady friend, someone to look after him. I think my mum’s turned him off relationships forever. Bitch.

  After we eat, I help Angel clean up. She’s washing the dishes, and I’m drying. “You still up to coming to the family barbeque today?” I ask.

  “I wouldn’t miss it,” she answers leaning over to kiss me. “I’m looking forward to meeting the rest of your family.”

  “Just go in with an open mind,” I warn her.

  “Stop worrying, Chase. I’m not judgemental. Never have been. If you like them, I’m sure I will too.”

  “You’re pretty amazing, Miss. Cavanagh.”

  “You’re pretty amazing too, Mr. Daniels,” she says bumping shoulders with me. “That’s one of the reasons why I love you so much.” Fuck, there’s that word again. I wish I could tell her I love her too, but for some reason I can’t seem to get the words out. Maybe because it’s something I’ve never said before. I’ve never been good at expressing my feelings.



  Chase follows me back to my house so I can shower and change. I didn’t take any spare clothes with me yesterday. He wants to take his bike to the barbeque, so Pops has lent us an extra helmet to use for the day. Maybe turning up to a ‘bikie-do’ in an expensive European car is frowned upon, who knows. Either way, I’m looking forward to being on the back of that baby again.

  I have ten voicemail messages when I get home. All are from my dad. I feel bad for him, but I’m still too angry to talk with him. Maybe this time he’ll finally get the message. He can’t control my love life. I’m an adult now for God’s sake. He needs to let go.

  Even though Chase showered at his house before we left, he insists on having another one with me. “You’re going to need someone to scrub your back,” was his excuse. Doesn’t he realise he doesn’t need a reason? I love it when his hands are on me. I can’t seem to get enough of him. I love how connected I feel to him when we’re intimate.

  Chase tells me not to overdress for the event. After all it’s only an outdoor barbeque, and he insists everyone will be dressed casual. I opt for a small faded denim skirt and a white off-the-shoulder, tight fitting top.

  Putting on mascara and lip-gloss, I pull my hair back into a ponytail, and slip my feet into a white pair of flip-flops. He wanted casual, I’ll give him casual. The last thing I want is to stand out.

  When I walk into the main room I find Chase sitting on the lounge waiting. I love the look of appreciation on his face as his eyes travel the length of my body. He’s up standing in front of me in a flash.

  “Jesus. Your long legs in that tiny skirt are sexy as fuck,” he growls as he runs his hands over my outer thighs and under the hem, cupping my arse. “I’m not sure how I feel about the other guys being able to see them though.”

  “Do you want me to change? I can put on a pair of jeans.”

  “No. Don’t change. But, don’t be surprised if I lead you away from the others and take you up against the wall numerous times throughout the day.”

  “Ohhhh. Well in that case, I’m definitely leaving the skirt on,” I say with a flirtatious smile, as I wrap my arms around his waist.

  “You’re going to be the death of me, sweet-cheeks.”



  I have a hard time concentrating on the road, with those sexy fucking legs of hers wrapped around mine. Every time we stop at a set of lights, I can’t help b
ut run my hands up them. By the time we arrive at the clubhouse, my cock’s so hard it aches.

  I help her off the bike, and I can see she’s somewhat anxious. “Are you sure I look okay?” she asks as she tugs at the hem of her skirt.

  “You look beautiful, sweet-cheeks,” I tell her as I pull her against me. “Good enough to eat. I think I’m going to have to punch a few heads in today, you look that good.”

  “Don’t you dare,” she scolds, as she playfully pinches my arse.

  “You better stay by my side all day then.”

  “I will,” she smiles. “Have I told you today how much I love you?” she asks leaning forward and brushing her lips against mine.

  “Yes, when we were doing the dishes, but I don’t mind hearing it again.” That’s the truth. I never actually realised how much I’d like hearing someone say that to me, until she said it. I let go of her and reach for her hand. “Come meet my family.”

  “Here they fuckin’ are,” Pops calls out as soon as we walk through the gate. A couple of the guys start laughing. He’s obviously been telling everyone I’m pussy whipped. Fucker.

  I suppose it’s true. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my girl, or her heavenly pussy. I’m proud to have her on my arm; proud for the world to see she’s mine. Even though I still can’t believe she actually is.

  Before I get a chance to lead her around and introduce her to everyone, Pops takes the honours. By the way he’s beaming as he does it, I can tell he’s just as proud she’s mine as I am.

  “Sweet-thing’s studyin’ law like my boy. Two fuckin’ lawyers in the family. Never would’ve believed it, hey?” he chuckles. “She’s smart, pretty and can cook up a fuckin’ storm,” he brags. Jesus, it sounds like he’s already planning our wedding.

  When I notice Angel blush, I decide to go and save her. What the hell has got into him? I’ve never seen him like this before. “Come, let’s go get a drink,” I tell her, grabbing her hand and leading her away. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Sorry about what?”

  “About Pops. Never seen him like that before,” I chuckle.


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