Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4)

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Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4) Page 24

by Perry, J L

  He tilts my head back deepening our kiss. God I’ve missed his lips, his kisses. He slips his tongue into my mouth groaning at the same time. Our kiss is hungry, showing each other what’s promised when we get home. It’s minutes, possibly longer before we come up for air.

  “I’ve been dying to do that to you for the last two days,” he says, resting his forehead against mine. “Now I need to get you home, so I can bury myself in that heavenly pussy of yours.”

  “I can’t wait. I’ve missed having that connection with you,” I tell him as my hand comes up to stroke the side of his face. It’s a wonderful feeling to be in love.

  He opens my door and helps me into the car. “It’s going to be a struggle not to break every fucking speed limit on the way home,” he says once he climbs into the driver’s seat. His comment makes me giggle.

  “Well, try not to. If we get pulled over by the police, it’s only going to delay our plans.”

  “True,” he chuckles.

  “You’re all I’ve thought about all weekend,” I confess. “I’m happy to be back.”

  “Ditto, sweet-cheeks. Ditto.”



  The relief I feel that nothing has changed between us is overwhelming. I’m happy to have her back where she belongs, with me. There was a part of me that felt things would change while she was gone. I’m glad that’s not the case. I was worried what her father might say or do. I hope he doesn’t try to come between us.

  Reaching over, I grab hold of Angel’s hand, bringing it to my mouth, planting a soft kiss on her knuckles. I’m itching to get her home, naked and beneath me. As much as I’d like to drive flat-fucking-out all the way back to her house, I don’t. Good things come to those who wait, they say. Well I’ve been waiting two, long and torturous days, so a few more minutes won’t kill me. I hope.

  As soon as I pull into the driveway, I’m out of the car in a flash. I run around to her side of the car and open the door, extending my hand to her. After pulling her out, I practically drag her towards the house. “What about my luggage?” she asks.

  “Fuck the luggage. It can wait.” She starts to giggle when I extend my other hand, wiggling my fingers, as I ask for the house keys. She presses the remote control on her key ring to deactivate the home alarm, before passing them over.

  As soon as the doors open, I pull her inside, kicking it closed with my foot. Bending my knees, I reach for Angel. I wrap my arms around the top of her legs, throwing her over my shoulder. She starts to laugh.

  “You sure you wouldn’t like something to eat or drink first?” she asks. She’s got to be kidding.

  “The only thing I’m going to be eating over the next few hours is you.”

  Once we’re in her bedroom, I bend at the waist and flip her off my shoulder onto the bed. I grab the back of my T-shirt, pulling it over my head. Angel sits up, removing hers as well. I smile as I look down at her. I love her sexy as fuck body. It’s perfect, just like her.

  I lean forward and place my lips on hers, as my hands move to the waistband of her jeans. She reaches forward fumbling with my button and zipper, while I pull her jeans and panties down her beautiful legs. I retrieve a rubber from my pocket before letting my pants pool around my ankles.

  I rip the foil packet open with my teeth. The anticipation of being inside her again is almost too much. I slide it over my aching cock, stepping out of my jeans at the same time.

  Using her elbows for leverage, she snakes backwards on the bed as I crawl towards her. When I’m hovering over her, she spreads her legs, allowing me access. As much as I’d like to taste her right now, I need to be inside her; possibly more than I need air.

  My hand moves between her legs, as my fingers delve into her little piece of heaven. “You’re so wet for me,” I groan. Her mouth opens slightly as she pushes her hips up towards my hand. I love how her body responds to my touch.

  “Oh God. I need you Chase,” she tilts her head back and moans.

  Once she’s placed her head on the pillow, she reaches up, pulling me down on top of her. I love the feel of her soft skin against mine. “You don’t need to ask me twice,” I smile. “I’ve been dreaming about having you again from the minute I left you at the airport Friday afternoon.”

  Letting my elbow take my weight, I look down at her gorgeous, smiling face. She looks as happy as I feel. My hand comes up, brushing her hair back. My eyes lock with hers as I slowly slide inside her. “I love you so much, sweet-cheeks,” I breathe as pure ecstasy floods every fibre of my body. Home. Being inside her feels like home.



  It’s close to midnight before we get out of bed to eat. We had a lot of catching up to do. It’s wonderful being back here with him.

  While the eggs are scrambling on the stovetop, I grab my phone out of my bag. There’s a message from dad, and five from Dana. I’ve been such a shitty friend lately, spending all my time with Chase. I need to organise some girly time with her. I can tell by her messages she’s feeling left out.

  Coming up behind me, Chase snakes his hands around my waist, planting a soft kiss on the side of my neck. “Is everything okay?” he asks looking down at the phone in my hand.

  “Yeah, everything’s fine. I just feel bad that I’m neglecting Dana. I have a ton of messages from her.”

  “Why don’t you organise to do something, just the two of you?”

  “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “Fuck no. Although she doesn’t think highly of me, I kind of like her. She’s a good friend to you. I like how she has your back. That she defends you.”

  “I’m surprised you like her.”

  “Why would it surprise you?” he asks. I shrug. It just does.

  “Cause I’ve kinda noticed she’s mean to you.”

  “That’s only because she’s sticking up for you. You’re too sweet for your own good sometimes, Angel. I like how she protects you.”

  “I can be a bitch too, you know.” He cracks up at my comment, like it’s funny. I can be a bitch.

  “Yeah right. Who are you kidding?”

  “I can.”

  “Name one time you’ve ever done anything remotely bitchy?” he challenges. “I bet you can’t.”

  “Okay,” I say crossing my arms smugly. “When I was fifteen my mum made me get a job. You know a regular job, like most teenagers get to earn extra money. It was at a burger place, not far from where I grew up. She always tried to keep CJ and I grounded. She didn’t come from money like my father, so she knows what it’s like to struggle, hence the job.

  “Although my family have more than enough money, she wanted us to learn early in life, that not everyone has things handed to them on a silver platter.”

  “I love that your mum did that.”

  “Yeah, she’s pretty awesome. I’m lucky to have her.”

  “You are lucky,” he says and I see sadness cross his features, only fleetingly. I know he’s thinking of his own mother, so I lean forward and brush my lips against his and that makes him smile. “Having a regular job,” he says using finger quotes to emphasize his words, “doesn’t count for being a bitch, sweet-cheeks.”

  “Well I’m getting to that part,” I giggle. “The girls I grew up with weren’t very nice. Not all of them, but most. Some rich people think they’re above others, just because they have money. It pisses me off.”

  “I love that about you,” he says as he runs his hand down the side of my face. I smile at him.

  “Anyway, back to my story. Some of the girls I went to school with—the bitchy ones must’ve found out I was working at Danny’s. That was the name of the restaurant.

  “One day they came in. It’s not the kind of place they’d usually be seen at, so I knew they did it just to try and humiliate me. They were all laughing and pointing when they saw me behind the counter, wearing that horrible uniform and ridiculous hat the owner made me wear. One of them even pulled out her phone and took
a photo of me.”

  “That wasn’t very nice,” he says all sympathetic as his hold on me tightens. “But, I bet you looked adorable in your uniform.” No I didn’t, but I just shrug and continue on with my story.

  “I didn’t want to serve them, but I didn’t have a choice. Weekdays weren’t very busy, so it was only me out front, and Danny the owner, cooked the food out back. The girls ordered milkshakes. They continued to make fun of me, whispering and laughing the whole time. I had to make the milkshakes on the back counter, so my back was to them. I did something dreadful, Chase. To this day I still feel bad about it.”

  “What did you do?” he asks, trying to hold in his smile.

  “I spat in their milkshakes,” I confess as I lower my head in shame. He throws back his head and busts out laughing.

  “You did not,” he struggles to say through his laughter.

  “I did.”

  “That’s a fucking classic. Best damn story ever.”

  “I don’t think it’s funny, but I told you I can be a bitch. That story proves it.”

  “That doesn’t make you a bitch,” he says as he wipes the tears from his eyes. “That makes you a legend.”

  “It does not.” I playfully smack his arm as I struggle to hold in my laugh.

  “Tell me, did they drink it?”

  “Yes.” This causes him to start laughing again, but this time I join him. “As horrible as it was, it did make me feel better.”

  “You’re so cute, sweet-cheeks,” he says as he kisses the tip of my nose.


  The next morning while we eat our breakfast, there’s a knock on the door. Shit. I’m not expecting anyone, so immediately the nerves settle into my stomach. I go to rise from my chair, but Chase tells me to sit back down.

  “I’ll get it. It’s for me.”

  “For you. Who is it?” I asked surprised and curious.

  “It’s one of the boys from the club. He’s just dropping something off.” I narrow my eyes at him, and he starts to laugh.

  “Relax. It’s not a suspicious package or anything. It’s a gift, for you.”

  “You bought me a gift?” I ask as my lips turn up into a smile.

  “Don’t get too excited, it’s just something small,” he says as he leans over the table and pecks my lips. “I’ll be right back.”

  I don’t care what he bought me. It’s a gift from him, so I’m going to love it no matter what it is.

  A few minutes later he comes back holding a box. It’s not a small box either. “Here you go,” he says as he passes it to me. “I hope you like it.”

  My hands shake as I peel back the flaps on top. I gasp when I see what’s inside. I reach in and pull it out. I can already feel the tears rising to my eyes.

  “You bought me my own helmet?”

  “I did,” he says with a smile. “I bought it on Friday after leaving you at the airport. I got one of dad’s guys to personalise it for you. Turn it around.”

  I feel the first tear fall when I see what’s on the back. The helmet is white, but on the back there’s two, large, silver angel wings that have been airbrushed on, as well as my name. Angel.

  It’s beautiful.

  Chase squats down in front of me. “Do you like it?”

  “I love it,” I answer as my hand comes up to wipe my eyes. “It’s beautiful.” I place the helmet on my lap and pull his face to mine. “Thank you,” I whisper against his lips.

  “That’s the reason we took my bike to the barbeque on Sunday. I needed to get your helmet size. It was the only way I could do it without ruining the surprise. That’s why Pops and I got you to try on all the helmets he had in the garage.”

  “I can’t believe you’d do something like this for me.”

  “Isn’t that what boyfriends do?” he chuckles. “Buy things for their girl?”

  “I’m so happy to be your girl,” I tell him as I pull his lips to mine. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, sweet-cheeks.”



  As I applied the finishing touches to my makeup, Chase comes into the bathroom. I watch in the mirror as he looks me up and down from behind. He’s smiling. Stepping forward, he slides his arms around my waist, making eye contact with me in the mirror.

  “Fuck your arse looks fine in those pants. I’m not sure how I feel about you going out in them, without me.”

  “Well I could always change into this cute little miniskirt I have hanging in my wardrobe,” I smirk.

  “Ha ha very funny. Leave the pants on,” he growls as he pushes my hair to the side and plants tiny kisses up my neck.

  “I thought that’s what you’d say.”

  “I love your hair down like this. You should wear it down more often.”

  “It annoys me when it’s down, but I will, just for you,” I tell him.

  Pulling his mouth away from my neck, he looks up at me in the mirror and smiles. “How long before we have to leave?” he asks as he thrusts his pelvis against my arse. I can feel he’s already hard again. We had sex when we got home from Uni, and again in the shower not even thirty minutes ago. He couldn’t possible want it again?

  I lean my head back on his shoulder, tilting it to the side, allowing him better access to my neck. “I told Dana we’d pick her up in about twenty minutes, so we’ll have to leave soon.”

  “Shit,” he mumbles against my skin.

  “What time do you need me to pick you up? I’m gonna hang with Pops for a while, once I’ve dropped you off.”

  “The movie starts at nine, so probably around eleven,” I say as I spin around and slide my arms around his neck.

  “You look beautiful,” he breathes.

  “Thank you.”

  “I love this colour on you,” he says looking down at my top. I’m wearing an emerald green sequined singlet, with a plunging neckline. Not too plunging, but enough that he has zeroed in on my cleavage. I paired it with my tight, white skinny jeans and emerald green pumps.

  “Don’t forget tonight when you’re out, you belong to me,” he states as his tongue darts out and licks over the top of my right breast. I tilt my head back and moan.

  “There’s nobody else I’d rather belong to.”

  “Good to hear,” he says as his lips meet mine.


  Chase pulls up outside the restaurant where Dana and I are going to eat. “Bye,” I say as I lean across the centre console and plant a kiss on his lips.

  “Have fun tonight. But, not too much fun.”

  “I’ll save all that for when I get home.” I wink as I reach forward and give his junk a squeeze.

  “Sweet Jesus,” he mumbles.

  “Hello, I’m in the car too,” Dana whines from the back seat, and Chase and I laugh.

  “Look after my girlfriend tonight,” he says looking at her through the mirror. She answers him with an eye roll.

  “Thanks for dropping us off,” I say.

  “Yeah thanks, I guess,” she mumbles as she gets out of the car. Chase just laughs at her.

  “I love you,” I say, as I brush my lips with his again. “Tell Pops I said hello.”

  “Love you too, sweet-cheeks. Call if you have any trouble. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll be waiting outside the movie theatre at 10:30 p.m., just in case you get out early.”

  I link my arm through Dana’s as we cross the road. I look over my shoulder at Chase, finding him watching us. He gives me a beautiful smile when I blow him a kiss before I walk into the restaurant.

  “What’s the deal with him calling you his girlfriend?” she asks as soon as we sit down. “When the fuck did that happen?”

  “Last week.”

  “So it’s official. You’re dating?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Hmmm,” she says. “Well, I must admit you look happy.”

  “I am. Deliriously happy.”

  “Okay then, if you’re happy then I’m happy for you,
babe. I only hope it lasts.”

  “I’m pretty confident it will. I love him, Dana, and he loves me.”

  “He told you?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Fuck. Shit just got real.”

  “Yes it did,” I giggle.

  “Well, I think we should celebrate.”

  “I’m in.” I’m not a huge drinker, but I’m sure one or two won’t hurt.

  After we order our meals and a bottle of wine, I fill Dana in on all the goss. “You went to a bikie do?” she squeals when I get to the part about the family barbeque. “Oh you have to take me to the next one. Pleaasseee? I’ve been reading a lot of MC books lately. I need to get me some biker action.”

  Her comment makes me laugh. Since I’ve known her, her preferences in men seem to vary depending on the kind of books she’s reading.

  By memory, she’s been through a cowboy stage, the suit-wearing corporate guy types, then, I think it was tattooed guys, army guys, before moving to the Dominant/submissive thing. Now, apparently, bikers are the flavour of the month. She cracks me up. I don’t know how she ever plans on finding Mr. Right, if she can’t seem to make up her mind what type of guy she’s after.

  We’re on our second bottle of wine by the time the food arrives. I’m feeling relaxed and merry by this stage, so I’m grateful for the food. I’m glad I organised our little get-together tonight. I’m having a wonderful time. Dana is so much fun to be around. As great as my times have been with Chase, I’ve missed her.

  Once we finish our food, Dana orders us both a cocktail, which turns into about three. I tell you, by now, I’m totally shitfaced. On the positive side, I haven’t laughed so much in my life.

  I dig through my bag looking for my phone. I need to check the time so we don’t miss the movie. I have to squint my eyes to read it. “Fucckkk! It’s after ten,” I slur. “We missed the movie.”

  Dana starts to laugh hysterically. “Fuck the movie. I need another COCKtail,” she says, emphasising the word ‘cock’. This isn’t the first time I’ve been drunk, but I don’t think I’ve been this drunk.


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