Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4)

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Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4) Page 26

by Perry, J L

  She’s amazing.

  “Twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six.” Out the corner of my eye I see Benson’s car back out of the driveway. Fucking coward. He’s running while he still has the chance. He’ll keep. Right now, he’s the least of my worries.

  It seems like eternity passes before the ambulance arrives. More than likely it’s only been minutes, but Pops still isn’t moving. I listen as Angel explains what happened, and what she’s been doing.

  “You did great, miss,” one of the paramedics say. “We’ll take over from here.” She moves to the side, giving them room to continue working on him. I watch as she gently brushes Pops hair back off his face.

  “Don’t leave us,” she whispers as tears slide down her pretty face. What little resolve I have left almost crumbles. I’ll never forget what she did for my Pops today. Fucking never. Is it even possible for me to love my Angel any more than I already do?



  “Here,” I say to Chase, as I hold out a clean T-shirt I asked Dana to retrieve from the house. “Go with your dad in the ambulance. Dana and I will follow in my car.”

  The colour has completely drained from his face, as he watches on in horror, while the paramedics lift Pops’ lifeless body onto the stretcher. He drags his eyes away from Pops, looking down at the T-shirt in my hand.

  “Thanks,” he whispers, taking it from me as his eyes seek out mine. He holds my gaze, tears rising to his eyes. He looks completely broken. I wish I could tell him Pops is going to be okay, but I don’t know that; none of us do. At least he’s in good hands now.

  My lip starts to quiver as soon as I look at him; my heart is breaking for him. “Come here,” I say as I open my arms to him. He comes willingly, wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulling me into him.

  “Thank you for what you did,” he whispers tightening his embrace. I don’t reply. He doesn’t need to thank me. I love Pops. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him, for either of them.

  “We’re ready to leave,” one of the paramedics says from behind us.

  “Go. We’ll be right behind you,” I tell Chase as I place my lips on his. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” he says, his voice cracking.


  On the way to the hospital, we lose sight of the Ambulance at the first red light we come to. Thankfully, Dana offered to drive my car. I think the shock is setting in now because my body is trembling. I’m so worried that Pops isn’t going to make it. That’ll destroy Chase. I need to get to the hospital to be with him. I hate how he’s facing this alone.

  “Hey, he’s going to be okay,” Dana says, reaching across to grab hold of my hand. Tears rise to my eyes when she says that. God I hope she’s right.

  Finally, we pull up outside the emergency room doors. “You go in and be with Chase. I’ll find somewhere to park the car.”

  “Thanks, Dana,” I say as I exit the car. I’m so thankful she was with us earlier. I don’t know what I would’ve done without her.

  Running through the doors, I make my way over to the desk. The nurse sitting behind the glass window looks up from her computer, smiling. “Can you tell me how Max Daniels is please?” I blurt out.

  “Are you family? I can only give information out to family.”

  “Ummm…yes, I’m his daughter-in-law,” I lie, thinking fast. Wishful thinking on my part I know, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures. If I said no, there’s no way I’d be able to go and be with Chase. He needs me now, more than anything.

  Getting up from her chair, she walks over to the double glass doors, opening them. “This way, Mrs. Daniels,” she says, leading me down the corridor. If it wasn’t under such horrific circumstances, I’d actually smile at the fact she called me Mrs. Daniels.

  “You can wait in there with your husband,” she says pointing to a room off to the left.

  “Thank you.”

  When I push the door open, the first thing I see is Chase sitting on a chair against the back wall. Shoulders slumped, his elbows are resting on top of his knees. His head buried in his hands. My poor baby. I can only imagine how he must be feeling.

  “Chase,” I say, barely a whisper. His head snaps up. His red eyes locking with mine.

  “Angel,” he breathes as he leaps off the chair and into my arms. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “How’s Pops?”

  “By the time we reached the hospital, he had a pulse and was breathing on his own. The paramedics said what you did, probably saved his life…thank you.” He tightens his embrace. “No matter what happens, I’ll be forever grateful.”

  “Thank God,” I whisper into the crook of his neck, as tears of relief fall down my face. Pulling back from me, Chase cups my face in his hands.

  “Don’t cry,” he exhales. “I’m so proud of the way you handled everything earlier. Fuck knows what would’ve happened to him if you weren’t there. How did you know what to do?”

  “Long story,” I say, as Chase wipes the tears from my eyes.

  “Come sit.” He pulls me over towards the chairs by the wall, perching me onto his lap.

  “I’m glad to have you here. I wasn’t sure if the nurses would let you in, because you’re not family.” Turning my head to look at him, I smirk.


  “What did you do?” he asks, a smile briefly forming on his face.

  “I told them I was your wife.”

  “Brilliant move.” Even though our hearts are heavy, we both manage to have a chuckle at my way to get in to see both Pops and Chase.

  We sit in silence, both lost in thought and burdened down with worry. “Tell me how you knew what to do today?” Chase eventually asks, snapping me out of my haze.

  “My dad is a worry wart, I guess. He’s always been paranoid something would happen to one of us, and he wouldn’t know what to do. It all started when my brother and I were little. Apparently, I choked on a piece of meat. My mum tapped me on my back and I eventually coughed it up, but my dad freaked when she told him what happened. The next day he dragged her to first aid classes. As soon as CJ and I were old enough, we were made to go, too. To this day he makes sure we all update our certificates each year.”

  “Well, I’m grateful for that. You were magnificent. As scared as I was, I’ll admit I was in awe watching you.”

  “Today was the first time I’ve ever had to put my theory into practice,” I confess. “I hope Pops is going to be okay.”

  “So do I,” he sighs, his head bowing. Wrapping my arms around him, I hold him tight against me. I can feel his body slightly trembling. It breaks my heart.

  Time seems to drag on forever as we sit in silence waiting for some news. No news is good news they say, but I wish someone would at least come and give us some kind of update on his condition.

  At least an hour passes before one of the doctors finally comes and talks to us. We’re told that Pops had a massive heart attack, and was extremely lucky to survive. Once they stabilised him, he was taken in for emergency surgery. They’ll remove the bullet that’s lodged in his upper thigh, as well as continue with all the necessary tests and treatment he requires on his heart.

  The doctor praises me for what I did. It makes me blush. I’m sure anyone in my position would’ve done the same thing. Chase tightens his arms around my waist, kissing my cheek when the doctor says that.

  The relief we feel once the doctor leaves is indescribable. In his condition, the operation is risky, but a necessity. He’s still listed as critical, but they’re doing everything they can for him. We can’t ask for more than that.

  “He’s pretty tough,” I tell Chase. “I’m sure he’s not going to let a little operation get the better of him.”

  “You’re probably right,” he chuckles. He pulls my face down to his, placing his lips on mine. The kiss is sweet. He rests his forehead against mine when he pulls back. “I love you, sweet-cheeks,” he says. “Thank you again for
saving my old man, and for being here with me. It means a lot.”

  “There’s no other place I’d rather be, than with you,” I reply as I lean forward and brush my lips against his.

  When someone coughs, we both look towards the door. We find a very flustered and agitated nurse staring at us. “You have a very irate and demanding bunch of hooligans,” the nurse says clearing her throat, “in the waiting room, wanting to know how your father’s doing.” This makes Chase chuckle.

  “Okay,” he says lifting me off his lap. “I’ll come and see if I can calm them down for you.” The guys from the club must be out there. It was evident at the barbeque how much they care for Pops. He’s family to them, so it’s understandable they’re worried. Then it hits me. Shit, Dana. I completely forgot about her.

  “Thank you. I’d appreciate that,” the nurse replies, nervously smoothing her hair back off her face.

  “I’ll come with you,” I say to Chase. “The doctor said Pops will be in surgery for a few hours, plus I forgot Dana’s out there, too.” Smiling, he laces his fingers through mine as we leave, making our way down the corridor.

  As soon as we walk into the public waiting room, a few of the guys from the club stand and come toward us. While he fills them in on Pops’ condition, I scan the room looking for Dana.

  I find her sitting in the far corner by the wall, looking up seductively through her eyelashes, a blush on her face. What the hell? Dana’s not a blusher. Stepping around the boys so I can follow her line of sight, suddenly it all makes sense. Hussy!

  She has her sight set on one of guys from the club. I can’t remember his name. I met so many people at the barbeque. He’s sitting back all cocky, arms spread across the back of the chairs either side of him, leg’s outstretched and crossed at the ankle, licking his lips as he stares straight at her.

  “I’m just going to talk to Dana,” I whisper to Chase, pointing in her direction. She’s so engrossed in her little stare-out, she doesn’t even see me approach. Clearing my throat doesn’t even help. “Dana.” That makes her head snap up. Busted.

  “Shit, Angel. Sorry, I was daydreaming,” she says sitting up straight and using her hands to flatten down her top.

  “Daydreaming about doing Mr. Biker over there?” I state. Her face goes even redder.

  “Nooooo,” she screeches. Standing up, she wraps her arms around me. “How’s Chase’s dad? I’ve been so worried. They wouldn’t let me in to see you.”

  “He’s in surgery now. The doctor said he had a massive heart attack. He’s alive but still critical.”

  “Shit,” is all she says.

  “Come with me,” I gesture as I lead her back towards Chase. I notice her biker friend’s eyes follow her every move. She walks with her head down, not making eye contact with him again.

  While Chase explains everything, a few more of the guys from the club arrive. I can tell by their faces they’re concerned, but they’re also pretty pissed Pops was shot. “Can you keep the noise down,” one of the nurses says when she approaches us. “This is a hospital. You’re scaring the other patients.”

  “Sorry,” Chase says.

  “There’s a courtyard through those doors if you’d like to go out there. I’ll come get you if there’s any news on your father.”

  “Thank you,” Chase replies. He leads the way, and we all follow.

  “Here’s your phone,” Dana says, passing it to me. “You left it in the car.”


  “Oh, your mum called by the way. You need to call her back.”

  “You answered my phone?”

  “Of course.”

  “You didn’t tell her what happened, did you?” I ask as I stop walking, pulling her to the side.

  “You didn’t want me to?” she answers as her eyes widen. Shit, that’s not a good sign.

  “Jesus,” I mumble as I pull up my mum’s number. When I dial it goes straight to voicemail. “What did you tell her?”

  “Everything.” Fuck. I shoot her a quick text, letting her know I’m okay. I’ll try calling her again soon. Sliding my phone into my back pocket, Dana and I walk out into the courtyard.

  “How did she sound on the phone?” I ask before we reach the guys.

  “She was a little panicky at first, but once I told her you were okay, she calmed down.”

  “Shit. I wish you didn’t say anything.”

  “I’m sorry. She asked if you were okay because I’d answered your phone instead of you. I couldn’t lie to her. She’ll find out eventually. It’s probably going to be plastered all over the news.”

  “I know,” I say draping my arm around her shoulder. “I hope she doesn’t tell my dad though.” When we walk out into the courtyard, I notice Dana’s new friend is still eyeballing her. She’s looking everywhere but at him. Interesting.


  Another hour or so passes and still no word. I’m sitting on Chase’s lap. The guy who’s been staring at Dana, offered her his lap earlier, but when she ignored him, he stood offering his seat instead. He’s now leaning against the wall fucking her with his eyes. I make a mental note to ask Chase about him later. Now’s not the time.

  There’s at least thirty of us here now, waiting for news. “Fuck,” Chase mumbles from behind me, his body going stiff. My heart drops.

  “What?” I ask, turning my head to face him. He doesn’t say anything, just points towards the door where my parents are standing. “Oh god,” I mumble. “I’ll be back,” I say, jumping off his lap and making my way towards them.

  “Thank God you’re alright,” my dad says pulling me into his arms when I approach. “Do you mind explaining what the hell is going on?” My mum elbows him in the side.

  “How’s Chase’s father?” mum asks as they exchange looks with each other. As I fill them in on Pops’ condition, I can’t help but notice my dad keeps looking over towards all the tattooed, leather-clad bikers who I was sitting with a few minutes ago.

  “Who are they?” he eventually asks as he flicks his head in their direction.

  “Chase’s family.”

  “He’s part of a bikie gang?” he angrily whispers through gritted teeth.

  “No, Daddy, his father is.” I cross my arms in annoyance. I can already see exactly where this conversation is going—nowhere, fast. My father has never been the judgemental type, but when it comes to me, and the people I associate with, sadly he is.

  “Calm down,” my mum says grabbing hold of his arm. “I think it’s a good idea if your father and I go wait at your house.”

  “Like hell—” my dad snaps, but mum cuts him off midsentence.

  “Yes we are,” she says glaring at him. He exhales in defeat, and mum winks at me. “Give Chase our love. Call us as soon as you have any news?”

  “Sure, mum.” I’m glad she’s here to calm my dad down.

  I hug them both and stand there while mum drags my reluctant father towards the doors they came through. I’m happy they came, but I kind of wish I could’ve broken the news to my dad, gently. I’m not sure if the outcome would’ve been any different, but I can imagine what a shock it must’ve been for him just now.

  “Everything okay?” Chase asks when I sit back down on his lap.

  “Yes. My parents are going to wait at the house. I’ll call them once we hear from the doctor. My mum said to give you her love.” The corner of his mouth turns up in a smile. I can tell he’s disappointed though.

  To be honest, so am I. My dad better not start on him again or there’s no telling what I’ll do. Chase is going through hell at the moment. He doesn’t need my father’s misguided attitude.



  This day seems to be going from bad to worse. I’m not in the right frame of mind to deal with Angel’s dad today. I have mixed feelings about her parents being here. Well, not her mum, she’s great. Her father, he’s a whole other story. I need to put that out of my mind for now. My priority at the moment is Pops.r />
  He has to survive this. He just has to. I refuse to believe the outcome will be anything but that. The alternative is just too much to bear right now. Apart from Angel, he’s all I have.

  The boys want revenge on Benson for what he’s done, but I’ve convinced them to wait until they’ve talked to Pops. We all agree that in the eyes of the law, considering his standing in the Police Force and how corrupt he is, he’ll probably get away with what he did. There’s not much we can do about that.

  If I was a qualified lawyer however, I’d fight it with everything I had. What he did was wrong. Shooting an unarmed man without warning is fucked up. I’m sure he’ll use my dad’s past against him, to justify what he did. That pisses me off too. He’s not the same man he was all those years ago. I think his stint in prison and the fact he chose to look after me once he was out, changed him for the good.

  Patch is pretty cut up about it all. He was the one who’d been assigned to watch Benson today. When he called my dad to let him know that he was heading towards Angel’s place, my dad got on his bike and headed there as well. Patch had asked him if he wanted backup, but when Pops said no, he didn’t give it a second thought, heading straight back to the club.

  My dad can be pretty stubborn like that. He may use the boys to keep an eye on things for him, but when it comes to his dirty work, he prefers to fight his own battles.

  Stubborn old fool.


  Finally, after hours of waiting, the nurse comes out to let me know the doctor is ready to see us. Reaching for Angel’s hand, I pull her along with me. She’s my rock. I can’t do this without her.

  A few of the boys pat me on the back when I pass. I know they’re just as worried as I am. “Let us know what’s goin’ on,” Patch asks. I nod. My stomach is in knots, so it’s the best I can do. I pray to fuck the doctor has some good news for us.

  The nurse leads us back into the room we’d been in previously. “The doctor will be in to see you in a minute. Take a seat.”


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